Poliakoff, Ciara Morgan
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Poliakoff, Ciara Morgan Li9olo10

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Poliakoff, Ciara Morgan

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Poliakoff, Ciara Morgan Empty Poliakoff, Ciara Morgan

Post by Johnathan Ashwood Fri Jul 26, 2013 7:01 pm

Poliakoff, Ciara Morgan J0273

Ciara Morgan Poliakoff


    FULL NAME: ciara morgan poliakoff

    NICKNAMES:  Cece,

    AGE: 15

    ALLEGIANCE: Neutral

    HOGWARTS HOUSE: Hufflepuff

    CLASSES:, CoMC,  Transfiguration,

    WAND: Rose, Unicorn tail hair, 14 inches, bendy

    PLAY BY: Jodelle Ferland



    EYE COLOUR:brown


    BODY BUILD: stick like

    GENERAL APPEARANCE: Ciara has long dark frizzy hair that matches her brown eyes. Her hair frames a face in an oval shape. The girls skin is an olive tone making her eyes stand out. Overall she looks quiet childish but she is still growing into herself as she becomes a young adult. Ciara does not have a set style and wears what ever she feels like putting on that day. One day it could be a frilly skirt the next it could be cut off blue jeans. She likes different things based on her mood.


    Strengths: Singing, Flying, Transfigurations, Charms, Sweet/Nice, Her cute looks
    Weaknesses: Potions, Cute Guys, clumsy, Stubborn, bad Listening skills, easily angered

    Likes: Singing, Dancing, Flying, Animals, Being outside, Climbing Trees, Guys, and shopping.
    Dislikes:Going to Class, Quidditch, Muggle things, Mornings, being told what to do, arranged marriages

    not to disappoint her father- as she has always had his attention she doesn't want to lose it.
    Get a good job
    Fall in love on her own
    Get married and have kids

    twirls her hair around her finger
    Taps her foot.

    BOGGART: drowning

    PATRONUS: times spent with her brother

    DEMENTOR: being sorted into Hufflepuff

    VERITASERUM: She doesn’t want to be part of an arranged marriage or be told who to love/marry

    MIRROR OF ERISED: To fall in love on her own

    PERSONALITY: Ciara is quiet a bubbly girl, she loves to have fun  and do fun things. She fallows after her brother quiet often but when she is not she loves to dance and Sing. This love may have been developed from being around her brother or it just maybe something she fell in love with. Her favorite place to be is outside but she doesn’t like being around the water, in fact she is terrified of the water, but she will never tell you that.


    FATHER: Milan Poliakoff

    MOTHER:Fiona Alisha Myers

    SIBLING/S: Kaiden Andrew Poliakoff


    BLOOD STATUS:  purebloods

    RACE: human

    SOCIAL STATUS: Wealthy

    PET/S: snowy owl named Rowena .



    Early Years: Ciara was the second child born into the Poliakoff family., and she was quiet spoiled from the start. Sometimes she felt as if her brother was angry because of the attention she got but easily brushed it off. The young girl spent most of her time trailing after her older brother. When she wasn’t fallowing after him she spent her time playing with dolls or doing her hair.
    Ciara's mother hadn't been around much in her life and she didn't really care that she was gone from the fighting the young girl could hear from her room late at night. She always wanted a happy marriage based on love unlike her parents, which she feels her father is trying to recreate.

    Hogwarts Years: It was something Ciara did not understand on the day she was sorted at Hogwarts. She had wanted so badly to be in Slytherin like her brother. But alas the old musty smelling hat announced the house Hufflepuff once placed upon her head. She knew no one in her house and it was strange for her. Ciara did okay in her first year but mainly stuck to herself, this stayed  true for the next four years. Ciara never really did anything to get in trouble and did her best to keep her grades up though it was quiet a struggle. now she is getting ready to start her fifth year



    ALSO KNOWN AS: Kayla

    RP EXPERIENCE: many years

    HOW YOU FOUND US: Sophia


    PURPOSE OF CHARACTER: I wanted an older student and she fit perfectly into a plot for Hit and the one who is called Romeo


Last edited by Ciara Poliakoff on Mon Jul 29, 2013 6:03 pm; edited 8 times in total
Johnathan Ashwood
Johnathan Ashwood
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Poliakoff, Ciara Morgan Empty Re: Poliakoff, Ciara Morgan

Post by Khaat Lupin Sun Jul 28, 2013 3:38 pm


I have some questions. Can you please explain why you want her to be a Hufflepuff but its the character's worst fear? How is being a Hufflepuff a worst fear for her? Surely there has to be some reason for your character to be afraid of that. Can you explain that a bit more in your app?

What's the fear of arranged marriages about? That's not a traditional element of British society, not generally speaking. Why is that a fear for her? Its not that it isn't a reasonable fear. Its only that you don't explain it in your app.

You also don't have enough background information. Why does she need to be "the best little pureblood for her father"? There isn't enough information to understand why that is one of her goals in her life. We need to know more about her history. I also don't understand how she can be living with her father but how its unknown who the woman was who really gave birth to her. I need that clarified as well.

Khaat Lupin
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Poliakoff, Ciara Morgan Empty Re: Poliakoff, Ciara Morgan

Post by Johnathan Ashwood Sun Jul 28, 2013 3:49 pm

She's a hufflepuff becuase it is her cannon, she wanted to be like her brother and be in slytherin, so it wasn't a fear for her to be in hufflepuff (WHere her personality fits) it is her worst memory (why it is listed in dementor not boggart)
She isn't afraid of aaranged marriages, she hates them, wants to find someone she loves on her own.. that is stated in the app.
and as stated in the app she was spoild, she doesn't want to disappoint him....

edit the unkown mother is also part of the Cannon
Johnathan Ashwood
Johnathan Ashwood
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Poliakoff, Ciara Morgan Empty Re: Poliakoff, Ciara Morgan

Post by Khaat Lupin Sun Jul 28, 2013 4:12 pm

Let me try to rephrase myself.

Ok, this isn't in order but it might correct a lot. You can specify, if you want, a female for her mother. It just isn't something on our canon list. Perhaps it was someone who didn't marry her father. When we developed the canon list, we did not fill in all the gaps because if we did, that would have taken away from some of the members' ability to be a bit creative--within reason, of course.

So, yeah. In this case, you either need to specify that she has a mother or how it is that she doesn't know. Perhaps that her father had several girlfriends and came home to find the baby at his place leaving it up to him to take care of.

Just because that's the OOC framework that you have, doesn't mean you can leave it not making sense IC.

Same with the arranged marriages. You're missing my point. My point was where is the negativity coming from for her with arranged marriages? It isn't something that normally is an issue in England. Why is it a thing for her? Most people in England presume they will have the right to choose their partner. Why is it an issue in her thinking at all?

A child being spoiled doesn't automatically tell me that she has a strong desire to please her father. When I think of a spoiled child, I think of someone very self centered who often doesn't think of others.

The brother is a bit of an undeveloped issue. I don't see it specified how much older he is, and it seems to conflict a bit--that they get along at times and that sometimes he resents the attention she gets. Since he is a Slytherin, how does he really treat her? Unfortunately, their father's heritage is no guide for you since he came from Durmstrang.

My request was that you develop the character more on the app, Cec. I want to see more development of the character in the app itself.
Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
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Poliakoff, Ciara Morgan Empty Re: Poliakoff, Ciara Morgan

Post by Johnathan Ashwood Sun Jul 28, 2013 4:22 pm

kaidens app

here it is also stated that the mother is unknonwn and has no explination... it also explians Kaiden's reasoning for resenting his sister, yet Ciara fallows him around.
Johnathan Ashwood
Johnathan Ashwood
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Poliakoff, Ciara Morgan Empty Re: Poliakoff, Ciara Morgan

Post by Khaat Lupin Sun Jul 28, 2013 4:35 pm

First, I appreciate your wanting to connect the character to Kaiden. That is something that we generally want to do.

If there is information in any application that helps your app, you need to actually do the legwork it takes to put that in your app and not presume I will go read someone else's work just in order to understand your app. I need you doing the necessary work in your app to make it strong enough to stand on its own, even if it is for someone who will be related to an existing character.

I am not Selwyn. I don't look at apps in the same way or sort them in the same exact ways. I also do not compare the application of one player to another. I have asked you to make corrections to your app.

You have two weeks to either improve the app so that I can approve it, or it will be moved to storage until you do choose to work on it.
Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
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Poliakoff, Ciara Morgan Empty Re: Poliakoff, Ciara Morgan

Post by Johnathan Ashwood Sun Jul 28, 2013 4:39 pm

Its been edited but any admins SHOULD look at and sort apps in the same way as a way of fomality so stuff like this doesn't happen where one admin is asking a player to provide information that another was not asked to provide. and here you have asked me to add info about Kaiden where Hit was asked to delete info about Ciara from Kaidens app for the same reason i did not put any of Kaiden in Ciara's.
Johnathan Ashwood
Johnathan Ashwood
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Poliakoff, Ciara Morgan Empty Re: Poliakoff, Ciara Morgan

Post by Khaat Lupin Sun Jul 28, 2013 4:46 pm

I understand it would sometimes be nice if all the admins thought exactly the same way and wrote the same way and made decisions in the same way. But, realistically, writing is somewhat of an individualized, creative process, which is why people like this sort of rp. And since the admins are individuals, it just isn't possible for us to think exactly the same way.

You've got a start. Let me know when the rest of the corrections are done.
Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
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Poliakoff, Ciara Morgan Empty Re: Poliakoff, Ciara Morgan

Post by Johnathan Ashwood Sun Jul 28, 2013 4:48 pm


all of the information i have been asked to provide and i can provide has been put into the application. except for informaion about Kaiden which if i do provide could be considered GMing

and another thing, Half the stuff i put in this app will not be used in roleplaying because a character creates its self I do not create the character. The onlythings that will stay true for little miss Ciara is that she fallows her brother around, doesn't want an aranged marriage (because she wants to chose for herself, not be chosent for her) and she is bubblely like a hufflepuff.
Johnathan Ashwood
Johnathan Ashwood
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Poliakoff, Ciara Morgan Empty Re: Poliakoff, Ciara Morgan

Post by Elijah Krum Sun Jul 28, 2013 4:57 pm

There's no need to be like that, Cec. You're not going to get anywhere by disrespecting the admins.

Between you and Kaiden, figure out what the mother was named and edit it into the app when you've got it figured.

For me, I'd like a touch more on the appearance. Also, per allegiances - is she neutral?
Elijah Krum
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