okay! maybe it's a date.... - Page 4
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okay! maybe it's a date.... - Page 4 Li9olo10

What’s Happening?
Since every few months or so a few of our old members get the inspiration to revisit their old stomping grounds we have decided to keep PA open as a place to revisit old threads and start new ones devoid of any serious overarching plot or setting. Take this time to start any of those really weird threads you never got to make with old friends and make them now! Just remember to come say hello in the chatbox below or in the discord. Links have been provided in the "Comings and Goings" forum as well as the welcome widget above.

okay! maybe it's a date....

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okay! maybe it's a date.... - Page 4 Empty Re: okay! maybe it's a date....

Post by Maddie Kane Mon Apr 03, 2023 12:53 pm

As Mason suggests they go somewhere else, Maddie's heart begins to race with nervous excitement. Her palms grow clammy as she imagines being alone with him in a more intimate setting. She feels a mix of apprehension and anticipation, wondering what might happen between them if they were to go somewhere more private. Despite her nerves, there is an undeniable thrill at the thought of being alone with Mason, and Maddie can't help but feel a flutter in her stomach as she contemplates the possibilities. “I don’t know if that is the best idea either,” She answered, biting her lip, “sounds like more trouble.”
Maddie Kane
Maddie Kane
Sixth Year Hufflepuff
Sixth Year Hufflepuff

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okay! maybe it's a date.... - Page 4 Empty Re: okay! maybe it's a date....

Post by Mason Cuffe Mon Apr 03, 2023 1:15 pm

Mason knew it would be very risky when they would end up going somewhere more private together. Then he probably can't keep his hands to himself. He was aware of that yes. He smiled and wondered what they should do here now. "Or we can just stay here and finish some of this homework too," he said with a smile. "Well yeah it would be probably yes. would end up being troubeling" the boy said and just looked at Mads for now. still holding his hands on her hip.
Mason Cuffe
Mason Cuffe
Sixth Year Slytherin
Sixth Year Slytherin

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okay! maybe it's a date.... - Page 4 Empty Re: okay! maybe it's a date....

Post by Maddie Kane Mon Apr 03, 2023 1:54 pm

Maddie let out a soft sigh, realizing that it wouldn't be wise to let Mason get into any more trouble. "I guess we should just finish our work," she said, reluctantly moving away from him as his hand fell away from her. Making her way back to her seat across from him, she pulled out her Care of Magical Creatures book. "Should we work on our paper about Hippogriffs?" she asked, trying to steer the conversation back to their studies.
Maddie Kane
Maddie Kane
Sixth Year Hufflepuff
Sixth Year Hufflepuff

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okay! maybe it's a date.... - Page 4 Empty Re: okay! maybe it's a date....

Post by Mason Cuffe Mon Apr 03, 2023 2:34 pm

Mason was bit sad when Mads went back to her seat now. The boy missed the feeling having her so close now but he just nodded his head. "Yeah we can work on Hippogriffs," he said there now. He knew they had to get through all of this homework. Its better focus on that. Even if Mason was bit disaapointed but he didnt began force Maddie here. They will do things their own time together.
Mason Cuffe
Mason Cuffe
Sixth Year Slytherin
Sixth Year Slytherin

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okay! maybe it's a date.... - Page 4 Empty Re: okay! maybe it's a date....

Post by Maddie Kane Mon Apr 03, 2023 4:49 pm

Maddie felt a twinge of disappointment as she glanced over at Mason, but she knew that separating themselves was necessary if they were to complete their work. With a sigh, she turned her attention back to the task at hand.
"This one will be easier," Maddie reassured him, "you know what a hippogriff is." She smiled, remembering the awe and wonder she had felt the first time she had encountered the mythical creature. "Just be sure to mention that they value respect and how to approach one appropriately."
Maddison didn't need the book for this lesson. Instead, she pulled out a fresh piece of parchment and let her imagination take over. As she wrote, her hand moved with a fluid grace, as if the words were flowing straight from her mind onto the page. Her unoccupied hand laying on the table to the side of her paper palm up.
Maddie Kane
Maddie Kane
Sixth Year Hufflepuff
Sixth Year Hufflepuff

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okay! maybe it's a date.... - Page 4 Empty Re: okay! maybe it's a date....

Post by Mason Cuffe Mon Apr 03, 2023 5:31 pm

Mason nodded at Maddie, even yeah he needed to open his book about Hippogriff, he might not really have paid that much attention in those classes. So he needed to remember it at all again before he wrote things down. He noticed Maddie's hand which made him smile. Awhile the boy read the page he placed his hand on hers. Once he did know what to write, he took himself a new paper and began to slowly write it.
Mason Cuffe
Mason Cuffe
Sixth Year Slytherin
Sixth Year Slytherin

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okay! maybe it's a date.... - Page 4 Empty Re: okay! maybe it's a date....

Post by Maddie Kane Mon Apr 03, 2023 6:26 pm

A gentle smile graced Maddison's face as Mason's hand found hers, anchoring her in the present moment. She felt a sense of contentment wash over her, knowing that they were here, together, and that nothing could disturb their peaceful moment.

As she finished her own paper, Maddie glanced over at Mason, watching him as he worked diligently on his own assignment. Two papers in one sitting was no small feat, and she couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in their joint accomplishment.

But as the minutes ticked by, Maddie's stomach began to grumble softly. She glanced at the clock, realizing that it must be close to lunchtime. With a smile, she waited for Mason to finish his work before speaking up.

"Are you getting hungry?" she asked, her tone light and playful. "I don't know about you, but I could definitely use a break and some food right about now." She looked over at him, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "What do you say we take a break and grab some lunch?"

Maddie hoped that Mason would agree. She was looking forward to spending some quality time with him, and what better way to do that than over a delicious meal?
Maddie Kane
Maddie Kane
Sixth Year Hufflepuff
Sixth Year Hufflepuff

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okay! maybe it's a date.... - Page 4 Empty Re: okay! maybe it's a date....

Post by Mason Cuffe Mon Apr 03, 2023 7:24 pm

Mason kept writing his paper there slowly. He wanted to make sure that he wrote things right. He was so focusing on his own work that he hadn't noticed that Mddie had finished his until the girl spoke there about eating something. He just at that moment did finish his paper. He had put a quill down before it but he wanted to make sure he had written everything that was important.

He looked up from the paper. "Oh yes lunch sounds like a good idea," the boy said with a smile on her face. He is willing to always spend time with Mads. The girl who means so mcuh to her. He was too blind to see it earlier. "How about we go get some lunch and then later come back here to finish ourt assigments," he said with a smile He hadn't yet still let go of Maddie's and.
Mason Cuffe
Mason Cuffe
Sixth Year Slytherin
Sixth Year Slytherin

Number of posts : 398
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okay! maybe it's a date.... - Page 4 Empty Re: okay! maybe it's a date....

Post by Maddie Kane Mon Apr 03, 2023 9:03 pm

Mads breathed a sigh of relief when Mason agreed to taking a break from their studying. "Perhaps we could explore other enjoyable options?" she proposed. Although Maddie cherished the time spent with Mason, the idea of being cooped up in the library for any longer was disheartening. "Alternatively, we could head to the lake to complete your homework," she suggested, keen to escape the cramped and bustling environment. Despite the area's relative isolation, Maddison longed for more open space to stretch out and relax.
Maddie Kane
Maddie Kane
Sixth Year Hufflepuff
Sixth Year Hufflepuff

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okay! maybe it's a date.... - Page 4 Empty Re: okay! maybe it's a date....

Post by Mason Cuffe Mon Apr 03, 2023 9:10 pm

Mason smiled. "Like what?" He was curious what pretty girlfriend of his had in her mind now. "Oh yeah we can go to near lake to do homework too," he agreed with it too. Some fresh air will be good for them. Also it could help them be more comfortable than these chairs here in the library. "I'm up for it yes," he said.
Mason Cuffe
Mason Cuffe
Sixth Year Slytherin
Sixth Year Slytherin

Number of posts : 398
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