Two Ends of a Magnet - Page 2
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Two Ends of a Magnet

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Two Ends of a Magnet - Page 2 Empty Re: Two Ends of a Magnet

Post by Talon Marlowe Sat Jul 14, 2012 3:45 am

A scar? This definitely sounded way more serious than what she was originally letting on. Yet Talon wasn't the one to try and prod his way into someone's life, so he would just let the line draw itself. Yet just by looking into her eyes, he could sense that this ran much deeper and through a lot more scars in her psyche. Talon himself was never a good judge of character (his paranoia was partially to blame), but he could tell this really affected her. Her smile looked sincere though, and it threw Talon off, assuming that she would be okay, even though his gut said that wasn't the case. "That is really messed up then," he said "I still think we need to deal with those guys, someway somehow." Maybe it was just easier said then done.

When Sapphire began to cry again, it completely caught Talon off guard. He placed his hand on her shoulder, and attempted to try and cheer her up. "Hey, look, if those guys ever come around again, I'll try and deal with them, okay?"'re serious? Well yeah, I mean I could try and take them. You know how you are in a fight, you would lose badly. I could give it a shot couldn't I? I also have magic. You are bad at that too! I'm done having this conversation. Okay Talon also said "I mean, there's gotta be something we can do. Anything could help at this point...I think." God, wasn't he a charmer?
Talon Marlowe
Talon Marlowe
Sixth Year Gryffindor
Sixth Year Gryffindor

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Two Ends of a Magnet - Page 2 Empty Re: Two Ends of a Magnet

Post by Malmuira "Moira" Crawford Sat Jul 14, 2012 8:09 pm

"No!" Sapphire exclaimed suddenly, her eyes widening. She blushed a bit at her sudden reaction, and looked down but she shook her head at him. "No, we cant do anything to them." she said softly. "They'll just try to take it out on me, if they end up getting in trouble, they'll try to kill me. I know they will." her crying went on, and more tears began to roll down her cheeks. She could t do anything against them, she just couldn't. Nothing they did would work and it would just backfire on her anyway. Those Slytherin s would try to come after her again and they would hurt her. They were probably already pissed off at the fact she raised her wand against them.

Sapphire looked at him with her tear filled eyes. "No, just please don't do anything." she said. She'd subconsciously taken his hand in hers and she held it close to her chest, looking at him with her sad and pained eyes. "Please, just leave it alone. Please. I don't want them to do anything to harm me anymore." she pleaded. "And ... and I'm sure that if you do anything, they'll go after you too." she said. This wasn't a lie, they'd probably go after him and do something to him, but they'd come back and hurt her even more for having him try to rat them out. "Please." she said once more, her grip on his hand tightening and bringing it closer to her chest, probably enough for him to feel her heart beating quickly in her chest.
Malmuira "Moira" Crawford
Ravenclaw Graduate
Ravenclaw Graduate

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Two Ends of a Magnet - Page 2 Empty Re: Two Ends of a Magnet

Post by Talon Marlowe Sun Jul 15, 2012 1:02 am

Talon was conflicted. He knew Sapphire was dire in her situation, but it seemed like if he tried to intervene, it would get them nowhere. He knew they weren't going to stop unless they had a taste of their own medicine, but it had to be more severe than what they were pushing onto her. He would begin to think about that later, but for now, he needed to be sure that Sapphire would be alright and that she would stop crying. Talon nodded his head though, somewhat in defeat, and said "Alright, we won't try anything." He could definitely feel that she was serious about this, and he could tell by the fact that he was beginning to lose his circulation in his hand. "I don't really care if they come after me," he lied "they won't do much." Yet after this spectacle, he wasn't sure that they wouldn't come after him. He was helping their victim, and if anything, they'd view him as a target as well.

Talon noticed she hadn't eaten the chocolate frog yet and pointed out that "If you eat chocolate, it'll make you feel better." Besides that, he was out of ideas. I guess the best he could do is just be there for her, and help her get out of the situation. He never actually had to deal with a situation like this one before, so he was bewildered as what to do to help. The best he could think of was off some of those movies he saw back in America, where the main character asks the supporting character if they needed anything, before they went off to kill the giant monster with a rocket launcher or something. "Is there anything you need?" he asked, hoping this next part didn't involve him killing any monsters or running off into some ancient ruins of the Mayans or something.
Talon Marlowe
Talon Marlowe
Sixth Year Gryffindor
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Two Ends of a Magnet - Page 2 Empty Re: Two Ends of a Magnet

Post by Malmuira "Moira" Crawford Sun Jul 15, 2012 1:42 am

Sapphire looked at the chocolate frog that had fallen onto her lap when she'd grabbed Talon's hand. She had completely forgotten about it even being there. Her grip on his hand loosened a bit and she reached for the frog, but kept hold of his hand with one of her hands. She examined the frog and sighed, before she reached it out to give it to him. "I don't really want it. You can have it." she said. She wasn't in the mood to eat anything anymore. She usually wasn't after crying, it usually made her appetite go away and that kind of worried her parents. They knew Sapphire cried a lot, she was a sentimental girl, so they were worried that she wasn't eating enough.

The girl tucked a strand of loose hair behind her ear and looked at Talon, her eyes still teary and wide. She wiped away some of the remaining tears and sighed again. "No, I don't need anything." she shook her head and smiled at him. What she really needed was a friend who'd be there for her. Who'd let her just cry and support her, but she'd pretty much lost hope in that ever really happening, even though it was happening right now. Those three Slytherins just made her lose hope in a lot of things, one of those being love. They ruined it for her ... and she wasn't going to let that go so easily, even though she had made it seem like nothing was wrong after that.
Malmuira "Moira" Crawford
Ravenclaw Graduate
Ravenclaw Graduate

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Two Ends of a Magnet - Page 2 Empty Re: Two Ends of a Magnet

Post by Talon Marlowe Sun Jul 15, 2012 2:46 am

Talon nodded and gently grabbed the chocolate frog, pocketing it for later. "I'll give it to you later if you still want it," he said a warm smile on his face. He still couldn't fathom why anyone would want to harm her, she was harmless. She seemed pretty shaken up to, and Talon wasn't one to stand by and watch these kind of things happen to good people. He secretly made a decision to try and stop those guys later on, but without her knowledge. Maybe the ends would justify the means and everything would work out in the end. But he had no place to start and would need to think of someone he could talk to. "I'm sure they'll get what's coming to them," he said, sounding completely harmless.

Talon, against what he usually did as a person, leaned over and gave Sapphire a gentle hug. "Hey," he said softly "it'll be alright." Yet he wondered if his words would ring true or not, this seemed to be a pretty hostile situation. "Hey, why don't we go outside, get some fresh air or something?" He wondered if that would help or not, but maybe getting outside and away from the scene of the crime would be helpful. Or maybe it would just make things worse, yet he was willing to take that risk. Talon released his hug and stood up, smiling as he did so. In the peripheral of his vision however, he noticed his book underneath the bench. Where the hell did that come from, he had already checked underneath there. "One second," he said, reaching under and grabbing the rather large textbook. He noticed some blood was on the spine of the book, and a little smeared over the front cover. Damn he thought to himself I don't know if tergeo will do the trick on this one.
Talon Marlowe
Talon Marlowe
Sixth Year Gryffindor
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Two Ends of a Magnet - Page 2 Empty Re: Two Ends of a Magnet

Post by Malmuira "Moira" Crawford Sun Jul 15, 2012 4:11 am

Sapphire felt fresh tears spring to her eyes when he hugged her. Even though it was comforting, she only felt like crying when someone touched her. She held the tears back though and smiled gently at Talon. She'd enough of crying for one day, even though she knew it would probably just happen again the next day. She had to find a way to get them to leave her alone, but she didn't know how. They would just end up hurting her one way or another. She wondered if their purpose in bullying her was to end up killing her or something. Her eyes widened at this realization and she made a high pitched squeaking sound.

She barely heard the rest of what Talon said, as her mind began to go crazy with thoughts that they might be trying to kill her, for real and not in just a bullying way. The tears she tried to hold back starting rolling down her cheeks again and she looked at him with sad and widened eyes. She began to shake and make gasping sounds as she cried. Without even thinking about it, Sapphire basically threw herself into Talon and she buried her head in his chest, her crying growing louder but being muffled by his shirt. 'They -they ..." she couldn't finish her sentence from the crying. "They're trying to ... to kill me!" she exclaimed into his chest, her voice muffled by his shirt. "I know they are. That has to be why they always bully me." she cried into his chest, as she started shaking more than before.

[OOC: I just felt like giving Sapphire a little more drama, and making her act more dramatic than just happy and bubbly. I want her to start feeling new emotions and fear is the first one. Is that okay with you?]
Malmuira "Moira" Crawford
Ravenclaw Graduate
Ravenclaw Graduate

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Two Ends of a Magnet - Page 2 Empty Re: Two Ends of a Magnet

Post by Talon Marlowe Sun Jul 15, 2012 4:38 am

Even though Talon was smiling warmly, in an effort to try and cheer her up, she just kept looking more and more sad by the second. He got a little closer to her, in an effort to try and cheer her up, and in a kind tone asked "Are you o-" and he nearly jumped backwards when she threw herself into him. He put his arms around her and had plastered a confused face upon him. When she began to explain things, everything began to fit into place inside of Talon's mind. They were trying to kill her? He hoped that hadn't been the true case, but if anything it meant they could actually get some real help now. Yet determining how reluctant to the idea of talking to the teachers, he wouldn't assume talking to an auror or something would be better. "They're...trying to kill you?" he asked "that seems a little extreme, doesn't it?" he wrapped his arms around her though, to avoid looking like he wasn't wanting to help

"If you think they are trying to kill you, then we need to go to the ministry!" he said "talk to the Magical Law Enforcement Patrol or something! Anything really." Hopefully she would begin to lighten up to the idea. If they took too long, then thing would get even worse and before you knew it, she would be dead. "If anything, there's gotta be something we can do."

[OoC: I like where this is going, so it's okay Smile]
Talon Marlowe
Talon Marlowe
Sixth Year Gryffindor
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Two Ends of a Magnet - Page 2 Empty Re: Two Ends of a Magnet

Post by Malmuira "Moira" Crawford Sun Jul 15, 2012 9:32 pm

"But -" she looked up at him, clutching his shirt in her hands. "They'll just deny everything. And I'll get in trouble for making false accusations." she looked down again. "I don't know what to do ..." she whispered. "I don't want to get in trouble and I don't want to get hurt again." she said. "If I say anything to anyone in the Ministry, I'll end up getting in trouble and hurt. I'll never win against them. Their parents have more influence in the Ministry than mine do." she said softly. She knew she had to be more assertive and she had to defend herself in some way, but everytime she did something to them, they just came back and did something even worse to her.

"I just want them to go away." she told him. "I want them to disappear and to leave me alone." she added in a soft but dangerous voice. Everything they'd done to her was starting to change who she was and it wasn't a change for the better. She seemed innocent and happy on the outside but on the inside she was a ticking timebomb. And when time ran out, who knows how she'll react to everything that's been done to her. Right now though, she just seemed like a normal innocent girl who was just scared of everyone and everything around her. Sapphire looked up at Talon again through her bangs with tear filled eyes and she felt more tears roll down her cheeks.
Malmuira "Moira" Crawford
Ravenclaw Graduate
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Two Ends of a Magnet - Page 2 Empty Re: Two Ends of a Magnet

Post by Talon Marlowe Mon Jul 16, 2012 1:48 am

While Talon didn't like to admit it, Sapphire was right when it came towards contacting the ministry. He hadn't known the three boys personally, so he couldn't say he knew as to what they were dealing with here. She seemed to know on a firsthand experience, causing Talon to question whether or not this was a murder attempt. He knew there was a way around this, or a even possibility of cutting the head off this hydra without causing three more to expand out in its place. "But we're on Hogwarts ground," he said, almost trying to make a compromise with her "if we do things right, they'll never even know it'd be you, or anyone else" That sounded good in theory, but they would still need to form a basis for a plan, something Talon himself was quite good at, yet in execution, was downright terrible. More importantly, what the hell would they do?

"We'll get them to stop," he said, another smile etched across his face "there's always a way out of something, a plan B if you will." Yet besides those kind words, he was literally running out of ideas. He only had two approaches towards a challenge. You had the plan A, which was the deal with head on and hope you didn't end up getting hurt, and then there was Plan B, which was to basically walk around instead of going down the middle. You aren't dealing with the problem, but at least it buys you some time...and sanity. Yet it seemed Sapphire was too scared for Plan A, and she couldn't think of a Plan B. And quite frankly, Talon couldn't think of anything to, but he wouldn't admit that.
Talon Marlowe
Talon Marlowe
Sixth Year Gryffindor
Sixth Year Gryffindor

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Two Ends of a Magnet - Page 2 Empty Re: Two Ends of a Magnet

Post by Malmuira "Moira" Crawford Mon Jul 16, 2012 2:16 am

"I don't know." she said softly. "I ... I just don't want to get hurt again." she told him, her grip on his shirt tightening. She didn't want to be hurt by those Slytherins again, she wanted to be free from their grasp. She just wanted to get away from them and anyone else who would try to hurt her because of them. Sapphire didn't know what to do. If she accused them of doing anything to her, it would backfire and she would get in trouble, she knew that. So she didn't even want to try it. But if she couldn't do that, what else was she supposed to do? Just keep on pretending like nothing was going on when those three were always hurting her for no apparent reason? She couldn't keep going like that, if she did, there would be some time when she just exploded and took her anger out on them.

She might even end up doing something that would ruin her life forever. Like using an Unforgivable Curse and being sent to Azkaban. The though of that jail made her shudder and she buried her head in his chest again. "I don't want to end up there." she said into his chest, referring to being sent to Azkaban as if she was assuming that he knew what she was talking about. "I don't want to go there." she said again, in a soft and fragile voice, keeping her face buried in his chest, her tears falling onto her hands and probably his shirt.
Malmuira "Moira" Crawford
Ravenclaw Graduate
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