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We have been a Harry Potter Roleplaying site since 2007. If you're an old member we hope you come check out the discord link provided below. And if you're looking for a new roleplaying site, well, we're a little inactive. But every once and a while nostalgia sets in and a few of our alumni members will revisit the old stomping grounds and post together. Remember to stay safe out there. And please feel free to drop a line whenever!

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Since every few months or so a few of our old members get the inspiration to revisit their old stomping grounds we have decided to keep PA open as a place to revisit old threads and start new ones devoid of any serious overarching plot or setting. Take this time to start any of those really weird threads you never got to make with old friends and make them now! Just remember to come say hello in the chatbox below or in the discord. Links have been provided in the "Comings and Goings" forum as well as the welcome widget above.

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News Flash - Page 2 Empty Re: News Flash

Post by Caspian Ivanov Sun Apr 01, 2012 8:04 pm

"Thank you, Khaat." he smiled at her. "Having Auror skills might be helpful and useful in many situations. I shall have to seek help from him for that soon." he said. He nodded as she said that she would have to tell him about hers and her father's routines.

At what she said, he merely nodded. When the little paper bird landed on his shoulder he reached up to touch it and he smiled. It seemed she usually had a fairly busy day, both her and her father. And he would have to keep track of what they needed to do and when. He gulped softly, but he was determined to do it, he knew he would be able too. If It was fairly normal that they stay there the entire night most of the time, then they were even more busy than he had expected. Though, he really should have expected that from the Director of St. Mungos and of course her father as well. They were important people, and with Robert Lupin being the Minister, of course he would be busy with many things.

"Um... I really only have one question." he said. "What time should I be here? I mean I'm sure it will have to be pretty early so that I can get started in my duties. But I just need to knoe exactly when I should come here eveey day." he asked her softly.
Caspian Ivanov
Caspian Ivanov
Sixth Year Ravenclaw
Sixth Year Ravenclaw

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News Flash - Page 2 Empty Re: News Flash

Post by Khaat Lupin Sun Apr 01, 2012 8:25 pm

"Well, I would prefer that you place a priority on doing well in your classes at school. On the days that you work, I could use you here by, perhaps 8 am. If you need to work half days to keep up with classes, that's fine. If you work full days, I could use you from 8-5, with a one hour paid lunch.

"Khaat," they were interrupted by one of the healers, "We could use your help. We were transferring a patient to the psychiatric ward when he got loose from our binding spells. He appears to be, somehow partially transformed into some sort of creature. He..he could be quite dangerous."

"Lock down the hospital," Khaat stood to her feet. "No one else comes in. Evacuate all visitors quickly. Send for Brian Quinn at once. Where is this patient?"

"Pediatrics," she said quickly. The healer nodded and disappeared.

"Brilliant," Khaat sighed sarcastially, drawing her wand. She looked at Atticus. "See what I mean? Always something. You're welcome to come, but keep yourself at a distance if you come along." She headed out the door quickly to go to the third floor to the children's wing. The last thing she needed was a dangerous half animal patient loose in the children's area.
Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 22840
Special Abilities : Energy Worker, Medium, Heightened Sensitivity
Occupation : Director of St. Mungos, Owner of Sparks Bistro

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Post by Caspian Ivanov Sun Apr 01, 2012 8:51 pm

On the same paper he had written down what she told him to do with the conference room, Atticus wrote down 8 am. "Okay, then I'll make sure to be here by that time. I will probably have to work part time most of the time for these last two or so months. At least until the year is over and I graduate." he told her. "But when I can work full time, I'll be here at 8." he added.

As the healer came in and explained what had happened, he immedately found himself on his feet. A half transformed patient? Well that was definitely new, he'd never seen something like that before. The extent of the illness he supposed. He began to wonder what else could go wrong with the magic of those who had the illness.

He nodded quickly. "Right." he said quickly as he followed behind her as she walked out of her office. He wasn't sure of what was going to happen, but his hand quickly went to his pocket where his wand was. He placed his hand on it and gripped the wand firmly, in case he needed to take it out. He just hoped the the half transformed patient didn't get to any of the children.
Caspian Ivanov
Caspian Ivanov
Sixth Year Ravenclaw
Sixth Year Ravenclaw

Number of posts : 196

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Post by Khaat Lupin Sun Apr 01, 2012 9:09 pm

Khaat went quickly down to the third floor and saw a crazed man. Well, sort of a man. The green heart shaped stone in the necklace she always wore began to glow and emit a screeching sound. Khaat sighed heavily and ordered one of the healers to get a bottle of wolfsbane.

"Stay back," she told Atticus as the healers began to cover their ears and shut their eyes because of the high pitched screeching and the light from her necklace. She poised her wand at the ready just as Brian seemed to apparate out of nowhere as the healer returned..

"Oh, hell," he sighed, seeing her necklace already reacting. Khaat wasn't happy that she couldn't make the stupid green stone shut up either, but that was just the way it was. The half man, half animal began to bellow at Khaat to make the necklace stop. Then Khaat recognized the man. She'd seen him before. He was seriously irked by the stone around her neck. He made a lunge for her, and Brian fired from his wand. It sent the half man and slammed him into the wall, momentarily knocking him out. "Toss it here!" Brian told the healer, who tossed him the wolfsbane. He fed a healthy dose of it to the man and bound him in magical restraints. The man began to transform back to his human form.

"Can I borrow your boy?" Brian asked Khaat.

"Are you up to lending Brian a hand to levitate him and transport him upstairs to the psych unit? I think Brian has him under control now. The necklace stopped its screeching and the bright green warning light. "Sorry about that," she apologized to him about the necklace. And that was another chapter she'd have to tell her new assistant about, if Brian did not.
Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 22840
Special Abilities : Energy Worker, Medium, Heightened Sensitivity
Occupation : Director of St. Mungos, Owner of Sparks Bistro

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Post by Caspian Ivanov Sun Apr 01, 2012 9:42 pm

"The hell?" he said in surprise as he began to hear a screeching sound. He glanced down at the necklace that Khaat wore and saw that it was shining bright. He covered his ears quickly as he heard the screeching. Atticus barely heard what Khaat had told him, but he assumed that she had told him to stay back and he took a step back.

He saw someone appear out of no where but he couldn't are much elsr since the bright light from her necklace was practically blinding him. He could see that the half man lunged at Khaat, and soon after he heard a thud against a wall and he was sure that the other person in there had thrown him back.

As the light faded away he looked down to see the man reverting back to his human form and he sighed in relief. "Brian? Oh is he your husband?" Atticus asked almost immediately. "And sure, I'll help him." he assured her, pulling his wand from his pocket. He blinked hard a couple times as he was still adjusting to the sudden change of lighting. He cleared his throat afterwards and said, "Ready when you are," with a smile.
Caspian Ivanov
Caspian Ivanov
Sixth Year Ravenclaw
Sixth Year Ravenclaw

Number of posts : 196

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News Flash - Page 2 Empty Re: News Flash

Post by Brian Quinn Sun Apr 01, 2012 10:06 pm

"You must be Atticus. Rough way to begin your first day on the job, isn't it?" Brian smiled at the young man. "Come on. We can talk while we walk. You know a levitate spell? If the binding spell starts to wear off, you might have to levitate him long enough for me to bind him again. Once we have him in the lockdown unit, we can breathe a sigh of relief." He levitated the man and started floating him down the hallway.

"And you're right. I'm Brian Quinn. Khaat's husband and chief of security here. And that sounds more impressive than what it is. Its just a lofty title for a bouncer, really. I bet your wondering what the devil all that just was, aren't you? This fellow here is a werewolf, and I'll lay you odds he is a follower of the methods of Fenrir Grayback. Grayback somehow knows how to transfigure at will, but I haven't found that the results of that are ever as controlled as Greyback says they are. Nor are they ever really helpful.

"I don't know why he started to transform, but my understanding is that Greyback advocates partial transformation at times in order to exert more power. Greyback seems to believe that humans are subpar to werewolves. Somehow he thinks we're an inferior species. I think he's got a bit of a problem with his logic, but whatever, I guess. I gave this guy here a dose of wolfsbane to keep him from being able to transform. It should buy us some time.

"When we get him upstairs, I'll check to see if he went beserk for any particular organic reason or if he just simply perhaps thought it was a good plan. At least as best as I might find out. And let me guess. Your next question is about Khaat's taste in jewelry, isn't it?" he laughed.
Brian Quinn
Brian Quinn

Number of posts : 636
Special Abilities : Healer, Energy Worker, Portkey Creation
Occupation : Auror Trainer, Co-Owner & Manager of Sparks

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News Flash - Page 2 Empty Re: News Flash

Post by Caspian Ivanov Sun Apr 01, 2012 11:43 pm

"That's right. Atticus Bletchley at your service sir." he said. "I have to admit it isn't what I had expected." he chuckled. "Ah, yes I do." he told Brian as he followed him down the hallway. The eighteen year old boy couldn't help but keep his eyes on the man that was floating. He hoped that nothing else would happen, or at least not until they had this man in the lockdown unit.

"Yes I actually am." he said. At the mention of the name Greyback, his eyes lifted from the floating man and he looked ay Brian. He had heard his parents talking about Fenrir Greyback before but he had never been interested in the man. So it was logical that he wouldn't pay attention to the conversation. "There must be something wrong in his mind if he believes that we are an inferior species. We might not have powers like werewolves do, but we don't lose control of ourselves during a transformation without that potion." he shook his head a bit and sighed.

Atticus nodded. "It's hard to tell. But this man has the illness, doesn't he? Why would he do something like this if he was getting help for the illness?" he asked. He glanced down at the floating man again and sighed before he looked up at Brian after his question. "Actually yes. I was wondering about the necklace." he responded.
Caspian Ivanov
Caspian Ivanov
Sixth Year Ravenclaw
Sixth Year Ravenclaw

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News Flash - Page 2 Empty Re: News Flash

Post by Brian Quinn Mon Apr 02, 2012 12:11 am

"I don't know that I want to assume he has the illness until I know for sure. People have come here for less. And it would not be the first time someone came here specifically to try to get to Khaat or Robert," Brian said. "She has had attacks on her life here more than anyplace else. We're hoping that with increased security we can hedge some of that off. We have had people here simply because they need some sort of mental health help.

"But I'm like you. I dont' think we're inferior either. Superior physical strength does not mean superior intellect. You're right. And no matter how strong they are, werewolves have a blood lust that is not controlled even if they can transfigure back and forth at will. However, there has been bad blood between the Greybacks and the Lupins for decades. Well, since Fenrir infected Remus.

"And that leads me, in a twisted sort of way, to that little light and sound show you saw downstairs. The necklace is something she has no choice in. It is charmed so that she cannot remove it. There is a long story there. In short, it was a gift from her uncle Remus. He had it made for her the moment he found out Khaat's mother was pregnant with her. Remus put it on Khaat within moments of her birth and it cannot be removed.

"That stone was designed to protect her from werewolves. I've always thought that thing does more than we know, but all we know that it does is that it reacts to any werewolf who is transfigured to any degree, or anyone infected with lycanthropy who intends to harm her. It creates that high pitched screech and gets louder if the threat grows greater. That green light can become bright enough to cause temporary blindness in a werewolf. And--on one occasion, I have seen the stone actually kill. All I know is that Remus did not believe he would have children of his own at the time when Khaat was born. So he did his best to protect his niece, and as Robert tells it, Remus was primarily protecting her from himself."

They approached the psychiatric unit, and Brian ordered them to open the multiple sets of locked doors and to find a locked room for their new 'guest." They scrambled to accomodate him quickly.
Brian Quinn
Brian Quinn

Number of posts : 636
Special Abilities : Healer, Energy Worker, Portkey Creation
Occupation : Auror Trainer, Co-Owner & Manager of Sparks

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News Flash - Page 2 Empty Re: News Flash

Post by Caspian Ivanov Mon Apr 02, 2012 10:30 pm

"Wow. It must be tough knowing that someone is always trying to get you. And it must be worse knowing that you have to keep going to the place where most of these attacks happen to you everyday." he said a bit astounded. "She must have a lot to handle because of this. Considering she already has to worry about the running of this place." he added softly shortly after.

"It is true. We are not inferior because we are weaker than they are. In fact no one is inferior to anyone else, we're are living beings. But when they are transformed, it's easy to tell who has the superior intellect. Although I do understand why that is the way it is. I don't blame anyone for the bad blood between them, well anyone from the Lupin family. Why did Fenrir Greyback infect Remus anyways? Was it just because he could?" he asked.

"So no one else can take it off her either? It'll just stay on her until she passes away?" he asked rather softly. "It must he hard having to carry that everywhere with her and having no choice in whether she wants to wear it or not. But I suppose it was for the best that she have it. Even though Remus isn't here anymore, it still protects her from any werewolf, so if Fenrir or any of his kids try to attack her it won't do them any good."

He looked down after that and didn't really say much more the rest of the way to the psychiatric unit. When they approached it all he did was lift his head but he didn't say anything. Now he was beginning to wonder about Fenrir Greyback and for once in his life he was wondering about what his parents had been talking about.
Caspian Ivanov
Caspian Ivanov
Sixth Year Ravenclaw
Sixth Year Ravenclaw

Number of posts : 196

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News Flash - Page 2 Empty Re: News Flash

Post by Brian Quinn Mon Apr 02, 2012 10:56 pm

Brian temporarily dropped the conversation until he had their new patient secured in the lockdown area. He laid his hand on the man's forehead to examine him. He checked him and found no sign of the illness. Not yet. In fact, the man appeared to be in perfect health. That frustrated him.

"It appears he is not here for medical help," Brian told Atticus. "But I have no intention on letting him go until I find out why he's here. That leaves me to presume that he either needs mental health help or he needs a cell. Either way, since this is escape proof, I shall leave him here." He secured him in the room and locked him in. He stopped at the nurses station and wrote out healers' orders. He knew he wasn't technically a healer here anymore, but they never questioned his orders because he had been a healer here and because of his connection to Robert and to Khaat. When he had signed off on his orders, he motioned to Atticus and explained that the psychiatric unit was charmed to be escape proof and that it was normal for a patient's magic to be bound when placed here. He would turn the man's care over to Robert.

Then as he led him back upstairs to the office area, he said, "I suppose we've all gotten a bit used to the threats. It just is part of life for us. But what I can tell you about Greyback is that he's always had this dream of world domination. He believes that if he could make every human on earth a werewolf, not only would he control the world but that the world would be a lot better off. He turned Remus simply because Remus was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Remus was nothing more than a child when Fenrir bit him. He nipped Robert once after he was first turned, but so far as we know, Robert was not infected. Robert has never transformed or showed a single symptom. I've always believed that part of the power of the stone was to keep Khaat from transforming even if she were to be infected. But since we've never seen any symptoms in her, we dont' know if she just was never infected or if it its the stone. And I don't think we'll ever know that.

"She'll wear that stone for the rest of her life. And she'll end up taking to the grave with her. It won't release even upon her death. Not that I'm aware of." Then he laughed softly. "Honestly, I think the thing that ticks her the most is that she has to wear it even if it clashes with what she's wearing. She would love to be able to wear just a necklace that blends with the other colors of clothes she likes, but it is what it is. She has other necklaces she someties wears. It just means she wears two instead of one. And the deafening screeching and the blinding green light can sometimes be an annoyance with her werewolf friends if the stone mistakes one of her friends for a threat. On the upside, it reminds her of Remus and she does enjoy feeling close to him again."
Brian Quinn
Brian Quinn

Number of posts : 636
Special Abilities : Healer, Energy Worker, Portkey Creation
Occupation : Auror Trainer, Co-Owner & Manager of Sparks

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