Whose Side Are You On? - Page 3
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Whose Side Are You On? - Page 3 Li9olo10

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Since every few months or so a few of our old members get the inspiration to revisit their old stomping grounds we have decided to keep PA open as a place to revisit old threads and start new ones devoid of any serious overarching plot or setting. Take this time to start any of those really weird threads you never got to make with old friends and make them now! Just remember to come say hello in the chatbox below or in the discord. Links have been provided in the "Comings and Goings" forum as well as the welcome widget above.

Whose Side Are You On?

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Whose Side Are You On? - Page 3 Empty Re: Whose Side Are You On?

Post by Andrew Thompson Mon Jul 19, 2010 11:16 pm

Andrew looked at Chase, and blinked a couple of times when she described the Daniel character and how she removed her memory. He thought that no person should have to endure such a thing, but he couldn't say that now. It would be pointless, as all of that was in the past now. Yet he couldn't help but feel bad about the events. "I'm sorry that you had to go through all of that," he said softly "and then what happened now...it a lot to deal with I assume. As you can tell, I'm not exactly motivational speaker of the year."

"Well that Daniel guy is gone now," he said "like you said. You don't have to fear him or be angry at him anymore." He moved his arm away from Chase and then sat normally, but leaned forward a bit, so he could see her face. "And only you can consider yourself single. So, I guess it's all up to you to make that decision."
Andrew Thompson
Andrew Thompson
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

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Whose Side Are You On? - Page 3 Empty Re: Whose Side Are You On?

Post by Chastity Moor Tue Jul 20, 2010 12:08 am

Chase looked at him her eyes wide, her head tilted to the side a little bit. She had completely forgotten his arm had been around her until he had removed it. She felt a blush creep into her face but she smiled at him. "Don't worry, I'm not real good at speaking to people either.. I just talk a lot, and it gets me through somehow." She said giggling slightly. "You don't have to be a good speaker to be a good person." She said clasping her hands in front of her chest and looking up at him smiling.

Chase felt her cheeks flush when he said he was gone. He was.. gone.. Her heart soared into her throat, but it wasn't a bad feeling, she was.. happy! What an odd feeling.. since her family had died, she hadn't felt happy at all.. but thinking that he was gone.. she was.. free. Gasping slightly she put her hand on her heart and looked down her eyes wide. "Huh.." She shrugged her shoulders and looked up at him again. "Thank you." She said suddenly, and hugged him around the neck. "I barley know you and already you are a good friend!" She said smiling, her arms still wrapped around his neck.
Chastity Moor
Chastity Moor

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Whose Side Are You On? - Page 3 Empty Re: Whose Side Are You On?

Post by Andrew Thompson Tue Jul 20, 2010 12:27 am

Andrew smiled and placed his arms around Chase's back. "No problem," he said and moved away from Chase. He looked at her and then said in a friendly tone "I think everything will be alright from here on." He looked around and glared at some passerbys, who once again couldn't get the guts to just say something. He sighed and then turned back towards Chase. "Anyway, I'm glad to see your feeling better. I don't like to see people crying...rather anyone sad. Once again, my friendly side shows itself."

He stood up and turned towards Chase and held out his hand to help her up. "May as well go finish those butterbeers, the bartender is going to kill me if I don't pay." He laughed slightly and waited for Chase.
Andrew Thompson
Andrew Thompson
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 3818
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Whose Side Are You On? - Page 3 Empty Re: Whose Side Are You On?

Post by Chastity Moor Tue Jul 20, 2010 12:34 am

Chase smiled at him and then watched as he glared at people. She looked confused, looking from first Andrew to the passerby, who automatically hurried up as though they had done something wrong. Biting her lip she looked at him and smiled again. "Thanks so much." She said, hoping her face showed just how much she was thankful for his help. "You really are friendly!" She said smiling at him. "I've never met a friendlier stranger!" She said giggling lightly.

Chase smiled and took his hand, getting up from the bench and heading towards The Three Broomsticks with him. "I can pay for my own you know.." She said looking up at him. "I'm sorry I ran out... but I did intend to come back and pay for mine.." she said as she looked up at him again, her hands clasped in front of her as she walked. She didn't like people she didn't know very well paying for her, especially when she could pay for herself. She had never had a hard time with money, it was just another thing that she had, and it confused her why others would give theirs away for her, when she could use her own. She stopped before the door and turned to him. "I really am happy we met." She said looking up at him with big eyes. "I feel a lot better now, thank you." She said grinning at him before stepping into The Three Broomsticks and heading back to their table, where their butterbeers still sat.
Chastity Moor
Chastity Moor

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Whose Side Are You On? - Page 3 Empty Re: Whose Side Are You On?

Post by Andrew Thompson Tue Jul 20, 2010 1:34 am

Andrew smiled brightly, showing just a hint of his teeth, which were pretty white. "Thanks," was all he could say at that moment. He walked back with her and when they were at the entrance he said "I don't mind paying, but it's your choice." He never did mind paying for things, as long as they were friends or someone who was just nice to him. He never knew why he had done so, but he figured that it was probably just part of him being friendly.

"I'm glad we met as well," he replied smiling a toothy smile "it's always nice to meet a friendly new face. Really brightens my day, believe it or not." He had never been so friendly with a complete stranger, but he felt as if Chase were already his friend.It was an odd feeling, but it was also true.

He walked back inside and sat back down in the chair where sat before, and drank a little bit more butterbeer. It was already warm, which ruined the flavor a little, yet nevertheless, made him feel better. "Do butterbeers always make a person feel better?" he asked examing the liquid.
Andrew Thompson
Andrew Thompson
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 3818
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Whose Side Are You On? - Page 3 Empty Re: Whose Side Are You On?

Post by Chastity Moor Tue Jul 20, 2010 1:40 am

Chase smiled at him brightly, flashing her own bright white teeth. "Oh it's ok, I'll pay for myself." She said grinning at him. Walking into the shop she realized how much less of people there were. It really was getting late after all. "Odd isn't it.. how even though we spend most of our time at this school, we end up in it's shadow anyway.." She said slowly taking a sip of her warm butterbeer. She glanced at the mug and then pulled out her wand. Muttering a few words it heated up and started to steam again. Pointing her wand at his mug it did the same. "I always find warm butterbeer doesn't taste as good." She said grinning happily. "But reheated isn't that bad!" She giggled happily and took another drink out of her now steaming mug.

Chase looked down at her mug again and thought hard. "Yes.. yes I think they do." She said suddenly. "I think it's because it makes you feel all warm inside you know? It's like when it's raining out, and when you have a really good book or something, or hot tea by the fire. No homework, and the common room is really quiet, it's all warm and comfy and it feels like it goes all the way down to your bones, and it's just so relaxing, I think butterbeer does that to people." she said taking another drink. "It makes you feel happy." She said smiling at him again. "I'm sorry, I tend to.. ramble a lot when I'm around people, I just can't stop talking!" She giggled and rapped herself lightly on the head with her knuckles. "Just goes to show that I don't pay much attention either.." She said trying not to think of the last time she hadn't been paying attention, she had lost her entire family that way..
Chastity Moor
Chastity Moor

Number of posts : 2008
Occupation : Student

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Whose Side Are You On? - Page 3 Empty Re: Whose Side Are You On?

Post by Andrew Thompson Tue Jul 20, 2010 1:56 am

Andrew looked up and thought for a moment, thinking about her question. "You know," he said looking at his butterbeer "I've never thought of it that way. I just always thought of Hogwarts being another school, but with things that even we can't explain. It just happens, like a dream." He blinked a couple of times as she used magic to help warm her mug, and Andrew tried to do the same. After a couple of tries, he finally got it, and drank it, feeling he had made it better. "You're right!" he chuckled, amazed by...well magic.

Andrew began to smile slowly as she explained what made her feel better. "I've never actually felt that way," he smiled. It was the truth, whenever he drank it, he always thought of flying on his broom, or rididing his motorcycle, or enjoying a joke that his friends told. He was a rather social person, even though he denied it at times. "I've felt many things when drinking this stuff," he said taking one more drink. After he swallowed, he said "and I've never actually found myself reading or something. I'm more of a uh...'action' guy really."
Andrew Thompson
Andrew Thompson
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 3818
Special Abilities : Invisibility
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Whose Side Are You On? - Page 3 Empty Re: Whose Side Are You On?

Post by Chastity Moor Tue Jul 20, 2010 2:11 am

Chase grinned at him when he spoke. "Well.. I never really did either.." She said frowning. "until now I guess.. I mean.. I like coming here during the summer, it's kind of cool, because then it's not just filled with students from Hogwarts, there are so many different kinds of people here!" She said giggling. "Like that wizard over there with the top hat!" She said nodding her head to him. The top hat was emitting steam every time he opened his mouth to say something. "I think it might be cursed." she whispered winking at Andrew.

Chase looked at her goblet. "I guess it's like that love potion right?" She said suddenly. "The one that smells different to each person.. butterbeer reminds everyone of what they think is the most comforting..." She looked into her mug and took a drink. "Lets see.." she said softly thinking as she tasted it. "I taste.. walking on the beach, Laying out in the sun.." She giggled and took another drink. "Talking with my friends by the lake." she looked at him and took one more drink. "Reading.. and.. Being with my family." She said looking sad again as she looked into her mug. Looking up quickly, she forced back the tears. "What do you taste?" She asked urging him to drink his butterbeer.
Chastity Moor
Chastity Moor

Number of posts : 2008
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Whose Side Are You On? - Page 3 Empty Re: Whose Side Are You On?

Post by Andrew Thompson Tue Jul 20, 2010 2:30 am

Andrew chuckled warmly as the top hat kept emmiting steam at an alarming rate. If somebody saw that twice, then he figured they would have to be lucky. Magic always seemed to change, while people grew older. It was amazing. "I think so too," he chuckled turning his headtowards Chases again "and I don't think he knows it." Whoever did the curse though, was one funny person.

He was about to say something, but was urged to drink his butterbeer. Nodding in compliance, he drank his butterbeer, and nearly smiled as he did. After swallowing the last of the beverage, he looked back up and put on his regular thinking face. His slanted mouth always showed with it. "I see a uh...a car," he said "my friends, my...other friend, and a plane...or is it a broom?" he laughed at the fact he couldn't tell what he liked and looked back, with his regular face: a smile and his medium sized eyes.
Andrew Thompson
Andrew Thompson
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 3818
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Whose Side Are You On? - Page 3 Empty Re: Whose Side Are You On?

Post by Chastity Moor Tue Jul 20, 2010 2:35 am

Chase giggled. "No.. I don't think he realizes it.." She said giggling. The man seemed to just be talking and talking to the man he was sitting with. And the man talking to him was trying hard not to laugh at the steam. "I think the person he's talking to did it!" She said giggling and covering her mouth with her hand. "How mean, yet how funny." She said giggling, trying not to laugh to hard at the poor man's problems. She looked at him again and watched as he started to drink his butterbeer. "I'm sorry.. did you want to say something.." She said eyes wide when she realized right before he had taken a drink he had opened his mouth to talk.

She smiled at what he said. "Do you enjoy riding broomsticks Andrew?" She asked softly her voice low. She looked down at the table and the little bit of butterbeer on the bottom of her mug. "I'm afraid I've never really liked them much.. they don't seem to like me see.. they end up bucking me off whenever I get on one.. unless someone is on the broom with me! And that's only ever happened once." She giggled slightly and drowned the last of her butterbeer before pushing the mug away. "So are you staying in town tonight?" She asked smiling at him lightly.
Chastity Moor
Chastity Moor

Number of posts : 2008
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