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What’s Happening?
Since every few months or so a few of our old members get the inspiration to revisit their old stomping grounds we have decided to keep PA open as a place to revisit old threads and start new ones devoid of any serious overarching plot or setting. Take this time to start any of those really weird threads you never got to make with old friends and make them now! Just remember to come say hello in the chatbox below or in the discord. Links have been provided in the "Comings and Goings" forum as well as the welcome widget above.

Just like Old Times

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Just like Old Times - Page 2 Empty Re: Just like Old Times

Post by Nick Potter Tue Aug 03, 2010 10:04 pm

(In future and I wasent incontrol))
Nick Potter
Nick Potter
Sixth Year Ravenclaw
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Just like Old Times - Page 2 Empty Re: Just like Old Times

Post by Andrew Thompson Tue Aug 03, 2010 10:09 pm

(He knows that and even still he believes that Nick would cause him no good later in the future. i.e. the troll in the forest of dean, the toilet explosions for the trip to africa, nearly killing him by throwing him off his broom, the fight at knockturn alley, and the fact that Nick hadn't managed to get through the portal after the battle of grimmauld place. Like I said, I have no offense against you, but at this point, Andrew would pretty much strangle nick =/)
Andrew Thompson
Andrew Thompson
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Just like Old Times - Page 2 Empty Re: Just like Old Times

Post by Nick Potter Tue Aug 03, 2010 10:11 pm

((Well Chase likes me IC =/ and Andrew can give Nick another chance))
Nick Potter
Nick Potter
Sixth Year Ravenclaw
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Just like Old Times - Page 2 Empty Re: Just like Old Times

Post by Chastity Moor Wed Aug 04, 2010 4:57 am

[OOC: ERrm... I'm just gonna post now]

Chase grinned at Andrew when he mentioned a third child. Andrew starting school soon, and Selene five already, she didn't know if she should tell him yet. "Oh yes, a third child.." She said softly and then kissed him again. "Would you.. like a third child?" She asked biting her lower lip, she looked up at him and grinned, a flushed look to her face. She put her hand on her stomach, and then moved his hand to touch her stomach.

"Andrew... I think it's best I tell you now, while the kids aren't here.." She grinned at him, and pulled him to the table, getting him some eggs, and throwing some bacon on there as well. She put the plate in front of him, and then sat on the table next to him, reaching out and playing with his hair gently. "Andrew.." She said as though testing his name. She grinned at him and looked into his eyes. "Andrew, I am pregnant..." She said a huge smile decking her face. "Three weeks actually, I went to the doctor yesterday when you were at work.." She smiled happily at him. "We're going to have a baby Andrew! Our third!"
Chastity Moor
Chastity Moor

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Just like Old Times - Page 2 Empty Re: Just like Old Times

Post by Andrew Thompson Wed Aug 04, 2010 5:15 am

Andrew felt himself grin a bit when she asked him if he wanted a third child. He had not meant literally, but could tell that something was abnormal. When she moved his hand close to her stomach, he could immediatly tell what she was trying to tell him. She was pregnant. Andrew felt his body grow cold as he got the news in an indirect way. He had not been prepared for such news, even though he was extremely happy about it. He moved his hand slowly away from her stomach, feeling a wave of shock and joy rush over him. A third child...what were to happen now?

"Uhh..d...uh..." he stumbled, not being able to find the correct words to describe what he was feeling. "Hom...i...a..." he continued, still not founding a word that could say what he was trying to describe. Instead, he threw his arms around Chase and spun her around in a circle, feeling estatic about the news. "A third child?!" he asked again, a smile etched on his face "Oh man! What are we gonna name him- her?! Oh Jesus I have to go and find a good name in the internet!" He let go of Chase and quickly sprinted from the room "B R B!"

After 5 minutes, he returned from his office, holding lists upon lists of names. "We have to start looking at names, and then cribs, where will he stay!" He was pretty much in the mode like he did the first two other times, the first one being where he nearly passed out from the excitement. He was eladed by the news, as everyone could tell, and he wasn't afraid to show it.
Andrew Thompson
Andrew Thompson
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Just like Old Times - Page 2 Empty Re: Just like Old Times

Post by Chastity Moor Wed Aug 04, 2010 5:40 am

Chase laughed happily as he lifted her up. "Yeah! A third!" She said, small tears pricking her eyes. He always got so happy when he found out about her kids. Another young one in the family, another child of theirs, to call their own and who was born from their bodies. She stared after him as he rushed off to their room to start looking up names. "Andrew! Andrew" She said putting her hands on his face when he came back. "Andrew.. we have nine months to worry about names and cribs and things, I still have Andrew and Selene's cribs! We don't need to worry! Sit down Andrew!" She said laughing happily. "You're going to pass out again!"

Laughing happily Chase cupped Andrew's face and kissed him passionately. "Andrew.. another child, can you believe it? I just.. I don't.." She forced herself to sit because she was feeling weak on her feet. Her mind was skipping past all of the troubles of childbirth. Past the pains in her back, and the wobbling around, feeling like she constantly had to go to the bathroom, it was all gone, all she could think of was holding her little nameless, faceless baby in her arms. Seeing them for the first time, as her two other children sat around her, giving the child to Andrew, and letting him say hi to his third child. Letting him feel how wonderful she felt at seeing the fruit of their love.
Chastity Moor
Chastity Moor

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Just like Old Times - Page 2 Empty Re: Just like Old Times

Post by Andrew Thompson Wed Aug 04, 2010 6:02 am

Andrew felt himself nearly falling back out of his chair as the news continued to spread through his body. His heart rate continued to pound at a fast pace, not even believing that he would have a third child. He thought two would be enough, yet now he almost yearned for more. To experience the miracles that had been bestowed before him always made him nauested and proud. He began to over think and think and think, to a point where his mind was blank.

"Another child!" he said in a fast pace "it could be twins even! That small child looking like you and me, man this is awesome!" He stood up, accidently knocking the chair he was sitting in backwards as he began to scribble stuff down onto a blank piece of paper with a pencil next to it. "We have to think of names, day cares, everything!" He was on a roll, and just could not be stopped. He almost passed out when he heard the news about Andrew, passed out when he heard the news about Selene(granted he was on the couch), and now this! He could barely keep his mind to stay conscience at once.

He turned hishead back to Chase, his face beaming with joy. He walked over to Chase and kissed her deeply, wanting to show his gratitude forr everything. Being his girlfriend, his best friend, his wife and now the mother of his children. He pressed deeply for a couple of seconds, his mind still stuck on the subject of the little newborn. He pulled away, taking a couple of quick breaths. They would need the counseling lessons, the appointments to keep the child healthy and strong, everything they would need, and he couldn't believe it was all happening.
Andrew Thompson
Andrew Thompson
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Just like Old Times - Page 2 Empty Re: Just like Old Times

Post by Chastity Moor Wed Aug 04, 2010 6:13 pm

Chase smiled at him happily. When he had found out the last two children it had been almost the same way. Rushing to get everything done at once, when they wouldn't be needing any hard work for a long long time. In fact Chase wasn't even showing that she was pregnant yet. So it would be a long time until they even needed to worry about day cares and stuff like that. "I've talked to my agent.. and I'm off until it's born.." She said a happy smile still planted on her face. It made her so happy to see Andrew freak out like this. It was like that every time, only this time he didn't feint. Which was always good, it had scared her silly the first time he had... and the second time had been better.

Chase turned around when she heard someone at the door. Selene stood there with her thumb in her mouth, staring at her parents. "A baby?" She asked softly, looking from first her mama to her daddy. Chase laughed and let go of her husband to pick up her daughter and twirl her in the air. She looked exactly like Chase had when she was younger, except she was missing the shocking head of red hair that Chase had had. Instead it was a delicate brown, the same shade as her fathers. "Yes Selene Honey! A baby! You're going to have a little brother or sister!" She said smiling happily at her daughter. She held her close and looked at her husband, simply glowing with happiness. Another baby on the way, and Chase and Andrew would have one more thing to show the world, that even though they had grown up in the midst of a war, and trouble with Death Eaters, they had had their children, and raised them nicely. Even if Andrew Junior did get along with the ladies a bit more then Chase would have liked. Chase laughed and put Selene down, so that she could go to her Husband and hug him hard.
Chastity Moor
Chastity Moor

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Just like Old Times - Page 2 Empty Re: Just like Old Times

Post by Andrew Thompson Wed Aug 04, 2010 10:41 pm

Andrew was still out of reality as he tried to calm himself down. To think...a third child. Someone else would be added to their family, another smile standing beside him adding to the list on their family. He felt like the wind had been kcocked out of him, every vein in his body not meeting their destination. He was pretty much frozen solid, his smile still on his fast and his breathing soft. He couldn't wait to tell his other children the news.

But Selene had just heard. She had managed to walk into the room as they were talking and another large smile painted itself on his face. Selene was taking the news rather easily, and she was probably excited to have a little sister or anything on those lines. He embraced his wife, his heart thumping against his rib cage. He was glad that everything was going great, and his face couldn't hide that.

"I love you Chase!" he said softly to her, wondering how it must've felt for her at that moment. He was glad he would not have to go through the actual childbirth itself, but was still curious on she had felt about it, having two children of course. He let go of his wife and turned to Selene, who seemed to have inherited his brownish hair. "Come here!" he said in a friendly tone, and lifted her up. Supporting her on his arm, he looked at her face, them being at eye level now "How do you feel huh?"
Andrew Thompson
Andrew Thompson
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Just like Old Times - Page 2 Empty Re: Just like Old Times

Post by Chastity Moor Wed Aug 04, 2010 10:48 pm

Chase smiled at Andrew when he hugged her. And hearing those words made her heart sing for joy. "I love you too." She whispered and kissed him softly before letting go of him so he could see their daughter. Chase smiled at the two of them. Their hair color was perfectly the same shade. Though hers had been much lighter when she was born. And they had thought that she would have red hair for a while, until it turned dark brown.

Selene looked very happy, and excited too when her dad picked her up. "I'm.. happy! But Daddy.." She said, a small frown gracing her beautiful face. "Where do babies come from? And when will it be here?" Selene looked up at her dad, and then looked at her mom with a mixture of curiosity and confusion. Chase felt her heart skip a beat. She had had a bad feeling about having to explain where babies come from. And Andrew and Chase hadn't exactly discussed what they would tell Selene. The truth, or make up the stork. She exchanged a look with her husband, and walked over to them. "Well honey, it's a very complicated matter, babies are. But right now, the baby is in my tummy!" She said resting her hand on her flat stomach. "It's growing in there!" She said smiling at her daughter happily.
Chastity Moor
Chastity Moor

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