A Bright Day on the Dark Side - Page 4
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A Bright Day on the Dark Side - Page 4 Li9olo10

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A Bright Day on the Dark Side

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A Bright Day on the Dark Side - Page 4 Empty Re: A Bright Day on the Dark Side

Post by Alester Thoth Crowley Sat Apr 24, 2010 8:17 pm

Alester grinned his darkest smile yet, more a leer than a true grin. Follow me, He flicked one hand dismissively a signal; and a curtain parted from what had appeared to be just a window of the sitting room. It was actually a door, and had been charmed to appear something it was not-- a very typical thing in his warehouse. These rooms were the nearest thing to reality in the building, they really were his living quarters and as such were as they appeared and ready for the mundane day to day drudgery of life.

He walked to the door and rubbed his finger across the cut on his hand from earlier, it reopened and his eyes cast to Ne'Os as the scent of fresh blood washed through is own consciousness. He touched it to the door as he had when they had entered, the only lock that he used in the building and one hard to imitate even if he was coerced. The blood disappeared again and he pushed the door open.

There was a waft of stale air, and the instant hum of air purifying fans which switched on as soon as the door was opened. Lights bright enough to illuminate yet not trying on the senses flickered to life from various heights, placed to direct their efficiency where it was most needed. A cadaver lay preserved on the table; there was no rank of formaldehyde or any need... he had used dark magick to preserve the body and it was much more effective than the best preservatives the muggles could come up with. His solution was scentless and perfect. He approached the body, half dissected... he had been studying the effects of spells and charms on the cellular level. The heart lay spread apart all the beautiful complex maze of the four chambers wide open for him to look at and study. There was a path of darkness spreading like a blossom throughout the entire labyrinth. He smiled, this was what happened when the patient was fed doses of toxins from the beautiful little plant Belladonna. It ate through their body slowly leaving the beautiful black lacework design in its wake; like a rare psthologist he would know the trail if he ever saw it again. There was also a telltale trail of black along the visible veinlines throughout the body, a precurser to death, and outward symbol of the damage being wrought throughout the inner organs. Using this knowledge he had been working on an anti-toxin, recently near perfection and on trial runs on the other three occupants in the room. They were sequestered wide eyed and terrified in their cages, there were trays of food placed in their cells fresh, recently dispatched by the houseelf that worked for Alester.

The two men and woman were naked and the visible lining of black was faint on their skin. The woman was most recovered, having been goven the highest dosage of corrective potion. They understood that he could kill them or save them, the body spread out on the table a grim reminder, and cruel psychological torture to keep them in line. They had fought him at first, thrashed their bruised bodies against the bars, electrified lightly, and had tazed themselves to unconsciousness. They learned quickly that submission was the easiest route, and now were docile, scared little rabbits in their cages wondering what thier pathetic futures held for them. He looked at them now completely forgetting his guests as he approached their cages, he conjured chocolate and broke the bar in three pieces holding it out for each of his guests in turn. They took it and thanked him returning to their tables and their dinners. He moved to the charts on the wall and wrote the information down neatly with a ready quill.

Then as if only just recalling his visitors he looked at Suzannah and Ne'Os with a wide grin on his face. My friends in research, Collette, Marc, and Albert. Each rose from their seat and greeted the guests as if they had been trained, actually Alester had not taught them this trick, but they were completely institutionalized now. Pity they would be useless to return to society at this rate, he would be required to terminate them, or use them as pets. Well, he would use them as pets until their usfulness wore out anyway, but the thought of terminating them brought that thin dark grin to his features again. There were always fun ways and new methods to test out when the need arose to dispose of his most recent pets... he cast a surreptitious glance at them already devising his plans for the future. They didn't notice his darkest smile as he turned his back to them to face his guests.

((Well you did want an image of darkness... and this is only the tip of the iceberg... he won't take you further into the darkest recesses of his world... yet-- lets see what you make of his little world thus far!))
Alester Thoth Crowley
Alester Thoth Crowley

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A Bright Day on the Dark Side - Page 4 Empty Re: A Bright Day on the Dark Side

Post by Suzannah Malfoy Thu Apr 29, 2010 9:10 pm

Suzannah nodded, following Alester. She was quick to get in front of Ne'Os as they were led to what looked like a window. Suz flashed her eyes to Ne'Os as she smelt fresh blood emerging from Alester's skin, but flickered them back to in front of her. She watched as the "window" opened, revealing an extra room, and followed Alester into it. As soon as she stepped in she got a whiff of something sour but familiar, though it quickly went away as she heard air purifiers turning on. She looked about in the room, the only sound were the silent hum of the purifiers and the low shuffle of everyone's feet. She felt a shiver run down her spine as she saw a limp body laying on a table in the room; it looked dissected. What the hell does this boy do? She thought frantically to herself, though she wasn't very afraid at the moment.

Suz turned her face to a few cages, nude people residing in them. They all looked so frightened, they knew they were going to die, it was quite clear of that. She watched them all, especially the woman, as they stared at Alester. She found herself staring at their skin, a faint black color lining their fleshy arms, legs, chest, their whole body. Sue looked up as she heard Alester's voice, then to the prisoners as they each stood when their names were addressed. She smiled halfheartedly at them, feeling a hint of sympathy growing in her chest. She was a completely different person today, she felt warm and kind, very unusual compared to her usual sour mood. She turned to Alester, lowering her voice a little. "What the hell do you do in here?" She asked, alert.

((Sorry that was so short, I can't post replies as long as Alester can xD ))
Suzannah Malfoy
Slytherin Graduate
Slytherin Graduate

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A Bright Day on the Dark Side - Page 4 Empty Re: A Bright Day on the Dark Side

Post by Alester Thoth Crowley Sat May 29, 2010 1:04 am

Silvery eyes looked at Suzannah and a smirk played at the corners of his lips; This is my research area. I test new drugs, poisons, techniques... his voice trailed off as Colette was holding her tray out and looking at him as if she wanted to speak, yet was fearful to do so. Torturer though hemay be; he was not malignant to the extreme. He cast a glance at Suzanna, [color:7b7e=light green]Pardon me for a moment he looked into the eyes of the woman, she had once been what men would call beautiful, her body thin and lithe and curvy in all the right places; now she was plae yet still carried the ghost of her former looks. Yes, Colette, did you need something? His eyes shone bright silver... as she requested more food.

This was a positive sign, she was hungry which meant the latest tests were very successful, she was growing stronger. certainly my dear, no sooner had the words left his mouth than a panel slid open and another identical tray slid out of a chute as if on command. He approached her cage and took the empty tray she smileg weakly at him as he exchanged the tray for the new one full of food. The scent made his nose wrinkle; simpleton fare, yet balanced to keep them healthy enough. The two men watched intently; wondering if this was another test they must pass to remain alive. When Colette began to eat and fared well they too approached the doors of their cells and politely requested additional food.

Alester let out a dark chuckle and the chute opened with two additional trays. A robotic looking organic form emerged from a recess in the wall and began to clear the room, taking the spent trays and handing the men the additional food. Alester was engrossed in the experiment now; and he was animated more than most people ever had a chance to see. He was at a log book jotting down figured, adjusting ratios and calculating the new caloric needs of his subjects. The organic animated form glowed with greenish light as the figures were magickally transmitted to its incantational design adjusting the function it performed. An advanced sort of Imperio Curse that controlled it. Now the food rations would be expanded to adjust to the growing needs of the test subjects. Alester had everything controlled in his Labs so that he could remain absent and they would run smoothly for considerable lengths of time.

The slightest waft of her scent reminded Alester he had a guest today... and he paused in his writings to look at Suzannah. [color=lightgreen[I am an origional monster, but I have discovered many cures and poisons that are effective in my arsenal. Mostly I delight in the research; I enjoy the slow process and torture of the testing. These three are lucky; the man on the table succumbed to the same poison they have been administered; yet rejected the antidote for some reason. I look at his body decay to discern the effects... I can see the path the poison takes through his body. I enjoy knowing how it kills so I may effectively use it in battle without harm to myself.[/color]

Why he revealed so much to her... what hold she had over him... he could not say; yet he felt easy teling her his secrets. Although this was nothing compared to various other parts of the warehouse. His eyes watched her, wondering when she would reject him for the monster he was.

((These posts are easy to make long, I havemuch to tell you, you are in my world now! My posts are not always so long my friends))
Alester Thoth Crowley
Alester Thoth Crowley

Number of posts : 94

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