BERNARD, Sasha Melinda
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BERNARD, Sasha Melinda Li9olo10

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BERNARD, Sasha Melinda

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BERNARD, Sasha Melinda Empty BERNARD, Sasha Melinda

Post by Sasha M. Bernard Mon Mar 26, 2012 8:00 pm

BERNARD, Sasha Melinda 11140|00001c304|ef05_orh100000w300_Adele

Sasha M. Bernard


    FULL NAME: Sasha Melinda Bernard

    NICKNAMES: Professor Bernard (hopefully)

    AGE: 28

    ALLEGIANCE: Order of the Phoenix

    HOGWARTS HOUSE: Ex-Hufflepuff

    CLASSES: (Students only. Please choose from Charms, CoMC, DADA, Transfiguration, and Potions. 2 Minimum for Basic students and 2 for NEWTs, or one class and an internship for NEWTs)

    WAND: Aspen, dragon heartstring core, fourteen and one-half inches, slightly bent at an awkward angle but firm

    PLAY BY: Adele Adkins


    HAIR COLOR: Honey Blonde

    EYE COLOR: Murky green

    HEIGHT: 5'6

    BODY TYPE: "Stocky" though she might describe herself as full-bodied.

    GENERAL APPEARANCE: Sasha is of average height and somewhat overweight due to her fondness for desserts. She has honey blonde hair which falls to her shoulders and has distinct waves in it. She has a small cute nose, full lips, and long eyelashes... She could possibly be considered very beautiful if it weren't for the fact that she tends to wear too much make-up.


    Registered Animagus Bear
    Has an eye for interior decorating
    Is very good at the construction and repairing of clothing
    Very persuasive, good at arguing

    Most subtle magic (potions, memory charms, nonverbal magic)
    Dealing with animals or magical creatures (exceptions: Dementors and Boggarts... she cannot handle any other type of animal or magical creature... normally tame animals, domestic magical creatures, or passive magical creatures appear to dislike her outright)
    Greedy to some extent (ultimately won't compromise some of her basic principles *she tends to be on a slippery slope ethics-wise* but will often result in her making some poor decisions)
    Has a penchant for breaking rules and may occasionally engage in some shady and possibly illegal activities (nothing TOO illegal... just things like cheating and buying/selling things on the "black market")

    Animals/magical creatures (despite the fact that most hate her)
    Cute decorations
    Cooking (despite the fact she can't cook worth a darn)
    Good-looking men
    Transfiguration (depending)

    Mean/downright evil people
    Depressed people
    Tests that she has to take
    Pureblood supremacy
    The Ministry of Magic, on occasion

    To become rich and MORE famous (she has some slight fame)
    To be influential
    To help rid the world of dark wizards
    To own a house-elf.
    To get married and have lots of children.

    Prone to being theatrical/dramatic
    Can occasionally be obnoxious when trying to cheer people up
    Is practically happy all the time with few exceptions

    BOGGART: She's arachnophobic and has a fear of becoming penniless and forgotten.

    PATRONUS: Being reunited with her father, mother, and older sister after she was lost in the woods for a few days when she was a little kid. Her Patronus takes the form of a bear.

    DEMENTOR: A few Slytherins once pulled a very awful prank which caused her to be humiliated in front of everyone in the Great Hall. It was a bad memory for her, but she has since gotten over it and seems to have become stronger because of it.

    VERITASERUM: Sasha has trouble keeping all but the most important (Order of Phoenix-type) secrets. So, perhaps her Order of Phoenix membership is her best-kept secret???

    MIRROR OF ERISED: In the mirror of Erised, she'd probably see herself as being surrounded by large piles of money with a handsome husband, seven kids, and a little house-elf in the background.

    PERSONALITY: Sasha is a big woman with a big personality. She's head-strong, stubborn, ambitious, materialistic, prone to underhanded behavior (which she has a tendency to fail at), a gossip (and thus nosy), exceedingly optimistic, prone to getting into loud arguments which may result in a duel, dramatic, a bit obnoxious, and a hopeless romantic. For all of Sasha's faults, though, she is ultimately a good woman with a kind and big heart, which she's willing to open up to just about anyone.


    FATHER: Michael Bernard

    MOTHER: Margaret Elaine Bernard/Robinson

    SIBLING(S): Hannah Bridget Bernard (older sister, witch who works as a secretary at the Ministry of Magic), Alex Lucas Bernard (younger brother, complete Muggle who is currently attending a Muggle college)

    OTHER: None

    BLOOD STATUS: Muggleborn

    RACE: Human

    SOCIAL STATUS: Middle class

    PET(S): A large purple toad named Sugarplum. It seems to be the only animal that doesn't dislike her... although, this isn't saying much considering how indifferent the creature is.

    BROOMSTICK(): None.



    Early Years: Sasha was born to Michael and Margaret Bernard in England as their second child. Growing up, Sasha was watched very carefully (and anxiously) by her Muggle parents for any sign of magical activity since her older sister before her was a witch. When she was five years old, she managed to get lost in some woods for three days while the family was traveling... Luckily, however, she was found and reunited with her family safely. She didn't start exhibiting some magical talent until she was about seven years old when a spider scared her... she accidentally caused the spider to be magically flung through the air and out the window. Her parents didn't witness this incident, but they would witness another demonstration of her magical abilities when she was nine years old and threw a temper tantrum for not being allowed to have any cookies (because it would spoil her dinner)... This resulted in a lot of floating and smashed dishware. So, of course, at eleven years old, she was invited to the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

    Hogwarts Years: The Sorting Hat had a small bit of difficulty with sorting Sasha, as it waffled between putting her in Hufflepuff or Slytherin; ultimately, it was decided that she should be in Hufflepuff because she simply wasn't cunning enough and her Muggleborn status would make it difficult for her to really excel in Slytherin House. Sasha was bitter about being sorted into Hufflepuff (in her mind, the boring and ordinary House) at first, but eventually came to tolerate it and made quite a few friends. She persevered and excelled in a few classes... and failed in a few others (namely her potions class; she had even tried to cheat on her tests and while once, she managed to get away with it, the other times, she wasn't so lucky). She had originally dreamed of being an Auror, but her test scores simply weren't high enough for her to get such a position. She realized pretty quickly that maybe being an Auror wasn't for her, and she certainly wasn't going to go for a position in the Ministry, and so she was left wondering what she would do after she got out of Hogwarts.

    Adulthood: Sasha has been flitting around from job to job, hoping to find her calling and achieve greatness somewhere. When she was twenty-five, she entered the All-England Wizarding Dueling Competition where she won the championship, which gave her a little bit of fame (not to mention some prize money) and her very own chocolate frog card (which was something she was very happy about as that had previously been a goal of hers). She entered the dueling competition again and once again took the championship earning her a little more status, but when she entered a third year at twenty-seven, she came in second place.. which disappointed her to no end. As a result of her accomplished dueling, she has found herself feeling a bit bitter towards Quidditch as it is the wizarding sport of choice and is much more popular than the dueling competitions. Another result of her accomplished dueling was that it managed to attract some attention from the Order of the Phoenix and after being spied upon to "make sure she's a good fit for the order," she was finally invited in, which surprised and delighted her.


    YOUR NAME: Heidi

    RP EXPERIENCE: A few years or so

    HOW YOU FOUND US: RP Topsite

    OTHER CHARACTERS: Coral Marchand, Howl Blishwick

    PURPOSE OF CHARACTER: When the time is right, I'm hoping for her to take a job as a professor... either as a Transfiguration professor (since that professor appears to have been inactive for about a month now) or perhaps a Charms professor (since it seems like Jess wants to give up the position to someone else... or at least, I remember reading that in-character about him) and become Head of Slytherin House (since that position is lacking). I also plan for her to be an active member of the Order of the Phoenix and work part-time as a Master Tailor at Madame Malkin's Robes for All Occasions.


Last edited by Sasha M. Bernard on Sat Mar 31, 2012 8:20 pm; edited 1 time in total
Sasha M. Bernard
Sasha M. Bernard

Number of posts : 10
Special Abilities : Animagus
Occupation : Head of Slytherin, Substitute Professor, Master Tailor at Madam Malkins Robes for All Occasions

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BERNARD, Sasha Melinda Empty Re: BERNARD, Sasha Melinda

Post by Khaat Lupin Thu Mar 29, 2012 1:56 am

You've worked hard here to firm her up well and to resolve some very divergent issues in Hogwarts to make her fit into two very different areas. But I'm really struggling with the whole concept that the sorting hat would allow her to be placed in Slytherin when she doesn't hold any of their key values as some of her own. She just doesn't fit in that house. I could believe her in Hufflepuff, possibly Ravenclaw, not Slytherin or Gryffindor as she is currently designed.

The other consideration is that we are 2 months approx from the end of the school year and we always see some position turn over during the summer. I would hate to see you design her for what might, ideally, only work for 2 months and then have the overall staffing of the school shift to something that might be a better fit for her. I would much prefer you design her for where you want her to evolve into and then allow her character to have something to strive for.

I don't know if that makes sense, but I just am not sure that the ex slytherin who doesn't really fit in slytherin and who belongs to the order works. I think it stretches it too far.

Does that make sense?
Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
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BERNARD, Sasha Melinda Empty Re: BERNARD, Sasha Melinda

Post by Howl Blishwick Thu Mar 29, 2012 3:08 am

I'm not sure exactly... *I'm definitely trying to get what you're saying, though...* I THINK what you're saying is that the character, as she's designed right now, stretches the realm of plausibility by being a Muggleborn Slytherin with a "good heart" AND a member of the Order of the Phoenix...?

Also, I remember that we discussed the other consideration before... which is why I added in the beginning regarding the purpose of the character: "when the time is right." I just created her now to keep her from nagging me in my head... and also to serve as a reminder of my interest regarding a Hogwarts position and such (early bird gets the worm and all, I suppose... preemptive strike... whatever you wanna call it... lol). I could just keep her in limbo and not play her until the new Hogwarts school year starts... or... well, I have added a little back-up plan where I can play her as the "master tailor" for Madame Malkin's Robes for All Occasions.

Also... I'm not entirely sure what you mean about her not possessing any of the key values that makes a Slytherin a Slytherin... (And err... not entirely sure what you mean about the Gryffindor part, either, since I wasn't aiming for having her an ex-Gryffindor, and honestly, I think she'd probably fit in that house the least... and I don't think she'd really fit in Ravenclaw, either, since she isn't someone who does a whole lot of studying or learning... Slytherin or Hufflepuff are really the top two houses for her)... She does have ambition (even if she's not very good at trying to achieve her goals), and she has a penchant for breaking the rules (even if she does kind of lack some of the cunning that makes a Slytherin... but then again, so did Crabbe and Goyle)... both of which are Slytherin traits. One does not necessarily have to be full-on evil or mean to be a Slytherin. It's also not impossible for a Muggleborn to be in Slytherin House... it's just very rare.

As for the Order of the Phoenix... well... I suppose that was kind of an after-thought since I recall that you need graduates who are going to be members of factions and such (so, her being Neutral isn't really much of an option...and besides that, I'd like to have a character that fulfills a needed role). As a Muggleborn who isn't as... hmm... twisted as one of my previous characters.... She really wouldn't fit as a Death Eater, and I can see her being very much against pureblood supremacy and such, which would make her a good fit for the Order. The other option is that I could take away her Muggleborn status (making her half-blood) and then tweak her personality and throw her in with the Death Eaters... but that seems like it would probably be a bit boring. (Changing her like that, I mean... I'd definitely like to create a Death Eater character sometime along the line, but this character doesn't really fit that mold).

Maybe there's another option... I suppose I could keep her a Muggleborn Slytherin and an Order of the Phoenix... but make her a great deal more mean, perhaps? As it is, she's already prone to petty and underhanded behavior... It wouldn't be too much trouble to make her a little worse.
Howl Blishwick
Howl Blishwick

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BERNARD, Sasha Melinda Empty Re: BERNARD, Sasha Melinda

Post by Khaat Lupin Thu Mar 29, 2012 10:16 pm

I've been sorting and accepting characters here for a long time, and in doing so, we've had to all sort of develop some key things that we look for with the different houses. For me when I think of a Slytherin, I don't look for someone, necessarily, inherently evil. Although usually an evil character does fit easily into that house. For me, a classic, textbook Slytherin is one that values purebloods because of its high value in time honored wizarding tradition. Keeping things the way they've always been. While Sasha is capable of some minor law breaking, she isn't the type to be involved in the deeply sinister things. And, if she doesn't share the sort of thinking that is dedicated to tradition and keeping things "old school" such as the valuing of purebloods, she doesnt fit at all what I see in a Slytherin. I see it just about as unlikely for her as Gryffindor. I mentioned Gryffindor in my post because while we were talking about the houses, Gryffindor is one of them, even if you didn't mention it.

Her best fit is clearly Hufflepuff. No doubt about it.

However, what I look for in a Ravenclaw, at least here on PA is someone who is intelligent, not necessarily a bookworm with sterling grades. A lot of our Ravenclaws enjoy minor mischief, and at least here, it seems to be that our Ravenclaws seem to be easily bored with the routine and the mundane. They aren't in for big evil schemes, but they do enjoy a little bit of minor stuff--exactly the stuff that you mentioned Sasha likes. But a lot of the Ravenclaws we have do tend to be less eclectic as Sasha appears to me to be.

And this is just my read on it. I will invite some of the other admins to weigh in here to give second opinions. Sometimes more than one pair of eyes on something can be a good thing. It may well be that some of the other admins disagree with me, and I am always willing to hear other opinions. So--lets wait a wee bit and let some of them weigh in too.

Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
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BERNARD, Sasha Melinda Empty Re: BERNARD, Sasha Melinda

Post by Howl Blishwick Thu Mar 29, 2012 11:20 pm

That sounds like a good idea; whenever they have time to look at the app; no rush. I've never really thought of Slytherins as... traditionalists myself... I mean, yeah... a lot of them have the whole pureblood supremacy thing going on, but I think maybe that isn't so much them being traditionalists so much as them being arrogant and full of themselves... People who are ambitious naturally like to think of themselves as far more capable than others... and I guess with some Slytherins that manifests in pureblood supremacy...

I have trouble seeing them as traditionalists because somewhere in the books I recall someone saying that "breaking the rules" is a Slytherin trait. This says to me that they have tendencies of going against the grain... of doing their own thing, regardless of what is considered proper, just, logical, traditional, or what have you.

As for the absolute best fit for Sasha being Hufflepuff, I'm not sure. Like I said, she DOES fit some of the traits of a Hufflepuff. Namely, that she's a very determined, head-strong person... and also, that she's kind of friendly and an optimist. Her tendencies towards breaking the rules, being underhanded, and cheating, though... That comes in direct conflict with the Hufflepuff's traits of honesty, fairness, and being just.
Howl Blishwick
Howl Blishwick

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BERNARD, Sasha Melinda Empty Re: BERNARD, Sasha Melinda

Post by Ne'Os Emof Fri Mar 30, 2012 4:06 am

I kinda feel like you would be in Hufflepuff....kinda....Its not like people didn't get a say on what they wanted look at Harry and Hermione in the books they both wanted to be in Gryffindor. I would say because she has both qualities the hat would listen to what she really wanted most. But i'm not quite sure to be honest, there are a lot of contradicting things going on in this app.

As for the professor and head of Slytherin I see no actual problem other than the jobs change around every so often and depending on what faction is in charge at the time.

Well the Order isn't the most morally correct thing when it comes to its members she wouldn't be the first Slytherin in there.
Ne'Os Emof
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BERNARD, Sasha Melinda Empty Re: BERNARD, Sasha Melinda

Post by Elijah Krum Fri Mar 30, 2012 7:08 am

What we must remember here is that Purebloods are traditionalists. The root of all of their problems, all of their prejudices, is the fear of losing their culture and their traditions, that is why they are so cruel to Muggleborns and, not unusually, Half-Bloods. It's primarily fear and I think there is a certain amount of desire within Slytherins to keep those same traditions. It's not about ambition, though they posess it, their prejudices manifest out of fear - something typical of humans not just Slytherins.

"Breaking the rules" may be a Slytherin trait but so is self-preservation and a desire to elevate their own status. It conflicts. While they're rebellious, it can only be done to a certain point or around certain people. They know their place and unlike the Half and Muggleborns, still respect their ancestors - their bloodlines having not been polluted with the Muggle disregarding of just about anything the Purebloods hold dear.

Just because they break the rules, doesn't mean they aren't traditionalists. It's not just limited to Slytherins - Gryffindors and Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws would also be providing they're Pureblood however they're more exposed to the Half-Blood and Muggleborn way of thinking, changing them. For me, Sasha wouldn't fit in with Slytherin. Muggle-Borns can't assimilate well with Slytherins and she'd be harassed by both those that are in the House and the Portraits - LOL! So I'm going to say Hufflepuff, personally, simply because to me, Hufflepuff is a mixture of all the traits of the other houses and she takes some from each and is blurred into something...well, Hufflepuff! :3 She's not right for Slytherin, not really.

Though I don't like the idea of a Hufflepuff in Slytherin HOH, I like the potential plotting there. Some bizarre move by the Order perhaps to quell DF/Slytherin activity around the castle? Or perhaps she'll aid with sick...hmmm...
Elijah Krum
Elijah Krum
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BERNARD, Sasha Melinda Empty Re: BERNARD, Sasha Melinda

Post by Howl Blishwick Fri Mar 30, 2012 11:42 pm

Yes, I imagine if she had been Slytherin, she would be very harassed... but I was just thinking she's probably so head-strong and optimistic that she could get through that pretty okay... Hmm... I guess the traditionalist argument from that perspective makes sense. I'm not sure I can really argue against it...

I'd be okay with putting her in Hufflepuff maybe, but I'd also be reserved about making her head of Slytherin house, in that case, since I think Heads of House should be former members of that particular house... I noticed that the head of Hufflepuff House is the same person that's been inactive for a couple of months and is also the Transfiguration teacher..... so.... maybe she could become Head of Hufflepuff House?

Or I'd be open to suggestions that could make this character work better as a Slytherin... I do remember reading that Muggle-borns in Slytherin aren't impossible... just rare.

Or I could possibly just scrap her concept altogether and think anew.
Howl Blishwick
Howl Blishwick

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BERNARD, Sasha Melinda Empty Re: BERNARD, Sasha Melinda

Post by Khaat Lupin Sat Mar 31, 2012 12:07 am

i don't think you need to scrap her altogether. that seems a bit too extreme to me.

I do think shes a better Hufflepuff. But as Eli said that could mean a wider variety of opportunities for personal plotting. It might be worth a thought that we play this a bit closer to what the staffing reality is right now. that the ex hufflepuff accepts a professorship and then finds that there is a need for a HoH, but its Slytherin. That might well set up some ethical/moral dilemmas, perhaps control issues w/ students, and that might play out in the classroom if they challenge her authority. I'm just thinking that it might well create a whole wide array of things for her to struggle with. And I think that is exactly what Eli is saying.

And yes, if we do a staff change with the HoH for Hufflepuff (and I'm not ready to do that immediately) at some point and you would like it, you could certainly ask for it. But who knows how you might feel by then? Maybe you'll like the drama of a character who is trying hard to fit in and be accepted and who feels like she is almost there (because of the professorship and HoH) but not quite (because of the difficulties in being HoH for a house so different from her own), not to mention the other struggles she might feel b/c of her likes, dislikes, strengths, etc.

Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
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BERNARD, Sasha Melinda Empty Re: BERNARD, Sasha Melinda

Post by Jess Potter Sat Mar 31, 2012 6:18 am

Right, I'm going to interject here.

She does not exhibit any signs of being honest and hardworking, but she does exhibit signs of being ambitious and devious, so I'm struggling to see what the issue is here.

Hufflepuff is not a house, as one of the admins suggested in the Admin place, that is for people who fit equally in all houses, or who don't fit in any. I take offence at the thought of that - I'm always placed in Hufflepuff.

Seriously though, she is not a hufflepuff. She may be kind, but she is not honest or hardworking. Nor is she brave. Nor is she All that intelligent (no offence)
She is however prone to cheating in tests, dreams of being famous and is desperately scared of becoming a no one.

Do you honestly believe that the sorting hat took blood status into account? Yes, a lot of purebloods went into Slytherin, but that was because they were brought up with that pureblood dominating cunning sort of mentality. The house does not sort on what (mudblood) you are, but rather who you are. So i will wholeheartedly support the application in being an ex-slytherin.

But I'm getting Darren to take a look at it and give his two cents on the matter. He's the best suited at breaking these sorts of stalemates, so just hold on a bit longer please, while this is sorted.

Jess Potter
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