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We have been a Harry Potter Roleplaying site since 2007. If you're an old member we hope you come check out the discord link provided below. And if you're looking for a new roleplaying site, well, we're a little inactive. But every once and a while nostalgia sets in and a few of our alumni members will revisit the old stomping grounds and post together. Remember to stay safe out there. And please feel free to drop a line whenever!

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What’s Happening?
Since every few months or so a few of our old members get the inspiration to revisit their old stomping grounds we have decided to keep PA open as a place to revisit old threads and start new ones devoid of any serious overarching plot or setting. Take this time to start any of those really weird threads you never got to make with old friends and make them now! Just remember to come say hello in the chatbox below or in the discord. Links have been provided in the "Comings and Goings" forum as well as the welcome widget above.

Waiting for your arrival

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Waiting for your arrival - Page 2 Empty Re: Waiting for your arrival

Post by Guest Fri Aug 06, 2010 10:11 am

The beast watched her pathetic attempt to say something witty at him. He would mess with her head a bit, to see how far this had gone until she was insane or not. "I chose the fight?" he asked her, in another mocking tone that was easily recognizable "you were the one that decided to stay here and used that stupid little stick against me! YOU could have just blasted that wall down with whatever sorcery you have! You could've run. I decided to see if you truly had the guts or not to actually choose what you wanted. Power." He most likely sounded pretty stupid by his choice of words, but one word. Confusion.

"We are the harbingers of your annihilation," he said, almost proud by his own words "we are the ones that ruled so long ago...until your kind locked us all up! But we're free now, and we're ready to fight again...for what is truly ours!" He could've written his own little monologue with all the things he said. he probably wouldn't have done it though, until he held the leaders head in his hands, taking control of everything. That day would soon be coming, and he couldn't wait for it.

He was getting sick of the overfed pig comments. Or just pig in general. He quickly swiped at her feet, using only one motion and then held his boot over her body. "One more pig joke," he threatened "and I swear, it will take weeks to get the blood off my boots." He continued to hold his foot above the girl though, thinking that he was intimidating her by the second. Just to petrify her, he purposely began to move his foot down, slowly, yet wasn't very noticeable.

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Waiting for your arrival - Page 2 Empty Re: Waiting for your arrival

Post by Chastity Moor Fri Aug 06, 2010 10:20 am

Chase was seriously confused. He said he didn't attack her, that because she hadn't been able to get away from the gargoyle, that was her accepting his challenge? She stared at him, her eyes full of curiosity as he started to describe himself. "I didn't take anything from you, I wouldn't want to anyway!" She said a small grin creeping over her face. "I mean, you are just an oversized.. fat.. lazy.." Chase could have gone on, but her entire body weight was slammed into the ground as he kicked her feet out from under her. The air was knocked out of her, and she gasped, trying to regain her composure.

But just as suddenly his large foot was suddenly over her. He was going to squish her! All because of her comments. How was it, whenever someone else said something, they usually found a way to get away? Chase though? Noooo, she said one wrong thing and she was pinned to the ground, her wand blown into pieces and a giant pig foot over her chest, threatening to crush the life out of her. She sucked in her stomach as though it would keep him from crushing her. His foot was moving down, and she knew that she was going to die. "Hah.. I'm not afraid of you." She growled and then rolled towards him. Moving from under his foot, she crawled until she could stand up, and pointed the remains of her wand at him. But it was to late that she realized it was useless, so she stuck the handle in her pocket and stared up at him. "I didn't do anything to you! I'm a witch and proud of it! Why do you need to know so badly you stupid pig?" She growled and then made a dive for it, hoping her pig comment wouldn't get her killed.

She really was stupid.
Chastity Moor
Chastity Moor

Number of posts : 2008
Occupation : Student

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Waiting for your arrival - Page 2 Empty Re: Waiting for your arrival

Post by Guest Fri Aug 06, 2010 10:29 am

Hash kept his anger in control, knowing that he would have to obey the leaders orders. Killing her wouldn't solve or prove anything towards the group. He would have to be strong and keep his cool. Yet she was making it too damn difficult with all the fat pig comments. He had heard a couple of crooks call the policemen that when they were being arrested, so why was she calling him a policeman? It didn't make sense, but pig sounded like that should have been outlawed in that land.

Now she had to run. Why did they always have to run? Turning himself quickly, he found the young girl standing by him, with the stick still pried in her hands. What was it about some stupid little polished piece of wood that made these sorcerers such powerful foes? Was it just the stick itself, or something greater?So many questions needed his attention, and by god would he get them from the girl.

Snarling loudly, he charged for her, yet missed on account that she had dived for it. In an archaic tongue, that sounded much more like hissing and snarls than anything Latin, he ordered the gargoyle to go after her. Hash keep his pace, yet was still very large and couldn't keep a fast motion. He hated being slow and big. He hissed even louder at the flying gargoyle and swooped down to Chase, coming in for the kill.

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Waiting for your arrival - Page 2 Empty Re: Waiting for your arrival

Post by Chastity Moor Fri Aug 06, 2010 10:36 am

Chase managed to get past him, at first she was so momentarily shocked she was almost hit. But being able to dodge again, she sprinted towards the mouth of the alley. Escaping into cooler air, she spun around and saw the gargoyle. "Shit!" She yelled and without thinking, she turned and made a break for it. Running as fast as she could in a random direction, and getting so horribly lost in the maze of London, that she stood staring a brick wall. She could hear the gargoyle behind her, and people were talking, and she was hoping if she could blend in she could get away. Except for the fact that all of the people who were talking, weren't in her view yet. She spun in a small circle and realized she had found herself down yet another alley that was like the previous one, no other way out but the way you came in, and this one was even longer then the one she had been in before.

The main difference about this alley was there was a door. She ran to the door and pulled with all of her might. It was locked, and she couldn't even unlock it. Yelling out a few curse words she spun around and saw the gargoyle. It swooped down and she was pinned to the ground. "Get off!" She screamed, struggling for her life. She knew if the giant.. well pig thing found her, caught her, she wouldn't have another chance to get away. "Get off! Please, please get off! I won't die because of you!" She screamed and kicked and struggled harder. The gargoyle had his talons dug into the very stone around her hands, and his back legs were gripping her legs, keeping her rather still. "Let go!" She cried thrashing her head from side to side as her body became immobilized. The gargoyle had laid down on her and was patiently waiting for the giant pig thing.
Chastity Moor
Chastity Moor

Number of posts : 2008
Occupation : Student

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Waiting for your arrival - Page 2 Empty Re: Waiting for your arrival

Post by Guest Fri Aug 06, 2010 10:01 pm

He was tired of having to play cat and mouse with the sorceress. Why couldn't she just be scared and go home, crying? That's what Hashmisin wanted in the first place. For the red head to cry and beg for mercy. To make her believe that she wasn't dreaming in the first place. Seeing her cry wouldn't make him feel complete, yet it'd be one step closer. He inched himself to the middle of the alleyway, beginning to look around. Both alleyways were cut off into the streets, where the other humans were. If he were to avoid such a fracas, he would need to keep himself incognito. He then heard what sounded like the air being whipped, but it turned out to be a gun firing. The police were close by and killing the hench. No matter, he thought, punching out a nearby wall to procede into the next alley way They are expendable.

The wall near Chase and the gargoyle suddenly exploded, revealing the large beast in full view, dust covering his skin and armor. He snarled, as if they would go away if he did, and turned his head back towards the red head. Excellent. She was pinned down by the gargoyle, her squirming around now. "So you honestly thought you could run," he said, his voice booming in a low pitch to keep any passerby from investigating. He walked closer to Chase, his face directly in front of hers now, his red eyes casting a slight reflection of her. Then, is almost seemed that his eyes erupted into flames. "Now," he said "how would you like to die? Victims choice."

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Waiting for your arrival - Page 2 Empty Re: Waiting for your arrival

Post by Chastity Moor Fri Aug 06, 2010 10:21 pm

The wall exploded not close to far from her, and she yelled out, turning her head away from the wreckage. He had found her so quickly, and how he had gotten all the way there after all of the people she had passed out there, she wasn't sure. He must have blasted through all of the walls to get to her. "Now," he said "how would you like to die? Victims choice."

Chase felt a retort spring up before she could even stop it. "I was actually thinking of dying of old age if you don't mind." She said smiling lightly at him. "If you'd just let me up, I'll work towards that goal with you in mind." She winced when the gargoyle's claws gripped her arms tighter. She cried out and struggled again, the smile disappearing from her face. "Hah, can't even take me on yourself.. gotta use you're little friend here." She said crying out again when the gargoyle squeezed her arms, pressing her into the ground harder, and she could feel her breath coming in shorter gasps. "Come on... seriously, I didn't do sh!t to you!" She growled and turned her head away from the pig monster, hoping if she showed indifference he would let her go.
Chastity Moor
Chastity Moor

Number of posts : 2008
Occupation : Student

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Waiting for your arrival - Page 2 Empty Re: Waiting for your arrival

Post by Guest Fri Aug 06, 2010 10:32 pm

Hashmisin's face turned sour and in one lightning kick, his foot collided with the gargoyle, ending its life with a loud squawk. He stared down back at the girl and roared "I can handle things myself, you got that!?" He didn't even mean to kill the gargoyle, but she made Hashmisin so mad. It was a shame, because the gargoyle had been his bodyguard for 3000 years. Now he would have to find another one. But for now, he focused on the girl, his hands gripped into a fist.

He moved his fist again, but this time grabbed her shirt and lifted her into the air. "I don't need a reason to kill you," he said, then threw her near one of the walls. He would have to deal with this nuisance himself, seeing as his two bodyguards had been murdered by himself. He walked slowly to where he had thrown the girl and said "What are you going to do now? Punch me again?" He would've laughed if it hadn't been for the stone pieces lying on the ground near him. He had no compassion for the stone guards, but they were loyal. Something you couldn't find anywhere at a store.

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Waiting for your arrival - Page 2 Empty Re: Waiting for your arrival

Post by Chastity Moor Fri Aug 06, 2010 10:45 pm

Chase gasped when the gargoyle was smashed to pieces right over her, the stone lay on top of her and around her, but she was pulled so roughly from the wreckage, it hurt more then it had with the pile of rocks on top of her. She hit the wall with her back, and she crumpled to the ground, pain flying up her scar and down around to her scar in the front. She cried out and put her arms around her stomach, doubled over on the ground. Heavy footsteps came up to her, and she looked up at him.

She sneered and attempted to rise to her feet, only to fall back over again. "What do you want with me? Can't get your kicks any other way so you have to beat up a defenseless teenager? What kind of sick twisted thing are you anyway?" She spat out a glob of blood and stared at it with a sick feeling in her stomach. What was with her and being picked on by evil things? She had decided not to be defenseless and stop being hopeless, where does it lead her? Being beat up by a giant pig monster, her wand now a useless piece of shreds tucked into her jacket. She growled and got to her feet. "Can't even take it upon yourself to make it a fair fight, how rude." She growled wiping blood from her lips.
Chastity Moor
Chastity Moor

Number of posts : 2008
Occupation : Student

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Waiting for your arrival - Page 2 Empty Re: Waiting for your arrival

Post by Guest Fri Aug 06, 2010 11:16 pm

Hashmisin raised his brow, wondering how she still could have been alive. He had punched her in the stomach, and now threw her against the wall. He was sure that there was a dent there, yet didn't want to check it out at the moment. He neeeded to finish up with her. He walked closer to her, his veins popping out on his arms and his eyes turning blood red. "No such thing as a fair fight," he cackled, his teeth showing its disgusting yellowness. He swung out to her, but missed due to a small trace of light piercing through the top of the rooftops. He could handle a certain amount of light, but his wounds were beginning to pain him, causing him to groan in pain.

He fell down to one knee, trying to recollect his thoughts carefully and not go berserk on her. He tightened his fist to the point where 3 drops of purple appeared from his hand and landed on the ground next to him. Pulling himself back together, he lifted himself up to the point where he could stand on his two feet and shot a murderous glance at Chase. "You did this to me!" he said, a small fissure appearing on his already chipped ash skin. Her lumos had really taken a toll on him, his skin showing signs of peeling already. He needed to leave and soon.

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Waiting for your arrival - Page 2 Empty Re: Waiting for your arrival

Post by Chastity Moor Fri Aug 06, 2010 11:32 pm

Chase saw that he was seriously starting to get hurt. The light wasn't helping much, and small flecks of what looked like dust was falling from where he was starting to crack. The angle of the sun was different then it had been before, and she saw a ray of sunlight peak out from behind a cloud. She went into the sun and stood there, her arm around her stomach, as though she were afraid something would fall out of her stomach if she didn't keep it covered up. She glared at him and smiled slightly. "Does it hurt?" She asked grinning, the sunlight reflecting in her hair now, almost to dazzling to look at.

"I hope I did that to you!" She cried out, and looked around, the sunlight was surrounding her, and she hoped it would deter him from trying to grab her. She was in a lot more pain then she was showing. And she knew that there was something under her arm that she really didn't want to look at at that moment. But it was hot and sticky, but wasn't visible to him yet. The gargoyle had caused it when he had made it collapse on her, and when he had pulled her out so roughly, it had opened up quite the wound. "Dammit.." She whispered and fell to her knees and removed her hand from her stomach. Shocking scarlet blood was over her arm and she growled loudly and whimpered putting her hand over her stomach again. The sunlight was slowly widening around her, so that soon he wouldn't be able to grab her unless he stuck his whole arm into the sunlight. "Go away you giant pig thing!" She cried out, tears sparkling in her eyes.
Chastity Moor
Chastity Moor

Number of posts : 2008
Occupation : Student

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