Getting Ourselves Into Trouble - Page 2
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Getting Ourselves Into Trouble

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Getting Ourselves Into Trouble - Page 2 Empty Re: Getting Ourselves Into Trouble

Post by Alana York Mon Aug 02, 2010 9:52 pm

Julia couldn't help but laugh at Zakk's remark about Arthur, but she immediately got the cold shoulder in doing so. "Well, neither of us really. It just sort of... fell into place. He really is a sweet boy- man I should say. He just graduated, school isn't going to be the same without him in all my classes" She trailed off with a shrug. Julia lifted her hand and brushed some of his soft hair from his eyes, smiling "I never see your eyes behind your hair, they're always covered" She added before letting her hand fall back on her lap. His face, in her opinion, looked better when his hair was swept to the side, rather than straight down.

"That's too bad" Julia said absentmindedly, "you two looked good together." If Julia could bring herself to the truth, she was a little bit happy that he wasn't attracted to Alice anymore. It was nothing against Alice, she was a sweet girl, in fact, Julia didn't even know why she felt that way. She just didn't like seeing Zakk with another girl. Maybe it was just her "sisterly" instinct, she was with Arthur and she had strong feelings for him. She couldn't be like the stupid girl in the sappy novel.
Alana York
Alana York
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Getting Ourselves Into Trouble - Page 2 Empty Re: Getting Ourselves Into Trouble

Post by James Rosier Mon Aug 02, 2010 10:03 pm

Zakk always thought of Arthur as that muggle men who was a detective long ago, Sherlock Holmes that his name. He dressed almost the same, and that actually freaked out Zakk a little, but seeing Julia laugh at his remark, he smiled, not worrying. "That's good. Either a men does it or you two just feel the same and it happens. I bet he is I bet he is .. Oh he graduated this year then. Just one more year and you can live with him then." He said chuckling slightly, with a playfull tone. He saw her sweep the hair from his face and reveal his blue eyes. He didn't cared much, and when his hair wasn't all wet you could see his eyes, his hair didn't went forward that much.

"I guess. I just lost my feelings for her so, I'm officially single, and ready to meet up with some girl, hopefully this time she will be the one." He said chuckling. Yeah, maybe they looked good together but well he couldn't choose who to love. It was something that just usually happened on it's own. Besides, something strange happened when he saw Julia again. Liek a small fire turning on inside his heart, he didn't even know but beeing there with her and telling her he didn't like Alice anymore took a big weight of his shoulders for some reason. But .. A triangle. That'd never happen.. right?
James Rosier
James Rosier
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Getting Ourselves Into Trouble - Page 2 Empty Re: Getting Ourselves Into Trouble

Post by Alana York Mon Aug 02, 2010 10:20 pm

Julia rested her head back on his shoulder, yawning a bit. Outside, the sky was a deep dark blue, it was evening. How long had they been in the bookshop together? She was sure it was at least noon when she went in. Oh well, she was having a good time with him, that was all that mattered. Living with Arthur? That was possibly the first thing that she hadn't considered about him yet. It sounded great, but she didn't want to move just yet. "I think that's a little too soon to move in with him." She giggled, unless, of course, they happened to get married or something before then, she doubted she would move in with him yet.

"Yeah, I hope Arthur's the one. It seems like it, but to be honest, if he weren't, I'd probably give up on men altogether. No offense, but you guys suck" She laughed. It was true, though. Men had no feelings, they were so confusing, and none of them seemed to be the perfect match for her. "But- hey, it's all going well right now, so I hope to keep it that way" She added. Julia had a knot in her stomach right now, she didn't know why, but if she was being honest, she knew it had something to do with Zakk. No. That wasn't happening, she wouldn't allow it...
Alana York
Alana York
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Getting Ourselves Into Trouble - Page 2 Empty Re: Getting Ourselves Into Trouble

Post by James Rosier Mon Aug 02, 2010 10:35 pm

He was joking when he said they should live together. It was just a small joke by him. He was a little cheerfull this time, not like the old him, the always serious one. Arthur beeing the one .. Hmm .. More liek the one to do something else. Zakk never thought of him as that guy who should get a fancy girl as Julia but if she liked him. "We don't suck. We are just .. Awesome. Yeah that's it .. Awesome." He said, letting out a small chuckle. Yeah, Zakk wanted everything to go well for Julia too, even though he had this strange feeling in his stomach, like what happened with Alice, he didn't knew what was happening.
James Rosier
James Rosier
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Getting Ourselves Into Trouble - Page 2 Empty Re: Getting Ourselves Into Trouble

Post by Alana York Mon Aug 02, 2010 10:52 pm

Julia disagreed with Zakk, she hated boys as much as she loved them, which was a lot. She didn't like dating boys because if it didn't work out it was just a waste of time. But that was just a part of life, you have to experiment to find the one you're looking for. "Whatever you say" She said playfully with a laugh. Julia fought off another urge to touch his face, brush her fingers against his cheek or something, she didn't know why she was feeling that way, but she knew that if she touched him like that again he may get the wrong impression. But, she wasn't sure what the right or wrong impression was, she just decided to let it go. "Well, you're awesome. I love being with you" She said, honestly.
Alana York
Alana York
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Getting Ourselves Into Trouble - Page 2 Empty Re: Getting Ourselves Into Trouble

Post by James Rosier Mon Aug 02, 2010 10:58 pm

He liked girls, and he didn't see them as any trouble at all. When things just didn't work out, well, maybe it wasn't supposed to work out so he just didn't cared much. He saw as she agreed with him, laughing after. Oh her beuthifull laugh. It was even close to melting the ice barrier that protected Zakk's heart. He smiled as he could see some tension in Julia arms. He yawned as she told him what he aldready knew, that he was awesome. "Yeah, I'm bad-ass liek that. You are awesome too, and I also love beeing with you." He said as he poked her cheeks playfully.
James Rosier
James Rosier
Slytherin Graduate
Slytherin Graduate

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Getting Ourselves Into Trouble - Page 2 Empty Re: Getting Ourselves Into Trouble

Post by Alana York Mon Aug 02, 2010 11:10 pm

Julia relaxed as she heard him yawn, she wasn't the only one tired there. "We spent a lot of time here" She pointed out "I guess time flies when you're having fun, eh?" She giggled. She didn't want the day to end, spending time with him was great, and made her feel warm on the inside. She couldn't quite place her finger on this feeling, but she didn't mind. She was beginning to wonder if the sappy love story had had an affect on her. "I know I know" Julia could feel the heat on her cheeks as Zakk poked her, and she poked him back playfully. She giggled, embracing him again "Thanks for distracting me from that disgusting book"
Alana York
Alana York
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Getting Ourselves Into Trouble - Page 2 Empty Re: Getting Ourselves Into Trouble

Post by James Rosier Mon Aug 02, 2010 11:14 pm

"Yeah we did. In fact alot of time, around one hour and a half. Time just flys when we are having fun as you say. And I'm actually enjoying." He said as she poked him back. His new strange feeling that he had increased for some moments as she poked, his body heat increasing a bit. He smiled at her before getting closer, smiling. "Does it have to end? We could just go do something, I don't know." He said yawning. He didn't really wan'na go away from Julia just now, he was having a great time, and even though his partys in Italy were good, they wouldn't compare to this small time with her.
James Rosier
James Rosier
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Slytherin Graduate

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Getting Ourselves Into Trouble - Page 2 Empty Re: Getting Ourselves Into Trouble

Post by Alana York Mon Aug 02, 2010 11:33 pm

Julia nodded, glad he was enjoying himself as well. It was still raining, meaning there was no place to go that would be fun at all. "That all depends on what you want to do" She said, "There isn't much, considering it's raining" She said. Julia shifted in her seat to the vacant space on the other side of Zakk, spreading her legs across his lap, smiling at him. "I'm fine just spending time with you" She added truthfully.
Alana York
Alana York
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Getting Ourselves Into Trouble - Page 2 Empty Re: Getting Ourselves Into Trouble

Post by James Rosier Mon Aug 02, 2010 11:37 pm

Zakk smiled as she shifted places and suddently putted her legs over his lap. He smiled as he looked at her. "Yeah with rain we can't do much, atleast not much funny stuff. And I'm also fine with just spending time with you so, we could just stay here and catch up, or tell each others some news. Or go out into open rain I don't know. Anything with you seems alright to me." He said, honestly, as he slowly putted his hands on her legs. Not with intention or anything, he would'a put them somewhere but her legs where just there so. He didn't mean harm though. He didn't even know what he was feeling right now. He felt strange.
James Rosier
James Rosier
Slytherin Graduate
Slytherin Graduate

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