A Bright Day on the Dark Side - Page 3
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A Bright Day on the Dark Side - Page 3 Li9olo10

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A Bright Day on the Dark Side

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A Bright Day on the Dark Side - Page 3 Empty Re: A Bright Day on the Dark Side

Post by Alester Thoth Crowley Tue Apr 13, 2010 2:33 am

Alester grinned as the face was revealed, To what do I owe the pleasure of your visit? Checking up on me? Following me? Interesting indeed, and I do not enforce the protections here, Ne'Os they enforce themselves. His eyes flashed darkly again, to illustrate the depths the shadows had taken. If Alester needed to take care of someone who had chanced upon his property the shadows made great cover, not only were they dark they were magic and concealed him and the victim nicely from muggle or magick prying eyes. The shadows receded when he called his visitor by name, as if by some signal that for now all was right. Soon the days' light shone on the building again.

Are you coming in to assess my guest? In my own property? I hold little by means of affiliations, what matter is it to me if she is a Death Eater, or a do Gooder. Apparently I should learn something of these organizations? They are my enemies in some way? as he spoke he retreated back into the rear of the warehouse staying in the shadows at the back of his domestic areas where the loading doors were. He was not certain how the mixed company he had amassed tonight would react to each other. Ne'Os was his affiliate, and he would learn from him what he could. A thought crossed his mind; much blood had been spilled here, it affected him every time he entered, and he could smell it even now... he wondered what Ne'Os would think of this little fact...

I should tend to my guest, enter if you will, but know the wardings of inviting a vampire in rendering you powerless do not apply here. he laughed as he retreated back from the shadows and reentered the sitting room. My apologies, I had not expected company; it seems an affiliate of mine has decided to pay me a visit. It seems my solace is doubly broken today! he laughed again, short and dark. He was not certain, but he knew things as he had known them were changing.
Alester Thoth Crowley
Alester Thoth Crowley

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A Bright Day on the Dark Side - Page 3 Empty Re: A Bright Day on the Dark Side

Post by Ne'Os Emof Tue Apr 13, 2010 2:43 am

Ne'Os could smell the blood but to a vampire this ment little it was old and dried. Ne'Os took a vial of fresh blood out and drank it anyway, just to be safe. "Oh you follow that old tradition you have learnedn othing about vampires you see while we are severely alergic to silver. Garlic meansn othing to us our apearence is shown in mirrors and sadly unless you are a animagus that can turn into a bat we dont turn into a bat" he said smileing as he followed Alester in. "But for now atleast the death eaters are not my enemys we left on a good note after all" he said giving the Femal Death eater a smile that showed his fangs.
Ne'Os Emof
Ne'Os Emof
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A Bright Day on the Dark Side - Page 3 Empty Re: A Bright Day on the Dark Side

Post by Alester Thoth Crowley Wed Apr 14, 2010 3:49 am

((Did we lose Suzannah? I hope not I had such fun Ro with her...))

Alester grinned at Ne'Os as he explained some of the myths about vampires, So nothing like the muggle histories then? I shall find this instruction enlightening! Although I admit I was merely joking with you earlier. You do not seem the archetypal vampire of lore... from my own observation. The battle in the forest taught me a little about you--strength, speed, cunning, and persistence. As apt to draw a b lade as to use magick--which personally I enjoy as I too fight that way. Hmmm, and once married. Did I forget anything? He conversed with his new guest trying to lighten the mood which had grown somber and quiet. Had he offended Suzannah by allowing his proposed mentor to enter the sanctuary? Ne'Os claimed no quarrel with her, and he hoped she would not mind Alester's inviting a third party in tonight, although he did not fully know the vampires reason for being there. It appeared as if it was an informal information gathering--something he was not unprepared for. What kind of mentor would Ne'Os make if he didn't learn much about his new student?

Alester's eyes flashed silver as he thought about how little they both knew about each other.. all three probably. So drinks anyone? Anything? I would never live it down if my Mother found I was lacking as a host! the last part was serious, he had been brought up to be gentlemanly and proper...but any further ponderings were stopped short by the kettle beginning a shrill whistle which hurt his ears and sent him rushing to remove it from the fire. It appears we have water for tea...still no takers? The situation was awkward, and Alester simply did not know what to do-- an unusual position to be in for him.
Alester Thoth Crowley
Alester Thoth Crowley

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A Bright Day on the Dark Side - Page 3 Empty Re: A Bright Day on the Dark Side

Post by Suzannah Malfoy Wed Apr 14, 2010 10:14 pm

((Nope, Suzannah just forgot to reply heehee))

Suzannah nodded and smiled to Alester as he went to go answer the door. She looked up to see if she would recognize the person, she doubted that she would. To her dismay, it was Ne'Os. What was he doing here? How did he get here? She didn't know, though she scowled when she saw him, a nasty look taking over her face. One of the last people she wanted to see show up when she was alone with Alester, was Ne'Os- besides her Aunt Bellatrix, she was flat out annoying. Suzannah gave Ne'Os a filthy look as he mentioned her being a Death Eater; what did that have to do with Alester's being? It's not like it was a problem. Her jaw fell to the floor as Alester invited Ne'Os inside, though she composed her expressions as he turned around and took a seat again. Suz smiled back to Ne'Os, obviously fake. "What brings you here?" She asked him.

Suz kindly refused Alester's offerings for a drink. "No thank you" She smiled and watched him. She noticed how awkwardly Alester would look and walk, and wondered if it was her who was causing it. Obviously not She concluded in her mind It's that scum that is standing before us. She wasn't very fond of Ne'Os, and he clearly felt the same. He was her crazy- why the hell was he here? He was ruining one of her rare good moods.
Suzannah Malfoy
Slytherin Graduate
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A Bright Day on the Dark Side - Page 3 Empty Re: A Bright Day on the Dark Side

Post by Ne'Os Emof Wed Apr 14, 2010 11:12 pm

"Forgive me but as i embraced the next level of Vampire i cut out all food that isnt blood" he said to Alester "And of course Suzannah im only checking on my newest and most important investment" he said as he looked around the place as he tried to tap into Suzannah's mind. "And i would keep your mind in check around me or at the very least some sort of mental barrier up you think very loudly" he concluded. Inside his mind he could see himself standing in a war torn field, It was one of his maker's memorys, many people lay dead around the vampire, But when you fought a Vampire what else was new.. Of course this was only a show should she decide to break into his mind. He was truley sizing her up just incase he had to fight today, which he didnt plan on doing.

((If you need me to edit the legilimency part let me know))
Ne'Os Emof
Ne'Os Emof
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A Bright Day on the Dark Side - Page 3 Empty Re: A Bright Day on the Dark Side

Post by Alester Thoth Crowley Thu Apr 15, 2010 2:30 am

Alester relaxed as his guests sized each other up, but the tension did not seem to ratchet. He was not so uncomfortable anymore, and took control. Well, now that we all know each other better... his eyes flashed a deadly black over the usual light silvery turquoise. He had never been able to control his eyes, they revealed what they wanted, but to know what each colorization meant was to be included into Alester's deepest confidence. Even he was not completely certain what they appeared as at any given moment. Right now they settled to a deeper turquoise blue shaded with darker silvery grey. He was on high alert, Suzannah was his welcome guest, Ne'Os was also welcome here as Alester had given him an unspoken pledge of fealty.

He grinned as he moved lithely across the floor and made a cup of lavender and white tea. He poured in a little strawberry essence and took his cup across the room to position himself in front of Suzannah's chair and turned so he could see Ne'Os also. So what next, should I trot out a troupe of dancing mice for entertainment? a smart smirk twitched at the corners of his lips showing that he had settled into a ready position and was not afraid of getting between them if they needed to take this to more than verbal stiffness in more than just his body position. Ne'Os needed to understand he didn't want fighting here, and Suzannah needed to know she was welcome and safe here. He really did not care what her affiliations were, Death Eater, Albus Dumbledore's inpossible daughter, child of the Muggle Pope for all he cared. He appreciated the calm power with which she held herself, and the fact that she refused to back down from even Ne'Os. He turned the grin towards Ne'Os he had a quiet respect for the vampire rogue, otherwise he wouldn't have chosen to follow him. The next move was up to either of them.
Alester Thoth Crowley
Alester Thoth Crowley

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A Bright Day on the Dark Side - Page 3 Empty Re: A Bright Day on the Dark Side

Post by Suzannah Malfoy Sun Apr 18, 2010 11:18 pm

Suzannah could feel Ne'Os tapping into her mind, and quickly shook her head, scowling at him. "Don't even try" She growled. Even if Ne'Os continued to hear her thoughts, she didn't give a damn what he heard, and she knew that if he even thought to fight her, she would only fight back ten times worse. Suzannah may be short and petite, but she was one-hundred and fifteen pounds of, literally, pure evil. She didn't want to start a fight in Alester's "home", so she tried to withdraw all negative thoughts she had about Ne'Os- that was tough.

Suzannah smiled as she inhaled the sweet scent of Alester's tea. "That depends, how many stars were they rated?" She chuckled at her own cheesy joke. She had never been a great comedian, she didn't have the comedic look, either, she was much too dark and impure. She had no idea about how Alester would react to her being a Death Eater. She hoped he wouldn't care, she wouldn't hurt him, she had no intentions of it, either. But what if he did care? Would he completely turn her away and never speak to her again? She doubted that, though she knew that it would be bad if he did care. "So....." Suzannah said, a nervous hint in her voice.

((sorry I haven't replied in a while, I've been quite busy))
Suzannah Malfoy
Slytherin Graduate
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A Bright Day on the Dark Side - Page 3 Empty Re: A Bright Day on the Dark Side

Post by Alester Thoth Crowley Mon Apr 19, 2010 2:57 am

Alester watched them both, not really moving his head just flicking his eyes from one to the other casually. He arched one eyebrow at Suzannah's growled comment; but then his customary smirk broke through. She changed her demeanor and cracked a joke. He allowed himself a dark chuckle and replied, I wouldn't know really we run in private showings, nothing of the public eye... I have a bit of an aversion to being judged really. He wondered if she would catch that he meant judgement of any sort; and that he was none to judge. He looked at Ne'Os, the ball was in his court now-- relax and enjoy the company or continue the conflict. Alester already undersrtood Ne'Os backed down from nothing, which he respected him for. Unfortunately, Suzannah was also of this sort; however, there was one more figure here, and Alester was the most unlikely to back down. He was the one to try to stir things up and create some excitement and see where the pieces fell.

An image of one of his experiments in testing his own ability to persevere flashed through his mind shifting his eyes a cerulean blue, stormy like the ocean instead of bright silvery turquoise. He had locked down the house ordering it to open for nothing not even if he begged until he was either dead or had regained control of the situation. Then he released ten captured minions throughout the house, strong and well fed and perfect to test himself against. It had taken him a total of three days to kill them all, and he had required twenty-four hours of recovery after; but he had survived which had been the only outcome he would accept.

He turned his gaze from Ne'Os to Suzannah and back again, So who is up for a glimpse into the mind of a madman? If you ask nicely I might just let you see one more room... He couldn't say why he changed his mind to allowing them to see more of the house, but it was only one more room and nothing of the darkest heart of the place-- not yet.[/color] His eyes resumed their lighter color as his mood lightened.
Alester Thoth Crowley
Alester Thoth Crowley

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A Bright Day on the Dark Side - Page 3 Empty Re: A Bright Day on the Dark Side

Post by Ne'Os Emof Mon Apr 19, 2010 3:25 am

"Oh im feeling particulerly calm today lets see the mind of a madman it may compeat with my own" he said more out of seriousness than a joke but still had that certain edge to it. He decided to give up on Sue for now. Like he had said earlyer he had no preasent issues with the Death eaters.
Ne'Os Emof
Ne'Os Emof
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A Bright Day on the Dark Side - Page 3 Empty Re: A Bright Day on the Dark Side

Post by Suzannah Malfoy Mon Apr 19, 2010 11:54 pm

Suzannah smiled and nodded to Alester, completely ignoring Ne'Os. "That would be cool" She assured. She wondered where he would take them, though she wished it was only her. She doubted that Alester could be more crazy than Sue already was. She started to think of all the crazy things she has done, but quickly stopped when she remembered that Ne'Os was most likely listening. She hated having her mind invaded, she felt very exposed and felt as if she were walking on eggshells just to prevent things from going in the wrong direction. She didn't want to offend Alester by physically brawling with Ne'Os, she knew that he wanted no fighting, as she felt the same way.

Sue felt a grin spread across her face as Alester hinted that he wouldn't judge her. She felt like a weight was lifted off of her shoulders, and felt less stressed about the current situation. She was glad that he didn't care if she was a Death Eater or not. Usually, she was always judged because she was a Malfoy, blonde, a Death Eater, rich, and many other things, though everything she was judged upon was deceiving. "Well that's a good thing, not many people like to be judged on their talents or how well they perform." She stated with a shrug. "Shall we go now?" So that Ne'Os can leave sooner? She thought to herself.
Suzannah Malfoy
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