All the things that were left unsaid
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All the things that were left unsaid Li9olo10

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Since every few months or so a few of our old members get the inspiration to revisit their old stomping grounds we have decided to keep PA open as a place to revisit old threads and start new ones devoid of any serious overarching plot or setting. Take this time to start any of those really weird threads you never got to make with old friends and make them now! Just remember to come say hello in the chatbox below or in the discord. Links have been provided in the "Comings and Goings" forum as well as the welcome widget above.

All the things that were left unsaid

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All the things that were left unsaid Empty All the things that were left unsaid

Post by Shane Diamond Sun Oct 27, 2013 7:24 pm

Hogsmeade weekend....

Something Shane haven't really been to since school started due to him either being to busy or having detention but unlike the times before, Shane missed last Hogsmeade weekend due to him being in St. Mungo's. Now two weeks after Shane gotten out of St. Mungo's Shane was here in Hogsmeade feeling like a third year over again wondering from shop to shop buying goodies like there was no tomorrow. Of course no one knew that he was out of St. Mungo's he wanted it to be a surprise, he made Sophia swore that she wouldn't tell a soul that he was out. Of course he knew that Sophia wouldn't tell a soul, she always took secrets to the grave with her which wasn't something he loved about her.

Walking down the crowded street of Hogsmeade Shane waved at a couple of people who said 'hi' to him as he walked by. He was glad that Sophia was able to put him back to his normal, he was quite worried that he was to late. According to Maura and Sophia, he was pretty out of it like he completely lost it which he almost did. Luckily he didn't lose it all, there was still some memories deep inside of him that Sophia was able to see to help him get better.

Now back to his normal self, Shane headed towards the three broomsticks and pushed the door open. Heading towards the bar Shane looked at the bar tender and nodded. "Can I have a butterbeer please?"Shane asked the bar tender as he nodded. Getting his money out Shane set it on the counter while waiting for his drink. After a few minutes, the bar tender set his drink down in front of Shane before taking his money. "Thankyou, keep the rest as a tip!"said Shane as he took his butterbeer and took a drink of it.

Turning around, Shane looked for a place to sit in the crowded pub but sighed as he didn't see any places to sit but the bar. Shrugging to himself he took a seat at the bar before setting his drink back on the bar before he gotten his songbook out of his pocket. Opening his songbook he started writing in it.
Shane Diamond
Shane Diamond
Gryffindor Graduate
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All the things that were left unsaid Empty Re: All the things that were left unsaid

Post by Ekko D'Eath-Augustine Tue Oct 29, 2013 7:26 am

"C'mon you have to get out and do something.."

"I don't feel like it Tyler. Can't you just let me stay?"

"No. I'm taking you to Hogsmeade whether you like it or not."

Without another word in the discussion, Tyler Jones took his sister's hand in his own and marched down to Hogsmeade with her. She'd been a little too quiet and depressed for his liking, and though he didn't know why she was like that, he was determined to get her outside to forget whatever was bothering her. He wasn't going to let his sister sink into the depression she'd once been engulfed in before.

Olivia didn't understand why her brother tried so hard to get her to do things. She wanted to stay in the castle and wallow in her sadness for as long as she pleased. He wouldn't allow that though. But for some reason, Liv found comfort in the sadness, it had grown to be a feeling that she enjoyed, since she was always experiencing it. Though she wouldn't tell Tyler, the reason she was the way she was,was because of Shane. His getting rid of the song he'd written for her had really gotten to her for some reason. She didn't think she'd care so much about it, even if she did like him.

But it was a lot more painful than she though was possible. She hated feeling this way, but the sadness that soon consumed her brough comfort and she started to be okay with it. Tyler didn't want her to fall into the depression that had taken her away from him once before, and Olivia understood that now, but she just really wished she could be allowed to be sad without interruption.

As they walked into Hogsmeade, Tyler still having a grip on her hand, Olivia flinched whenever someone walked by her. She was beginning to retreat back into herself like before and Tyler knew he couldn't let her do that. He had to find a way to get her back to how she was, even if that wasn't normal. "Let's go to the Three Broomsticks!" Tyler exclaimed before pulling Olivia into the pub with him. When they walked in, Tyler noticed Shane at the bar and thought maybe he could help her get out of this mood.

"I'll see you later Liv. I gotta do something." He said softly before hugging her tightly and walking away. "Um... okay?" She replied to his statement and she watched him walk away. Olivia turned around and noticed Shaneand she froze. The girl hesitated and didn't know what to do with herself so she stood there waiting for something to happen.
Ekko D'Eath-Augustine
Ekko D'Eath-Augustine
First Year Ravenclaw
First Year Ravenclaw

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All the things that were left unsaid Empty Re: All the things that were left unsaid

Post by Shane Diamond Tue Oct 29, 2013 1:50 pm

Shane was in deep thought about alot of things, his mind was running a million miles a hour like a speeding train that wasn't stopping. Sophia told him that he was perfectly back to normal, but it would take him awhile for him to adjust to the potions she gave him to keep the poison out and keep him from getting headaches. Now he was starting to get a headache right now just thinking about all the stuff that happened while he was out of it. Oddly enough he remembers everything that happened even when he didn't have his memory. Some of it he really didn't want, like Olivia telling hi they were just friends and him ripping and burning her song.

Shane remembered after he did that, he could see the pain in her eyes. She was obviously hurt over the fact he did that, but he honestly didn't know why if they were just friends. Did Olivia like him more then a friend but just denying her feelings like he was? Shane couldn't handle anymore of this thinking, it was making his head hurt worse. Getting up from his seat he drunk the rest of his butterbeer before grabbing his black leather jacket before heading out.

Shane was wearing a black undershirt and blue jeans with black converses. His hair was straight liked he normally wore it, but there was something different about Shane though, it was that Shane was simply in his glasses today. Yes Shane wore glasses but he wore contacts 90% of the time so no one really knew but Kenneth, Jaybee, Carson and Jamie. But today he wasn't in the mood to wear his contacts due to his head hurting so not many people knew it was him. About to head towards the door he froze in his steps as he seen Olivia, but she wasn't alone she was with a boy that seemed to appear his age.

As jealously formed inside of him, Shane shrugged it off and started walking towards her giving her a soft warm smile. "Hello Olivia, who was that?"Shane asked curiously. "Before you say anything, yes I know I look different so please don't laugh at me for wearing glasses."said Shane softly. Although no one been laughing at him, alot of people told him he looked good with his glasses on and should wear them more often and some girls even whispered that he looked hot and sexy and them which made Shane laugh. "So... um... how you been since you ran off that one day at the lake?"Shane asked her softly.

Shane's look
Shane Diamond
Shane Diamond
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

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All the things that were left unsaid Empty Re: All the things that were left unsaid

Post by Ekko D'Eath-Augustine Wed Oct 30, 2013 6:59 am

When she looked at Shane the first thing she saw wasn't the guy she liked anymore. The first thing she saw was the paper he'd ripped out of his songbook burning in front of her. She felta sharsharp stabbing pain in her chest when she thought of that and she immediately felt like crying. Why was she so stupid? There was no point in crying over that, they were just friends, right? So why did it hurt her so much to see him do that?

No matter how much she denied it, it was obvious that Olivia didn't want to be just friends with Shane. No matter how much she said they weren't anything more, she didn't want that to be true. She wanted them to be more than friends, she liked him. That was an emotion she hadn't felt for a while after what happened with Lily and her father. She had tried to keep that emotion locked up so she wouldn't be hurt again, but somehow Shane had managed to unlock it within her again. Sometimes she thought she should hate Shane for that, but that was something that no matter how hard she tried wouldn't be possible.

Liv looked at Shane with hurt and a little fear in her eyes as he walked up to her. Her legs began to shake and she had half a mind to just turn and run out so he couldn't say anything to her. She didn't want anything to be said. But she managed to keep herself from running out and she sighed. When he asked who had been with her, Olivia shrugged. "Someone." She responded simply, her tone a little bit cold toward him. "I've been fine." She lied to his next question. She hadn't been fine, she'd been really depressed and now she wore a bracelet that wasn't visible under her jacket right now, that covered wounds she had inflicted on herself 'accidentally'.
Ekko D'Eath-Augustine
Ekko D'Eath-Augustine
First Year Ravenclaw
First Year Ravenclaw

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All the things that were left unsaid Empty Re: All the things that were left unsaid

Post by Shane Diamond Wed Oct 30, 2013 7:15 pm

Shane raised his eyebrows at her when he noticed she was acting rather cold towards him.  "I know why your mad at me, and if I were you I would be mad and upset to."said Shane softly.  "I thought we were just friends, but I can see by the looks of your eyes that you don't want to just be friends."said Shane softly.  "I don't want to be just friends Olivia, I want to be more your the only one I think about all the time."said Shane softly.  "If you don't want me I'll just walk away, but before I do just listen to this song I wrote you, and yes it's the same song I burned but I remember it."said Shane softly.

Of course his friends were all in detention so he couldn't sing that other song, luckily he remembered the song he wrote for Olivia. Getting his songbook out he took his wand out and tapped it sending a massage to the band members.  After a few minutes they walked into the three broomsticks and nodded.  "Just listen to this song Livi, it'll tell you how I feel."said Shane softly.

Shane's song
Shane Diamond
Shane Diamond
Gryffindor Graduate
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All the things that were left unsaid Empty Re: All the things that were left unsaid

Post by Ekko D'Eath-Augustine Thu Oct 31, 2013 9:06 pm

She wanted to turn away. Just turn around and walk out without another word to or from Shane. But she couldn't. Her body refused to move and she found herself having to listen to everything Shane said. She felt her heart skip a beat when he said he wanted to be more than friends but she was also hurt when he mentioned the song he'd burned. The song he wanted to sing for her was the same one, but it still hurt to know that he'd burned it before.

She couldn't walk away. It was impossible for her to now. She would just have to sit and listen to the song he'd written, for her. But Olivia wasn't sure she wanted to listen. She wasn't sure she wanted to be anything more than friends anymore. Her decision was based on one action he'd done that hurt her a lot. One action that shouldn't have meant anything to her, but it had. So maybe she still did want to be something more than friends.

When he told her to listen to the song, she sighed. "Fine. I'll listen.." she said softly. As she listened to him play with his cousin and the band members, she couldn't help but smile at the lyrics. She lifted her hand to her chest and gripped it tightly as tears began to form on her eyes. He really did want to be more than friends, and so did Olivia, but she didn't know if she would end up getting hurt again, like she had before. She didn't want that to happen ever again, it was just too painful for her to handle.
Ekko D'Eath-Augustine
Ekko D'Eath-Augustine
First Year Ravenclaw
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All the things that were left unsaid Empty Re: All the things that were left unsaid

Post by Shane Diamond Thu Oct 31, 2013 9:36 pm

Shane finished the song and smiled as the crowd busted out in cheers. But he wasn't interested in them, his eyes were more trained on Olivia who seemed to have tears in her eyes. Walking off the stage he headed towards her. Taking her hands into his Shane hazel eyes looked into hers. "Livi, I know your afraid to get hurt, but I will never hurt you or leave you."said Shane softly.

"Just trust me when I say I'll never leave you, I'm yours but only if you want me to be."said Shane. "I know I hurt you, but I will never do that again."said Shane softly. Shane wasn't lying to her, he really did fall for her, and he fell for her hard towards the point he thinks he was in love with her. "Livi I never felt this way towards anyone, your the one I want to be with, but if you don't want to be with me I'll walk away."said Shane honestly.

"I meant everything in that song Livi, there was nothing in that song that I didn't mean."said Shane honestly. "I hope you know now how much you mean to me and I don't want to lose you."said Shane. Olivia wasn't the only person that was scared, he was afraid to give his heart out due to it being broken so many times, but Olivia opened that part of him he tried so hard to keep close. It was a bit of secret that one really knew but his best friends, but Shane had been hurt before and broken hearted by a girl he loved deeply. Turns out the girl didn't love him, she was just using him.
Shane Diamond
Shane Diamond
Gryffindor Graduate
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All the things that were left unsaid Empty Re: All the things that were left unsaid

Post by Ekko D'Eath-Augustine Fri Nov 01, 2013 7:21 am

Olivia wasn't sure how she should respond. Shane knew what she had gone through because she had confided in him. He knew about Lily, about what happened with her father and he knew that she was afraid to let another guy into her heart because he might be the same as Lily's father. Even with her fear, Olivia still found herself smiling slightly at Shane. Even with her fear, she still found she was unable to be terrified of Shane. Something about him just told her he wasn't going to hurt her intentionally, and she believed that. The only reason he'd hurt her before by burning the song was because he didn't remember anything about it.

The Ravenclaw looked at Shane and smiled again. "I... I know Shane. I know..." She said softly. She knew that she actually meant something to him from that song. She knew she was important in some way and she was actually grateful for that. When he said he didn't want to lose her, Olivia hesitated for a moment. The thought of her turning him into a werewolf suddenly hit her and she pulled away from him a bit. She looked down and let out a shaky sigh.

"Shane... Before you decide any of that... There's something I have to tell you..." She started softly. "I wanted to tell you when we were at the lake, but I couldn't... You burned the song and I just sort of lost it so I left.." she was trying to figure out a way to say it to him without angering him. "You asked why you always growl when you're angry or upset.. you know that makes you a werewolf... Right?" She stopped, hoping he did know that before continuing. "Well... The reason your do that, that you're a wolf is... Because.. I turned you into one..." She lowered her gaze. "I'm a werewolf.. and during my first full moon I couldn't control my wolf side and I attacked you..." She added softly.
Ekko D'Eath-Augustine
Ekko D'Eath-Augustine
First Year Ravenclaw
First Year Ravenclaw

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All the things that were left unsaid Empty Re: All the things that were left unsaid

Post by Shane Diamond Fri Nov 01, 2013 10:46 am

Shane looked at Olivia and shook his head. "Did you honestly think I would get mad at you and hate you because of that?"Shane asked her chuckling. "Because if you so, you know me better then that."said Shane honestly. As he lifted her chin gently to make her look at him Shane's hazel eyes looked into hers. "Livi I don't care if I'm a werewolf now because you turned me during you first full moon, it was a accident and at lease now we can help each other out on full moons."said Shane. "Although it does makes sense now but I don't care Livi, all I care about is my feelings for you, I can't hide them or make them go away anymore."said Shane softly.

Shane didn't care if he was a werewolf or not, of course he was a creature of the night now, but it wasn't something to hate Olivia for. Her wolf side her didn't know what it was doing, and besides he was to dumb to fall and not get up so it was his fault as well. "You know it wasn't all your fault Livi that night, so stop blaming yourself I was to dumb to move."said Shane simply. Although he was hurt pretty bad after he fell, there was no way he was allowing Olivia to take all the blame. It was some of his fault to, and he wasn't afraid to admit it.

"There's no way I'm letting you take all the blame that night."said Shane simply. "I know you hate yourself for doing it, but like I said it was accident."said Shane softly. "I fallen way to hard for you to hate you now."said Shane softly. "To prove to you that I don't hate you, and I fallen hard for you..." Shane said before pausing before he kissed her softly on the lips.
Shane Diamond
Shane Diamond
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All the things that were left unsaid Empty Re: All the things that were left unsaid

Post by Ekko D'Eath-Augustine Fri Nov 01, 2013 4:28 pm

"I just feel bad... I didn't want it to happen. I don't like being this creature I am, and I didn't want you to have to experience the same thing as me..." she said softly. "I know you say you don't care now, but later on, when you know how hard it is to be one of these things you might regret saying that." she added softly. Olivia knew that might happen, at first she didn't mind being a Werewolf as much as she did now. Sure she hated it, and she hated it more when she found out that Nate had turned her, at least that's what she was told all the time, but she knew it wasn't exactly his fault.

Still, she found herself hating him deep inside because of it. She knew Shane was different but those feelings could still be there, even if they were really deep down. She really hated herself for what her Werewolf side had done. She hated it more because now Shane would have to know the pain of transforming every month during the full moon and she didn't want him to feel that excruciating pain she felt during the full moon almost a month before.

"You were injured. I'm pretty sure there wasn't much you could have done anyways Shane.." she said softly. Liv knew that he was trying to take some of the blame off of her, but she knew it was mostly her fault. He was injured and therefore wasn't able to protect himself correctly. That didn't change that everything was her fault. "But thank you.. For not hating me.." she told him in a soft voice.

When she suddenly felt his lips on her own, Olivia's eyes widened for a few seconds before she felt herself relax into the kiss. She pressed her lips against his a bit more and kissed him back. She never thought she would kiss anyone again, much less enjoy it. She had been determined to keep herself from doing that ever again, so she wouldn't become attached but if it was with Shane she didn't mind it.. Because she knew he wouldn't do anything bad to her.
Ekko D'Eath-Augustine
Ekko D'Eath-Augustine
First Year Ravenclaw
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