Avoiding Potions. - Page 3
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Avoiding Potions.

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Avoiding Potions. - Page 3 Empty Re: Avoiding Potions.

Post by Maddie Kane Wed Apr 05, 2023 12:21 pm

Mads was taken aback by Mason's sudden reaction until she realized that it had started raining. "I think classes must be wrapping up by now," she suggested, indicating that they should find shelter. "We could make our way back up to the castle - it seems like the only viable option unless we want to get soaked." As she spoke, she disentangled herself from Mason enough to stand up, though her hand still rested on his arm before sliding down to take his hand. Tilting her chin up she allowed the droplets to fall on her face for a moment closing her eyes. “Let’s go,’ she murmured looking back at Mason.
Maddie Kane
Maddie Kane
Sixth Year Hufflepuff
Sixth Year Hufflepuff

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Avoiding Potions. - Page 3 Empty Re: Avoiding Potions.

Post by Mason Cuffe Wed Apr 05, 2023 12:42 pm

Mason noddef her head. "yeah we should ahead back to castle," he said. He was bit dissapointed when Maddie left her side now. But he stood up too and toom the girls hand there now. "Where in the castle we go?" He asked now. To make sure they went towards the same place now. He didn't want to leave Mads yet
Mason Cuffe
Mason Cuffe
Sixth Year Slytherin
Sixth Year Slytherin

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Avoiding Potions. - Page 3 Empty Re: Avoiding Potions.

Post by Maddie Kane Wed Apr 05, 2023 1:50 pm

Maddison gazed up at Mason, a reassuring smile on her lips, as she sensed his disappointment. Taking hold of his hand, she guided it back around her waist, allowing it to rest on her hip once again. "We can go anywhere you want," she replied, not quite ready to part ways with him yet. However, her thoughts began to wander towards some studying she wanted to do on lycanthropy, so she could better understand what Mason was going through.
Maddie Kane
Maddie Kane
Sixth Year Hufflepuff
Sixth Year Hufflepuff

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Avoiding Potions. - Page 3 Empty Re: Avoiding Potions.

Post by Mason Cuffe Wed Apr 05, 2023 3:17 pm

Mason smiled when Mads took hold of hand and guided it around her waist again. He was always happy to be around her these days. He wanted her always to be safe. Even yeah he knew some days he can he dangeours to her. He didn't want to think about it really. Anyways he nodded his head. "Well we can just walk and see where we end up," he said and did lead her into the castle now.
Mason Cuffe
Mason Cuffe
Sixth Year Slytherin
Sixth Year Slytherin

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Avoiding Potions. - Page 3 Empty Re: Avoiding Potions.

Post by Maddie Kane Wed Apr 05, 2023 3:54 pm

Maddie was intrigued by Mason's suggestion of letting their feet take them wherever they wanted to go, so she murmured in agreement and allowed him to lead her towards the castle. As they walked, the temperature began to drop, and the wind picked up, causing Maddie's hair to whip around her face. She shivered involuntarily, realizing that she was not dressed appropriately for the sudden shift in weather.

Without hesitation, Maddie huddled closer to Mason, seeking warmth and comfort from his presence. She felt safe and protected in his arms, knowing that he would take care of her. Despite the chilly winds, Maddie felt content and happy, simply enjoying the moment with Mason and the adventure that lay ahead of them.
Maddie Kane
Maddie Kane
Sixth Year Hufflepuff
Sixth Year Hufflepuff

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Avoiding Potions. - Page 3 Empty Re: Avoiding Potions.

Post by Mason Cuffe Wed Apr 05, 2023 4:09 pm

Mason smiled. He could feel Maddie shivering next to her now. The boy wrapped her arm closer around her. The boy lead her inside. "We should probably change our clothes as I don't want you to catch cold," he ended up saying. Even yes he didn't want to part his ways with Mads but same time he didn't want her catch cold too. She would hate it if she ends up sick. 

They ended up walking towards Hufflepuff common room. "just changes your clothes and we can meet here again. i should do same for mine," he ended up and planted kiss on Mads lips
Mason Cuffe
Mason Cuffe
Sixth Year Slytherin
Sixth Year Slytherin

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Avoiding Potions. - Page 3 Empty Re: Avoiding Potions.

Post by Maddie Kane Wed Apr 05, 2023 4:38 pm

Maddie's heart raced as she returned Mason's kiss, savoring the moment before reluctantly pulling away. "Right back here," she repeated, her words hanging in the air as she turned and walked away, her mind still buzzing with excitement.

In her dorm room, Maddie quickly shed her damp clothes and slipped into something warmer and more appropriate for the chilly weather outside. As she dressed, she couldn't help but think about Mason and how much she enjoyed being with him.

With a fresh pair of jeans and a cozy sweater, Maddie made her way back to the spot where she had left Mason. But he was nowhere to be seen. Undeterred, she decided to head towards the Slytherin common room, her steps confident and determined. She knew where she wanted to be, and nothing was going to stop her.
Maddie Kane
Maddie Kane
Sixth Year Hufflepuff
Sixth Year Hufflepuff

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Avoiding Potions. - Page 3 Empty Re: Avoiding Potions.

Post by Mason Cuffe Wed Apr 05, 2023 4:52 pm

Mason nodded her head. Even yeah he did go to her room to change his own clothes too. He didn't feel like catching a cold here either. So this whole time he couldn't stop how lucky he was that Mads was his girlfriend. He never tought it would happen. She took a deep breath.

He changed his close in her dorm room. He was actually wearing his school uniform, as he had actually gone to first class but ditched it. So she took a deep breath. He put those close to try but changed into black ripped skinny jeans, t-shirts and jacket. Once he was done he walked out of the common room to see Maddie walking towards him.

Once he reached out to her. He wrapped his hands again around her and placed another kiss on his lips. He couldn't stop doing this.
Mason Cuffe
Mason Cuffe
Sixth Year Slytherin
Sixth Year Slytherin

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Avoiding Potions. - Page 3 Empty Re: Avoiding Potions.

Post by Maddie Kane Wed Apr 05, 2023 5:20 pm

The feeling of being away from Mason was unsettling for Maddie, as if a piece of her was missing. But as soon as she was back in his embrace, she felt whole again. Her fingers instinctively traced the contours of his face as their lips met in a tender kiss.

"Hi again," Maddie murmured, her lips curving into a smile as she pulled back slightly to gaze into his eyes. She could feel the warmth of his breath on her skin as they held each other, lost in the moment.

There was something indescribable about the connection between them, something that disappeared when they were apart. It was a feeling that Maddie knew was important to her, something she needed to feel complete. As they continued to kiss, she cherished the sense of belonging that Mason brought to her life.
Maddie Kane
Maddie Kane
Sixth Year Hufflepuff
Sixth Year Hufflepuff

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Avoiding Potions. - Page 3 Empty Re: Avoiding Potions.

Post by Mason Cuffe Wed Apr 05, 2023 5:47 pm

Mason felt ths weird feeling too when he wasn't near Maddie, something he couldn't pin point why it was like that. He always had to be near her, no matter what. He felt like he was missing something. To be honest it was weird what she wasn't used to having.

"Hey there," he said back to her with a smile between their kisses. He never got enough of them. He always had to have more of them. He smiled at Maddie. The boy kept his hands on her hip even if they wanted to go further but he knew it wasn't a good idea here in the public. He just knew that he wanted more and more of Maddie.

He kept kissing the girl back too. He did cherish these moments too.
Mason Cuffe
Mason Cuffe
Sixth Year Slytherin
Sixth Year Slytherin

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