Sterling walked toward the dragon. It wasn't horribly large, but it would be much easier to deal with were it smaller. "Reducio! It shrank to roughly the size of a deer. He used his wand, paired with the diffindo spell to sever its limbs, except for one leg, to let the blood drain, and head, casting them aside quickly so he wouldn't be forced to look at them. As the blood drained, a forest mouse ran by. By tapping it with his wand and saying "Feraverto!" it quickly transfigured into a goblet. He collected all the blood that drained, as to give it to the potions teacher at Hogwarts. Though he knew it would be suspicious, few would say no to free dragons' blood. He then used another severance charm to skin it from crotch to neck before tearing the skin off its flesh. He made quick work of scraping off the membrane before opening a small hole in the dragons' skull, squishing the brain into a paste with his fingers, and spreading the bloody white paste over the pelt of the magnificent animal. He was aware of disgusted stares as he did this, and he took no pleasure in it... but still, there was no use feeling excessively sorry for the creature. Of course he did, but the deed had been done, and it could not be undone. The faster they worked, the less dragon would be reserved for flies and carrion birds.
He found various sticks that he sharpened like pencils with his wand before staking the four corners of the pelt into the soft grass. He wiped the sweat off his head with his forearm. "So... are we burying the carcass, or gutting it?" he asked, trying to sound casual although biting back tears.