Lynn, Jesse Nikoli-FINISHED
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Lynn, Jesse Nikoli-FINISHED Li9olo10

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Lynn, Jesse Nikoli-FINISHED

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Lynn, Jesse Nikoli-FINISHED Empty Lynn, Jesse Nikoli-FINISHED

Post by Jesse Lynn Fri Jun 08, 2012 3:55 pm

Lynn, Jesse Nikoli-FINISHED Jeremy-jeremy-sumpter-7554051-667-1000

Jesse Nikoli Lynn


    FULL NAME: Jesse Nikoli Lynn

    NICKNAMES: Jess, Jay

    AGE: 15 (almost 16)


    HOGWARTS HOUSE: whichever (prefers ravenclaw or hufflepuff)

    CLASSES: All

    WAND: hawthorn, 10", reasonably springy, unicorn tail hair

    PLAY BY: jeremy sumpter


    HAIR COLOR: Brunette

    EYE COLOR: bright blue


    BODY TYPE: athletic, yet normal

    GENERAL APPEARANCE: Jesse is 5'11", he's got a sort of athletic build yet he is considered with a normal build by some people , which is normal for him. he has brownish curls that reach a little past his ears, he has bright blue eyes like his sister Kaede. Her normal outfit consists of a funny shirt and loose fitting jeans. His feet are normally in sneakers or converse to be more particular.


    002.)good at DADA
    003.)good at Charms

    001.)known for getting in trouble with his sister (once they find out about one another)
    002.)bad at CoMC (but still takes it)
    003.)Tends to block everyone out when he doesn't want to speak to people

    002.)Fooling around with friends

    001.) Rap. (It annoys him to no extent)
    002.)goodie goodies,
    003.)Being called names, though he ignores it.

    001.)to graduate with good grades.
    002.)Become a famous artist
    003.)become an auror (Doesn't really want to, but he has to since it's his family's tradition, and expects it from him)

    001.)can get Very Hyper
    002.)bites his fingernails
    003.)Can't make eyecontact with people when he's lying.

    BOGGART: Dying alone

    PATRONUS: Finding out Kaede and Jenny were his sisters

    DEMENTOR: His father (Kaede's father too) Leaving him as a child

    VERITASERUM: Wants to become part of the Dark followers although his family supports Potter's Army.

    MIRROR OF ERISED: To be accepted as a dark follower by his family

    PERSONALITY: Jesse enjoy having novel experiences and seeing things in new ways,while he also tends to do things somewhat haphazardly.Jesse's the type of person that's neither particularly social or reserved. he's somewhere in between, but only tends to talk to certain people (Such as Kaede). Although Jesse can be mean at times, and can get into trouble sometimes, he still tends to consider the feelings of others.Lastly, he tends to remain calm, even in tense situations, especially in ones in which he has to calm down his friends and family, sometimes even strangers.


    FATHER:Steven Lynn (alive)(half-blood)

    MOTHER: Unknown (Father took him away at an early age)(Pureblood)

    SIBLING(S):Jenny Lynn (sister) (deceased/ghost) Kaede Lynn (sister)(alive)

    OTHER: N/A

    BLOOD STATUS: Half-blood

    RACE: Human

    SOCIAL STATUS: poor (lived in fostercare until age 11-12)

    Cat named Earl
    Nimbus Two Thousand



    Early Years:Jesse was born june 10, in a small shack like house to a woman (who is still unknown) and Steven Lynn, a year or so after Kaede and Jenny, like his older sisters, Jesse wasn't wanted, Steven had tried to get the woman to get rid of Jesse, but when she refused, he left out of anger, only to return a month or so later and steal Jesse away. After another couple of months, he decided he didn't want any kids at all and put Jesse up for adoption, only for him to stay there because he was so odd and nobody wanted him. he had isolated himself from other as he grew older. he had no friends until he went to hogwarts.

    Hogwarts Years:upon getting his acceptance letter, Jesse became slightly popular, although he didn't have many friends, he didn't have any real enemies either. Jesse would always get straight A's, working out everything and staying away from girls, (she didn't prefer boys either, he just didn't like anything too romantic) When he finds about his sisters, he attaches himself to them almost as soon as he can.

    Adulthood: not yet there >.<


    YOUR NAME: Gerald~


    HOW YOU FOUND US: Courtney (Kaede/jason/Juliet)


    PURPOSE OF CHARACTER: To make Kaede a brother, and because courtney nagged me too, and because i wanted to


Last edited by Jesse Lynn on Mon Jun 11, 2012 2:28 pm; edited 4 times in total
Jesse Lynn
Jesse Lynn
Sixth Year Gryffindor
Sixth Year Gryffindor

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Lynn, Jesse Nikoli-FINISHED Empty Re: Lynn, Jesse Nikoli-FINISHED

Post by Jesse Lynn Fri Jun 08, 2012 11:32 pm

Jesse Lynn
Jesse Lynn
Sixth Year Gryffindor
Sixth Year Gryffindor

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Lynn, Jesse Nikoli-FINISHED Empty Re: Lynn, Jesse Nikoli-FINISHED

Post by Anabelle Mulciber Sat Jun 09, 2012 1:48 am

Hey Georgia! Welcome to PA, Courtney has told me about you and I'm glad you decided to join us!

Your app looks pretty good to me. Jesse sure does seem to have complete opposites in her personality, but I guess that can be a good thing (: I think your choices in houses match her pretty well, and there are a few things that make me think Slytherin for her, so it might be just a tad hard for the admins to sort her, though I know they'll make the right choice Wink

Anyways, good luck on where you get sorted! And welcome again.

Anabelle Mulciber
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Lynn, Jesse Nikoli-FINISHED Empty Re: Lynn, Jesse Nikoli-FINISHED

Post by Kaede Lynn Sun Jun 10, 2012 1:07 am

no one accepts her >.>
Kaede Lynn
Kaede Lynn

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Lynn, Jesse Nikoli-FINISHED Empty Re: Lynn, Jesse Nikoli-FINISHED

Post by Khaat Lupin Sun Jun 10, 2012 1:17 am

Ok, so, I see a couple things that confuse me. First, she wants to be an auror--that is a witch or wizard who, by Rowling's definition, investigates dark arts crimes and arrests dark witches or wizards for their crimes. i don't understand how she can do that and want to be a dark follower, which is a student support group that supports the death eaters, or dark arts followers. I see that as problematic. Can you explain that to me?

Second, I would rather you change your wording about her skills with charms to "good at charms" rather than "excellent." She's 15. She might be good at them, but it would be highly unlikely that, at that young age, she would be excellent at them.

Once I understand those things, I think I could sort her.
Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
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Lynn, Jesse Nikoli-FINISHED Empty Re: Lynn, Jesse Nikoli-FINISHED

Post by Jesse Lynn Sun Jun 10, 2012 1:28 am

alright i fixed it, and also, she doesn't want to be an auror, but her parents expect it from her since her family's under potter's army, but, since she wants to be part of the dark followers, she claims to be neutral, but in truth she prefers to be a dark follower rather than an auror.
Jesse Lynn
Jesse Lynn
Sixth Year Gryffindor
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Lynn, Jesse Nikoli-FINISHED Empty Re: Lynn, Jesse Nikoli-FINISHED

Post by Khaat Lupin Sun Jun 10, 2012 1:48 am

she seems to be more slytherin to me, really. but--if i did that, it appears i would undo your real intent behind her and undo much of your whole design for her and her history.

she does not appear to be a ravenclaw to me, although i do see some ravenclaw traits.

so--for me, i guess i'm feeling she's a better hufflepuff.

accepted and sorted into hufflepuff
Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
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Lynn, Jesse Nikoli-FINISHED Empty Re: Lynn, Jesse Nikoli-FINISHED

Post by Jesse Lynn Sun Jun 10, 2012 2:23 am

I'm sorry, im switching the gender of the character to male, someone else is taking over the account
Jesse Lynn
Jesse Lynn
Sixth Year Gryffindor
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Lynn, Jesse Nikoli-FINISHED Empty Re: Lynn, Jesse Nikoli-FINISHED

Post by Khaat Lupin Sun Jun 10, 2012 2:33 am

ok. just make sure the app is adjusted accordingly and that someone lets me know so i can re-read the adjustments, please.

Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
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Lynn, Jesse Nikoli-FINISHED Empty Re: Lynn, Jesse Nikoli-FINISHED

Post by Jesse Lynn Sun Jun 10, 2012 2:38 am

it's pretty much the same, all thats changed is the playby and height and things like that, its the same personality and stuff Smile
Jesse Lynn
Jesse Lynn
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