Taking a walk - Page 6
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Taking a walk - Page 6 Li9olo10

What’s Happening?
Since every few months or so a few of our old members get the inspiration to revisit their old stomping grounds we have decided to keep PA open as a place to revisit old threads and start new ones devoid of any serious overarching plot or setting. Take this time to start any of those really weird threads you never got to make with old friends and make them now! Just remember to come say hello in the chatbox below or in the discord. Links have been provided in the "Comings and Goings" forum as well as the welcome widget above.

Taking a walk

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Taking a walk - Page 6 Empty Re: Taking a walk

Post by Miseria Lupin Wed May 05, 2010 4:52 pm

A surprise floathed over her, as she heard his words. She felt disapointed this time. Scowling, she looked back at him, fearless and looking straight into his eyes. It was almost like a competition to her. “Started what?“ she asked. Just in case, she made the protection around her thoughts stronger than it already was.
“You know that it also gives me creeps when people are only giving me hints, not straight answers,“ she added, admitting it on her position.
Miseria Lupin

Number of posts : 3782

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Taking a walk - Page 6 Empty Re: Taking a walk

Post by Guest Wed May 05, 2010 5:06 pm

He looked away from her doing something he though he would never do he apologized. “Sorry, “he sighed listening to her ask what she had done “you started the thinking , doughting again , I feel as if my mind it spinning out of control” he moved an again sat down on the ground his hands covering his head as hung his head “why am I such a sap “ he said softly knowing if he went back with these thoughts he would be picked on and he didn’t want that for it would mean his death of banishment with a life time world of torture.

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Taking a walk - Page 6 Empty Re: Taking a walk

Post by Miseria Lupin Wed May 05, 2010 5:25 pm

Miseria didn't know how to react. Again. Did he really say sorry, or was she imagining things? But as she looked at his emotions and the way he walked back, it seemed to be that he really apologized infront of her. Why? “That's nothing... I guess...“ she said, raising her eyebrows. She couldn't get the point why was he apologizing. He didn't do anything, he just asked one simple question.
“Oh... Guess it's my turn to say Sorry then,“ she shrugged. This simple word didn't take anything from her. “I am Sorry,“ she said. Of whatever I have done for you...
Miseria Lupin

Number of posts : 3782

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Taking a walk - Page 6 Empty Re: Taking a walk

Post by Guest Wed May 05, 2010 5:48 pm

He didn’t look at her it felt as if his mind would explode if he didn’t stop it. He grasped it and breathed hard trying to force the thoughts back down. Quickly he stood to face her “this is your fault, I thought things were clear till I met you and...” he threw his arms up into the air and walked away “NO, NO, NO THIS CAN’T BE HAPPENING!!” He said as he walked to the other side of the clearing he sat down with his back to her his shoulders slumped as he felt something he had not for along time, his tears, he hated this feeling. It was warmth he had not felt before, did he actually care for her, and did he want to care about the child she carried even though it was not his. He could not help himself he could not stop the tears he felt run down his cheeks

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Taking a walk - Page 6 Empty Re: Taking a walk

Post by Miseria Lupin Wed May 05, 2010 5:56 pm

Miseria blinked her eyes in a surprise. What was he talking about now? She thought quickly about her words what would make him act this way. She was used to... well, to the ones who were emotionally stronger. Maybe she has been too much in school or just with Khaat, though, she hasn't seen her for a while. She stepped away from the tree, looking quite suspective while stepping closer to him. “Alright, what's going on? Why are you blaming me now?“ she asked, narrowing her eyes a little bit. This yelling wouldn't help anyone. Only attract some attention. But there was no one around, and how big was the possibility that someone heard them? None.
“Alright, calm down...“ she said quickly, as she saw him now. What did she do to ruin people's life? She had the full right to blame herself, and people were afraid to admit her fault? Why was that?
Miseria Lupin

Number of posts : 3782

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Taking a walk - Page 6 Empty Re: Taking a walk

Post by Guest Wed May 05, 2010 7:11 pm

Chester turned to face her and walked over to her “no, no “he said softly to her “I’m not blaming you, the fault lies with me and what I am, not you, far from it “he reached out his hand to her cheek his eyes sparkling from the last few tears that seem to hang in his eyes. “Something about you changes me, inside, it makes me …. Warm, its something I have never felt before and it I guess you could say scares me to feel this way, becsues it makes me rethink what I have done" he looked at her hoping she would now take him for who he was and not what he was

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Taking a walk - Page 6 Empty Re: Taking a walk

Post by Miseria Lupin Wed May 05, 2010 7:23 pm

All those words shocked her. He didn't blame her, but she was feeling guilty again. As always, she was manipulating with humans, making them act the way she wanted. She was a monster, not an innocent hufflepuff student. But the feeling was familiar to her. Was. Exactly. Now, as she had no one to love, she didn't even remember how was it like to love someone with all of her heart. That made her heart ache, but the only thing what her face showed, was emotionless mask. “That's an illusion,“ she simply said, sounding numb again. Gar was just like Him. He had confessed his love, and she had pushed him away, but she never wanted to break other hearts. “I am sorry, forgive me for that, but you don't know me. You don't know what I am capable of and you don't know the things what I've done before,“ she said. Talking about herself as if she was a villian herself wasn't hard for her. Not anymore. As she learned how to blame herself in all they ways, it wasn't complicated for her. “And why? Why the hell you let this happen to yourself?“ she asked, letting her eyes change from baby-blue into dark black.
Miseria Lupin

Number of posts : 3782

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Taking a walk - Page 6 Empty Re: Taking a walk

Post by Guest Wed May 05, 2010 7:39 pm

He looked at her as she said it was an illusion “what is , love, I don’t think so , it makes things clearer forces you to face your dark side and pushing aside for a moment , that one moment, so some one can come in” he took a step back from her “I told you my name you don’t remember ?” he said softly “no I guess not “ he turned away from her “ I was different back then and I was two years ahead of you too “ turning to face her he slipped of his bandana to face her “Chester Rasputin , the boy who sat behind you in the hall , who sat in the next Isle in the library every time you went ,Miseria Manson-Lupin, I’m also the guy who nobody noticed at the valentines dances or any dance for that matter, back then I had longer hair, I knew you but hoped you knew me “ he turned away from her again and walked away “ I guess not, I’ll leave you alone and find a rock to crawl under “ he said sadness now in his voice.

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Taking a walk - Page 6 Empty Re: Taking a walk

Post by Miseria Lupin Wed May 05, 2010 7:46 pm

Would she have a gun, she'd shoot herself in the head. That made things a lot of complicated when he explained her a little of the past. “You do realize that I am only sixteen, right?“ she scowled at him. How could she remember such things? She tryed to remember all of her years, the people she had met. But the fifth year was the only one where she met for the first time her new friends and most of them have left the school or just disappeared.
“Oh, really? So then you might know that I have also always been the one who almost never left the Hufflepuff dormotry,“ she added in a soft voice. How come she couldn't remember him? Not even a single image of him. Usually she noticed the people around her. How confusing this was right now.
Miseria Lupin

Number of posts : 3782

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Taking a walk - Page 6 Empty Re: Taking a walk

Post by Guest Wed May 05, 2010 8:48 pm

he looked at her over his souder as he slipped his bandana on "yea except for whan you'd read down by the lake alone " he said once moe moving to the fallen tree leanng over he kept his back to her he was not sure what he was going to do now , go back to the Death eaters of just saty away and hope ty eventually for got about him. his emotions were all over the place.

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