Sophia's house
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Sophia's house Li9olo10

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Sophia's house

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Sophia's house Empty Sophia's house

Post by Sophia Granger Wed Apr 07, 2010 9:31 pm

Sophia's house P11007_i2_1255698510
(house and pool)

Sophia's house Luxurycustomkitchen

Sophia's house MasterBedroom
(Sophia's room)

(I'll post more later)

Sophia was in the kitchen cooking lunch for her kids humming a song to herself as started making spaghetti and meatballs for there lunch. Sophia knew that was all her kids favorites and they loved the way Sophia made it especailly with the meatballs and cheese. Sophia started making a salad o go with the spaghetti they were having for lunch. As she pointed her wand at the bread it started cutting into pieces by itself and putting garlic better on them as well. Sophia had to use magic every now and then to get stuff done but usually she perfered to do everything her self but magic did help her alot.

Last edited by Sophia Lestrange on Wed Apr 14, 2010 12:48 am; edited 4 times in total
Sophia Granger
Sophia Granger
Seventh Year Gryffindor
Seventh Year Gryffindor

Number of posts : 11575
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Sophia's house Empty Re: Sophia's house

Post by Matthew Lestrange Wed Apr 14, 2010 12:03 am

Matt woke up and felt a pain in his head, he really should stop staying out late. He had gotten into a bit of a tussel with a couple of wizards the night before. Now Matt was good, but he wasn't that good. He had of course been disguised but that didn't stop them from spotting his fangs and freaking out. He really needed to change some of these idiotic creature laws. The only time Vampires or Werewolves were dangerous was when they were A)Hungry and B)Transformed. The smell of spaghetti hit his nose and he sat upright, that was Sophia's cooking. He quickly ran down the stairs, still dressed in the jeans and sweater he was in the previous night and burst into the kitchen. "Good morning Lestrange's and Potters!" he sang sliding on the floor. He winked at Sophia as he took a seat at the counter. "Good morning Sophia," he said waving his wand. He made a cup of coffee float over to him nice and hot.

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Matthew Lestrange
Matthew Lestrange
Seventh Year Slytherin
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Sophia's house Empty Re: Sophia's house

Post by Sophia Granger Wed Apr 14, 2010 12:14 am

Sophia laughed her tinkling bell laugh at her farther. "Good morning daddy, and don't you seem all bubbly and happy this morning!"said Sophia giving him a soft warm smile. "I know it's a bit early to fix spaghetti for it's still breakfast time but I got to get Nikki's stuff moved in because she's moving in with us and I can't do that and fix lunch for my kids so I'm doing it early!"said Sophia softly. "I do have breakfast ready though daddy, I'm surprise you didn't wake up to the smell of it!"said Sophia laughing. "Alexia, Keegan, Caspian breakfast is ready."Sophia shouted. As they ran into the dining room they sat down at there places and waited. As Sophia brought the plate of eggs over she waved her wand at the bacon as it came flying over towards them. "You can go first daddy."said Sophia giving him a soft warm smile.
Sophia Granger
Sophia Granger
Seventh Year Gryffindor
Seventh Year Gryffindor

Number of posts : 11575
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Sophia's house Empty Re: Sophia's house

Post by Matthew Lestrange Wed Apr 14, 2010 12:24 am

"Nah, let them eat first. All I need is my coffee and I'm great!" he said winking at her and sipping his coffee. "I could've made lunch you know! They still haven't had my famous pizza yet!" he said nodding his head to the kids. He smiled at her, but when she said Nikki was moving it, the smile faded for a moment. "Is she? That'll be nice. You'll never have to be away from her." he said. "Neither will I," he muttered quietly into his coffee so that Soph wouldn't hear. He turned to the kids and smiled, "I'll just have to make them pizza tomorrow then!" he said. But the kids were too busy eating to realize he had spoken. "Now, where is Noel?" he asked her. "Still sleeping?"

Sophia's house Tumblr_oyip5qmUoz1sj8jevo1_500
Matthew Lestrange
Matthew Lestrange
Seventh Year Slytherin
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Sophia's house Empty Re: Sophia's house

Post by Sophia Granger Wed Apr 14, 2010 12:40 am

Sophia hit her head on the table as he said that. "Oh hel.... I mean why didn't I think of that before?"Sophia asked herself. Sophia nodded when he said she'll never be away from Nikki. "Yeah I know, I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing I just have a habit of running my mouth!"said Sophia sighing. Sophia smiled when he said he will just have to make them pizza tomorrow. "Ok daddy, and remind me to be home when you do that!"said Sophia winking at him and laughing. When he asked where Noel was and asked if she was still sleeping she nodded and sighed .

"Yeah daddy she is, I was up almost all night with her trying to get her fever down and her coughing I was finally able to get her fever down and coughing down some."said Sophia softly. "I don't know why she gotten sick daddy, and I'm worried about her."said Sophia softly. "I should let Andrian know, after all he's her farther and he i a healer."said Sophia softly. " Well I'll be right back, I'm going upstairs to check on Noel and see how she's doing you want to come daddy?"Sophia asked him softly. "I'm sure they will be fine down here, they ate down here alone before and plus Mimi is here."said Sophia nodding her head at there house elf.
Sophia Granger
Sophia Granger
Seventh Year Gryffindor
Seventh Year Gryffindor

Number of posts : 11575
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Sophia's house Empty Re: Sophia's house

Post by Matthew Lestrange Wed Apr 14, 2010 3:41 am

"No, no, I'll go see her. You stay and sit down, you look like you could use some rest!" he said smiling as he put his coffee cup down. "Nah, you only run your mouth of a little bit," and he winked at her and exited the kitchen. He would also need to pick up some ingredients, he liked doing things the muggle way. It was just more exiting, and it was fascinating the way muggles did things. Well, he was happy he finally had a house full of people he loved, his own family. It wasn't his blood family, but it was still family, in bond. He smiled as he walked up the stairs and entered Noel's room. He found her sitting up, drinking a bottle. He wondered how it had gotten there, then his mind hit the answer. It was early signs of magic, or Soph just left it within reach.

He walked over to her crib and smiled as she stood up and put her arms up. She felt hot as he picked her up, and she began to cough. But he held her and smiled down at her, she was the perfect grandchild. It was odd to think that, after all, he is only 23. He kissed the top of her head and began to walk around the room. Gently rocking her and humming a lullaby to her. "You're the perfect grandchild you know that right?" he told the silently falling asleep girl. "Just don't tell your brothers and sister I said that," he smirked.

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Matthew Lestrange
Matthew Lestrange
Seventh Year Slytherin
Seventh Year Slytherin

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Sophia's house Empty Re: Sophia's house

Post by Sophia Granger Wed Apr 14, 2010 4:06 am

"Ok daddy, and thankyou."said Sophia softly as she ate some of her breakfast and rubbed her eyes tiredly and let out a yawn. Sophia fought to keep herself awake long enough to watch the rest of her kids eat their breakfast let alone eating her own. "Mistress Sophia, why don't you go upstairs and lay down for a little while I'll watch the kids if Master Lestrange ask where you are I'll tell him."said Mimi. "Thankyou Mimi, I owe you one."said Sophia as she ate the rest of her breakfast and headed upstairs to her room and fell asleep on her bed. Mimi remained downstairs watching her mistress kids and cleaning up the kitchen.

"Whoa mom must be really tired watching after Noel all night!"said Alexia softly as she took a bite of her toast. "Poor mom, maybe we should call dad and have us come and get us." said Keegan softly. "But dad at work, plus Mimi always took good care of us as well as grandpa!"said Caspian. Meanwhile upstairs Noel fell asleep in her grandpa arms sleeping peacefully just her her mother does.
Sophia Granger
Sophia Granger
Seventh Year Gryffindor
Seventh Year Gryffindor

Number of posts : 11575
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Sophia's house Empty Re: Sophia's house

Post by Matthew Lestrange Sat Apr 17, 2010 1:08 am

Matt smiled at the now sleeping Noel in his arms, he could here Sophia walking up the stairs. That was good, she needed some rest. He placed Noel back in her crib and made his way downstairs, he smiled at Mimi. "You can go and take a break Mimi. I can watch the kids." he told her. She nodded thankfully and walked away to her den. Matt slumped down at the table next to Caspian and ruffled the kids hair. "Morning Casp," he said grinning at him. "Morning Keeg, Alex," he said to all of them. "Morning Grandpa," they all said together. Matt closed his eyes and sighed, it was getting sort of stormy. He opened them and looked at his empty cup of coffee. "Hey Casp, do me a favour kay," he whispered in his ear. "Take your brother and sister into the living room to watch some T.V." he winked at him and he nodded smiling. They all went off to watch some t.v. it should keep them occupied for a while. He closed his eyes and lay his head on the table, he slowly drifted off to sleep. He knew Caspian would take care of his brother and sister.

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Matthew Lestrange
Matthew Lestrange
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Sophia's house Empty Re: Sophia's house

Post by Sophia Granger Sat Apr 17, 2010 2:09 am

*A couple of hours later...*

Sophia woke up a couple of hours later and snuck downstairs quietly to get her something to eat out of the fridge or maybe make her a sandwhich. Sophia looked at the clock and her eyes widen at the time. "Wow, I been asleep since five o' clock!" Sophia told herself amazed she was asleep that long. As she got herself some milk from the fridge and found herself a glass she poured some milk in her glass and took it to the bar and started eating. Sophia heard the T.V. on in the living room so she figured her kids was watching T.V. in there. Finishing up her sandwhich she walked into the living room and smiled as she seen her kids watching a Disney Movie on T.V. "Watching a good movie are we?"Sophia asked them softly giving them all a soft warm smile.
Sophia Granger
Sophia Granger
Seventh Year Gryffindor
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Sophia's house Empty Re: Sophia's house

Post by Sophia Granger Tue May 25, 2010 5:04 am


Sophia was in the kitchen helping her mother cook breakfast for her farther and her kids. As she was flipping pancakes and putting them on a plate she heard the doorbell ring but she knew Mimi their house elf would get it for them. "I'll go see who it is, Sophia sweetie please watch the bacon ok?"Emmanuelle asked her softly as she wiped her hands on her apron and took it off. "Yes mom, I will."said Sophia softly as she waved her wand at the panckaes as they started cooking and flipping themselves. "May I help you Mr. Potter?"Mimi asked Andrian. "I got it from here Mimi and thankyou."said Emmanuelle smiling wamrly at the house elf. As Mimi bowed and went to the kitchen to help Sophia Emmanuelle turned to Andrian. "What is it that you need Andrian? if you want to talk to Matt he's asleep he got in really late last night."said Emmanuelle.
Sophia Granger
Sophia Granger
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Seventh Year Gryffindor

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