A Birth day - Page 97
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A Birth day - Page 97 Li9olo10

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Since every few months or so a few of our old members get the inspiration to revisit their old stomping grounds we have decided to keep PA open as a place to revisit old threads and start new ones devoid of any serious overarching plot or setting. Take this time to start any of those really weird threads you never got to make with old friends and make them now! Just remember to come say hello in the chatbox below or in the discord. Links have been provided in the "Comings and Goings" forum as well as the welcome widget above.

A Birth day

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A Birth day - Page 97 Empty Re: A Birth day

Post by Khaat Lupin Thu Nov 02, 2023 10:35 pm

"Take a dose of pain potion, Ruby," Kate told her, getting the bottle of pain potion out of the kitchen cabinet and setting the bottle on the kitchen table for her with a potion cup. "I know what that feels like, and the pain potion will help. Maybe get something to drink with some ice in it."

"Well, I think you need to be careful that you don't draw connections before we know if there are any. We don't have any evidence that James was linked to the potions thefts at all," Marcus told her. "For all we know, Moira and James could well have been drawn here by the news in the papers that Robert was hurt here last night. That would have signaled to James that Khaat was potentially more vulnerable. For all we know, James doesn't actually have anything to do with the potions thefts."

Angus saw Zoe working on fixing lunch when he went in the back door.

"Lordy, you look like you went a round with the very devil," she frowned. "You want a cup of tea? Or something stronger, perhaps?"

"No thanks," Angus said. "It's fine. Is Robert up in his room?"

"No," Zoe said. "He's downstairs in the basement. He's got some sort of map that he's been stewing over. Nigel isn't happy, but you know Robert."

"I do indeed," Angus said. "Thanks." He went downstairs and saw Robert sitting at a worktable, with his leg elevated on a footstool under the table. Nigel was standing beside him, and they were looking at some big piece of paper on the table. Angus went up to them and looked to see what they were looking at. It was a floor plan of the hospital. "Why do you need that? Is there some part of the hospital that you don't know already?"

"No, not really," Robert sighed. He looked up at Angus. "You look like hell."

"Well, that's good, since that's rather how I feel. At least I'm consistent," Angus said.

"Sit," Nigel told him, pointing to a chair not far from Robert's. Angus didn't object and sat down.

"So? Is everyone alright?"

"More or less. One of James's goons got Ruby and tried to strangle her. She's pretty sore and bruised. Jess tended her, though."

"Pain potion. It'll help. And bruise lotion. It'll take out some of the swelling and bruising," Robert said. "You have those at your place?"

"Pain potion. No bruise lotion," Angus said.

"I'll get you some," Nigel said, heading to the sickbay.

"So what about you? Who did you go a round with?"

"Moira in round one, and James in round two, and I lost to a stone wall at the end of round two."

"Well, that sounds painful."

"It was. It's a big fecked up mess, thats' what it is."

"How so?"

"We aren't one step further ahead, and as much as I tried to protect Ruby, I fecked that up too. I can't partner with her if I can't protect her."

"Hold on a moment. You've got your facts all buggared. First of all, I don't know that you're not ahead. Did you find any new information?"

"Nothing helpful. They took two small portable oxygen tanks. they took masks but pitched them in the trash instead. That's all we could find besides the list of potions that you already have."

"Well," Robert said, "that is quite interesting indeed."

"Makes no sense to me."

"It does to me. They dont need masks because they're not inhaling it. Think what else is oxygen known for?"

"Not a clue."

"You're not thinking. It's highly combustable. If they're not inhaling it, they're going to use it to start a fire somewhere or create an explosion."

"Don't they have wands for that?"

"Well, that would be logical, but if Sam is right, these morons might not know how to cast an incendio. You did very well, honestly."

"Potions and fire? I don't get it?"

"Well, we don't have all the pieces yet. Now, as for the other business, did Ruby expect you to protect her?"

"Probably. I don't know. We didn't discuss it."

"She was your partner, not your protection client. As your partner, she was at least equally as responsible for her own safety. And crap happens. You know that. She'll be fine, and you know that too. Now, pull yourself together. You need to show her you're more together than this. We don't always wrap up an entire case at the first step. Your head hurts, doesn't it?"

"Actually, yes," Angus said, as Nigel returned and handed him the bottle of bruise lotion.

"I can tell. You're not doing your best thinking. Nigel, check his head, would you?" Robert asked Nigel. Nigel touched Angus's head.

"Concussion. Clearly. And a monstrous headache. Head and back will probably bruise. What'd you do, Angus?"

"James tossed me against a stone wall," Angus said.

"Well, that's just lovely. I'm not sensing any other broken bones, but your thinking and your mood, probably aren't the best right now. Nor is your balance or any other bloody thing."

"Well, I already know his thinking and his mood are rather stinky right now," Robert said.

"You need to get some pain potion yourself," Nigel said to Angus.

"Yeah, okay," Angus said, brushing Nigel off.
Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 24234
Special Abilities : Energy Worker, Medium, Heightened Sensitivity
Occupation : Director of St. Mungos, Owner of Sparks Bistro

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A Birth day - Page 97 Empty Re: A Birth day

Post by Ruby Lyne Tyler Thu Nov 02, 2023 10:45 pm

Ruby noded as the sugestion of pain potion was put forward she walked to the cabonet and took the bottle down, placing two drops in teh water she then went to the frezzer and added ice cubes and drank feeling her throat cool and feel less painful " thank you" she said smiling washing out the glass and placing the potion back in the cabonet " might have to use foundation to hide these" she said and pointed to her bruises. " I should have been on my guard, he got the drop on me." she said and made some tea for herself and the others.

Aria listend to Marcus and nodded " Your right, one might not have anything to do with the other" she said " acidental coincidence" she said but still lsitened to the sounds behind the main door, just incase. Jess walked in with reports for Khaat and smiled to Aria .

"I sent Angus and Ruby home Ruby has bruises and minor swelling around her vocal cords that by the morning should have eased of, Angus has a mild concushion and bruising on his back that if he relaxed and took some pain potion should be fine by the morning" she told Khaat placing the two release forms on her desk " nothing else was found to be missing."
Ruby Lyne Tyler
Ruby Lyne Tyler

Number of posts : 5764

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A Birth day - Page 97 Empty Re: A Birth day

Post by Khaat Lupin Thu Nov 02, 2023 10:58 pm

"Marcus can use a temporary glamour spell on bruises that will hide them for a time," Kate said. "Not sure where he learned how to use a glamour spell to do it, but it's a lot less messy than muggle foundation. It doesn't last more than about eight hours at a time, but at least it might help you from being self-conscious about them. And, if worse comes to worse, since we're in sweater season, you might be able to wear maybe a cowl neck sweater to hide them too. Honestly, I wouldn't actually worry about it unless you're going out. As long as you're on estate grounds, you're home. You don't need to hide it from the people here."

"Well, that's what I'm thinking," Marcus said. "I just can't fathom any reason why James or Tom either one would need potions. It makes no sense to me at all."

"Thanks, Jess. I'm glad they're going to be okay. Angus is most likely going to ignore it. He pretty much just keeps going unless he absolutely can't go anymore," Khaat laughed. "Maybe Edward will talk some sense into him--maybe."

"Well, maybe I can help with that when I get back," Marcus said, laughing.

"How will you manage to do that?" Khaat asked.

"It starts with a cigarette and a glass of firewhiskey," Marcus said.

"Probably not the best mix with a concussion, though," Khaat frowned.

"I said a glass, not a bottle. One won't hurt him," Marcus said. "Might make him reasonable again."

"Solving the case would make him reasonable too," Khaat said.

"Firewhiskey and tobacco are quicker," Marcus teased. "Since the case isn't closed. Oh, we did find out the identity of the thieves. Your mum did a sketch. Seems Sam knows them. Two Hogwarts drop outs that quit in their fifth years. Little numbskulls."

"Wonder what they want potions for, though," Khaat frowned.

"Dunno, but maybe now that we know who they are we can find them," Marcus said.

"And what will you do when you find them? Truth potion?"

"No. I'll tie them on a couple of spits and threaten to roast them over an open fire unless they talk," he teased. She rolled her eyes at him.
Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 24234
Special Abilities : Energy Worker, Medium, Heightened Sensitivity
Occupation : Director of St. Mungos, Owner of Sparks Bistro

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A Birth day - Page 97 Empty Re: A Birth day

Post by Ruby Lyne Tyler Thu Nov 02, 2023 11:11 pm

Ruby looked and listened to Kate and nodded remebering to ask him when they get home." good idea" she said simply " and I have one upstairs " she added placing down her cup and heading up to their bed oom returing with a jumper than covered her throat and was cosy and warm to her " its one of Angus's , hope he won't mind" she said with a smile as she sat back down and sipped her tea again then chuckled as Caprice banged on a stuffed were toy.

Aria listened to Marcus and nodded as she watched Jess walk in and Khaat spoke to her. Jess nodded then chuckled at Marcus words " that would be a good way to get him to relax." she said then listened to Marcus talking. " well maybe there up to no good, Oxegen if flamable after al if lit" she offered then her mind started reeling " could they be planning to build a bomb?" she asked looking at Marcus " the potions could be to help them if they get hurt?" she asked.
Ruby Lyne Tyler
Ruby Lyne Tyler

Number of posts : 5764

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A Birth day - Page 97 Empty Re: A Birth day

Post by Khaat Lupin Thu Nov 02, 2023 11:31 pm

"He's not going to care," Edward said, pouring tea for himself. "He's not that into clothes, except if he has to be."

"I don't know that I agree with that," Simone said. "I always thought he was a sharp dresser."

"I agree with Simone. He has a good sense of a kind of rugged style, and I rather like it," Kate said.

"I've told him that his style is more 'generally-not-naked,' " Edward said. "He's agreed with me."

"Well, I think more men could do worse than to dress like he does," Kate said. Edward laughed and sat back and drank his tea.

"Well, yes," Marcus said. "It is flammable. I suppose they could try to do that with it, but if they're dropouts, then I have to question whether they have the brain power for that. Still, I suppose it might be possible."

As they were sitting there, the secretary brought in today's copy of the Quibbler. Marcus took it and began scanning the pages.

"Hey, this might be something," Marcus said. "If it's true. There's an article here about Potage's Cauldron shop. Apparently some cauldrons have gone missing from there? Is that actually true?"

"It is," Khaat said. "We had some large ones on order for the potions lab, and they were among some of the ones taken. They've had several taken in the last couple weeks, and in several different sizes."

"I wonder..." Marcus frowned. "Aria, don't leave. I'm going to go find a floo."

"Next door in his office," Khaat gestured towards Robert's office. Marcus nodded. He went next door and opened the floo, and he reached Michael at the main house.

"More trouble already?" Michael frowned.

"No. But have you seen the article on the cauldron thefts?"

"Yeah. So?"

"What if the potions, the cauldrons, the oxygen, is all about some sort of potions lab start up somewhere. Someone trying to cobble one together."

"By selling St. Mungo potions?" Michael frowned. "i don't get it."

"Ask Robert. See what he says."

"Okay. I'll ask. Now go get some lunch. I think your blood sugar must be low. Your brain is only firing on a couple cylanders." Marcus laughed as Michael closed the floo. Michael went downstairs. Marcus went back to Khaat's office.

"Michael thinks I'm off my rocker," Marcus laughed. "Oh well. It was worth a try. I told him I thought it sounded like a potions lab set up. He told me my blood sugar is off."

"Hey, Marcus just called on the floo and asked if the potions and the oxygen has anything to do with the cauldron thefts," Michael said to Robert. Robert's eyes grew wide.

"Of course! A potions lab! That's it!" Robert said.

"Selling our potions?" Michael frowned.

"No! Don't you see? Copying MY potions! That has to be it! It all fits."

"So who's doing it?"

"Dunno yet, but I bet we'll find them," Robert said. "Ring him back. Tell him he was right."
Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 24234
Special Abilities : Energy Worker, Medium, Heightened Sensitivity
Occupation : Director of St. Mungos, Owner of Sparks Bistro

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A Birth day - Page 97 Empty Re: A Birth day

Post by Ruby Lyne Tyler Thu Nov 02, 2023 11:37 pm

Ruby just chuckled and snuggled into the jumper more as it smelt like Angus which made her feel comfortable. Aria listened to Jess and Marcus talking then nodded as he told her to stay with Khaat and not to move " of course " she said moving to stand behind Khaats desk as she kept watch. Jess noded and left the room to return to her duties.

"see you tonight Khaat" Jess said as she closed the door behind her. Soon Marcus returned and Aria chuckled at Michaels assesment of Marcus.

" does sound far fetched but it all fits thought" Aria said to him as he reurned to the room. She moved to the couch and continued her cross word as she sat. she knew this sort of thing was down to Khaat and Marcus she was there for obervatio and muscle shold it be needed , she didn't mind one bit as she was use to it.
Ruby Lyne Tyler
Ruby Lyne Tyler

Number of posts : 5764

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A Birth day - Page 97 Empty Re: A Birth day

Post by Khaat Lupin Thu Nov 02, 2023 11:53 pm

Nigel and Robert had strongly suggested that Angus go home and rest. Angus wasn't feeling as guilty now about Ruby being hurt, but he was feeling fairly useless. He left the main house and saw that the unicorns were becoming quite agitated and restless. Not wanting a problem with the unicorns, he went over to the corral and saw that there was no hay in the feed troughs. He went into the barn, grabbed a bale of hay and took it to the first feed trough. He cut the twine and put the hay in the trough and then went back for a bale of hay for the other trough.

"Why is he working out there?" Kate sighed, looking out the window, seeing him hauling bales of hay.

"Dunno. That's usually Jack's job, to make sure someone's on it, isn't it?" Simone asked.

"Do I need to go rescue him?" Edward asked.

"Dunno," Simone replied. "but the soup and the fresh bread are both ready if anyone is hungry."

"It smells fantastic. I dont know about anyone else, but I'm starving," Edward replied.
Khaat's secretary came in to Khaat's office, with a message and handed it to Marcus.

"Message for you, Marcus. From Michael--Robert says you're right," she said. "Whatever that means."

"Yes!" Marcus said. "Well, we're one step closer to resolving this. So, it seems to me that, next, we need to find these little weasels and get them to tell us where this is being set up."

"Would you do something for me?" Khaat asked her secretary. She handed her a piece of paper. "Get me whatever addresses we have on file for these two?"

"Certainly," the secretary said, leaving.

"If we get their addresses, I bet you would love for me to work at home for the rest of the day, wouldn't you?" Khaat asked Marcus.

"You were reading my mind. Could I twist your arm?"

"This once, yes," she said. "But I have these Asian chicken salads that need to be eaten. Shall we take a break for lunch while we have the time?"

Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 24234
Special Abilities : Energy Worker, Medium, Heightened Sensitivity
Occupation : Director of St. Mungos, Owner of Sparks Bistro

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A Birth day - Page 97 Empty Re: A Birth day

Post by Ruby Lyne Tyler Thu Nov 02, 2023 11:59 pm

Ruby looked out the window to see Angus by the barn she put down her cup and walked to the door and over to it "Soups ready if you want some" she said her voice almost back to normal "There is Fresh bread too, Simone and Kate made it" she added leaning on a fence to watch him fill the feed troughs with hay.

Aria looked up as the secretary entered and spoke to Marcus then took a note from him with the names of the two boys on it she watched her turn and walked out smiling at Marcus as she did Aria just rolled her eyes and shook her head " you do know she was flirting with you, right?" Aria said smirking at him as she walked over to Khaat's desk again knowing he was all hers and the secretary had no chance. " so you were right on what?" she asked, " that the pieces could make a bomb or they are setting up a potions lab?"
Ruby Lyne Tyler
Ruby Lyne Tyler

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A Birth day - Page 97 Empty Re: A Birth day

Post by Khaat Lupin Fri Nov 03, 2023 12:22 am

"Be there in a minute," Angus called back to Ruby. He cut the twine on the second bale and put it into the feed trough. He took a moment to pet the unicorns and talk to them quietly and give them a handful of hay to show them there was plenty more food if they were hungry. They made their way to the troughs to eat.

"Sorry," he said to her. "No point in letting the unicorns get worked up if all it takes is a little food to make them happy again. I bet whatever that soup is, it's great. The stock smelled good when we got home. And Simone is a good baker. I'm always glad to have some of her baked goods around. Sorry about this morning. I should have gotten to you sooner than I did. It might have prevented all that today. Hopefully I'll be on it quicker next time." He came out of the corral and fastened the gate securely. "Let's go get some soup before Edward eats it all. Robert and Marcus seem to have a theory that those two little dropouts are helping to set up some sort of illegal potions lab somewhere. Not sure exactly how they got to that or what they're going to do next, but I presume they're putting some sort of pieces together."

He walked with her back to the house.

"Potions lab," Marcus told Aria. "However, if they buggar it up, they will manage to blow themselves up just as easily as if they'd made a bomb. Not sure these kids are likely to be any sort of gifted tinkerers that could pull much of anything off unless they've got someone smarter than they are running the show. Who that is is anybody's guess right now. We certainly still don't have all the pieces, that's for sure."

Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 24234
Special Abilities : Energy Worker, Medium, Heightened Sensitivity
Occupation : Director of St. Mungos, Owner of Sparks Bistro

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A Birth day - Page 97 Empty Re: A Birth day

Post by Ruby Lyne Tyler Fri Nov 03, 2023 12:29 am

Ruby folded her arms into the jumper and smiled at Angus as he finished feeding the unicorns " I know" she said simply then heard him talk about not being quick enough " Angus it wasn't your fault I need to work on my observation skills" she said and smiled to him " you aren't to blame" she added as he finished she took his hand in her own as they walked back to the duplex. She listened to him talk and sighed "There fools if that's the case, it will end in someone being badly hurt" she said as they drew close to the back door, she turned to face him and gently kissed him with a smile " again you did nothing wrong today so stop worrying." she told him softly before opening the door for him.

Aria heard Marcus and sighed shaking her head " You mean now we have to go on a hunt to save those dropouts possibly from themselves?" she asked as he told her that was what they suspected the boys were going to do. " might be just as bad as making a bomb if they are tht bad at potions."
Ruby Lyne Tyler
Ruby Lyne Tyler

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