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Welcome to Potter’s Army

Welcome to Potter's Army

We have been a Harry Potter Roleplaying site since 2007. If you're an old member we hope you come check out the discord link provided below. And if you're looking for a new roleplaying site, well, we're a little inactive. But every once and a while nostalgia sets in and a few of our alumni members will revisit the old stomping grounds and post together. Remember to stay safe out there. And please feel free to drop a line whenever!

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What’s Happening?
Since every few months or so a few of our old members get the inspiration to revisit their old stomping grounds we have decided to keep PA open as a place to revisit old threads and start new ones devoid of any serious overarching plot or setting. Take this time to start any of those really weird threads you never got to make with old friends and make them now! Just remember to come say hello in the chatbox below or in the discord. Links have been provided in the "Comings and Goings" forum as well as the welcome widget above.

Waiting for your arrival

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Waiting for your arrival - Page 5 Empty Re: Waiting for your arrival

Post by Andrew Thompson Sat Aug 07, 2010 4:12 am

Andrew at first was disappointed by the results. Yet, he knew why the tree had not been destroyed. She had been confused and irritated, more than likely infereing with her magical abilities. Andrew pushed himself back up to his feet and walked in front of Chase. "This is when you have to learn how to use the environment your your surroundings," he said calmly, trying to think of some kind of example or explanation. After a moment, he rasied his eyebrows, showing that he just thought of something. "That tree that you just casted bombarda on," he said calmly, pointing to and using his finger as a guide "it could've fallen on top of whoever would be standing there. Depending on their reaction times, it would allow you a few seconds to breathe or think of another spell. Or just plainly attack again."

He aimed his gauntlet at another tree, a couple of meters away from the other tree. "Bombarda Maxima!" the tree stood still for a second, then a couple of feet away from the bottom, the bark exploded, causing the area around it to be pelted by wood shrapnel and dust. The tree then fell down into a mighty crash, causing some leaves to blow around non chalantly as well. "Environment always helps," he said calmly and looked back at her "I'm just trying to teach you on how to either avoid or attack the situation."
Andrew Thompson
Andrew Thompson
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 3818
Special Abilities : Invisibility
Occupation : Guitarist

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Waiting for your arrival - Page 5 Empty Re: Waiting for your arrival

Post by Chastity Moor Sat Aug 07, 2010 4:23 am

Chase stared at him and then moved to a rock and sat down heavily. Is this what she got with wanting to fight back? Knocking down trees, watching them fall and splinter everything in site. A piece of the bark flew and hit her right in the head, and she caught it in her hand without even thinking. Staring at the piece she put her hand on her forehead, feeling a small dent where it had hit her, and a small drop of blood. "Why is there always blood?" She muttered, and realized that her hands were still coated in dried blood. She hadn't even thought about it.

"Agumenti." She muttered and pointed her wand at her hand. Water poured out of the tip, and she washed first one hand, then the other clean of blood. There was nothing she could do for her clothes though, unless she wanted to be drenched because her side was still covered in blood, even if the wound had healed to the point of not bleeding anymore. She sighed and looked up at Andrew. "Fine... I'll.. blow up a tree or whatever." she muttered and pointed the wand at the tree she had originally pointed it at. "Bombarda Maxima!" She said grinning happily as the tree pretty much exploded, chips flying everywhere and the tree rocked, swayed, and then crashed down in the opposite direction.
Chastity Moor
Chastity Moor

Number of posts : 2008
Occupation : Student

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Waiting for your arrival - Page 5 Empty Re: Waiting for your arrival

Post by Andrew Thompson Sat Aug 07, 2010 4:39 am

Andrew watched Chase begin to use the bombarda maxima spell, having it work to a sucess. He smiled and turned his body towards Chase to say something. Yet, a piece of bark managed to fling towards him and scrapped him against his left arm. "Dammit!" he swore, noticining that his wounds were now bleeding. Only slightly, but still bleeding. "That hurt," he said, feeling a drip of his blood begin to roll down his arm, leaving a red trail from the entry wound.

After cleaning up his blood with aguamenti, he looked back towards Chase and sighed. He probably wasn't cut out to be a teacher at that moment. He was more of a leader, the one that would organize such trainings or teachings. Not the other way around. He sighed softly, the pain removing some of the facsination that Chase had shown him. He liked her being dangerous and all, but somehow, it just didn't seem to fit her. She was more of a lover, not a fighter in his opinion. He stood in front of her and sighed. "Are you sure you really want to learn how to defend yourself?" he asked her, curiosity in his eyes.
Andrew Thompson
Andrew Thompson
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 3818
Special Abilities : Invisibility
Occupation : Guitarist

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Waiting for your arrival - Page 5 Empty Re: Waiting for your arrival

Post by Chastity Moor Sat Aug 07, 2010 4:46 am

Chase looked at him surprised. Did she want to learn to defend herself? Yes she did! She was tired of getting beat up. But, he was right. She hated hurting things, it just.. it didn't seem right. Getting up she went to him and hugged him around the middle, simply slipping into her favorite spot against him, her cheek resting against his chest. "I don't know." She said slowly, her mind working far to hard. "I want to learn to defend myself, it would make it so much easier on my friends.. but I just.. I can't make myself hurt someone.. it doesn't feel right, it feels like I'm trying to be someone I'm not.." She said softly, and pressed her cheek against his chest harder.

"I'm tired of getting beat up Andrew.. I can't even leave the house without running into something that either wants to see my blood, or wants to see me dead! Why is that? I haven't hurt anyone in my life... not the people who want me dead anyway, and not any that I can remember.." Chase suddenly stopped and realized, she DID remember though. Right before Vito had tortured her, well, she had one of those, life flashing before her eyes moment. And she knew everything about her life, including the year she couldn't remember. "Scrap that.. I have hurt people before.. but I never did it purposely.. I never meant to hurt anyone, and now.. now they all want me dead." She whispered and closed her eyes hugging him harder as though he could keep her save from everything. "I don't get it.." She whispered her hair falling into her face, but she didn't care, she was in the arms of the man she knew she loved, and she knew loved her back.
Chastity Moor
Chastity Moor

Number of posts : 2008
Occupation : Student

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Waiting for your arrival - Page 5 Empty Re: Waiting for your arrival

Post by Andrew Thompson Sat Aug 07, 2010 5:08 am

Andrew was taken off guard slightly when Chase had hugged him. After realising that she did, he wrapped his arms around her back, feeling bad at the fact he did not say something sooner. He should've at least have said something, instead of falling head over heels for the dangerous side of her. He kissed the top of her head, moving his hand up and down her back, trying to console her.

Andrew couldn't think of what to say at that moment, wondering if he was a really bad boyfriend for not even trying to say something to cheer her up. Maybe he wasn't cut out for it or anything like that...but he knew he wouldn't stop trying to be a great one though. "Chase," he said softly into her ear "I'm really sorry that all if it keep happening to you. If you want, I'll teach you some spells to deflect other spells and maybe a couple of dueling ones...I just want you to be happy."
Andrew Thompson
Andrew Thompson
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 3818
Special Abilities : Invisibility
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Waiting for your arrival - Page 5 Empty Re: Waiting for your arrival

Post by Chastity Moor Sat Aug 07, 2010 5:14 am

"Lets just go home Andrew.." she said softly hugging him still. "I just.. I want to go home, to our family okay? I just want the pain to stop.." She didn't know what pain it was, though her head was pounding, and she felt suddenly exhausted. "I don't want to fight like this anymore, I don't know what I'm doing.. I just.. I want to fall asleep tonight with you." She said softly and hugged him harder her mind completely spent. It had been to long of a day.

"Andrew.. can we do that? Can we just go home? Maybe have some pancakes or something.." She said with a small smile. It was to much, if every time she leaved his presence something tried to kill her, she would never leave him again. She would never defy him and try to leave her cage. Her cage was safe, and she knew it was safe. She just felt like she needed some space, she didn't want to be left in the cage, alone by herself while he went out into the world. She wanted him with her, but she didn't want to pull him down either. She wanted him and she needed him, but she was to afraid to say it.
Chastity Moor
Chastity Moor

Number of posts : 2008
Occupation : Student

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Waiting for your arrival - Page 5 Empty Re: Waiting for your arrival

Post by Andrew Thompson Sat Aug 07, 2010 5:54 am

Andrew nodded, feeling a little shocked at the word family. Family. Maybe one day, with Chase. He nodded silently though, wondering what they're family could possibly be like. Just thinking about it made him smile heavily. "I love you Chase..." he said softly, pulling her closer into him, enjoying the embrace "let's head back now then..." He put his head a little bit closer to Chase's and felt at peace again, feeling like the whole world was melting around them.

"Yes," he said softly again "we'll head home." And with that, he pulled away from Chase and smiled into her eyes. He felt determined that he would get home...with Chase right next to him as well. And with that, they were off landing back in Andrew's apartment. He hated apparating at points, yet it also felt pretty good to get the blood flowing through you.
Andrew Thompson
Andrew Thompson
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 3818
Special Abilities : Invisibility
Occupation : Guitarist

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