Andrew's Apartment - Page 7
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Andrew's Apartment - Page 7 Li9olo10

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Since every few months or so a few of our old members get the inspiration to revisit their old stomping grounds we have decided to keep PA open as a place to revisit old threads and start new ones devoid of any serious overarching plot or setting. Take this time to start any of those really weird threads you never got to make with old friends and make them now! Just remember to come say hello in the chatbox below or in the discord. Links have been provided in the "Comings and Goings" forum as well as the welcome widget above.

Andrew's Apartment

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Andrew's Apartment - Page 7 Empty Re: Andrew's Apartment

Post by Andrew Thompson Sun Aug 01, 2010 4:57 am

Andrew laughed soon afterwords as Chase left the room. He hated it when he would miss the TV show endings, but it wasn't his life or anything. He would live...although it began to bother him as he had a few ideas who the murderer would be. He stood up from the couch, feeling fully awake now. He swung his arms back and forth for a second, to help the blood flow back into them, and looked around for Chase. He didn't see her.

When Chase emerged, he had a smile on his face and his eyes matched. He walked over to her and gave her a quick hug. "It's nothing," he said smiling "I just missed the ending of the episode when I answered the door. It's no sweat though, I'll see it some other time." He then walked over to the kitchen and whistled a small tune while searching for something to drink. He opened up the refrigerator and tried to search for anything Coca-Cola. Nothing.
Andrew Thompson
Andrew Thompson
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

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Andrew's Apartment - Page 7 Empty Re: Andrew's Apartment

Post by Chastity Moor Sun Aug 01, 2010 5:01 am

Chase laughed when he said something about his t.v. show. "Well here!" She said whipping out her phone. The kind that had internet on it. "Which episode was it?" She asked as she followed him into the kitchen. "Oh.. do you need me to get some groceries? I can do the laundry too!" She said grinning at him. "Just give me a list and I can get some stuff for you!" she said grinning at him happily, her cell phone forgotten in her hands, held out to him with a list of episodes of the t.v. show he had been watching. She had only known what t.v. show it was because it had said it just as she had come into the room again. She giggled and turned her head to the side slightly, smiling up at him.

"I like doing stuff like that Andrew!" She said laughing as Calla came in nervously, pulling on her tea towel. "Oh Calla!" she said giggling and swept down to hug the house elf. "Thanks for the jog, it was fun!" she said giggling. Calla had taken off her sweat band, and seemed to have taken a bath too, because the soft fuzzy hair coming out of her ears was pure white and fluffy. She grinned at the house elf. "I hope it's okay that she took a shower, I just use the bathroom with the washer and dryer in it, if that's okay with you!" She said her eyes wide, still holding onto the cell phone with both hands, not even thinking about it.
Chastity Moor
Chastity Moor

Number of posts : 2008
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Andrew's Apartment - Page 7 Empty Re: Andrew's Apartment

Post by Andrew Thompson Sun Aug 01, 2010 5:12 am

Andrew thought for a moment about the episodes name, but could not remember. He saw it about an hour ago, and had horrible short term memory. "I don't remember the episode. Oh and don't bother, I'll pick some up later." He looked around for the glass cabinent and found the door that concealed it. He opened it up, revealing many differnt glasses and grabbed the nearest one. He went over to the refrigerator and pressed the glass against the built in water dispenser.

"That's alright Calla," he said smiling at the small elf. He still felt uneasy about having her there still, but didn't mind her. He was just too concerned about neighbors, even though he kept telling himself that she wouldn't be caught. After the glass was full, he toke a long drink of water, not even noticing that he was really thirsty from having nothing as he watched his show. "So what do you want to do today?" he asked Chase. They had been going out since yesterday, so they may as well... go out.
Andrew Thompson
Andrew Thompson
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

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Andrew's Apartment - Page 7 Empty Re: Andrew's Apartment

Post by Chastity Moor Sun Aug 01, 2010 5:24 am

Chase smiled lightly and sat down on the stool by the counter. She grinned at him and shrugged. "I dunno, I love New York!" She said giggling. "I have to remind you though, that if we go somewhere to public, people might recognize me!" she said giggling happily. "And if someone sees me, well I'll get hell from my agent.. she'll want me back in the game, or going to a.." Chase shuddered at the thought. "Personal trainer for my morning jogs, unless you want me to go to one.. I guess I could just jog on a treadmill, but it's so boring! You can't eat ice cream when you're in a gym.." She said shaking her head. "My agent is so picky about everything.." she muttered and then rested her head on her hands, looking up at him.

"What about you? I can really go anywhere, it doesn't bother me!" She said giggling. "I don't mind people at all!" She giggled happily and pulled her hair out of her pony tail, letting her long red hair fall down her shoulders, it had dried outside, and was slightly wavy from being up in a ponytail still wet. "Oh! We could go see a movie! That new one is out and I soo want to see it! Can we?" She said almost jumping for joy at the thought, her face so full of happiness, it was hard to tell that it been covered in tears and in pain just last night. She looked so.. cheerful, it was like she had no dark past, no family secret, or problems with where to live. Everything was just... happy for her.
Chastity Moor
Chastity Moor

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Andrew's Apartment - Page 7 Empty Re: Andrew's Apartment

Post by Andrew Thompson Sun Aug 01, 2010 5:31 am

Andrew looked back at Chase with a small glint in his eyes due to the light overhead them. He shrugged his arms up and down and walked next to her. "Yeah the agent will probably give you hell," he said, being honest with her "but if anyone tries to do something you don't like, I'll go and talk with them. But, you'll probably be on Entertainment Weekly with the caption 'CHASE MOORS NEW BOYFRIEND' and all. And then I'm gonna get hell from my parents after my mom's friend would tell her." He didn't mind the idea of publicity, but hearing from Chase, it'd probably be something to avoid for a while.

Andrew looked at Chase and nodded slightly, showing acknowledgement. "Sure," he said casually, a bright smile on his face "what movie is it that you want to see? I'll go get us some tickets online or something." He had a computer in his room yet never really used it that much. In between Hogwarts and all of his friends, he rarely had time to even look at it.
Andrew Thompson
Andrew Thompson
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 3818
Special Abilities : Invisibility
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Andrew's Apartment - Page 7 Empty Re: Andrew's Apartment

Post by Chastity Moor Sun Aug 01, 2010 5:37 am

"Ohh.. it's that one with.." She thought for a moment, thinking hard on what the title was. "It's an animation.." She said lamely. "Nothing you'd like to see I bet.." she looked away from him again, and then looked down at her hands. "At least it's not a chick flick eh?" She said giggling slightly glancing up at him again, only to looked up at the ceiling, her neck exposed to him as her head tilted back. "OH!" she said looking at him again. She held up a finger and pointed it at him. "Toy Story 3! I really want to see it!" She said laughing slightly before jumping out of her seat. "Please please please!" She said giggling. "I KNOW it's still in theatres! I saw it on my jog!" She said laughing happily before finding her seat again.

"Then we should go out to eat!" She said giggling. "Wouldn't it be fun! Just the two of us on a romantic date!" She got out of her chair and walked around to him, wrapping her arms around his shoulders and smiling up at him. "And then we can come back here!" She said smiling up at him happily, her eyes looking very large and innocent. "And do whatever you want!" She said and winked at him before leaning up and pressing her lips to his gently, before pulling away and looking into his eyes again. "How about it?"
Chastity Moor
Chastity Moor

Number of posts : 2008
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Andrew's Apartment - Page 7 Empty Re: Andrew's Apartment

Post by Andrew Thompson Sun Aug 01, 2010 5:55 am

Andrew looked at Chase with a raised eyebrow in curiosity but kept on smiling. He had seen Toy Stories one and two as a child, yet had not seen the thrid one yet. He had wanted to but never found a theater that held it open. It was released like 13 years ago anyway. He nodded up and down, showing more acknowledgement and said "Yeah sure, I've been wanting to see that anyway." Hopefully it wouldn't be too sad like he had heard it was. It was the final Toy Story after all.

Andrew held Chase by the waist as her arms were around his shoulders. He smiled brightly, feeling excited about their first date. "Yeah we should toatlly go get something to eat and all." he said wondering where they would stop at. There were many places in New York, so he figured they would have to drive around for a while before something caught their eye. When she said that they could head home and do whatever he wanted, he blushed almost a pure red. He would need to get his head out of the gutter. He pressed his lips back onto Chase's and said "Then it's a date"
Andrew Thompson
Andrew Thompson
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 3818
Special Abilities : Invisibility
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Andrew's Apartment - Page 7 Empty Re: Andrew's Apartment

Post by Chastity Moor Sun Aug 01, 2010 6:43 am

Chase giggled happily and smiled at him. "Is what I'm wearing okay? I feel like I'm about to go to school or something.." She said glancing down at her short skirt, her white button up and Hufflepuff tie. Her white socks reached her knees, and she had her plain black shoes on, only these had more of a heel, so that her butt was shown off a lot more then it was at school. She smiled up at him and grinned. "I'll go change! But I won't wear anything to fancy, it is a kid's movie anyway!" She said happily, and pranced off to the bathroom, where she had put most of her clothes. After quite some time had passed Chase came out wearing tight jeans, and a black tight shirt, that kind of swooped down in the front, but was loose and didn't show off her chest at all, and had a ton of dangly black chains. She smiled at him, and walked to him carefully. She had changed into high heels, so she almost swayed while she walked, and she grinned at him.

Her hair had also been pulled back, and clipped up, so that it fountained over, and stood up almost straight by her head, before falling down over the clip that held it up. "Okay, how do I look now!" She said smiling as she turned on the spot for him. "More like I'm about to go on a date with the best boy in the world?" She asked giggling happily and holding her arms out to the side, before putting them over her head and giggling again as she spun around on her heels. "Ohh, I'm so excited!"
Chastity Moor
Chastity Moor

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Andrew's Apartment - Page 7 Empty Re: Andrew's Apartment

Post by Andrew Thompson Sun Aug 01, 2010 6:57 am

[So is this gonna be a time lapse, new topic or anything? Cause it'd be weird if it was still in the house Razz]

Andrew smiled brightly at Chase when she had changed into her new clothing. He felt a lot more excited to head out on their date now...which now reminded him of something. He still wore his pajamas. That would've been embaressing if he had stepped out into public. There were weirder things that went on, but he still didn't want to be the one out of the crowd. "B R B" he said in a text message sort of way. He then quickly walked into his room and disappeared for a few moments.

A minute later, he returned wearing a black jacket that he had recently bought, a gray T-shirt, and some jeans that he found in his dresser. He also wore new pure white shoes that he had gotten a couple of days ago. "Alright," he smiled, placing his phone into his right pocket. "Shall we go then?" He then grabbed his medium sized black wallet of the counter near Chase. Did not want to leave home without it.
Andrew Thompson
Andrew Thompson
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 3818
Special Abilities : Invisibility
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Andrew's Apartment - Page 7 Empty Re: Andrew's Apartment

Post by Chastity Moor Thu Aug 05, 2010 4:08 am

[OOC: I was just gonna skip it]

Chase walked back into the apartment giggling. "That was so much fun Andrew!" She said grinning at him. She had borrowed his jacket at some point in the date, and had it thrown over her shoulders. She was laughing as she pulled on Andrew's hand to tug him into the apartment again. Calla had cleaned up the house to be almost spotless while they were gone, and at the moment she seemed to have disappeared, probably guessing they wanted to be left alone.

"That was a great restaurant!" She giggled happily and put her arms around Andrew's neck, his jacket falling off her onto the floor. "And the movie was fantastic, I nearly cried at the end." She grinned and pressed her lips to his softly. "Now it's your turn, I said you get to do whatever you want when we get back here.." She said grinning at him, as her eyes searched his, looking for his feelings, as though he could betray exactly what he wanted through his eyes alone. "So.. what do you want to do?" She asked, before softly pressing her lips against his and kicking up with her heeled foot to push the door closed behind Andrew with a soft snap.
Chastity Moor
Chastity Moor

Number of posts : 2008
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