Shopping around in London - Page 4
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Shopping around in London - Page 4 Li9olo10

What’s Happening?
Since every few months or so a few of our old members get the inspiration to revisit their old stomping grounds we have decided to keep PA open as a place to revisit old threads and start new ones devoid of any serious overarching plot or setting. Take this time to start any of those really weird threads you never got to make with old friends and make them now! Just remember to come say hello in the chatbox below or in the discord. Links have been provided in the "Comings and Goings" forum as well as the welcome widget above.

Shopping around in London

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Shopping around in London - Page 4 Empty Re: Shopping around in London

Post by Sophia Granger Fri Jul 02, 2010 7:05 pm

"Oh I believe you."said Sophia giving him a soft warm smile letting him know she believed him. "Ok, so would you like to do it at my house or somewhere like that?"Sophia asked him softly as she looked at him with her pink eyes. As he leaned in almost as if to kiss her Sophia looked into his eyes wondering if he was. As they locked eyes Sophia looked into his beautiful eyes until he wiped her lips and her nose. Sophia laughed her tinkling bell laugh when he said she a had a bit of saice on her nose and lip. "I wonder how it got on my nose, I can understand my lip but my nose unless I was making a complete pig out of myself, but thakyou!"said Sophia laughing.
Sophia Granger
Sophia Granger
Seventh Year Gryffindor
Seventh Year Gryffindor

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Shopping around in London - Page 4 Empty Re: Shopping around in London

Post by Lucas Montez Sat Jul 03, 2010 7:51 am

Lucas smiled and was glad that she believed him, it made him feel trustworthy to her, or maybe it was because in his younger life, no one believed him and it feels good to be believed in. "Sure, I'll go wherever you're comfortable with," Lucas told Sophia. Lucas then chuckled softly and shook his head. "Nah, you weren't making a complete pig of yourself, but if you were, I'd say it was cute," Lucas grinned at her. Lucas adored hearing her laugh, made him feel so easy to be with and be around her. "I really enjoy your company," Lucas told Sophia, shyly.
Lucas Montez
Lucas Montez

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Shopping around in London - Page 4 Empty Re: Shopping around in London

Post by Sophia Granger Mon Jul 05, 2010 1:30 am

"Ok we'll stop by my house and do the potion there."said Sophia giving him a soft warm smile. "Ok just making sure, I have a habit of doing that at times."said Sophia laughing her tinkling bell laugh. "Aw... so do I Jacob, it's nice hanging around someone that unferstands me."said Sohia softly. "I think we should spend more time with each other, as friends of course."said Sophia softly. Although Sophia wanted to be more then friends she didn't want to push it.
Sophia Granger
Sophia Granger
Seventh Year Gryffindor
Seventh Year Gryffindor

Number of posts : 11575
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Shopping around in London - Page 4 Empty Re: Shopping around in London

Post by Lucas Montez Mon Jul 05, 2010 8:25 am

"Cool, um, are you finished?" Lucas asked Sophia. Lucas listened to her and frowned and chuckled. "Um, my name's Lucas, not Jacob..." Lucas told her with a chuckle, thinking that she'll probably get embarrased or maybe that was a name of a guy she was crushing on? Lucas shrugged and was tiny bit curious. "Yes, definetely, spend more time with eachother," Lucas repeated, but not saying the friends part because he wanted to be more than that, he believed they may have something special. Lucas got out some sickles and put them next to Sophia's meal. "Done," Lucas smiled.
Lucas Montez
Lucas Montez

Number of posts : 412
Occupation : Owner & Manager of Cafe Twin Montez

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Shopping around in London - Page 4 Empty Re: Shopping around in London

Post by Sophia Granger Mon Jul 05, 2010 6:33 pm

Sophia's eyes widen as she said Jacob instead of Lucas. "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry you just remind me of an old friend that's all."said Sophia softly. "Yes I'm finished."said Sophia softly throwing her napkin on her plate. "I'll like that Lucas, maybe I can give you my phone number and we can go to a movie or something some time?"Sophia asked him softly. "Oh thankyou, bt you didn't have to do that."said Sophia softly. "So, next stop my house?"Sophia asked giving him a soft warm smile.
Sophia Granger
Sophia Granger
Seventh Year Gryffindor
Seventh Year Gryffindor

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Shopping around in London - Page 4 Empty Re: Shopping around in London

Post by Lucas Montez Fri Jul 09, 2010 8:58 am

"It's alright," Lucas told Sophia. "Really? Is it my looks or charms?" Lucas asked, teasingly. Lucas stood up after she'd said she was finished. "Or maybe we can go overseas...My grandparents gave me graduation present which was money and well, you're on holidays right? Let's explore the world..together," Lucas suggested to her, curious as to what she may reply with. Lucas shrugged when she said he didn't have to do that. "But I did," Lucas smiled at her. "Sure, your place," Lucas nodded. He quickly walked to the restaurant's front door, opened it, and waited for Sophia to follow behind and go outside first.
Lucas Montez
Lucas Montez

Number of posts : 412
Occupation : Owner & Manager of Cafe Twin Montez

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Shopping around in London - Page 4 Empty Re: Shopping around in London

Post by Sophia Granger Fri Jul 09, 2010 9:24 pm

"Maybe alittle bit of both perhaps."said Sophia giving him a soft warm smile and laughed her tinkling bell laugh. "Oh, wow... I would love to that it sounds like so much fun to do!"said Sophia happily. Sophia nodded when he asked if she was holiday. "Yes I am, like I said I'm a Gryffindor graduate."said Sophia softly. "Yes you did, and thankyou that was sweet of you."said Sophia softly as she got up and kissed his cheek. "Thankyou Lucas, your very much of a gentlemen I can tell which is what I like."said Sophia giving him a soft warm smile. "Ok... we have to apperate to my house or something seeing how it's in hawaii."said Sophia softly. "Maybe after we finish the potion we can take my mustang or jeep anywhere you like around Hawaii?"Sophia asked him giving him a soft warm smile.
Sophia Granger
Sophia Granger
Seventh Year Gryffindor
Seventh Year Gryffindor

Number of posts : 11575
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Shopping around in London - Page 4 Empty Re: Shopping around in London

Post by Lucas Montez Sat Jul 10, 2010 8:49 am

Lucas smiled and chuckled when he heard it was a little bit of both. "I thought so, besides, I haven't anything planned," Lucas shrugged. Lucas' eyes widened, he had trouble swallowing but managed to gulp and felt really shy and nervous after she'd given him a kiss on her cheek. "Wow, maybe I should pay for your meals more often!" Lucas joked and laughed. Lucas looked down, shyly, unsure of what to respond with after Sophia had called him a gentleman - he didn't think himself of that..Maybe he didn't go out often. "Yeah, that sounds like a plan," Lucas agreed with a nod. "I've actually lived in America, but only lived in Washington D.C. until I was about 12 or 13 years..and I've been here, London, but no where else," Lucas told Sophia. Lucas sighed though, America in Washington D.C. were dark times for him and his sister.
Lucas Montez
Lucas Montez

Number of posts : 412
Occupation : Owner & Manager of Cafe Twin Montez

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Shopping around in London - Page 4 Empty Re: Shopping around in London

Post by Sophia Granger Sat Jul 10, 2010 6:42 pm

"Oh it's ok, I'm sure we can find stuff do together!"said Sophia giving him a soft warm smile. Sophia laughed her tinkling bell laugh when he said maybe he should pay for her meals more often. "Maybe you should Mr. Montez."said Sophia giving him a soft warm smile and giggled. "Wow... you lived in Washington D.C.? I always wanted to go there for some reason."said Sophia softly. "What's wrong?"Sophia asked him softly as her eyes turned gold with worry in them.
Sophia Granger
Sophia Granger
Seventh Year Gryffindor
Seventh Year Gryffindor

Number of posts : 11575
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Shopping around in London - Page 4 Empty Re: Shopping around in London

Post by Lucas Montez Sun Jul 11, 2010 1:47 am

"I plan to," Lucas winked at Sophia and smiled, when Sophia said that he should. Lucas nodded when Sophia said he'd lived in Washington D.C. "What interests you in D.C.?" Lucas asked, curiously. "Maybe we should go to D.C. for a holiday then!" Lucas suggested. Lucas frowned and looked up, and saw Sophia's eyes had turned into a gold, worry, which is what it meant. If only he hadn't sighed, then he wouldn't have to burden her with a horrifying story. He wasn't going to lie to her - he was an honest guy, but maybe, tell her another time. "It's a long, complicated story..." Lucas finally said, wanting to cry- he could feel the urge to cry. He wasn't sure whether to continue on from there or not - only if she asked.
Lucas Montez
Lucas Montez

Number of posts : 412
Occupation : Owner & Manager of Cafe Twin Montez

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