A Birth day - Page 96
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A Birth day - Page 96 Li9olo10

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A Birth day

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A Birth day - Page 96 Empty Re: A Birth day

Post by Khaat Lupin Wed May 24, 2023 8:27 pm

Angus's first task was to walk to the family plot. He had asked the girls if they had a preference on where they wanted Phoebe placed, and they hadn't been able to deal with the choices ahead of them in burying Phoebe. He hadn't actually expected them to be able to do that. He had told Edward he would handle a lot of that.

Now, he was there, walking the family graveyard, taking notice of where everyone had either been buried or what he knew of plots that had already been selected. There were a good many others who had not been selected yet, and, actually, as Edward had been found out about how Angus had been so shamefully treated, Edward himself had moved some of those promised plots. Angus walked the cemetery, trying to envision where Phoebe herself might choose to be.

When he had selected plots for his parents, he had selected the two most remote spots away from where his own plot was intended to be. As far away from anyone that Angus loved as Angus could make it. He debated now on a spot under a shady tree for her, but then he had changed his mind, remembering what the girls had said. Phoebe hadn't liked the dark. He chose, instead, a place for her on a little bit of a rise that overlooked a clear, sunny view of Caprice's flower garden--the little patch of color that his grandmother had loved so much. Caprice, he believed, would have approved. He marked the spot clearly, and as he did, one of the workers approached Angus. Angus relayed very clear instructions about the plot, and the worker nodded.

That job completed, he moved on, knowing he had a great deal to do. Edward had chosen a dress and some jewelry for Phoebe. That was settled. Angus wanted to choose the casket and the flowers. The headstone would look like all the rest of the Donohue headstones--like one of the family. It was a choice Angus would not have to make.

"I think I'll have the flowers done from the ones we have here," Angus said to Marcus. "The girls said she likes snapdragons, and we do have snapdragons here. I think I'll have one of the crew make up one that has an assortment of the flowers here, with some roses and some snapdragons. I'll make that one from the girls. I'll order some others from the florist that are more traditional. I need to make sure there is, minimally, a casket spray, some bouquets, a wreath, probably a headstone saddle as opposed to a grave blanket so it does not outshine the eternal light that Edward is having fashioned for her out of the solar light the girls bought."

"You're being very generous for Phoebe, aren't you?" Marcus said.

"She was the mother of our girls. As I see it, its the least I can do,' Angus replied. "And Dennis asked me about flowers for her, so I think I'll have the casket spray done entirely in red roses for her. I'll do the headstone saddle in the snapdragons and garden flowers so that the girls will know that they were always on her mind, and now she will be always on theirs. And the wreath will be from us as their new family."

"I think those are fine choices," Marcus said. "Did Edward pick a casket?"

"I'm sure he did. He would have. He would have chosen probably oak, and I'm sure he chose something nice. I have no reason to second guess him. I want to talk to Rosaria about the menu for the meal. I want her to be sure to make it heavy on the beef so that Dennis, the girls, and any of the werewolves that come can get a good meal, and especially if Dennis happens to change his mind and bring someone along. I might have Rosaria do more than one beef dish, including a steak tartare. There isn't a one of our bunch that won't eat beef, so I think its a good choice, and it'll create a little unity around the table."

"I like the thought of that--unity. I mean, there she was, a human, living in a werewolf camp. She was the picture of unity, wasn't she? She'd have probably liked that you were thinking of trying to bridge that gap for her girls," Marcus said. "You going to serve it in the winery again?"

"No, I don't think so," Angus replied. "I think we should hold the meal outside, in the yard, maybe not far from the outdoor living room. Something simple but elegant. I think if we were to do it in the wine cellar again it would be entirely too formal and dark and closed in for Dennis and any pack members. I think maybe just some long tables with some comfortable rattan or bentwood chairs, some small simple flower arrangements, and just easy buffet serving, rather than hiring some of the crew to serve. We have some antique, rustic tables in storage that I think would be great, with just plain white plates, no fussy tablecloths, just some very simple rustic elegance...."

As he was speaking, Carlo came to him with a floo message. It was from Michael. Apparently there were a handful of pack members who now wanted permission to come with Dennis to Tuscany for Phoebe's funeral.

"Assolutamente, i cari di Phoebe e Dennis sono i benvenuti," Angust told Carlo, who hurried off to send a return message to Michael. Angus looked at Marcus. "I expected some of them to change their minds. This is the only family that Phoebe and Dennis and the girls had for the last few years, and I think there is some natural curiosity about how we will treat Dennis and the girls during this loss. Normal werewolves get used to having nothing really nice simply because so much gets destroyed by the curse. They get very uncomfortable with a good deal of fuss and formality, but I want this to be both comfortable for them, relaxed, low key, and pretty. Respectful."

"And you're sure about your menu?"

"Well, I am going to let Rosaria handle the food for us. She'll do a fine job. I will serve probably some brasolo, maybe some bistecca, something like that, but I am also going to bring in a number of classical Italian raw dishes. There, of course, is carpaccio, but there are also things like carne crudo and carne salada. I can also bring in some sushi. I think that, perhaps, it will be appealing to them. I may do a section of salads, some raw meat dishes, and some cooked side dishes, along with some Italian pastries for dessert, and some simple beverages like water, tea, coffee, and sodas or lemonade.

"Well, there are lots of different raw meat dishes from all over the world. I would think you could offer a couple and, with your cooked meats, the werewolves would appreciate that you thought of them," Marcus said. "I have never seen a reception of any sort where raw dishes were served specifically to accommodate the needs of someone with lycanthropy."

"Its high time we did," Angus said. "And actually, I'd like to see Lizzie add a section of raw dishes on the menu at Sparks too."

"It's a good idea," Marcus agreed. "And actually quite innovative even for our world."

"I have werewolf daughters now. I have to think of them and the people that they love who have raised them. For me not to honor them and serve something they will like, is that not like having a family of vegetarians for a special occasion meal and serving just big platters of steak. I think it behooves us to step up and do the right thing."
Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 23563
Special Abilities : Energy Worker, Medium, Heightened Sensitivity
Occupation : Director of St. Mungos, Owner of Sparks Bistro

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A Birth day - Page 96 Empty Re: A Birth day

Post by Ruby Lyne Tyler Wed May 24, 2023 9:20 pm

Ruby stood back and listened to Angus talking to the workmen in the grave yard, she ahd watched him point out a bright sunny spot for Pheobe and smiled but stayed back latting Marcus talk to him when the leter fluttered by she heard what he said and smiled . She knew it would be good for the girls to have some of their pack with them as they lay Pheobe to rest. Hearing him talk of the menu and why he was doing it she slowly walked over " I think its a wonderful Idea, a divers menu make a good restaraunt, plus shows they don't discrimnate on tastes." she said softly as she walked over to stand by Marcus. " this is a beautiful spot, She would have loved it" she reatched out and took his good hand in her own as she spoke again " I know th pack apreciate al tht your doing for her."

Jessie lay on the sun lounger and watched three figures in the distance and smiled knowing who it was. He stood up and moved insde finding Rosaria and Caprice " how's she doing?" he asked smiling as he saw Caprice dozing in her arms.
Ruby Lyne Tyler
Ruby Lyne Tyler

Number of posts : 5093

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A Birth day - Page 96 Empty Re: A Birth day

Post by Khaat Lupin Wed May 24, 2023 9:48 pm

"It just seems like the right thing to do," Angus told Ruby. "I never met Remus, not in person. I've talked with his portrait in Khaat's room, but from what I've heard, I feel like I knew him and the suffering he went through being ostracized because of his illness. He was a good man, and he didn't deserve that. I don't want our girls to ever have to go through that. And, truth be told, if they get together with Sam and Victor, we could end up with grandchildren who have the same curse. And they deserve the same opportunities we have."

"You and Khaat and Robert have the same ideas about magical being inclusion," Marcus said. "Not everyone feels like you do, but the fact that the girls are with parents who feel that way certainly will open doors for them, and I do think they understand how fortunate they are."

"I don't need them necessarily to understand that. I just need them to be healthy and happy," Angus said. "You two want to come help me discuss the menu with Rosaria?"

Rosaria showed Jessie that Caprice was sleeping but there were little fine beads of sweat on her forehead. Rosaria told Jessie she believed that, for now, her fever was probably breaking, but unless the infection was already clearing, there was an excellent chance the fever might well go back up again off and on until it was under control.
Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 23563
Special Abilities : Energy Worker, Medium, Heightened Sensitivity
Occupation : Director of St. Mungos, Owner of Sparks Bistro

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A Birth day - Page 96 Empty Re: A Birth day

Post by Ruby Lyne Tyler Wed May 24, 2023 9:54 pm

Ruby listened to Angus and Marcus and smiled " I agree, it's not their fault" she said " there flesh and blood like us" She heard him ask if she wanted to go with him to talk to Rosaria and she smiled again "Of course , not that there's anything wrong with your choices" she said " I likemthe idea of variety in the menu, and the flowers will look wonderful, the snapdragon and Roses will look perfect" she added and looked to Marcus as they walked back towards the house.

Jessie could see the beans of sweat on Caprice and sighed taking a cool damp cloth he wet it then rung it out before placing it on her tiny brow " Maybe this might help" he said softly. He listened to her and nodded " well if you need a break let me know I don't mind babysitting and I know you're always busy." he said smiling at her as he held the sleeping Caprice's small hand in his own.
Ruby Lyne Tyler
Ruby Lyne Tyler

Number of posts : 5093

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A Birth day - Page 96 Empty Re: A Birth day

Post by Khaat Lupin Wed May 24, 2023 10:06 pm

Carlo brought a shallow bowl over, and it had an herb water in it that he had made. He explained that it was an herbal remedy that his family had used for generations and that it was effective in reducing fever. He explained that he and Rosaria had used it for Angus when Angus was a boy, and they believed it would help. He took the cloth Jessie had used and put it in the herb water and wrung it out and sponged off Caprice's face and neck. It had a very gentle flower and herb smell to it that was actually quite pleasant.

"Oh, I know that smell," Angus said as he and Marcus and Ruby arrived at the kitchen. "Carlo has been brewing herb water again."

"Doing what?" Marcus asked.

"It's a home brewed potion of sorts. Its an herb water that his family has used for generations to reduce fever," Angus said. "I knew if i got sick that this stuff was coming for sure."

"Did it help?" Marcus asked.

"Well, I don't know that it ever hurt anything," Angus laughed. Angus asked Rosaria if they could discuss the menu for tomorrow. She nodded, and Carlo got out a pad of paper and a pen to take notes.
Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 23563
Special Abilities : Energy Worker, Medium, Heightened Sensitivity
Occupation : Director of St. Mungos, Owner of Sparks Bistro

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A Birth day - Page 96 Empty Re: A Birth day

Post by Ruby Lyne Tyler Wed May 24, 2023 10:14 pm

Jessie wtched as carlo walked over with a bowl and spoke about the herb water he smiled " couldn't harm, and if Angus had it and hes okay its good" he said and chuckled as he watched Carlo dip the cloth and wipe over Caprice's head and neck. Glancing back he saw Angus, Marcua dn Ruby enter. " hey guys" he said siting next to Rosaria.

"oh some times home recpies are good as there tried and tested for years" she said smiling as she walked over and checked Caprice " shes looking alittle better, thank you Rosaria and Carlo, I'd be at my whit end by now with out you two and you too dear" she said looking to Angus with a smile. " how often would you wipe her down with the herb water and I have to say that scent is very soothing." she added
Ruby Lyne Tyler
Ruby Lyne Tyler

Number of posts : 5093

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A Birth day - Page 96 Empty Re: A Birth day

Post by Khaat Lupin Wed May 24, 2023 10:43 pm

"It rather just depended on how much time someone had to keep at it," Angus said. "Some of these old home remedy things don't have exact instructions."

They sat and started to discuss meat dishes first. Rosaria had no problem with all the meat dishes. She could get started on those today. Angus discussed the idea of a large panzanella salad, and perhaps a large antipasto platter, and maybe a fruit salad. She agreed. She suggested a couple of pasta dishes as side dishes--a manicotti and a lasagna because those could be fixed in advanced and just baked. Then she suggested a large bowl of fire roasted vegetables, some roasted zucchini boats, a potato and vegetable side dish called a pepperonata. She would make some toasted garlic rolls, and then for dessert, she would serve a tiramisu, some cannoli that she could buy in the village, and some gelato that she could also buy in the village. Angus 100% supported her buying as much in the village as she could to save her time and energy because of the short notice and also because the village always rallied around the Donohues whenever the Donohues had a need, and the village did it because they knew that the Donohues always rallied around them in return.

Carlo and Rosaria loved the idea of the rustic tables in the yard with no tableclothes and just plain white plates, simple cups and glassware, simple vases of flowers that would be put in chunky vases that were cut from some of the Donohue wine bottles, and a very simple buffet. Carlo believed the set up could be done today with no problem.

The whole meeting had taken perhaps an hour or so, and by the time, Angus was noticing that Caprice was just starting to get restless again with Rosaria. He saw it was very near time to give her more ear drops. It was not easy for him to do one handed, so Marcus took the bottle and managed it a good deal easier than Angus could do it. It seemed to soothe the baby at once, and she fell asleep. Carlo took the baby from Rosaria so she could work, and he took her into the next room where there was an old, well loved, well used cradle, and he put the baby there so she could sleep undisturbed but well within both eyesight and earshot.

As much as Rosaria wanted to hold Caprice all day
Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 23563
Special Abilities : Energy Worker, Medium, Heightened Sensitivity
Occupation : Director of St. Mungos, Owner of Sparks Bistro

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A Birth day - Page 96 Empty Re: A Birth day

Post by Ruby Lyne Tyler Wed May 24, 2023 10:50 pm

Jessie looked at Angus as he spoke and nodded " yeah tried and tested is true but tke an awful long time to do" he added seeing Caprice was in good hands he moved to the living room where he sat down with a book to read. Ruby sat with Angus and Marcus and listened to the dishes on the menu. She found each she liked and knew the pack would too.

"they all sound great Rosaria" she said " in fact just the mention of them is making me hungry" she said and chukled " and I haven't had tiramasu in a long time." she saw Carlo take Caprice and place her in an old rustic cot and smiled " was that something Angus was in?" she asked " becuse the carving looks beautiful." she said admiring it from where she sat.
Ruby Lyne Tyler
Ruby Lyne Tyler

Number of posts : 5093

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A Birth day - Page 96 Empty Re: A Birth day

Post by Khaat Lupin Wed May 24, 2023 11:10 pm

Rosaria nodded, remembering that Angus had indeed slept in that cradle as a baby.

"If the family traditions are accurate," Angus told her, "Edward's grandfather--which would have been my great, great grandfather was perhaps among the first to have slept in that." Rosaria shook her head and held up three fingers to Angus.

"Not grandfather? Edward's great grandfather?" Angus asked, and she simply said Si. "I stand corrected then. It would have been my great, great, great grandfather." She nodded. "I guess even cavemen had to sleep somewhere," Angus teased. Rosaria playfully snapped him with her dishtowel. It made him laugh. Angus asked about a simple light lunch of some sort, and she said she would fix something if they'd get out of her kitchen. Angus volunteered to cook, and she waved him out.

"We're being evicted from the kitchen,' Marcus told Angus and Ruby. They left the kitchen and Marcus looked at Angus. "She bloody doesn't know you can cook, does she?"

"I thought...." Angus began. Then he frowned. "Well, maybe not. She's always been in the kitchen when I've come here. Maybe she doesn't know." Marcus laughed out loud.

"She thinks you're going to catch her kitchen on fire, you dolt," Marcus laughed. "You should prove her wrong sometime and surprise her."

"I'm sure I could," Angus said. "That could be fun, actually. If she ever lets me near the kitchen."

"You could always get up before she did," Marcus suggested.

"Maybe so," Angus replied. He saw Carlo hurrying towards the front door. "Looks like maybe someone's arrived."

"Well, since we have nothing better to do, we should go see," Marcus said.

They went to the foyer and saw that Kate, Robert, and Michael had arrived.

"Brian and Khaat are coming, but they won't be here for a couple of hours yet," Kate told them.

"I'm glad you could come," Angus told them. Carlo told them that Michael and Brian and Khaat had the pool house to use since there were two beautiful bedrooms there, along with two bathrooms and a kitchen and a living room. Carlo volunteered to take them to the pool house. Robert and Kate would be in the main house, with a bedroom upstairs on the other side of Jessie's and Marcus's.
Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 23563
Special Abilities : Energy Worker, Medium, Heightened Sensitivity
Occupation : Director of St. Mungos, Owner of Sparks Bistro

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A Birth day - Page 96 Empty Re: A Birth day

Post by Ruby Lyne Tyler Wed May 24, 2023 11:16 pm

Ruby chuckled as Marcus said they were being kicked out of the kitchen by Rosaria . " well the tradishion of donohue babys sleeping in the cot continues" she said smiling as they left the kitchen she watched Carlo had to the door and smiled seeing the others arive "It's good to see you all" she said smiling at them. she let Angus greet them as well and went to hug Kate. When they said Khaat and Brian would join them in anhour she nodded " good to know Rosaria was just fixing something to eat" she said moving to the living room and motioning to the others to join them if they weren't too tired ith the time diference.

Jessie looked up hearing voices and nodded to them all " hey, glad you could make it guys" he said " the girls are up in there rooms...alone I hope" he said and chuckled knowing the boys would behave Since they took their new jobs serious, just as serious as he did.
Ruby Lyne Tyler
Ruby Lyne Tyler

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