PEAKES, Ciara Cassandra
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PEAKES, Ciara Cassandra Li9olo10

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PEAKES, Ciara Cassandra

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PEAKES, Ciara Cassandra Empty PEAKES, Ciara Cassandra

Post by Malmuira "Moira" Crawford Sun Apr 14, 2013 11:26 pm

PEAKES, Ciara Cassandra Tumblr_mbs1vs90Yd1r48nrko1_500



    FULL NAME: Ciara Cassandra Peakes

    NICKNAMES: Cassie

    AGE: 11, b. May 19, 2015

    ALLEGIANCE: Neutral

    HOGWARTS HOUSE: Ravenclaw

    CLASSES: CoMC, Potions

    WAND: 11 3/4 inch rosewood, phoenix feather core, flexible

    PLAY BY: Alexa Gerasimovich


    HAIR COLOUR: Dirty blonde

    EYE COLOUR: Gray blue


    BODY BUILD: skinny/scrawny

    GENERAL APPEARANCE: Though Ciara is a very healthy and athletic girl, her body build will tell you differently. She is a very skinny and scrawny looking girl. But you shouldn't let that fool you. She loves to play muggle soccer and has a pretty powerful kick that will hurt a lot. She's about average height for a girl her age and her hair is a dirty blonde color that reaches just below her shoulders.

    Ciara likes to wear pants and shorts for the most part, but her mother tries to raise her as a "proper" girl, so she normally wears dresses or skirts. She is only allowed to wear shorts and pants only during times when she plays soccer or is going somewhere where wearing skirts or dresses is inappropriate.



    [S] Intelligent
    [W/S] Outspoken
    [S] Loyal
    [W] Talking back
    [S] Performing
    [W] Argumentive
    [S] Optimistic
    [W] Lying
    [S] Athletic
    [W] Confrontation
    [S] Singing


    [L] Animals
    [D] Bright lights
    [L] Music
    [D] Quidditch
    [L] Muggle soccer
    [D] Pumpkin juice
    [L] Tea
    [D] Muggleborns being referred to as "Mudbloods"
    [L] Writing songs

  • Graduate
  • Join the Ministry
  • Learn to balance a soccer ball on her foot
  • Get a pet ostrich

  • Bites/ licks lips
  • Makes a popping noise when bored
  • Can't sit still
  • Likes to imitate animal noises she hears
  • Swings feet around

    BOGGART: Clowns

    PATRONUS: Getting River - her kitten

    DEMENTOR: Being left alone at the park

    VERITASERUM: Just before the beginning of her brother's first year, she hid his favorite toy so he wouldn't leave

  • Own an ostrich
  • Own a store in Diagon Alley

    PERSONALITY: Ciara can be shy around new people, but once she gets to know someone she is very outspoken and loves to be around those people. She is a very intelligent and loyal girl. She sticks by her friends and won't ever leave them behind. She hates when people are sad and tries to make them happy since she is a very happy-go-lucky and optimistic girl herself. Ciara loves to listen to music, and loves to write songs as well. She has an odd fear of clowns from a time she went to the circus when one got.. a little too close to her. But she tries to stay calm and happy when one is around her.


    FATHER: Jimmy Peakes

    MOTHER: Kate Peakes [nee Palmer]

    Name used for NPC purposes:
    Johan Dominic Peakes - Third Year | Gryffindor | b. October 12, 2013

    Elizabeth Mary Peakes - Age 2 | b. July 3, 2024
    Francis Elijah Peakes - Age 2 | b. July 3, 2024

    Zachary Michael Middleton - Refers to him as Zach or Zachy | First Year | Ravenclaw

    BLOOD STATUS: Halfbllod

    RACE: Human

    SOCIAL STATUS: Middle Class

    Kitten named River

    macaroni necklace her best friend - Zach - made her


    Early Years: On May 19th of 2015, Ciara Cassandra Peakes was born to Jimmy and Kate Peakes. Ciara is the younger child of two. Her birth wasn't the easiest one, in fact there were a few complications with her birth. Though she was born healthy, her mother was in labor for almost half a day before she was finally born. It had gotten to the point where it was getting very dangerous for both Ciara and Kate. Natural birth wasn't an option anymore, because if they had waited any longer one of the two would've died if not both.

    After surgery, Ciara was born and Kate was told to rest. After a couple of weeks, both of the girls were allowed to go home. After the nerve-wrecking time in the hospital, everyone was glad to be home and to have both Kate and Ciara with them.

    Ciara has always been a very happy and optimistic girl,wanting to make everyone else happy whenever they were sad. She loved being around her mother and helping her do things around the house while her father and brother were doing something else. When she was nine and her brother was going to Hogwarts for his first year, Ciara didn't want him to go so she took his favorite toy from his trunk and hid it where he wouldn't be able to find it. Eventually, after seeing how badly he reacted to losing the toy, she decided to give it back and apologize.

    The next two years without Johan around the house most of the year were pretty lonely for Ciara. She was sad that her brother wasn't around, but she made the most of it and focused on helping her newly pregnant mother with whatever she could. Then on July 3, 2024, Elizabeth and Francis Peakes were born. Ciara was really happy about the twins being born and she loved being around them and helping take care of them.

    Hogwarts Years: When it was finally her turn to go to Hogwarts, Ciara was torn between wanting to go and wanting to stay. She didn't want to go because it would mean leaving her younger siblings for the entire year. But she also wanted to go because it was Hogwarts and she would get to be with Johan for the entire year. She ended up going to Hogwarts anyways, as it was necessary for her development as a witch.

    She quickly became glad that she had to go to Hogwarts, when on the Hogwarts Express she met a boy who quickly became her best friend. His name was Zachary Middleton, who she calls Zachy affectionately. The two of them met when Zach couldn't find a different compartment to sit in and he asked to sit with her, Ciara though she was a bit scared, agreed and the two spoke about their pet cats and music when Ciara began to sing a lullaby to her kitten. After arriving at Hogwarts, the two of them were sorted into Ravenclaw, and they have been inseparable since.

    Adulthood: Just starting Hogwarts technically.


    ALSO KNOWN AS: Kimberly

    RP EXPERIENCE: Two years and counting

    HOW YOU FOUND US: Xemnas

    MAIN CHARACTER: Hit Higurashi

    PURPOSE OF CHARACTER: I've tried to play younger students before and I always fail. I wanted to take another crack at it, this time with a canon.


Last edited by Ciara Peakes on Mon Apr 15, 2013 10:48 pm; edited 1 time in total
Malmuira "Moira" Crawford
Ravenclaw Graduate
Ravenclaw Graduate

Number of posts : 388
Occupation : Arithmancer

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PEAKES, Ciara Cassandra Empty Re: PEAKES, Ciara Cassandra

Post by Khaat Lupin Mon Apr 15, 2013 3:12 am

Wait...Hitame, how many characters does this make for you, exactly?
Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

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PEAKES, Ciara Cassandra Empty Re: PEAKES, Ciara Cassandra

Post by Malmuira "Moira" Crawford Mon Apr 15, 2013 3:14 am

I think thirteen as of now. But there are a few who's plots have completely failed and I might just drop them.
Malmuira "Moira" Crawford
Ravenclaw Graduate
Ravenclaw Graduate

Number of posts : 388
Occupation : Arithmancer

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PEAKES, Ciara Cassandra Empty Re: PEAKES, Ciara Cassandra

Post by Khaat Lupin Mon Apr 15, 2013 3:29 am

Ah,and there is my concern. 13 is a whole bunch of folks. Its almost impossible to manage that many all at one time.

the application is good. i like her. she's a good solid ravenclaw, and she appears to be developmentally appropriate for her age.

IF i approve her, you really do need to be willing to look at that character list and either make it a much more manageable number or tell me, in a pm, how you're going to do so many at once. Does that sound reasonable to you?
Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 23244
Special Abilities : Energy Worker, Medium, Heightened Sensitivity
Occupation : Director of St. Mungos, Owner of Sparks Bistro

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PEAKES, Ciara Cassandra Empty Re: PEAKES, Ciara Cassandra

Post by Malmuira "Moira" Crawford Tue Apr 16, 2013 1:01 am

Yup, that's fine. I was already re-working my list... I'm just planning ways to drop them...
Malmuira "Moira" Crawford
Ravenclaw Graduate
Ravenclaw Graduate

Number of posts : 388
Occupation : Arithmancer

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PEAKES, Ciara Cassandra Empty Re: PEAKES, Ciara Cassandra

Post by Khaat Lupin Tue Apr 16, 2013 2:20 am

alright. i'll accept your word on that, then. and i'll accept ciara.

accepted and sorted to ravenclaw.
Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 23244
Special Abilities : Energy Worker, Medium, Heightened Sensitivity
Occupation : Director of St. Mungos, Owner of Sparks Bistro

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