okay! maybe it's a date.... - Page 2
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What’s Happening?
Since every few months or so a few of our old members get the inspiration to revisit their old stomping grounds we have decided to keep PA open as a place to revisit old threads and start new ones devoid of any serious overarching plot or setting. Take this time to start any of those really weird threads you never got to make with old friends and make them now! Just remember to come say hello in the chatbox below or in the discord. Links have been provided in the "Comings and Goings" forum as well as the welcome widget above.

okay! maybe it's a date....

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okay! maybe it's a date.... - Page 2 Empty Re: okay! maybe it's a date....

Post by Maddie Kane Sun Apr 02, 2023 4:10 pm

Maddie felt her cheeks flush even deeper as she withdrew her thumb from her mouth and placed her hand in her lap. "Sorry," she apologized softly before listening intently to Mason's suggestion on how the Bubble-Head Charm could be used.

"Good idea," she nodded in agreement. "If muggles had access to magic, this charm could be a life-saver in water-related emergencies." Maddie pondered the question for a moment, then added, "What about a magizoologist studying merpeople? They could use it to observe and study the merpeople's habitat."

Maddie's eyes brightened as she continued, "And let's not forget that this charm was also used in the lake task at the Triwizard Tournament. So it definitely has practical applications in the wizarding world too." She looked up at Mason, her smile widening.
Maddie Kane
Maddie Kane
Sixth Year Hufflepuff
Sixth Year Hufflepuff

Number of posts : 3155

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okay! maybe it's a date.... - Page 2 Empty Re: okay! maybe it's a date....

Post by Mason Cuffe Sun Apr 02, 2023 4:14 pm

Mason smiled at the girl. "Adorable," the boy ended up mumbling. Maddie really was that more and more. He really wonders how he didn't see it before.

"Yeah, even yeah they don't have access do it," he agreed with it. He listened to Maddie's suggestions and nodded his head on those now. "Oh yes, it can be used yes for magizoologist job yes. Oh yes it was used there yes. It's very know fact for sure yes," he agreed with his girlfriend now.

"I feel like we need to find more stuff," he added with a sigh. Seemed like this paper wasn't so easy to be written.
Mason Cuffe
Mason Cuffe
Sixth Year Slytherin
Sixth Year Slytherin

Number of posts : 398
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okay! maybe it's a date.... - Page 2 Empty Re: okay! maybe it's a date....

Post by Maddie Kane Sun Apr 02, 2023 4:37 pm

Maddison looked down at her book trying to steady her breathing as she read for more reasons to use the spell nodding in agreement with Masons statement. “It looks like its also been used as a mask of sort to keep foul smells out” she noted as she scanned the book. She could feel Masons gaze on her as she read and it made it very hard to concentrate.
Maddie Kane
Maddie Kane
Sixth Year Hufflepuff
Sixth Year Hufflepuff

Number of posts : 3155

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okay! maybe it's a date.... - Page 2 Empty Re: okay! maybe it's a date....

Post by Mason Cuffe Sun Apr 02, 2023 4:46 pm

Mason gaze stayed mostly on the Maddie. To be honest he was so lucky to have her in his life, after everything. He hoped things will stay so peaceful between them. "Oh really? That sounds useful thing too," he said and looked at the page finally too. Tried to understand the subject a bit.
Mason Cuffe
Mason Cuffe
Sixth Year Slytherin
Sixth Year Slytherin

Number of posts : 398
Occupation : Student

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okay! maybe it's a date.... - Page 2 Empty Re: okay! maybe it's a date....

Post by Maddie Kane Sun Apr 02, 2023 5:28 pm

Admitting her feelings towards Mason had been difficult, but staying on topic with him now was proving to be equally challenging. There was so much left unsaid between them that it made conversation awkward.

"I can't tell you what to write," Maddie said cautiously, not wanting to get Mason in trouble again. "But maybe start with the first paragraph about the charm and how it works. Then each use can be a new paragraph. Finally, summarize your conclusion of the paper. Once you're done, I can help you edit it," she offered, hoping he understood her instructions.
Maddie looked up at Mason, trying to gauge his understanding of the task.
Maddie Kane
Maddie Kane
Sixth Year Hufflepuff
Sixth Year Hufflepuff

Number of posts : 3155

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okay! maybe it's a date.... - Page 2 Empty Re: okay! maybe it's a date....

Post by Mason Cuffe Sun Apr 02, 2023 5:33 pm

Mason looked at Maddie listening to what the girl said and nodded his head. He did understand that he had to write it on his own for once. There was no other way now. He took a deep breath.

The boy took himself the parchment, then quill and slowly began to place the words down. To be honest it somehow worked for once. The boy was actually doing his own paper. Even if his mind kept wandering to other places but he tried so hard to focus on the task. He hoped it would make some sense here in the end.
Mason Cuffe
Mason Cuffe
Sixth Year Slytherin
Sixth Year Slytherin

Number of posts : 398
Occupation : Student

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okay! maybe it's a date.... - Page 2 Empty Re: okay! maybe it's a date....

Post by Maddie Kane Sun Apr 02, 2023 5:51 pm

Maddie pushed her book aside, allowing Mason to use the space to work on his paper. As she began to write out her own thoughts, her thumb found its way to her mouth in a familiar gesture. It was a habit she had developed over the years whenever she was in deep thought, and she found herself doing it now as she wrote about the bubble-headed charm and its various uses.

As she worked, she stole glances up at Mason every so often. Seeing him there, focused on his work, caught her off guard each time, and she couldn't help but feel a sense of disbelief wash over her. This was real, and he was really here with her. The thought made her heart skip a beat, and she quickly looked back down at her parchment to hide the flush that was spreading across her cheeks.
Maddie Kane
Maddie Kane
Sixth Year Hufflepuff
Sixth Year Hufflepuff

Number of posts : 3155

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okay! maybe it's a date.... - Page 2 Empty Re: okay! maybe it's a date....

Post by Mason Cuffe Sun Apr 02, 2023 6:35 pm

Mason kept focusing on his own work, he knew if he looked up from the paper he will lose all the focus. It was very hard to do it. At the end when he was half done he looked finally at Maddie, to see how far she was. But then she noticed her chewing her thumb again. The boy sighed.

He didn't say anything this time. Some habits he knows are hard to die. The boy tried to get back to his work but it was harder by every minute. "Mads?" He ended up asking and took hold of her hand which was near her mouth. "Stop that, please," he said simply. He just placed their both hands now on the table. Awhile he tried to get focus on writing with her other hand.
Mason Cuffe
Mason Cuffe
Sixth Year Slytherin
Sixth Year Slytherin

Number of posts : 398
Occupation : Student

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okay! maybe it's a date.... - Page 2 Empty Re: okay! maybe it's a date....

Post by Maddie Kane Sun Apr 02, 2023 7:00 pm

Maddie was fully engrossed in writing her paper, lost in her thoughts until Mason interrupted her train of thought with his gentle touch. The sound of his voice and the way he said her nickname sent shivers down her spine, making her heart flutter with excitement. As he reached out to hold her hand, she felt a sense of comfort and security that allowed her to focus even more on her work.

Despite the distracting feelings she had for Mason, Maddie managed to finish her paper quickly and efficiently. With his hand on hers, she felt grounded and centered, enabling her to concentrate on her studies without any hindrances. When she was done, she sat back and observed Mason as he worked on his own paper.

As she watched him, Maddie couldn't help but study his face. She admired the way his brows furrowed in thought, and the serious look in his eyes as he concentrated on his writing.
Maddie Kane
Maddie Kane
Sixth Year Hufflepuff
Sixth Year Hufflepuff

Number of posts : 3155

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okay! maybe it's a date.... - Page 2 Empty Re: okay! maybe it's a date....

Post by Mason Cuffe Sun Apr 02, 2023 8:11 pm

Now when he was holding Maddies hand the boy was calm and could focus on his work. He kept writing one word after another. To be honest he hadn't been so focused on the any other paper before this. He just wanted to do well. He soon finsihed with his too.

He looked up from his paper. "You can read it and suggest edits. Maybe might end up finding even some errors," he said and pushed his paper towards Maddie to read it. He hoped it was okay. The boy had never wrote something like this before in his life. He still did hold into Maddie's hand. He didn't want to let it go.
Mason Cuffe
Mason Cuffe
Sixth Year Slytherin
Sixth Year Slytherin

Number of posts : 398
Occupation : Student

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