"Now that is a very nice lighter,' Michael said. It looked like one he himself had had years ago. Alette had given it to him early into their relationship. He couldn't be sure it hadn't been his, but he wasn't going to even imply it. "My life was much the same," Michael said. "I wanted your mother to be 'the one.' That was part of what that cottage was about. A little whitewashed cottage right on the beach that we could settle into and maybe have one or two kids, and still be crazy for each other. That was what I had hoped we would have. Your mother didn't have the same dream, though, I found out. And as she got older, she got less and less emotionally stable.
"You have to understand that to be effective as a burglar, you have to have very sensitive hearing and eyesight and especially very sensitive touch. As she aged, she lost the sensitive touch. She didn't want to believe she couldn't go crack a safe anymore but the fact was that she couldn't hear the tumblers anymore and she couldn''t feel them either. She just couldn't do it, and she couldn't accept that she wasn't able to pull a job anymore. The last three big heists she tried to pull, I had to go save her behind because they damn near got her killed. She snapped completely. and for the better part of a month, she was hospitalized at St. Mungo's because her mind just wasn't right. She tried one last job after that, framed me for it, and I did damned near a month in Azkaban for something I didn't do. Robert found out the truth and got me out, thank God. Miserable place, that.
"Do you remember a gardener fellow that lived in the cottage with your mother for the last year or so of her life, in the guest room? Rupert, I believe his name was? Well, he was there to keep her safe, to keep her from doing something either illegal or stupid. He was a legitimate nurse, but he had also done some bodyguard work. Robert found him for me, and I paid for Rupert. That's what kept her safe and stable for the last year she had. I'm guessing you were told that Rupert was with her when she passed. Well, he was in the house, but I was with her when she passed. Rupert notified me when it got to be her time to go, and I went to her. I was there with her so she wouldn't be alone. And I took care of her expenses. I simply locked up the house just as it was the day she passed and haven't gone back. I knew it was still there, but I hadn't gotten up the courage to go there and not find her there. So, someone might as well be getting the use out of it. I'm fine with your being there. Entirely too many memories for me.
"So what else do you like to do? I like cooking, fine wines, good tobacco, good music, good friends, and climbing. I do quite a lot of mountain climbing. I don't know that its much of anybody else's thing, but Angus does some. Jessie does a little. Sergio and Ana, when they're here, they seem to like climbing like I do, but I don't know them well. They work with us, but they live in Romania, so I don't know them like I'd like. And now that you're working in England, where are you staying?"