You can't keep dancing with the devil and wondering why you're still in hell - Page 2
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You can't keep dancing with the devil and wondering why you're still in hell - Page 2 Li9olo10

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You can't keep dancing with the devil and wondering why you're still in hell

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You can't keep dancing with the devil and wondering why you're still in hell - Page 2 Empty Re: You can't keep dancing with the devil and wondering why you're still in hell

Post by Aneta Markova Sun Sep 18, 2016 10:24 pm

Jax. She heard the name and barely keep herself from smiling.
That is probably the only child in this world that she actually love.
And because of him, she forced herself to lower her voice. She didn't want to wake him up, not now, even if she wanted to see him.
She saw his face and he looked like if he want to smile.
"I swear to you, if you dear to smile at me right now, I'll punch you at face and maybe even curse you." she looked at him seriously.

In one second he was talking about something that she is actualy nice person and in other second she was so close to him that make her kept her breath.
She looked at him ready to tell him to let her go. He can't just grabbed her while they're discussing about something like this.
But she felt nice to she didn't say anything.
"You..." she started but didn't know what to say. He just said he loves her even if she is bad person. She didn't think it will go on this way so she wasn't prepared for this scenario.
"You are an idiot and so pathetic and stupid" she said and then looked at him.
"This is your chance to let me go, I'm not going to give your another chance. It was hard to left you even first time" she said honestly and tried to go away from him a little bit, she can't be close to him if he's gonna say her to leave.
Aneta Markova
Aneta Markova

Number of posts : 257
Occupation : Head of the Auror Office

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You can't keep dancing with the devil and wondering why you're still in hell - Page 2 Empty Re: You can't keep dancing with the devil and wondering why you're still in hell

Post by Benjamin Morgan Sun Sep 18, 2016 10:41 pm

He watched her face when he mentioned Jax's name.
He saw that she was barely keeping a smile off her face.
Her next words had him barely keeping the smile off his own face.
"Well I can't smile at you, why don't I kiss you instead? You wouldn't see my smile then." He said seriously containing the smile easily now.

He smirked when she started to say something, but stopped.
"Me what?" He said, his thumb caressing the little bit of skin he found when he pulled her into his arms.
He knew that she hadn't been prepared for him to accept her as she was, he knew she had been expecting the worse.
"If I'm an idiot, then so be it. However, your not so smart either considering your here with me though you left to protect me. I'm not going to complain though. I have you in my arms again."
"I'm never letting you go, just accept that fact. You are mine Aneta and I am yours. I must say that it feels damn good baby, to have you back home." He said as he heard a door open.

"Well I guess someone is up now." He said as he put Aneta back on the couch as Jax came around the couch. He was rubbing his eyes carrying the blanket that Aneta had gotten him. He opened his eyes and looked up seeing her, he looked at Ben then back at her before he started tearing up.

Jax walked over and hugged Aneta around the waist tightly.

Ben looked at her with a smile before saying, "I wasn't the only one who missed you sweetheart."

Benjamin Morgan
Benjamin Morgan
Slytherin Graduate
Slytherin Graduate

Number of posts : 204
Occupation : Auror

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You can't keep dancing with the devil and wondering why you're still in hell - Page 2 Empty Re: You can't keep dancing with the devil and wondering why you're still in hell

Post by Aneta Markova Sun Sep 18, 2016 11:02 pm

"You. Will. Not. Kiss. Me." she said slowly emphasizing each word. He was so frivolous and she couldn't talk to him now because in her head, she was so close to thinking about different ways to kill him, or at least torture him.

When she heard 'you're not smart' she was sure that she will have a heart attack. In her 28 years, no one ever had told her that she isn't smart. I mean, you can tell a lot about her.
But not that she is stupid.
And just like that, before she even realized what she was doing, she hit him at the shoulder with almost all her strenght.
"You really are an idiot!" she said now angry.
She felt like she would die because of happines when she heard his next words but hell, she was still angry, she won't say a word to him.
She was just thinking about idea to hit him again when she heard door somewhere.

Jax was here after about 30 seconds, and then he just started tearing up and hugging her.
It was too much. She loves him, she really do but she is still trying to get used to fact that he is actualy good thing.
"Hey honey, I missed you a lot" she smiled a little and finally started crying.
Aneta Markova
Aneta Markova

Number of posts : 257
Occupation : Head of the Auror Office

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You can't keep dancing with the devil and wondering why you're still in hell - Page 2 Empty Re: You can't keep dancing with the devil and wondering why you're still in hell

Post by Benjamin Morgan Mon Sep 19, 2016 3:56 pm

He did his best to not to smile or even laugh when she emphasized her words. He didn't know what she was thinking, but he had a feeling it wasn't something warm and fuzzy.

He grinned this time because he couldn't help himself when she said that he was an idiot.
"I'm only an idiot around you love." He said looking at her seriously.
He was telling the truth, she had a way of making him say things without thinking about the consequences.
Being with her made him happy, he knew that no matter what giving her up wasn't going to happen. She was stuck with him, whether she liked it or not, he wasn't going give her up for the world. He would protect her, love her, and hopefully convince her of something that he had wanted to do for a while. The only thing was asking her when she wasn't ready to punch or curse him, that in itself would a feat to accomplish.  

He watched his son hug Aneta, he smiled because he knew that his son thought of her like a second mom.
He heard her words and that she started crying, he grabbed the tissues off the coffee table putting them beside her leg.
He waited ten minutes before he spoke again, "Come on Jax. We have to get you to bed. You have school in the morning, don't worry she's not going anywhere I promise."
Jax didn't move though, he was still clinging to Aneta like she would disappear the second he let go.
Benjamin Morgan
Benjamin Morgan
Slytherin Graduate
Slytherin Graduate

Number of posts : 204
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You can't keep dancing with the devil and wondering why you're still in hell - Page 2 Empty Re: You can't keep dancing with the devil and wondering why you're still in hell

Post by Aneta Markova Mon Sep 19, 2016 4:41 pm

"I hope so. I will maybe forgive you for being idiot, but you should be better in front of people" she shook her head as disapproving, but then she smiled.
She couldn't be mad at him, not this time when she is finally here. But she promised to herself that she will take revenge when he doesn't expect that.
She looked at him and realize that for the first time since forever, she loves somebody so much that actualy hurts her. She know she would even die for him and all that scared her. She didn't used to love somebody and she was afraid that she will be really bad girlfriend.

She grabbed one tissue and clean her face from tears.
"Thank you" she said not looking at him because she was looking at Jax.
It was really late and she stand up from the couch.
"Come on, I will take you to the bed and tell you story before sleeping. Ben can stay here." she smiled and went with Jax to his room on the floor.
Aneta isn't really person for fairytales and to be honest, she doesn't know even single story, so she was speaking about one of her tasks while she was leader. Of course, she throw out some really bad parts like torturing people.
And Jax actualy liked story, who would say, she is good at this.

After Jax fall a sleep she left his room and came back to the living room looking for Ben.
When she entered in the room she looked at him.
"I suppose I should go now. It's late and I know you are tired" she smiled a little.
Aneta Markova
Aneta Markova

Number of posts : 257
Occupation : Head of the Auror Office

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You can't keep dancing with the devil and wondering why you're still in hell - Page 2 Empty Re: You can't keep dancing with the devil and wondering why you're still in hell

Post by Benjamin Morgan Mon Sep 19, 2016 9:04 pm

"Better in front of others? I'm an Auror love. I'm supposed to be broody and unlikable." He said looking at her and smiling more when she did. He never expected to see her smiling again, he was glad that she was back here with him.

He smiled when she grabbed a tissue to clean her face of tears.
"Your welcome sweetheart." He said as he watched her and Jax together. The two people who were deep in his heart, that are the biggest part of his heart.
He arched an eyebrow when she said that she would tell Jax a story before he went to bed.
Once they were both in the room he stood beside the door quiet as a mouse, he almost laughed at what she was telling him. He peeked around the corner for a second and saw that Jax was enjoying the story, he had to move away from the door to keep himself from laughing. He knew she wasn't the fairy tales kind of person, he was glad that she was willing to try and tell him a story even if it was something from her past.

He say back down on the couch and waited for her to reenter the living room.
He looked up when she came in and stood up going to her.
"Stay the night." He said looking at her seriously. "Please."
He was tired, but he wanted her to spend the night with him even if it was just for one night.
He would beg if he had to, which he hoped he didn't have to, but he would if it would get him more time with her.
Benjamin Morgan
Benjamin Morgan
Slytherin Graduate
Slytherin Graduate

Number of posts : 204
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You can't keep dancing with the devil and wondering why you're still in hell - Page 2 Empty Re: You can't keep dancing with the devil and wondering why you're still in hell

Post by Aneta Markova Mon Sep 19, 2016 9:18 pm

"Yeah, about that.." she looked at him before continuing "I think I am your new boss, they offered me a job yesterday" she smiled but she wasn't really happy about that.
To be in a relationship with her co-worker...It's not proffesional at all.
But she will be able to see him more and spend more time with him, so this is actualy win-win combination. Ofcourse she wouldn't tell him that Death Eaters put her there.

She looked at him and shrugged. "Oh, you have one extra bed for me? Maybe in the guest room?" she was kidding but was completly serious. She couldn't help herself and bite lips just to not laugh.
"Oh, by the way, I know you were standing in front of Jax's room. It's not polite to eavesdrop." she winked at him and went to his room without waiting for him.

Aneta entered in his room before him only because she wanted to see every corner again.
In her heart, this is home, and she didn't want him too see how much she is glad to be here again.
Room smelled like him and it was kinda peacefully. She put down her clothes and wear one of his T-shirt and then she got into bed waiting for him to come.
Aneta Markova
Aneta Markova

Number of posts : 257
Occupation : Head of the Auror Office

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You can't keep dancing with the devil and wondering why you're still in hell - Page 2 Empty Re: You can't keep dancing with the devil and wondering why you're still in hell

Post by Benjamin Morgan Mon Sep 19, 2016 10:19 pm

He looked at her when she started talking then grinned at her. "Oh really? So your my boss, hmm that will make things interesting." He said thinking about several ways that they could be.
He would be able to see more of her, but he would have to make sure that he was professional there.
However he would make sure that everyone knew she was taken by a guy who was possessive of her. He would just make it seem like he was simply making sure that his co-workers didn't end up getting hexed by some possessive boyfriend.

"No I don't have an extra bed or a guest room." He said looking at her. He wasn't lying because the extra room that was there, was actually an office. Even if he did have both of those things, he wasn't going to allow her to sleep in a guest room, it was his bed or no bed.
"I wasn't eavesdropping I was more of listening in on story time." He said looking at her with a smile as he watched her walk to his room.
He went to the front door made sure it was locked as well as the windows, making sure everything was secure. He turned out the lights in the kitchen and living room before making his way to his room.

He walked in and saw her already laying in bed waiting for him.
He stripped out of his t-shirt and jeans before slipping on a pair of grey night pants, they were loose fitting ones so it was easy for him to move in them.
He slid into bed next to her, pulling her into his arms and closing his eyes at how right it felt having her there.
Benjamin Morgan
Benjamin Morgan
Slytherin Graduate
Slytherin Graduate

Number of posts : 204
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You can't keep dancing with the devil and wondering why you're still in hell - Page 2 Empty Re: You can't keep dancing with the devil and wondering why you're still in hell

Post by Aneta Markova Mon Sep 19, 2016 10:36 pm

"Yes, I am your new boss" she smiled slyly at him before continuing "but I must warn you.."she came really close to him so she can whisper in his ear next words "don't tell anyone but I'm really evil boss, so manipulative and demanding above all" she kissed his cheek and then stepped back. Her new job seems to be very interesting.
Of course, she knew he is an auror even before she accepted the job but she wasn't sure how it will all works if he hates her. But that is obviously not the problem.
Maybe he will be suprised. She really is a gread leader and boss, but she is there to helps to the Death Eaters above everything else.

"Oh, where should I sleep then?" she looked at him acting to be suprised.
Even if she had guest room she would never sleep there. She would rather die than be in room next to his rather than in his room, his bed, in his arms...
"Story was for Jax. It was too scary for you my love" she said pretending to be angry because he was listening her little story.

She was looking at him from the moment he entered the room to the moment he slided in bed next to her. It was dark but still she could see his body and she couldn't wait for the moment when he will be next to her in bed.
She just didn't like his pants, she was hoping that he will be.. don't know, maybe naked?
When he pulled her into his arms, she raised her head a little bit and kissed his cheek.
"You know, it is such a shame that you are tired and need to sleep. I mean, I could help you fall asleep but I think you are too tired for that" she smiled and this time kissed corner of his lips.
Aneta Markova
Aneta Markova

Number of posts : 257
Occupation : Head of the Auror Office

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You can't keep dancing with the devil and wondering why you're still in hell - Page 2 Empty Re: You can't keep dancing with the devil and wondering why you're still in hell

Post by Benjamin Morgan Wed Sep 21, 2016 5:16 pm

He looked at her when she smiled slyly at him, he grinned at her when she warned him. "Well I'll make sure not to tell anyone. Just as long as you do me a favor." He accepted her kiss on his cheek then watched as she stepped back. "You have tell anyone who hits on you that have a very possessive boyfriend."
He wondered what she would say to that, he waited for her to get angry about him saying that he was her boyfriend.

"Your sleeping in my bed and no where else." He said looking at her knowing that she was acting surprised.
He laughed at her next words and shook his head softly.
"If it was too scary for me, maybe you can kiss me to make me feel better." He said with a smile.

He knew that she was watching him once he entered the room. He knew that she was checking him out, he felt ten feet tall.
Feeling her in his arms again felt like heaven, he was so glad that she was home with him and Jax.
Hearing his words made him smile big, "I'm never too tired for that love." He said kissing her back. "If your too tired though, we can just go to sleep now."  His smile was a teasing one and he couldn't help himself, he was just glad that she was back in his arms.
Benjamin Morgan
Benjamin Morgan
Slytherin Graduate
Slytherin Graduate

Number of posts : 204
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