Whose Side Are You On? - Page 2
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Whose Side Are You On? - Page 2 Li9olo10

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Whose Side Are You On?

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Whose Side Are You On? - Page 2 Empty Re: Whose Side Are You On?

Post by Andrew Thompson Mon Jul 19, 2010 9:36 pm

Andrew smile widened to where his teeth was shown when she said they would be working together. "I heard someone else was going to be in the internship, but I didn't know who! Small world eh?" He was elated to see that someone else would be going into the internship as well, as a lot of people wanted to become an Auror or Minister of Magic. Rough jobs, but still very prestigious. He then found out another thing about Chase, when she declared that she was a Hufflepuff. He would have expected her to be a Ravenclaw, but Hufflepuffs were cool too.

His smile evaporated quickly once he saw her hand begin to shake, and her eyes watering. "Are you sure everything is alright?" he asked, concerned about her now "You can tell me anything." He hoped that whatever she was sad about, it wouldn't be too bad. If it was, he wouldn't be able to say anything, as he wouldn't know how to deal with it. He was a therapist, yet at times, wished he was. Out of a random thought, he then wondered if he should become a therapist if the wizard stuff didn't work out. No! he thought to himself blinking heavily a few times Focus, focus, focus!
Andrew Thompson
Andrew Thompson
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

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Whose Side Are You On? - Page 2 Empty Re: Whose Side Are You On?

Post by Chastity Moor Mon Jul 19, 2010 9:42 pm

Chase glanced up at him when he asked if she was okay. Of course she wasn't, but she couldn't tell him that! Why had her body reacted so strongly to that? Of course she knew why her body had, it had only been a few weeks ago.. A few weeks wasn't long enough to rid herself of the memory of that flow of water as it hit her brother, as the man flew past her in his attempt to escape, as she stood there, unable to move as it washed her over and she had hit the door with such force shards of wood had embedded themselves in her back. "Don't worry about me!" She said smiling. It wasn't something you told someone you just met.

"My summer has been rough.." She said slowly, choosing her words carefully. She searched for something else to say, anything to get her mind off her family, but the image kept mentally attacking her. The rush of water, the pale bodies, the suit of armor. It all came back at her so fast, she felt her hand grip the butterbeer handle again. She forced herself to look up at him, knowing if she smiled it would look like she was in pain, not like a smile at all. "I.. I lost my family a few weeks ago.." she said softly. "My mom.. my dad.. my sister and brother.." She whispered her eyes downcast unable to look at him. "It happened so fast.. sometimes.. the images of that night.. just.. replay themselves over and over in my head, I can't.. I can't stop thinking about it!" She said shaking her head hard, her hair flying in all directions. Her eyes were clamped shut, as though that would stop the images from coming again.
Chastity Moor
Chastity Moor

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Whose Side Are You On? - Page 2 Empty Re: Whose Side Are You On?

Post by Andrew Thompson Mon Jul 19, 2010 9:50 pm

Andrew felt his body turn into a solid block of ice, with his veins going cold to match it. This one was of those things that he felt he couldn't help with, as he would usually just say something wrong, or do something wrong. But he knew he had to at least say something, yet he felt as if his jaw were made of concrete and couldn't move them. What was he supposed to say to try and help? "Um..." he said finally and swallowed "do you know who did it?" he asked finally finding the words to say.

Maybe he could try to find the person who had done this to Chase's family. He thought for a moment about how that could help start his career as an Auror, but then banished the thought. He would do it for a friend. Now reality came back into the picture. What could he say to help the situation? So many thoughts flew into his head, and then right out again. He would go with his gut this time. "Maybe I could help," he said, trying to sound friendly.
Andrew Thompson
Andrew Thompson
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

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Whose Side Are You On? - Page 2 Empty Re: Whose Side Are You On?

Post by Chastity Moor Mon Jul 19, 2010 9:56 pm

Chase felt her body tense again when he asked if she knew who did it. "Yeah.. I know who did it.. I was there when he did it! He.. he pinned me against the door.. said he had to talk to my parents.." Chase was shaking again. She stood up suddenly and looked at him. "I shouldn't be bothering you with this! I barely know you.. I'm sorry." She said taking off out the door. Tears sprinkling down her cheeks. She found a bench to sit on, and felt the tears wash down her cheeks again. She was shaking so hard she didn't think she could even stand up for a while. Her mind kept going back to that rush of water as her brother was blasted forward, as she woke up and realized the man who had done it had disappeared. When she realized that it had been a Death Eater all along. A man trying to make her think the Ministry had done it. That her best friends father had ordered someone kill her family.

She squeezed her eyes shut hard, trying to forget, trying to block the sounds of her mothers screams from the other room. As the man did horrible things to her.. as her father stood helpless and frozen, forced to watch as the man hurt her mother, and then filled the room with water. She shook harder, her body racked with sobs. She shouldn't have brought it up. That boy, he must think she was a freak, a stupid Hufflepuff just like everyone else. But what would she have done? Had a stranger she just met told her that her parents were dead and started crying, only to just fly out the door, afraid to speak to him. Afraid to let him see her crying like this.
Chastity Moor
Chastity Moor

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Whose Side Are You On? - Page 2 Empty Re: Whose Side Are You On?

Post by Andrew Thompson Mon Jul 19, 2010 10:07 pm

Andrew watched as Chase stood up and then ran out of the store, tears running down her face. Being the nice person that he was, he got up and proceded out the door, when he was interuppted by the bartender. "Hey kid!" the man yelled "you gonna pay for those drinks?!". Andrew groaned in annoyance and then turned to speak. "I'll be back in a minute!" he said, nearly snarling at the guy. Without paying attention to the bartenders threats, he continued out the door and jogged over towards where Chase had sat.

He sat close next to her and then looked at her, with a friendly face, his hazel eyes glinting from the light. "Hey," he said in a soothing voice "it's alright. Don't cry alright?" He put his arm around Chase's shoulders, trying to cheer her up. He wished he could've said something more to help, but once again, he was at a loss for words. "They'll get the guy," he said trying to sound reassuring "and if they don't I'll help you find him."
Andrew Thompson
Andrew Thompson
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 3818
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Whose Side Are You On? - Page 2 Empty Re: Whose Side Are You On?

Post by Chastity Moor Mon Jul 19, 2010 10:16 pm

Chase felt him sit down next to her and she hid her face more completely, ashamed of the tears. She had been keeping the brave face for so long, and one word to a complete stranger had broken her down completely, in public too! She felt his arm around her and a shock went through her body. Why was he so nice to her? She barely knew him, he barley knew her.. sure they had a couple things in common, but he was so nice to her. She wiped her eyes, and felt her weight lean on him slightly, her sobbing ceased and just became a trickle of tears. "I'm sorry." She said, sounding as though she had a bad head cold. "I didn't mean to.. I.. I just.. kept seeing them.. over and over in my head.. I didn't know why I suddenly cried like that... I've been keeping it all in for so long I.." She felt tears gather again and she wiped them away, turning to look him in the eye.

"Why are you being nice to me?" She said suddenly, her eyes staring into his. Pain laced through what once had been beautiful blue eyes. Now, they were still beautiful, but they looked to old for the girl who had them. To experienced, and not right for the lovable girl sitting before him. "I barely know you.. and yet.." She stifled a sob and sunk lower in the seat, covering her face with her hands. "He came into my house.. he.. he hurt my mom.. and then filled the room with water.. shut the door, I confronted him.. I could have killed him.. but the door burst to the room they were in.. water flooded my entry, and when I woke up.. he was gone, and they were all.." She bit her lip and hunched forward, tears falling down her face. "I had hit the door so hard.. shards of wood had come off and hurt my back pretty bad..." She said softly. "It was raining.." she said her eyes slowly finding his.
Chastity Moor
Chastity Moor

Number of posts : 2008
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Whose Side Are You On? - Page 2 Empty Re: Whose Side Are You On?

Post by Andrew Thompson Mon Jul 19, 2010 10:29 pm

Andrew kept his face plastered in a straight friendly face. He spoke in a low voice, trying to sound as nice as possible "Well I never let a girl sit alone and cry. It's not how I was rasied." He always tried to be the good person in the world. even when evil people had tried to dominate it. It was always a war he continued to fight. He then listened to the grim story, picturing every detail. Each and every word made his spine shake and chill. Who could have done such a thing?

"Well the Ministry will be able to help with it," he said calmly and his soothing voice was traceable with it "Matt is the best person that you could talk to. I know for a fact that he would be able to track that scum down." He looked up and glared at some people who were staring, and they immediatly walked away. Some people... he thought and turned his head back towards Chase. "Do you need a place to stay or something?" he asked, as she had not mentioned where she would be staying for the time.
Andrew Thompson
Andrew Thompson
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 3818
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Whose Side Are You On? - Page 2 Empty Re: Whose Side Are You On?

Post by Chastity Moor Mon Jul 19, 2010 10:34 pm

Chase felt a small smile cross her face as she wiped her tears, looking at him she shook her head. "No.. Actually.. I'm staying at Sophia Lestrange's house.. the Minister's daughter." She said a small smile still in place on her face. "When I'm able to do magic fully again, I'm going to move out, and get an apartment.. I'm certainly not low on cash." She said smiling lightly. "I had a fair amount of money of my own.. but according to my parents will.. all of the money they had was to be split up between us kids, as I'm their own living relative left.. it goes to me." She said biting her lip. "And let me tell you.. that's quite a lot." She said scratching her head before giving a small shaky laugh.

"Thank you for trying to help though, I appreciate it.. there isn't much anyone can do now.. except track down this man.. he never told me his name.. but I know he's a.. a... poltergeist or something like that.. and really handsome too.." She muttered, her fingers to her lips as she remembered him kissing her full on when she hadn't realized how close he was, when he was invisible. She felt a shiver run down her spine and she looked up at him. Seeing he was shaken with her story her eyes got wide. "I'm sorry.. I know I shouldn't have told you! I barely know you.. and I mean, we just met, I shouldn't have spilled my whole life story out to you! I'm just being selfish!" She said looking up at him her mind whirring with what she had just done.
Chastity Moor
Chastity Moor

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Whose Side Are You On? - Page 2 Empty Re: Whose Side Are You On?

Post by Andrew Thompson Mon Jul 19, 2010 10:48 pm

Andrew smiled as she explained where she had been staying. He sighed in relief as he knew that those people were very trusting and helpful. "Matt and Sophia and some of the best people I know," he replied truthfully "they'll keep you safe for now." He then chuckled lightly as she began to tell him where she would be staying afterwords. It was good that she wasn't going to be on the streets with nothing. Unlike some unfortunate people, they didn't have they luxuary.

Poltergeist. That one word made his blood grow thin and cold. His mouth opened slightly as he face began to turn white. He had met with a person who had called himself a poltergeist. Was that her familys killer? Shaking his head rapidly for a second, to get the blood back into his face, he looked back at Chase, his hazel eyes dimmed. "It's alright to tell me," he said calmly, "it's good to get your feelings out. Lets people know that your alright, even though it's pretty ironic." He chuckled slightly, and his thoughts began to swim, trying to remember the guy.
Andrew Thompson
Andrew Thompson
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

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Whose Side Are You On? - Page 2 Empty Re: Whose Side Are You On?

Post by Chastity Moor Mon Jul 19, 2010 11:00 pm

Chase smiled. "Me and Sophia have been best friends for as long as I can remember.. even though.. that's not to long either.. but we were best friends for.. longer then I can remember I guess.." she said thinking hard. She absentmindedly ran her hand over her stomach, her mind whirring. "I know it seems like my life must suck... but I am.. I mean.. I couldn't ask for a better friend... so many people have been kind to me.. Sophia.. Matt, Daniel." She felt his name slip out before she could stop it, but she scowled at the memory. "Scratch that last name." she muttered, her eyes dark with the memory. "He calls himself my boyfriend.. but I haven't seen him around since before that night.." She said slowly. "It's been a while actually." She muttered thinking.

She glanced at him. "About a year ago, I was sitting under a tree outside of Hogwarts, It was a boring day, and it had been about to rain.. and then I woke up, and I was sitting in a room, with two strange guys I had never met, who told me I had my memory erased." She said slowly. "Can you imagine.. a whole year of my life had gone by, and I had no idea who anyone was... I lost a year of education, my mom let me move back in with her, because she had disowned me.. I had hurt so many people in that time.. but.. that wasn't me, I don't know who that Chase was.." She said softly shaking her head.

"But I read my diary.." Her hand ran along her stomach again, feeling the scar there that was just invisible because her shirt was just high enough in the back, and just loose enough so it didn't push against it and make it stand out. "I met Sophia.. and we became best friends just like before.. but my boyfriend at the time, thought we could start off right where we had left off.. but he's wrong, I.. I'm afraid of him, he's a vampire see, and he has a temper." She looked up at Andrew again. "I haven't seen him for a while, so I guess he doesn't really care about me, he's probably got another chick anyway." She said grimacing. "I dunno... I'd call myself single but I don't think that's the right word.. "She muttered taking her eyes off him to look at her feet again.
Chastity Moor
Chastity Moor

Number of posts : 2008
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