Summer Picnic - Page 5
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Summer Picnic

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Summer Picnic - Page 5 Empty Re: Summer Picnic

Post by Khaat Lupin Tue Jul 02, 2019 1:07 am

[angus ported out in the same post he came in, btw. np. i'll work around it.]

"Thank you, Jess. Your chicken is some of the best," Brian said. He listened to Jack tell his story, until Jack seemed to get a pain in his hand. Brian set his plate aside and went over to Jack. "Breathe. Calm yourself. You're safe here. You don't dare let the anger get the better of you tonight. Breathe through it. If it doesn't stop the pain, you let me know. You're going to have to make use of your membership card to the gym in the bottom floor of St. Mungo's. You know that? You're going to have to get back to training as soon as you're up to it, and you're going to have to train hard in order to burn off some of this extra energy you have. It isn't going to be good for you or anyone around you if you don't. Obviously, tonight is out of the question, but as soon as you're up to it, you need a good workout. You're going to have to learn how to deal with that temper of yours. Now--you need me to help you release that out of your hand?"

Brian believed Jack could learn to deal with some of his symptoms, the ones that appeared to give him trouble on the night of a full moon despite the wolfsbane, brought on, Brian believed, by stress or anger. If Jack could learn to control that, he could, perhaps reduce a little of the curse's power on him or perhaps buy himself a little time if it caught him by surprise.

"You know, you might do well with not just a work out but maybe you could join us for some Tai Chi workouts. That's all about developing control. Jess, have you ever tried Tai Chi?"
Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 23854
Special Abilities : Energy Worker, Medium, Heightened Sensitivity
Occupation : Director of St. Mungos, Owner of Sparks Bistro

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Summer Picnic - Page 5 Empty Re: Summer Picnic

Post by Jack Black Heart Tue Jul 02, 2019 5:52 pm

Jack heard Brian and looked up at him listening to him talk and nodding every so often. " I...*sigh* agree with you" He looked up at Brian and nodded "please." He said softly holding up his clenched hand " I need to control this, not let it take my humanity."  He paused and took a long slow breath in then let it out " I will not become my brother." he said calmly looking at Brian as he spoke again about Tai Chi. " I'll take you up on that offer if Jess does?." He said and glanced to look at Jess who now stood behind Brian.

"What, me, do Tai Chi" he heard her say and smirked as she shook her head. "I'll do it only to kick your ass if you get out of line." He couldn't help but laugh, a free happy laugh one he'd not done in a long time. Now he relaxed noting the smirk on Jess's face as she looked at him. Then she did something that made him look to Brian, she lent down and kissed his cheek before walking into her room.

"um...did she just..?."He pointed to his cheek " then.?." He motioned to her door. Shaking his head he sat back again " she's confusing."
Jack Black Heart
Jack Black Heart
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Summer Picnic - Page 5 Empty Re: Summer Picnic

Post by Khaat Lupin Tue Jul 02, 2019 10:04 pm

Brian had a sense that Jack's anger and anxiety fired up his adrenalin and that made him even more susceptible to a change during the full moon, and he presumed that was the same thing Robert suspected. Only time would tell, though. Still, at Jack's invitation, he laid his hand on Jack's forehead and cast a calming spell to see if that would reduce the negative emotions that had Jack so wired. He hoped that it would ease him and, perhaps, give him a chance of not changing. He figured that the wolfsbane would do its job but it didn't hurt to give it a bit of a hand.

"Better?" Brian asked after a moment, removing his hand. He listened to Jack and Jess discuss Tai Chi. Jess certainly didn't seem so anxious about him anymore, and she seemed like she was happier, at least tonight. Whether that stayed or not was up to her, of course.

"Why are you trying to figure out women?" Brian frowned. "I haven't managed it, that's for sure, and I've known my wife all my life--well, almost--and she still confuses me at times. Now, Robert's wife? Kate? She's easier to understand. But since you've just met Jess, I'd give yourself a bit. You surely aren't going to get it all figured out on the first night, that's for sure. Now, getting back to the Tai Chi. You should have gotten a membership card to the gym at St. Mungo's, but if you don't still have it, let me know, and I'll get you another. Jess, do you have a membership?"
Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 23854
Special Abilities : Energy Worker, Medium, Heightened Sensitivity
Occupation : Director of St. Mungos, Owner of Sparks Bistro

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Summer Picnic - Page 5 Empty Re: Summer Picnic

Post by Jack Black Heart Tue Jul 02, 2019 11:00 pm

Jack chuckled and nodded " yeah I see your point." he said chuckling as he felt Brian's hand move off him . " Much thanks, and I think..." he thought for a moment and shook his head " guess my wallets back in the forest, and I would be grateful for a replacement." He shifted on the couch to get comfy to finish his food. He heard the bedroom door open and Jess walked back out now sporting a pair of jogging bottoms and a tee shirt.

"yes Brian, I do have my membership, I use the gym with Khaat twice a week and sometimes I use the pool." she told him sitting down in a high backed chair facing them both. Jack found himself yawning, his body relaxed and his tummy now full he slowly stood up.

"if you'll excuse me I'm feeling tired and should sleep." he said then turned to the door and walked in, leaving the door open he moved to the bed and sat on the edge before he laid down his arm fell over his eyes. Jess watched as she saw his chest gently rise and fall as he fell asleep.

"good hes sleeping " she said closing his door over and walking back to the living room. " want another soda?" she asked Brian flopping down on the couch. " do you think he's got the will and control to control it?" she asked moving onto her stomach to look at Brian.
Jack Black Heart
Jack Black Heart
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

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Summer Picnic - Page 5 Empty Re: Summer Picnic

Post by Khaat Lupin Tue Jul 02, 2019 11:23 pm

"I'm glad he's resting finally. Thanks--I think I will get another soda. I'll do the washing up," he smiled, flicking his wand at the dishes for them to go to the kitchen and was themselves. He got another soda from the fridge and returned.

"As I understand it, and I could be wrong, of course, the curse causes sort of a magical rewiring of the body's magical systems and that's part of what causes the transformation. How it happens for muggles, I have no clue but perhaps some of our muggles with magical ancestors are more likely to fall victim to the curse than others. I'm just guessing. So our new friend might need some time for him to adjust to the new sensations and symptoms that his body has. What troubles me is why his brother bit him. I mean, who does that, except Fenrir Greyback, but Fenrir is a bit different than the usual anyway. Fenrir believes that everyone should be turned to werewolves because he believes anyone not a werewolf is a lesser being. I have no idea why Jack's brother would want to inflict this sort of harm on him. Maybe Jack can fill us in when he can wrap his mind around all this I think he has a real desire to bring this all under control but doesn't know how, and I can't profess to be an expert on it by any means. Right now, I think his spirit is willing, but it's going to be a process for him to learn it. I hope Robert plans on helping him through this transition."

"Oh, by the way, they packed an assortment of movies for us, so feel free to take a look and see what you like, if anything," he said, getting the movies out of his suitcase and putting the on the coffee table, along with a bag of magical popcorn. "Have you ever used this brand? It's new, and Angus said that all you have to do is tell it what flavor you want and tap the bag with your wand. We'll see if its worth anything whenever you like."

He settled in to the chair not far from the sofa, popped the top on the soda and relaxed. "I'll try to take him out in a day or two and try to help him get new identifications and some clothes, whatever his tastes are. He'll feel more secure again if he has some things that he feels like are truly his own."
Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 23854
Special Abilities : Energy Worker, Medium, Heightened Sensitivity
Occupation : Director of St. Mungos, Owner of Sparks Bistro

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Summer Picnic - Page 5 Empty Re: Summer Picnic

Post by Jack Black Heart Tue Jul 02, 2019 11:50 pm

Jess sighed and moved to sit on the couch and listen to Brian " yeah , he seems a nice guy but first impressions can be wrong." she said " and I have been wrong before." She heard him talk of the movies " oh I hope hes got the new black panther movie I hear its meant to be good." she said moving to look in the bag for the movie finding it she slipped it in the DVD player and moved back to the couch grabbing a packet. Accioing her wand she laughed and spoke " okay, so lets try this popcorn.." she chuckled " hum...toffee" she said and tapped the bag lightly.

"Think it worked" she asked seeing the bag now twice its size held in her hand. " I hope it did toffee flavoured popcorn would be heaven right now" she laughed as she saw him get his soda.
Jack Black Heart
Jack Black Heart
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

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Summer Picnic - Page 5 Empty Re: Summer Picnic

Post by Khaat Lupin Wed Jul 03, 2019 12:05 am

"I haven't seen this one," Brian said, glad to see an action movie he hadn't seen yet. He watched her make easy work of the new magical popcorn bag, and he could smell the warm, comforting aroma of toffee popcorn. "It smells good. I haven't had toffee popcorn since I was a kid. A good movie, popcorn, and soda. Sounds like a perfect evening to me. Look at me--one baby and my life is upside down. I've gone from liking night life to a complete homebody. "

The movie was wonderful, and when the night quieted down for all of them, Brian just stretched out on the sofa and relaxed a little, but not too much, listening for any noises. He checked on Jack several times during the night but saw no signs of a change or of distress. From what Brian could see, Jack looked to be sleeping fitfully. When the morning issue of the Daily Prophet arrived, Brian took it, and brewed a fresh pot of black tea and settled in the paper and his cup of tea to see if there was anything new in the news. He heard a slight tapping on the door, and he rose to answer it, and found only a large box on the floor just outside the door. He picked up the box and opened the lid There were three of Angus's freshly made, enormous cinnamon rolls. Each one was larger than a salad plate, and they were still warm. Well, he decided, they deserved perhaps some scrambled eggs to go with them, and that was all they needed. He was debating on whether he ought to make eggs or whether Jess or Jack either one even liked eggs at all.
Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 23854
Special Abilities : Energy Worker, Medium, Heightened Sensitivity
Occupation : Director of St. Mungos, Owner of Sparks Bistro

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Summer Picnic - Page 5 Empty Re: Summer Picnic

Post by Jack Black Heart Wed Jul 03, 2019 12:19 am

Jack woke with a start for a second he forgot he was on a bed and not the floor so fell with a bump " shit" he swore softly as he stood up and rubbed his shoulders. Smelling fresh brewed coffee he slipped on some trousers he'd found on the end of his bed and opened the door. Following the smell he found Brian. " Morning." he said poring a cup "you make this?" he offered the cup to his lips and took a drink. " Its good, sorry I fell asleep on you last night, guess I was exhausted." He moved to lean on the counter as he drank his coffee. "Those smell divine" he said motioning to the box with the rolls in.

"Angus's rolls are more than divine" came Jess's voice, he was about to reply when she held up her hand " coffee first talk after." she simply said and he chuckled. "Are all women like this in the morning or is it just her?" he asked Brian but saw Jess scowl at him.

"Her has a name, Jessica, please use it" she scolded him as she pored and sipped her coffee. He smiled and nodded back.

"my apologies Jess." he said as he sat down at a small breakfast bar his hands wrapped around his cup.
Jack Black Heart
Jack Black Heart
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

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Summer Picnic - Page 5 Empty Re: Summer Picnic

Post by Khaat Lupin Wed Jul 03, 2019 12:34 am

"I considered making a batch of scrambled eggs, but I honestly didn't know of you both ate eggs. Michael taught me how to make his French omlets, after I pestered him long enough. If not, my guess is you might have enough to eat with Angus' cinnamon rolls. He's spent a little time at the house after Khaat and Abbey moved in, to help me get adjusted to having a newborn in the house and a bedfast woman. Maybe someday, he'll be at the house full time for us but right now, he flits back and forth between my house and his job with Robert." He didn't specify what that was because he did not have them cleared enough to tell them what it was Robert did other than his potions and healing work. "Between Kate and Michael and Angus, I haven't been pressed into much cooking. I could manage, but why should I do that if they're going to make sure we have so much better? It gives me more time to spend with my new family."

He folded the paper and cast it aside. "Nothing new in the paper. Same gossip, different day. I think, since you're awake and had a night without incident, Jack, I'll go wash up and shave. Help yourselves to the cinnamon rolls while they're hot. That's when they're the best. I hope you're both hungry. Most people can't eat a whole one by themselves. I'll be back in a minute ."
He took the suitcase and went into the bathroom to wash up, shave and change for the day.
Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 23854
Special Abilities : Energy Worker, Medium, Heightened Sensitivity
Occupation : Director of St. Mungos, Owner of Sparks Bistro

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Summer Picnic - Page 5 Empty Re: Summer Picnic

Post by Jack Black Heart Wed Jul 03, 2019 12:48 am

Jack chuckled and nodded "I could eat scrambled eggs" he said now feeling extra hungry even with eating as much as he did the night before. He sat and listened to Brian talk of his life and family Jack looked into his cup " sounds like you have a happy family" he said softly " nothing like mine"  He felt a hand on his shoulder and looked to see Jess.

"you still have time, don't give up too soon" she said and he smiled nodding to her.

" Thanks, now about those eggs, how about I cook as a thank you for giving up your spare room while Brain freshens up" Jack stood up and moved to the stove. He cracked the eggs and added a little milk and pepper befoe he whisked it then pored it into a pan making sure it didn't stick to the bottom.

"humm, you cook?" Jess asked and Jack nodded.

"yeah, one thing my mother taught me was a man is good at fighting but also needs to know his way around a kitchen, if he's to impress the ladies" Jack said and chuckled at the look on her face.
Jack Black Heart
Jack Black Heart
Gryffindor Graduate
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