After suffering, there's always happiness, right? - Page 3
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After suffering, there's always happiness, right? - Page 3 Li9olo10

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After suffering, there's always happiness, right?

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After suffering, there's always happiness, right? - Page 3 Empty Re: After suffering, there's always happiness, right?

Post by Anabelle Mulciber Fri Jan 27, 2012 1:51 am

Hitame looked at Sophia somewhat suspiciously and finally she just shrugged. She was still concerned about what was going on with Sophia, but she figured that it would only make her sadder than she probably was and she didn't want to ask her anymore about it. She sighed softly and smiled at Sophia. Naomi came back toward the two of them and she smiled at them. The two girls looked at Sophia somewhat concerned but they continued smiling to hide their concern for her. "It is getting pretty cold out here." she said softly and Naomi nodded. "Yeah. I wish it was summer already again." Naomi added.

"Hey don't worry about me Soph." Hitame raised her hands and laughed. "Naomi is the one who always gets sick, not me." she said. Naomi laughed even though she knew this was true. "Yeah. I always get sick, sometimes I don't even know what I get sick from." she said playfully. Naomi took her getting sick all the time as a type of game, but she knew that it was something serious because she's the weaker one of the two girls. Hitame laughed softly, and shook her head. "Yeah, and it doesn't help that you never want to go to the Hospital Wing." she sighed. "But they scare me!" Naomi exclaimed.

Hitame merely shook her head and laughed softly. She looked at Sophia and shrugged. "To be honest the classes are kind of slow this year. But so far so good, for me anyways." she said. "Same for me. But I'm doing pretty good." Naomi told Sophia. "I don't like having Barker as a teacher though. I want to change my class because of that." Hitame said softly. "I would too. He's mean and cruel." Naomi said sadly, looking at her sister.
Anabelle Mulciber
Anabelle Mulciber
Sixth Year Gryffindor
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After suffering, there's always happiness, right? - Page 3 Empty Re: After suffering, there's always happiness, right?

Post by Sophia Granger Sat Jan 28, 2012 12:40 am

Sophia looked at them and chuckled. "That's the good thing about being a vampire during the wintertime, you can't feel the coldness for your naturally cold."said Sophia softly. "Although I dress normal so no one really knows."said Sophia shrugging. If you didn't know Sophia was a vampire you couldn't really tell that she was for she acts like a normal human being. "Summertime is fun, but I can't stay out that long unless it's sunset or something but even then summer nights are fun."said Sophia smiling. "I remember a couple of days before we left for the summer at Hogwarts me and Andrian would sneak out and go for midnight rides around the lake."said Sophia smiling at the memory.

Sophia looked at them and laughed her a real laugh for once, it was actually hr first real laugh she done since she was at Andrian's house. "Hm... perhaps I should make sure you have a supply of medicine in your trunk at all times Naomi?"Sophia asked her smirking at her. Sophia nodded understanding where Naomi was coming from. "I hear you Nao, I ALWAYS hated the hospital wing Andrian or my friends would always have to carry me there but I always fought them."said Sophia chuckling. Sophia realized the more she talked about her memories the more she started to feel better.

Sophia smiled when they said they were doing good in there classes. "Well... that's good, if you need any help I'll be happy to help you."said Sophia softly. As they mentioned Barker Sophia felt a chill run down her spine. "Barker a teacher at Hogwarts my god where has Hogwarts gone to?"Sophia asked herself shaking her head.
Sophia Granger
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After suffering, there's always happiness, right? - Page 3 Empty Re: After suffering, there's always happiness, right?

Post by Anabelle Mulciber Sat Jan 28, 2012 3:13 am

"I don't know what's worse being in the cold or not being able to enjoy the summer time to its fullest." Naomi squeaked as she looked from Hitame to Sophia. Being a vampire had its advantages and its disadvantages. Naomi had always wanted to be like a vampire, same with Hitame, but now she thought that it would be better to be human at least you can enjoy the summer as a human. Naomi began to him a song that Hitame had written a while ago and she looked down at her feet. "Bet you wish you had your sketch las high, Naomi?" Hitame asked her little sister. Naomi nodded and continued to him.

"That sure would help since the Hospital Wing scares her." Hitame said half jokingly. "Yes, yes it would." Naomi laughed and smiled at the two of them. "At certain times the Hospital Wing scares me, but I go anyways. But only if I really have too." Hitame said softly. "Oh Soph, have you heard about what happened to Ryo?" Hitame asked, accidentally changing the subject. She really hadn't meant too, but talking about the Hospital Wing made her think of it.

Hitame nodded and sighed, trying not to remember her detention with Barker. "Yeah, I really don't like being in his class. He really does scare me, I hate him." Hitame said softly and she looked down. She bit the inside of her lip and began to play with her fingers a little. She sighed and lifted her head up slightly as she remembered the previous topic she had brought up. "I was a bit worried about Ryo when I found out what happened to him." she said, trying to change the topic quickly again.
Anabelle Mulciber
Anabelle Mulciber
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After suffering, there's always happiness, right? - Page 3 Empty Re: After suffering, there's always happiness, right?

Post by Sophia Granger Sun Jan 29, 2012 12:12 am

Sophia looked at Naomi and nodded. "It does suck at times, but I think there's more advantages then they are disadvantages."said Sophia honestly. "I know you two want to be vampires, but it would mean giving up being a human."said Sophia softly. "I missed being human at times, I miss the warmness and of course hearing a heartbeat."said Sophia softly. "But like I said it's not all that bad, I'm faster then humans and stronger."said Sophia softly. "What are you humming Nao?"Sophia asked her softly as she heard Noami humming a song.

Sophia laughed and nodded. "Ok... I'll do some potions and stuff and send them back to you in your trunk or something. "I'll make sure they don't look like medicine potions cause I know they check everything at Hogwarts now!"said Sophia rolling her eyes. As Hitame asked if she knew what happened to Ryo she stopped dead in her tracks. "No I don't, what happened to him Hit?"Sophia asked her softly as her eyes turned gold with worry in them. 'It's not something Barker did to him is it?"Sophia asked her softly as her eyes now turned red with anger.

Sophia couldn't take if Barker done anything else to her friends. "I would get out of his class as soon as you can you two."said Sophia softly. "Barker is a very dangerous man I know you two probably already know that by now."said Sophia softly. "Just be careful, there's more dangerous out there then Barker trust me."said Sophia softly.
Sophia Granger
Sophia Granger
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After suffering, there's always happiness, right? - Page 3 Empty Re: After suffering, there's always happiness, right?

Post by Anabelle Mulciber Sun Jan 29, 2012 12:51 am

Naomi sighed and nodded at Sophia. "Yeah, I don't think I would want to give up being a human." Naomi said softly. She glanced at Hitame as if expecting her to say the same, but she merely looked down, trying now to look at her sister. Truth be told, Hitame didn't really care about giving up being human. She could think of so many things she could do if she was a vampire that humans couldn't do. She didn't gen think of the things vampires can't do that humans can. "Huh? Oh I'm humming a song that Hitame wrote a while ago, after she started going back to normal after her detention with Professor Barker." she said smiling at Sophia.

"Okay Soph. Thanks." Hitame smiled at her. "Knowing Naomi as soon as you send them we'll have to use them." she laughed softly. Naomi shrugged in a sort of agreement with her sister. When Sophia said she didn't know what happened to Ryo, Hitame sighed. "Really? I thought he would have told you something." she said softly. She quickly shook her head and tried to get back on topic. "Anyways, I was outside at the lake one day, I saw him and I talked to him. And while I was talking to him, I noticed these huge claw marks on his arm and I asked him where they came from. At first he didn't want to answer me, but I got it out of him after a while." she said. She made it obvious that it had nothing to do with Barker. "It turns out that he got in a huge fight with a pack of werewolves." She said softly. "He was in the Forest, I don't know what he was doing there, but my guess is that he ended up fighting those things to protect someone." She said pretty sure of what she was saying.

Hitame and Naomi both nodded at Sophia's words. "Don't worry, Spoh. We're already working on it." Hitame pointed out. "I just don't like that because of him we're gonna be leaving our favorite class. But I just don't want to risk him doing something to us." she sighed sadly.
Anabelle Mulciber
Anabelle Mulciber
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After suffering, there's always happiness, right? - Page 3 Empty Re: After suffering, there's always happiness, right?

Post by Sophia Granger Mon Jan 30, 2012 10:20 pm

Sophia looked at Naomi and gave her a soft warm smile. "It's not that bad Nao, your still basically kind of still human if you think about it."said Sophia softly. Sophia looked over at Hitame as she lowered her head just by her doing that Sophia knew she didn't care if she gave up being a human. Sophia nodded and smiled. "Oh you wrote a song Hit? I want to hear it."said Sophia softly. "I write songs as well, but I haven't wrote any in awhile probably need to."said Sophia softly. That was how Sophia expressed her feeling was through songs and poems. She haven't in awhile cause she was carefree and happy but she guess some things had to come to a end soon.

Sophia nodded when they said they were working on getting out of his class. "What class does he teach?"Sophia asked them softly. Sophia couldn't take that they let Barker a freaking bloody criminal in Hogwarts to teach it just made her so mad! She wished that they could get the ministry back to it was as well as Hogwarts but that won't happen any time soon.
Sophia Granger
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After suffering, there's always happiness, right? - Page 3 Empty Re: After suffering, there's always happiness, right?

Post by Anabelle Mulciber Mon Jan 30, 2012 11:57 pm

Naomi nodded and smiled at Sophia. "Oh yeah, she's always writing songs! And they're really good too!" Naomi said happily and Hitame lowered her head a little. "They aren't that great." she said softly. She lifted her head to look at Sophia when she said she wanted to hear the song she had written. She shook her head quickly. "Umm... No I don't like to sing in front of people." the young girl told Sophia and she sighed. "The only person who's heard me sing is, I think Naomi." Hitame smiled shyly and she looked back down. Hitame had never felt comfortable singing in front of anyone that wasn't Naomi. "I want to hear you sing, Soph." she said softly.

Naomi also looked down when Sophia asked what Barker taught in Hogwarts. "He teaches Transfiguration..." Hitame answered softly and angrily. She hated having Barker as a Professor, all he did was get students in trouble so he could have "fun" with them during detention. The hatred she felt for him, was one even diese than what she felt for her parents. He was a cold and cruel man that didn't care if he hurt anyone to have his fun.
Anabelle Mulciber
Anabelle Mulciber
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After suffering, there's always happiness, right? - Page 3 Empty Re: After suffering, there's always happiness, right?

Post by Sophia Granger Thu Feb 09, 2012 2:12 am

Sophia looked from Noami to Hitame and smiled. "I'm sure Naomi is right Hit, I'm sure there not bad at all."said Sophia softly. Sophia nodded when she said she didn't like singing in front of everyone. "Ah... I was that way as well, but one day I was in the leaky cauldron alone or so I thought and I sung and alot of people liked it."said Sophia softly. Sophia shook her head. "I don't sing that great, there's alot more people who sing more beautiful then I do."said Sophia honestly. "Although Andrian and all my other friends say I have a beautiful voice."said Sophia softly. "But I will sing for you Hit just let me look through my music notebook for a song and I'll sing it at the three broomsticks."said Sophia giving her a soft warm smile.

Sophia nodded but she could feel anger and hate building up inside her which wasn't a good thing at the time and she didn't need a mixture of sadness and anger. But every time she thought of Barker it just made her blood boil. Sophia heard about what he did to the student through Hitame and if she could stop it she would in a heartbeat. She just needed proof he was doing this, not that they would do anything anyways seeing how Hogwarts and the Ministry gone down hill since Robert left. Sophia hated how things were, how come things couldn't go back to the old days when there was nothing but peace and happiness?
Sophia Granger
Sophia Granger
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