A Hero to the Rescue
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A Hero to the Rescue  Li9olo10

What’s Happening?
Since every few months or so a few of our old members get the inspiration to revisit their old stomping grounds we have decided to keep PA open as a place to revisit old threads and start new ones devoid of any serious overarching plot or setting. Take this time to start any of those really weird threads you never got to make with old friends and make them now! Just remember to come say hello in the chatbox below or in the discord. Links have been provided in the "Comings and Goings" forum as well as the welcome widget above.

A Hero to the Rescue

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A Hero to the Rescue  Empty A Hero to the Rescue

Post by Maddie Kane Wed Jul 25, 2012 7:38 pm

Felix Barker had finished with Cecilia Krum and left her lying in the middle of a cold damp dark ally in the worst part of London where a street man had found her and enjoyed her beautiful yet damaged body. He was the only man who would ever enjoy her body and really want to, but he would only enjoy that moment once. And that is where she laid near to death in a slutty maid’s outfit with a dog collar around her neck holes in her hand and foot, cuts across every part of her body. Ugly and so close to death. If someone did not find her soon she would not last any longer.
Maddie Kane
Maddie Kane
Sixth Year Hufflepuff
Sixth Year Hufflepuff

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A Hero to the Rescue  Empty Re: A Hero to the Rescue

Post by Evander Yaxley Thu Jul 26, 2012 2:06 pm

Right now what he was wondering was how the hell he ended up in this part of London. He hadn't intended on coming here, and he didn't exactly want to apparate to where he wanted to go, so he decided to find his way back to Diagon Alley from where he was. As he past the entrance of an alley, a peculiar sight caught his eye and he froze. His head turned to the side, to look into the alley and what he saw wasn't good. A girl laying on the ground in a maid's uniform. Being the lind of person he was, Jake ran over to her and when he saw all the cuts on her body he hesitated in even touching her. He wasn't sure what'd happened but it must've been bad. "Hey, can you hear me?" he asked. "You're going to be alright. Just hang on." he said.
Evander Yaxley
Evander Yaxley
Sixth Year Ravenclaw
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A Hero to the Rescue  Empty Re: A Hero to the Rescue

Post by Maddie Kane Thu Jul 26, 2012 2:19 pm

Cecilia lay unmoving and unresponsive, but she could hear him. She wanted to reply to that sweet familiar voice, but she couldn’t do it. She couldn’t bring herself to move even an inch or to open her eyes in fear of where she would be and what would happen to her. After a few long moments she brought herself to murmur one word, a name, his name, Felix. She spoke in a low horse whisper that even she herself could hardly understand. She had been destroyed mentally and physically by the man who bared the name she had uttered, yet it was her fault, or so she still believed, thanks to Felix.
Maddie Kane
Maddie Kane
Sixth Year Hufflepuff
Sixth Year Hufflepuff

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A Hero to the Rescue  Empty Re: A Hero to the Rescue

Post by Evander Yaxley Fri Jul 27, 2012 12:44 am

He heard her say something but he couldn't exactly understand what she said. Jake assumed that she was saying a name, but he wasn't sure what she was saying so he only pulled out his wand and started thinking of what to do to help her. He could tell that she was a witch, even though he couldn't exactly tell who she was. The magic emminating from her was enough to tell him that she was a witch and when he realized that he wasn't going to be able to help her alone, he put his wand away. "Please just hold on." he said. Without saying much more, he picked her up and he apparated them to St. Mungo's. "I need a healer!" he called as he looked at the receptionist.

[OOC: Should we have a healer npc. Or a real healer?]
Evander Yaxley
Evander Yaxley
Sixth Year Ravenclaw
Sixth Year Ravenclaw

Number of posts : 585
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A Hero to the Rescue  Empty Re: A Hero to the Rescue

Post by Maddie Kane Fri Jul 27, 2012 1:02 am

Cecilia had fully fell into a coma like state from the pain and loss of blood. She had been falling in and out of conscious the whole time she had been laying in the Alley. Jake had luckily found her at a time when she was simi awake and aware of what was happening. Now she lay limply in his arms her head hanging back as if she was dead already. Once again she could hear every thing that was being said around her once again but she wasn't able to talk or move. Even if she wanted to she wouldn't be able to with her broken leg and arm she couldn't move on her own.
Maddie Kane
Maddie Kane
Sixth Year Hufflepuff
Sixth Year Hufflepuff

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A Hero to the Rescue  Empty Re: A Hero to the Rescue

Post by Khaat Lupin Sun Jul 29, 2012 9:14 pm

ooc: you have a lot of history to this. any way you can summarize what her injuries are so that it is easier for the healers to work with, please?

Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
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A Hero to the Rescue  Empty Re: A Hero to the Rescue

Post by Maddie Kane Mon Jul 30, 2012 1:28 pm

OOC: mostly cuts all over her body.. then a broke arm, broken leg, holes in her hand and foot (few days old), and she was just raped so maybe a few brusies and stuff like that.
Maddie Kane
Maddie Kane
Sixth Year Hufflepuff
Sixth Year Hufflepuff

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A Hero to the Rescue  Empty Re: A Hero to the Rescue

Post by Jessie Tyler Sat Aug 04, 2012 10:29 am

Jess walked down the corridors of St Mongos a tray in her hands several items sat on it small bottles of potions Khaat had requested for a patient who had just come in, along with a glass of clear cold water and a clean white folded wash cloth. She saw the young boy holding the girl and smiled warmly. " follow me please a room is waiting" she told him leading him to a private room. Placing down the tray she pulled back the covers as she spoke again. " place her on the bed so I can tend her wounds. " she said as she then dampened the cloth as she wiped down the cuts and set them to healing.

Moving down her body she found the broken bones focusing she set them to begin healing the muscles and bone she made start calcifying and repairing before she transfigured the young girls clothes into a hospital gown. " now I need some information" she asked " how did she get in this condition" she asked poring a few drops or restorative potion into the glass of water and placed it beside the girls bed as she waited.
Jessie Tyler
Jessie Tyler
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A Hero to the Rescue  Empty Re: A Hero to the Rescue

Post by Evander Yaxley Sat Aug 04, 2012 8:37 pm

As he waited for a healer to get there to help, Jake looked at the girl and made sure she was still breathing. she seemed really familiar, but he couldn't quite recognize who she was. All the cuts on her body made it hard for him to tell who she was. When the healer got there he quickly looked up and followed her to the room she said was waiting. He carefully placed the girl on the bed as the healer told him too and he looked up at her once she was out of his arms.

He bit his lower lip when the healer asked how she got the way she was. He looked down at the girl and then back up at the healer. "I'm not sure." he began. "I don't know what happened. I just found her in an alley in London like this." he said. "I couldn't find out anything from her. She's completely unresponsive. She managed to say just one word but I couldn't understand what she said." he explained to the healer.
Evander Yaxley
Evander Yaxley
Sixth Year Ravenclaw
Sixth Year Ravenclaw

Number of posts : 585
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A Hero to the Rescue  Empty Re: A Hero to the Rescue

Post by Jessie Tyler Sat Aug 04, 2012 9:54 pm

Jess listened and heard the boy talk she began to wipe the young girl down to clean her and rid her from the dirt she saw on her " well she is lucky she has a friend like you, she is weak and unconscious, I can't tell you for how long could be days could be hours " she said softly. once the girl was clean Jess pulled up the sheets and tucked her in carefully. moving over to the boy she pulled a chair over. " You can wait if you wish, but she won't be that responsive, I placed a light sleep spell on her just in case she comes around, her pain is now managed" she moved to her tray and took a clip board off it noting down her findings she placed it on the end of the bed.

" I can stay as long as you need " she told him smiling warmly as she moved back to the tray cleaning up what she had used. lightly she placed her hand on the girls for head and smiled as she found all spells and healing working just as it should her bruises already turning from dark blue to a green yellow as they healed undr her touch.
Jessie Tyler
Jessie Tyler
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