Laura Chang
Welcome to Potter’s Army

Welcome to Potter's Army

We have been a Harry Potter Roleplaying site since 2007. If you're an old member we hope you come check out the discord link provided below. And if you're looking for a new roleplaying site, well, we're a little inactive. But every once and a while nostalgia sets in and a few of our alumni members will revisit the old stomping grounds and post together. Remember to stay safe out there. And please feel free to drop a line whenever!

Laura Chang Li9olo10

What’s Happening?
Since every few months or so a few of our old members get the inspiration to revisit their old stomping grounds we have decided to keep PA open as a place to revisit old threads and start new ones devoid of any serious overarching plot or setting. Take this time to start any of those really weird threads you never got to make with old friends and make them now! Just remember to come say hello in the chatbox below or in the discord. Links have been provided in the "Comings and Goings" forum as well as the welcome widget above.

Laura Chang

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Laura Chang Empty Re: Laura Chang

Post by Guest Sat Aug 08, 2009 5:04 pm

Wow so none of that posted? *sighs* oh well. It's going to be much briefer this time, but you'll get the idea.

In Character
Laura Chang 100431082_06bc68b5-e537-4fe6-9a52-20c6feec0be1-12036-kristin-kreuk
Name: Laura Chang
Gender: Female
Race: Half-veela. See creature app for more info.
Year AND Age: 16, 6th year
Preferred houses: I don't have a preferred house, but I must quote HP in saying Not Slytherin... Not Slytherin...
Birthday: February 14th
Canon or Original: A little of both Wink
Play-by: Kristin Kreuk
Blood Status: Half blood if veela doesn't count as a witch, pureblood if they do :/

Height: On the shortish end for a girl, but not excessively so
Hair: Dark brown, wavy at the ends
Eye colour: Light hazel
Skin: Brown tannish... oriental complexion

Laura is usually very smiley and fun to be around, but not necessarily likable. She has a problem of having to beat everybody she meets at everything she can. So, if she makes friends with somebody for example, she'll find ways to make competition with them in any way possible. Challenge them to a game of Quidditch, sit next to them in potions and make sure hers are better, steal their boyfriend to prove she's more charming... anything just to win... (See family information for reasoning)
- Quidditch
- Potions (particularly love potions)
- Gymnastics
Weaknesses: (Minimum 3. List form is fine.)
- Charms, wandwork
- Dueling
- Boys...
- Drama
- Quidditch
- Boys...
- People that can beat her.
- Taking classes
- Being bored...
Family Information: (One paragraph.)
Her father, Jacob Chang, had a one night stand with a veela who never revealed her name. The result was Laura, although that wasn't known until 9 months later when she was found on their doorstep. Three half sisters, one half brother. Emily, Karissa, Nina, and Dallen.
Her half siblings always challen
Short Roleplay: (Whatever your normal roleplay length is, don't do it extra-long or extra-short especially for this application. You can skip this if it's not your first character.

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Laura Chang Empty Re: Laura Chang

Post by Jemma Tiquelle Sat Aug 08, 2009 6:47 pm

Can you add the Out of Character section & Short Roleplay please.

[size=28][b][u]Out of Character[/u][/b][/size]
[b]Name/Alias:[/b] (What should we call you?)
[b]Age:[/b] (A rough idea is nice ^_^)
[b]Gender:[/b] (D'you need an explanation?)
[b]How you found us:[/b] (Name of site/member that referred you please.)
[b]Any other characters:[/b] (Name any other characters you have made on this site. We don't care, just tell us. Lol.)
[b]Anything else:[/b] (Anything else?)

^That's the OOC code.


Laura Chang Qw9nLyk
~ enjoying her sixties ~ divination professor & head of hufflepuff ~ single ~ seer ~
~ biography ~ thread tracker ~

Set made by me. Want one? Accepting requests here.
Jemma Tiquelle
Jemma Tiquelle

Number of posts : 6601
Special Abilities : Seer, Occlumens, Apparation and Astral Projection.
Occupation : Secretary at the Ministry of Magic*

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Laura Chang Empty Re: Laura Chang

Post by Guest Sun Aug 09, 2009 1:49 am

Sorry, must've missed it.

Out of Character
Name/Alias: Just Laura's fine ^_^
Age: 15
Gender: Female
How you found us: Google
Any other characters: Nope
Anything else: No

Laura beamed into the Common Room, looking around at each individual person. She noticed each one was so wrapped up in their own life they didn't even notice her enter. The frivolous studying here, the passionate hormonally driven making out over there, she sighed. Hogwarts never changed, did it?

Just to make herself more noticeable, she sat next to a random girl doing her homework. "What'd ya get on the last test?" she asked with a fake friendly smile. She had to be sure that she got a higher score... this girl didn't look as smart as she thought she was.

[Sorry I just kinda made something up Smile]

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Laura Chang Empty Re: Laura Chang

Post by Jemma Tiquelle Sun Aug 09, 2009 2:45 am

That's fine Smile.

ACCEPTED and sorted into RAVENCLAW.

Nice app! I have to say, I thought she was more Slytherin than any other house (ambitious), but the sorting hat takes choice into account...


Laura Chang Qw9nLyk
~ enjoying her sixties ~ divination professor & head of hufflepuff ~ single ~ seer ~
~ biography ~ thread tracker ~

Set made by me. Want one? Accepting requests here.
Jemma Tiquelle
Jemma Tiquelle

Number of posts : 6601
Special Abilities : Seer, Occlumens, Apparation and Astral Projection.
Occupation : Secretary at the Ministry of Magic*

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Laura Chang Empty Re: Laura Chang

Post by Guest Sun Aug 09, 2009 9:00 am

Actually, you're right. I didn't really want Slytherin because of it's 'evil' connotation, but I think she actually kind of fits the actual bill for it beyond the stereotypical 'evil' Slytherin... sorry, is it too late to change houses? *looks guilty*

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Laura Chang Empty Re: Laura Chang

Post by Jemma Tiquelle Sun Aug 09, 2009 4:34 pm

Nope, of course not.
Sorted into SLYTHERIN.
Albus Potter is in Slythie at the moment, it's not all evil xD.


Laura Chang Qw9nLyk
~ enjoying her sixties ~ divination professor & head of hufflepuff ~ single ~ seer ~
~ biography ~ thread tracker ~

Set made by me. Want one? Accepting requests here.
Jemma Tiquelle
Jemma Tiquelle

Number of posts : 6601
Special Abilities : Seer, Occlumens, Apparation and Astral Projection.
Occupation : Secretary at the Ministry of Magic*

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