Shopping around in London - Page 2
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Shopping around in London - Page 2 Li9olo10

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Since every few months or so a few of our old members get the inspiration to revisit their old stomping grounds we have decided to keep PA open as a place to revisit old threads and start new ones devoid of any serious overarching plot or setting. Take this time to start any of those really weird threads you never got to make with old friends and make them now! Just remember to come say hello in the chatbox below or in the discord. Links have been provided in the "Comings and Goings" forum as well as the welcome widget above.

Shopping around in London

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Shopping around in London - Page 2 Empty Re: Shopping around in London

Post by Sophia Granger Sun Jun 27, 2010 4:36 am

"Wow really? I would love to be a musician there, but you don't have to pay me though I already make alot of money working at St. Mungo'sas a healer."said Sophia laughing her tinkling bell laugh. Sophia laughed her tinkling bell laugh as he said her eyes went from a chocolate brown to a sapphire blue. "They do that alot so get use to it."said Sophia chuckling. "Well I'm your first of everything then aren't I?"Sophia asked him smiling as her eyes changed from a gold back to sapphire blue. Sophia laughed when he said her eyes were gold just while ago. "Like I said while ago, it's something you have to get use to they change according to my mood."said Sophia softly. " Chocolate brown which is my normal eyes color means I'm relaxed and calmed, emerald green is that I'm happy, gold like you just seen means I'm scared or worried, sapphire blue means I'm extrmely happy, black means I'm hungry for blood, red means I'm mad or angry, pink means I'm in love, and orange means I'm sick , weak or losing power."said Sophia explaining her eyes colors to him so he'll know.
Sophia Granger
Sophia Granger
Seventh Year Gryffindor
Seventh Year Gryffindor

Number of posts : 11575
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Shopping around in London - Page 2 Empty Re: Shopping around in London

Post by Lucas Montez Sun Jun 27, 2010 8:38 am

"Oh wow, congratulations, you'll be a great healer, I can sense it." Lucas told her. "I guess you're a singer then, eh? I offered you 3 different jobs and you chose music - cannot wait to hear your voice!" Lucas grinned. Lucas then nodded when she said that she was the first for everything for him. "You must be honored being my first of a few things then?" Lucas asked rheotorically. "Wow, I need to write all of these down!" Lucas laughed. Lucas needed to remember a few of them anyways..He'd really like to see pink eyes out of her. Well, he thought, I am going well already, sapphire blue means she's extremely happy.
Lucas Montez
Lucas Montez

Number of posts : 412
Occupation : Owner & Manager of Cafe Twin Montez

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Shopping around in London - Page 2 Empty Re: Shopping around in London

Post by Sophia Granger Sun Jun 27, 2010 3:54 pm

Sophia would have blushed if she could when he told her she'll be a great healer for he can sense it. "Oh... thankyou Lucas, that was so sweet of you to say that."said Sophia softly as she gave him a soft warm smile. Sophia nodded and looked away. "Um... you can say something like that, and I'm not that great!"said Sophia softly. Sophia laughed her tinkling bell laugh and nodded. "Yes I am, why wouldn't I be?"Sophia asked laughing her tinkling bell laugh. "Yeah you'll probably need to."said Sophia laughing as he said he needs to write all her eyes changing moods down. Sophia was really starting to like Lucas he wasn't like other guys which was good. As she looked at him her eyes turned from a sapphire blue to a pink in a matter of minutes.
Sophia Granger
Sophia Granger
Seventh Year Gryffindor
Seventh Year Gryffindor

Number of posts : 11575
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Shopping around in London - Page 2 Empty Re: Shopping around in London

Post by Lucas Montez Mon Jun 28, 2010 1:52 am

"You're welcome," Lucas smiled at her. Lucas then laughed and shook his head. "I find it hard to believe you're not a good singer!" Lucas told her, honestly. He couldn't wait to hear her angelic singing voice which he knows she has. Lucas then grinned and chuckled that she was honored to be his first few things. "Or maybe I'll just remember my favourite ones," Lucas told her. Lucas stared into Sophia's eyes and watched them go from a sapphire blue to a pink in a matter of minutes. He wished his eyes changed colour too so that Sophia knew how he felt at the moment. "Ah, they're a beautiful pink, Sophia," Lucas smiled his killer smile of his. "Say, I've got an idea, how about we each take turns telling something about ourselves, you may go first," Lucas suggested to Sophia.
Lucas Montez
Lucas Montez

Number of posts : 412
Occupation : Owner & Manager of Cafe Twin Montez

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Shopping around in London - Page 2 Empty Re: Shopping around in London

Post by Sophia Granger Mon Jun 28, 2010 3:21 am

Sophia would have blushed if she could as Lucas told her he believed her to be a great singer. "Well... thankyou, you just hear me sing at your resturant to found out or you can find out now."said Sophia giving him a soft warm. "Ok, has long as you remember your favorie ones."said Sophia softly. Sophia looked away from him when he said her eyes were a beautiful pink. "Oh god, then you know!"said Sophia softly as she looked at him with her beautiful pink eyes. "Ok, well... I'm a fresh graduate from Hogwarts and I was a proud Gryffindor Lion Goddess."said Sophia laughing. "Just kidding about the Gryffindor goddess part."said Sophia laughing her tinkling bell laugh. "Um... I love singing and writing songs and poems, I have a note book I carry with me that has all my songs or poems."said Sophia softly looking away from him.
Sophia Granger
Sophia Granger
Seventh Year Gryffindor
Seventh Year Gryffindor

Number of posts : 11575
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Shopping around in London - Page 2 Empty Re: Shopping around in London

Post by Lucas Montez Mon Jun 28, 2010 3:29 am

"You can choose to sing now or later, I do not mind," Lucas told Sophia with a grin. Lucas then nodded and winked at her. "Don't you worry, I'll remember them!" Lucas told her. Lucas then chuckled softly and thought it was cute when Sophia looked away from him every time. "It's alright, it's kinda cute.." Lucas told her. Lucas then had agreed with her. "Oh you're definetely a goddess, I'll give you that!" Lucas laughed at the comment she made. "Wow, really? I like music as well, but I do not know how to play any instruments or how to write music..." Lucas admitted. "My turn then, um, I was a Hufflepuff, I am now a 20 year old graduate and own a Cafe and I have a twin sister named Gabriella," Lucas began telling Sophia a bit about himself.
Lucas Montez
Lucas Montez

Number of posts : 412
Occupation : Owner & Manager of Cafe Twin Montez

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Shopping around in London - Page 2 Empty Re: Shopping around in London

Post by Sophia Granger Mon Jun 28, 2010 3:49 am

"Well... I can sing now, here I'll let you pick out a song out of my notebook that you like and I'll sing and then you can see how horrible I am!"said Sophia softly. "Well as long as you remember them that's all I'm worried about."said Sophia softly. Sophia would have blushed if she could when Lucas told her it was kindof cute when she looked away from him. "Oh... thankyou, no ever said that to me before that was so sweet of you to say that."said Sophia softly. "I write songs basiced on things going on in my life."said Sophia honestly as she pulled out her notebook and handed pushed it to him. "Pick a song any song."said Sophia giving him a soft warm smile. "Wow... a huffelpuff huh? very loyal then I'm guessing I like that."said Sophia giving him a soft warm smile. "You have a twin?!? that's awesome, I'll love to meet her!"said Sophia softly.
Sophia Granger
Sophia Granger
Seventh Year Gryffindor
Seventh Year Gryffindor

Number of posts : 11575
Occupation : Head Girl, Gryffindor Chaser

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Shopping around in London - Page 2 Empty Re: Shopping around in London

Post by Lucas Montez Mon Jun 28, 2010 3:55 am

Lucas looked through her songs and raised an eyebrow. Too many to choose from and they all sound great, Lucas thought. "That's great, writing songs about what you've experienced, what could be a better way?" Lucas told Sophia. Lucas then nodded at when Sophia said he was loyal. "Yes I am, as well as reliable and trustworthy," Lucas added his personality to the list. "Gabriella's shy, she doesn't know what to say in awkward situations and is almost always reading," Lucas told Sophia. Lucas picked out two songs and hid them behind his back. "I can't decide, so you choose, left or right hand?" Lucas asked Sophia.
Lucas Montez
Lucas Montez

Number of posts : 412
Occupation : Owner & Manager of Cafe Twin Montez

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Shopping around in London - Page 2 Empty Re: Shopping around in London

Post by Sophia Granger Mon Jun 28, 2010 4:23 am

Sophia nodded. "Yeah it is, sometimes they just come to me due to anger, depression or loneiness or happiness."said Sophia honestly. "Oh... another thing I love in guys."said Sophia giving him a soft warm smile. "Well... I'm very out-going, sweet, fun loving, clever so say although I don't believe it, bookworm which I hear ALOT, a risk taker, and I love adventures."said Sophia telling her personality to him. "I know how that feels, I was SO shy the first five years of my Hogwarts years."said Sophia softly. "Ok I'm going to close my eyes and pick."said Sophia softly as closed her eyes and reached out and touch his left arm. As she opened her eyes she seen which arm she picked she smiled. "Hey that's weird, I'm left handed!"said Sophia laughing her tinkling bell laugh.
Sophia Granger
Sophia Granger
Seventh Year Gryffindor
Seventh Year Gryffindor

Number of posts : 11575
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Shopping around in London - Page 2 Empty Re: Shopping around in London

Post by Lucas Montez Mon Jun 28, 2010 4:30 am

"So, overall you're just a very sexy dork?" Lucas asked and gulped. He hadn't watched his mouth and just wanted to crawl into a hole and die of embarrassment, he couldn't believe he said that aloud. Lucas put down the song that was in his right hand and put it back in her book and gave her the song that was in his left hand. "I can't wait to hear it," Lucas told her, still quite embarrassed. "I didn't mean for that to come out like that...Um, I never usually flirt that stupidly, I..I take time, I'm sorry." Lucas apologized.
Lucas Montez
Lucas Montez

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