HIROKU, Ryo Ichiro
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HIROKU, Ryo Ichiro Li9olo10

What’s Happening?
Since every few months or so a few of our old members get the inspiration to revisit their old stomping grounds we have decided to keep PA open as a place to revisit old threads and start new ones devoid of any serious overarching plot or setting. Take this time to start any of those really weird threads you never got to make with old friends and make them now! Just remember to come say hello in the chatbox below or in the discord. Links have been provided in the "Comings and Goings" forum as well as the welcome widget above.

HIROKU, Ryo Ichiro

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HIROKU, Ryo Ichiro Empty HIROKU, Ryo Ichiro

Post by Ryo Hiroku Sat Feb 11, 2012 1:01 am

HIROKU, Ryo Ichiro Rk5o8

Ryo Ichiro Hiroku


    FULL NAME: Ryo Ichiro Hiroku

    NICKNAMES: Ry, Ry-Ry(annoying nickname he dislikes)

    AGE: seventeen | b. May 23, 2008

    ALLEGIANCE: Potter's Army

    HOGWARTS HOUSE: Hufflepuff

    CLASSES: DADA and Charms... I believe

    WAND: 12 inch phoenix feather core slightly flexible

    PLAY BY: Ross Lynch


    HAIR COLOR: Dirty Blonde

    EYE COLOR: Olive Green

    HEIGHT: 6 feet

    BODY TYPE: Slender

    GENERAL APPEARANCE: Ryo had olive green eyes and dirty blonde hair. He standard at six feet even. Ryo usually wears dark colors like blue, black, or gray. He likes to wear pants and long sleeve shirts. He hates showing his arms for some reason and will wear anything to cover them up. Along with the long sleeves he will usually have a sweater on.


    001. Drawing
    002. Drumming
    003. Potions

    001. His temper
    002. Transfiguration
    003. Following orders

    001. Drumming
    002. Music
    003. Animals
    004. Drawing
    005. Being alone

    001. Crowded places
    002. Stalkers
    003. Stuck up people
    004. Being a vampire

    001. Find his missing mother
    002. Graduate
    003. Become someone important

    001. Taps his foot
    002. Bites his lip
    003. Stutters

    BOGGART: Finding out his mother is really dead

    PATRONUS: Going camping with his father when he was seven

    DEMENTOR: Being turned into a vampire

    VERITASERUM: Never forgave his father for turning him into a vampire

    MIRROR OF ERISED: To find his mother

    PERSONALITY: Ryo is the type of person that tends to keep to himself a lot. Now he doesn't have many friends, as he always pushes then away. But for some reason he seems to be very popular among the girls. Not that he cares, he really doesn't have any interest in the girls and that's probably what's making him so popular. When he was younger the only thing that truely mattered to him was his family, until he and his sister began to drift apart. When that happened he started to always be alone and didn't let most people come near him.


    FATHER: Ryo Hiroku - deceased/would be 39/ halfblood/human turned vampire

    MOTHER: Sayori Hiroku(nee Akashiya) - missing/believed to be deceased/37/ pureblood

    SIBLING(S): Sayuri Kaiyo Hiroku - twin sister/seventeen/human turned vampire

    OTHER: Hatsuharu "Haru" Hiroku - uncle/older brother of father/40/human turned vampire
    Yuki Hiroku(nee Akisha) - political aunt/38/human/halfblood

    BLOOD STATUS: Halfblood

    RACE: Vampire

    SOCIAL STATUS: Middle Class

    Female Snow white owl named Isuzu, who he calls Izu affectionately

    Nimbus 2001

    Family ring(nonmagical)


    Early Years: Ryo was born to Sayori and Ryo Hiroku during the spring of 2008. He was the First born of twins. His sister Sayuri was born shortly after he was, though there were some complications in her birth. Ryo had been the stronger of the twins and his sister required special treatment to survive while he was as healthy as a baby could be. She made it out okay but even at the time of their birth, she began to take attention away from her brother.

    From their birth Sayuri was always taking attention from Ryo. If it wasn't because of her health it was because she had gotten hurt somehow. At first Ryo hadn't minded it, as he really didn't understand that she was taking attention away from him, but as they got older he began to see that she was becoming more and more the center of attention and that he was basically fading into the background all the time.

    Well at least his father paid some attention to him. The boy always went on these special camping trips with his father where it was only the two of them, no Sayuri and no Mother. Just the guys getting to bond. Ryo always loved spending time with his father on these trips, until one trip when he was around 9 years old, that is. Just a few days before their annual trip, Ryo's father was attacked by a vampire and he was turned into one of them. The only other person who knew this was Sayori, but the children knew nothing. Sayori was scared that he would do somethig to her child on the trip so she tried to convince them not to go. Ryo only got angry and insisted on going on the trip with his father even more. Finally she had no choice but to let them go, and that was where things went wrong. Sayori's assumption was correct and before long Ryo's father list control and attacked him. He turned his only son into a vampire like he was. Ryo didn't remember much after that, just that he was attacked by his father.

    Hogwarts Years: When Ryo and Sayuri reached the age of eleven, Ryo couldn't wait to get away from his father. After his "accident" as they had decided to call it, Ryo had stopped going on those camping trips with his father and he had distanced himself from him. Two years had passed since that happened and Ryo still hadn't forgiven him for what he did. It was something that Ryo simply wouldn't be able to get over, never.

    Only a few months after they left for Hogwarts, the siblings recieved a letter from their uncle who informed them that their parents had been attacked, they weren't sure by who, but it seemed that their father was killed and their mother was said to be kidnapped. The news took them by Surprise and after that they couldn't focus on anything but their parents, though Ryo focused more on his mother than his father. Even after five years, Ryo still believes that his mother is alive somewhere.

    After the news, Ryo and Sayuri began to fight more often than they usually did. Sayuri was alwayc defending their father and Ryo was always insulting him. Their fights grew and grew, and finally Ryo snapped during one of their fights, in their third year, in which his sister defended their father about him turning Ryo into a vampire. He became so infuriated that he attacked his sister and turned her into a vampire as well. The only thing he said to her was, "Let'a see if you like being one of them."

    Adulthood: --


    YOUR NAME: Kimberly

    RP EXPERIENCE: Meh, plenty

    HOW YOU FOUND US: I'm a member

    OTHER CHARACTERS: Ashton, Hitame, Lysander, Sapphire, Danielle, Damitrius, Mariposa, Yumi, Jake, Alexis

    PURPOSE OF CHARACTER: just a revamp of Ryo, with a few changes


Last edited by Ryo Hiroku on Sun Apr 28, 2013 1:00 am; edited 6 times in total
Ryo Hiroku
Ryo Hiroku
Seventh Year Hufflepuff
Seventh Year Hufflepuff

Number of posts : 994
Special Abilities : Metamorphmagus
Occupation : Hufflepuff Quidditch Captain


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HIROKU, Ryo Ichiro Empty Re: HIROKU, Ryo Ichiro

Post by Ryo Hiroku Sun Feb 12, 2012 6:30 am

Done! I think!

(With some changes to him)
Ryo Hiroku
Ryo Hiroku
Seventh Year Hufflepuff
Seventh Year Hufflepuff

Number of posts : 994
Special Abilities : Metamorphmagus
Occupation : Hufflepuff Quidditch Captain


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HIROKU, Ryo Ichiro Empty Re: HIROKU, Ryo Ichiro

Post by Khaat Lupin Sun Feb 12, 2012 12:40 pm

wait. i just gotta ask. under quirks you said he "takes his foot"? What? I know its a little thing, but where is he taking his foot and what's he doing with it? ROFL
Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 23244
Special Abilities : Energy Worker, Medium, Heightened Sensitivity
Occupation : Director of St. Mungos, Owner of Sparks Bistro

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HIROKU, Ryo Ichiro Empty Re: HIROKU, Ryo Ichiro

Post by Ryo Hiroku Sun Feb 12, 2012 2:47 pm

Oops typo, my phone's fault. It's meant to say taps his foot.
Ryo Hiroku
Ryo Hiroku
Seventh Year Hufflepuff
Seventh Year Hufflepuff

Number of posts : 994
Special Abilities : Metamorphmagus
Occupation : Hufflepuff Quidditch Captain


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HIROKU, Ryo Ichiro Empty Re: HIROKU, Ryo Ichiro

Post by Khaat Lupin Sun Feb 12, 2012 3:04 pm

well, that makes more sense. approved and sorted into hufflepuff
Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 23244
Special Abilities : Energy Worker, Medium, Heightened Sensitivity
Occupation : Director of St. Mungos, Owner of Sparks Bistro

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