okay! maybe it's a date....
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okay! maybe it's a date.... Li9olo10

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okay! maybe it's a date....

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okay! maybe it's a date.... Empty okay! maybe it's a date....

Post by Maddie Kane Sun Apr 02, 2023 12:37 pm

The Hogwarts library is a grand and impressive room, located on the fourth floor of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The library is known for its vast collection of books on magical subjects, containing thousands of volumes on subjects ranging from Potions to Herbology, from Dark Arts to History of Magic.

Upon entering the library, Maddie was greeted by towering bookshelves that line the walls from floor to ceiling. The shelves are filled with books of all shapes and sizes, many of them ancient and bound in leather, giving the library a sense of timeless wisdom and knowledge.

The library is well-lit with enchanted candles, which provide a warm and inviting atmosphere. The windows are adorned with velvet curtains that filter the light, casting a soft glow on the desks and reading nooks.

The desks are made of sturdy oak and are equipped with quills, inkwells, and parchment for note-taking. There are also comfortable armchairs and sofas scattered throughout the library, perfect for taking a break from studying and enjoying a good book.

Maddison made her way toward the back of the library where the shelves created a small study nook with a table placed in the middle. This would be a good place for them to work on their lessons. She hoped that being in the back of the room would provide less distractions and interruptions than if they were more out in the open. So she sat at the table and took out her Potions book. Might as well start as she waits for Mase to show up.

Today she wore her favorite pair of skinny jeans and a white blouse. She had pulled her bangs back off her face but left the rest of the hair loose to hang down around her shoulders. She tried to dress nicely as this would be the first time she and Mason had willingly been alone together. She tapped her toe nervously while she waited for him to arrive and began to doodle on a piece of parchment she had found on the table with a quill.
Maddie Kane
Maddie Kane
Sixth Year Hufflepuff
Sixth Year Hufflepuff

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okay! maybe it's a date.... Empty Re: okay! maybe it's a date....

Post by Mason Cuffe Sun Apr 02, 2023 1:09 pm

Mason had agreed to go on this study session with Mads and the boy was actually nervous about it to be honest. As this ended up being date in the end, if Maddie tried to deny it at first when they did set it up.

He tried his best to ignore Alex ever since that day. He didn't need the boy to get on nerves even more. Somehow he managed to avoid him and made to library without raning to Alex. He looked around the library. It had been actually awhil he had been here. Last time he was here was few years ago when he cause some trouble here, might have tried to get into Restricted section but got caught.

He saw librarian eyeing him, he sent towards her a small smile. "Not here to cause trouble," he ended up saying to her. He meant it for once. Libriain didn't stop him for now. So Mason continued on his tracks to find Mads. He soon found her from back of the library, away from all the peering eyes.

"Hey, Mads," he said and ended up kissing the girls cheek there. He sat across from her for now. He took out his own books too. Yes the boy actually had them, even if he never bought them to classes, he was just too lazy for it. "Where we start?" he asked.
Mason Cuffe
Mason Cuffe
Sixth Year Slytherin
Sixth Year Slytherin

Number of posts : 398
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okay! maybe it's a date.... Empty Re: okay! maybe it's a date....

Post by Maddie Kane Sun Apr 02, 2023 1:18 pm

Maddie's face lit up with a smile as Mason greeted her with a kiss on the cheek. With so much to catch up on before Monday, she wasn't quite sure where to start. "I've been struggling with Potions the most," she confessed, her cheeks turning a faint shade of pink. "I don't want to leave class with green hair again."

Realizing that she had left her potions book in an empty classroom on the third floor, Maddie let out a frustrated sigh. "I guess we should probably start with something else. Maybe Charms?" she suggested, her voice tinged with uncertainty. She had a paper due on the Bubble-Head Charm by the end of the week, and she knew that she couldn't afford to fall behind in her studies.
Maddie Kane
Maddie Kane
Sixth Year Hufflepuff
Sixth Year Hufflepuff

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okay! maybe it's a date.... Empty Re: okay! maybe it's a date....

Post by Mason Cuffe Sun Apr 02, 2023 1:33 pm

Mason remembers that incident yes. It was quite funny where he was standing that day. He had not even done any work like that in class. Was just sitting there and pretending like he was trying to still figure out what he needed. "Oh yeah, I do remember that. I'm not good with potions either," he had to admit. Then again the boy never even tried much with them. He usually ende up putting wrong things on purpose. He has made his fair share of explosions in there.

"U never retrived your book from that classroom?" he asked when Mads changed that they should start with charms instead. "This might like silly question but what we have to do in that class?" he asked. To be honest he hadn't paid any attention to the latest Charms class.
Mason Cuffe
Mason Cuffe
Sixth Year Slytherin
Sixth Year Slytherin

Number of posts : 398
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okay! maybe it's a date.... Empty Re: okay! maybe it's a date....

Post by Maddie Kane Sun Apr 02, 2023 1:58 pm

Maddie flashed a sheepish smile at Mason. "I'm sorry," she said, "I got caught up thinking about other things." Her cheeks tinged with a faint blush as she bit her lip nervously. "I had a lot to think about."

A quick glance at the parchment in front of her revealed a flurry of doodles - little hearts, flowers, and other symbols of love. It was clear to anyone who looked that Maddie's mind had been preoccupied with matters of the heart. "We have a paper on the bubbleheaded charm." she reminded him pulling out her charms book from the stack next to her.
Maddie Kane
Maddie Kane
Sixth Year Hufflepuff
Sixth Year Hufflepuff

Number of posts : 3155

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okay! maybe it's a date.... Empty Re: okay! maybe it's a date....

Post by Mason Cuffe Sun Apr 02, 2023 2:15 pm

Mason smiled at the girl. "It's okay. We can go and get it later," he said to the girl with a smile. His girl. It was still so weird to call her his. They have been together only a few hours. So far not many knew about it yet. He knew people will catch up soon enough.

Mason looked at the parchment in front of Maddie and chuckled at that. "Nice doogles," he ended up saying. He really meant it. "Oh, right, we should do it yes. Even if it has been forever I have actually written actual paper all by myself. Might have just edit someone else work to look it's not copied off from someone," he had to admit. He hasn't done much of his homework, but somehow he still has passed his years.
Mason Cuffe
Mason Cuffe
Sixth Year Slytherin
Sixth Year Slytherin

Number of posts : 398
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okay! maybe it's a date.... Empty Re: okay! maybe it's a date....

Post by Maddie Kane Sun Apr 02, 2023 2:44 pm

Maddisons cheeks turned even more pink when Mason mentioned the paper in front of her. Folding it up she tucked it into the inside cover of her charms book and turned to the page they would need for the paper. With a fresh page of parchment in front of her she looked up at mason again with a smile. “I can help you.” she said
Maddie Kane
Maddie Kane
Sixth Year Hufflepuff
Sixth Year Hufflepuff

Number of posts : 3155

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okay! maybe it's a date.... Empty Re: okay! maybe it's a date....

Post by Mason Cuffe Sun Apr 02, 2023 3:20 pm

Mason just smiled at Maddie's behviour. It was adorable. He never realized she had so much effect on her until now. All that bickering was just to cover up their real feelings. "That would be nice yes," he said and finally found his book too and looked at the cover where yes was written M. Cuffe, instead of Mason Cuffee. "Oh right my sister was right about something," he said and pointed at the cover of the book, where the name was supposed to be written. The boy opened his book from the same page as Mads had done.
Mason Cuffe
Mason Cuffe
Sixth Year Slytherin
Sixth Year Slytherin

Number of posts : 398
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okay! maybe it's a date.... Empty Re: okay! maybe it's a date....

Post by Maddie Kane Sun Apr 02, 2023 3:39 pm

Maddie made herself comfortable in the seat beside her, pulling her feet up and propping her elbow on the table next to her book. As she read the page aloud, her thumb found its way into her mouth and she began to chew absentmindedly.

"The Bubble-Head Charm is used to enable a person to breathe underwater," Maddie recited, her voice clear and confident. "When the charm is cast, an enormous bubble forms around the person's head, causing their features to look distorted and stretched."

Turning to Mason, she suggested, "Perhaps we should start by brainstorming the ways in which adults could use this charm in their professional lives? It might help us to focus our ideas for the paper." Maddie glanced up at him coyly through her long lashes, waiting for his response.
Maddie Kane
Maddie Kane
Sixth Year Hufflepuff
Sixth Year Hufflepuff

Number of posts : 3155

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okay! maybe it's a date.... Empty Re: okay! maybe it's a date....

Post by Mason Cuffe Sun Apr 02, 2023 3:53 pm

Mason kept looking at Mads for awhile the girl read the page out loud to them both there. The boys mind was distracted by something else there now. That thumb. The boy didn't really care much about what Maddie read.

When Maddie turned from the page to her and asked for his opinion then the boy wasn't sure what to say right away. "Oh right yes sounds like good idea yes," he said awhile looking at the page next to him, just so he knew what they talked about here now. "Firstly please stop chewing your thumb, please," the boy ended up saying. He really couldn't take it anymore.

"Any ideas at all why they might use it?" he asked from Maddie. "Those who work with those big aquarium things could use it, those were fishes live," he heard about those stuff from this one muggleborn once but he has never seen them himself.
Mason Cuffe
Mason Cuffe
Sixth Year Slytherin
Sixth Year Slytherin

Number of posts : 398
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