Whose Side Are You On? - Page 15
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Whose Side Are You On? - Page 15 Li9olo10

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Whose Side Are You On?

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Whose Side Are You On? - Page 15 Empty Re: Whose Side Are You On?

Post by Andrew Thompson Sat Jul 24, 2010 6:00 am

[No thats a lie! And don't lie, your just enjoying it aren't you?]

Now reality sunk in once more...for the fourth time. Man was it really the fourth? He couldn't believe it, and his body couldn't either. He just stood there, like a statue, and looked at Chase. Why did he keep pushing it? Why was he doing this? He was probably ruining the only remaining amount of friendship he had with her! He really needed to fix this.

"Chase look," he said calmly, gaining more confidence now to save anything that needed to be saved "I'm really sorry I keep doing, and all in all I find you really attractive. I have no idea why I keep doing this, and I have no idea why. If you have anything you want to say or do, just get it out now, so we can just continue to be friends."

Hopefully what he said would be good enough, and would work, but didn't expect much. He wouldn't be surprised if she slapped him and marched off, never wanting to see him again. He did truly however wanted to stay friends.
Andrew Thompson
Andrew Thompson
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

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Whose Side Are You On? - Page 15 Empty Re: Whose Side Are You On?

Post by Chastity Moor Sun Jul 25, 2010 4:19 am

[OOC: Of course I'm enjoying it! Chase hasn't kissed a guys in decades! I never said I wasn't :]]

Chase could feel the heat in her cheeks as he tried to explain, and made no sense at the same time. He found her attractive.. but he didn't know why he had done that? Confusion flickered across her face, but then she felt a slow smile creep across her lips. The smile turned to a giggle, which turned to laugh. "You think I'm cute!" She said giggling happily, she poked him in the side and ran down the beach. She was laughing so hard she almost fell twice, but managed to keep herself upright, and she turned around to face him. "I'd love to be your friend Andrew!" She called from quite a ways away, before she turned and started to run again.

Sure, it was kind of flattering, even if he was younger then her. To be called attractive, by ANYONE was a plus for Chase. She hadn't been told she was pretty in what felt like.. ages. In fact.. now that she thought of it. In her memory span (Which wasn't including the year she had lost her memory) she had NEVER been called attractive, or pretty, or any of that. And that just made her face achieve a new color of red. She ran down the beach quickly gaining some distance between him before turning around and squinting to see where he was at. She hoped he didn't think she had just run away, like she kind of had, but not to make him go away, but to tease him a bit.
Chastity Moor
Chastity Moor

Number of posts : 2008
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Whose Side Are You On? - Page 15 Empty Re: Whose Side Are You On?

Post by Andrew Thompson Sun Jul 25, 2010 4:25 am


Andrew stood there and blinked a couple of times, his face remaining neutral. He felt really stupid afterwords, when she began to laugh, and he started to laugh himself. Man he was taking things way too seriously. He was then baffled when she poked in him the side, when he was about to say something. Geez today has been very weird he thought to himself, and felt a little embarresed.

Wondering why she had taken off so quickly, he ran after her, more confused than amused and was going to chase her down in order to ask her why she had run off. Maybe just to tease him, but then again, he did kiss her 3 times...3 times too many. "Chase!" he said, nearly out of breath as he ran "where the hell are you going?!"
Andrew Thompson
Andrew Thompson
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

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Whose Side Are You On? - Page 15 Empty Re: Whose Side Are You On?

Post by Chastity Moor Sun Jul 25, 2010 4:34 am

Chase laughed when he found her, and she sat down on the sand, digging her toes into the warmth and feeling the coolness under neath. Was that was she was like? Sand? Warm and nice on the top, but cold and cool underneath, she didn't know... but she was an actress, and she wouldn't let him see how her heart was hammering in her chest, or see that she was completely and totally embarrassed to the point of wanting to learn to apparate so that she could disappear at that moment.

Laughing she looked up at him. "Come on! You just kissed me silly! I had to get some time to regain my composure!" She giggled and laid back on the sand, her hands behind her head to make herself a pillow. She looked up at him and giggled again, he was way to serious. And she knew had she been like him, well had she been not a good actress, well she probably would be acting like him too. "We should really get going." She said suddenly laying on her side and looking up at him, propping her head up on her hand, her elbow dug into the sand. She practically jumped to her feet, her flip flops sliding off and sticking in the sand where she had just buried them in. Bending over she pulled them out and dragged them onto her feet. "Lets go silly." She said laughing, and she turned away from him, her smile slipping for a second before she plastered it back on.

"He doesn't like you like that.. he just finds you attractive, he thinks your pretty.. he doesn't know that you can't read very well, he doesn't know how much you hide to keep your emotions hidden from others, he just thinks your pretty, and so he kissed you, you shouldn't expect a guy to think there was something under the beauty anyway." She suddenly had a memory of a movie she had seen once. A movie called "The Swan Princess" Where the prince had said he would marry her, and she asked "Is beauty the only thing that matters to you.." And he had said. "What else is there." She bit on her lower lip again, but the smile was still in place, just hidden from him at the moment. She couldn't let him know, she couldn't let him see, that she was torn up that he only found her attractive, and yeah he wanted to be her friend, but he didn't know her, and he never would.
Chastity Moor
Chastity Moor

Number of posts : 2008
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Whose Side Are You On? - Page 15 Empty Re: Whose Side Are You On?

Post by Andrew Thompson Sun Jul 25, 2010 4:47 am

Andrew was still momentarily confused about why she ran away, but forgot about it soon afterwords. He nodded his head up and down when she said they should get back and said "Yeah we probably should. Otherwise Matt will send Aurors to find us," he laughed slightly and looked back at Chase. He wanted to know if he had hurt her or not by doing what he had done. He wanted to find out if she hated him or not, and was smiling just to cover that fact up. A short moment later, he asked her "Are you sure you're alright?" He thought he probably should've worded that better, but at the moment, that was the question he wanted to know about.

He had always been a good person, and always wanted to help people, and usually stepped beyond the boundary to do so. But it felt weird that if anything had changed, it was his fault. It scared him a little to think that, but it was true. He had kissed her, then she kissed him back. He didn't know what would happen from that point on, but he wished he knew. Now he wished that he had a time turner and could just go back in time, to warn Chase about what he was going to do at that point. To prevent it from ever happening. And maybe one day, he just might do that.
Andrew Thompson
Andrew Thompson
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

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Whose Side Are You On? - Page 15 Empty Re: Whose Side Are You On?

Post by Chastity Moor Sun Jul 25, 2010 4:53 am

Chase heard his question, and took a small moment to consider what she would say. She spun around to face him, her hair a bit slow, and caught her across the face. Pulling a piece out of her mouth, she looked up at him, her smile slightly pained this time. "Andrew.. what else can I be? You have a girlfriend.. I'm happy for you! It's just.." A pained expression crossed her face, and she turned away from him quickly, trying to regain her character again. Trying to regain Chase Moor. She turned to look at him, her smile to bright, her face to happy. "I'm fine okay? Don't worry about me!" She giggled again, and turned away from him.

"Come on! Don't want Sophia worrying to long, and don't want to give them bad thoughts!" She said laughing, especially when you show up with me! My lipstick on your lips." She said throwing a glance over her shoulder, and seeing that her lipstick really had come off slightly on his lips. She laughed loudly and spun in a small circle, dancing while at the same time being hyper. She jumped up and down and then fell, her foot catching on the sand, she landed hard on her butt. "Ouch!" She said and then started to laugh again. "Guess that's what you get when you jump on sand!" She said laughing on the ground.

She felt horrible, she had almost let her true emotions out, and Chase Moor didn't do that, she didn't have problems, everyone else did and she made theirs better. She had to keep her facade up. She had to pretend, and act, she was an actress, she was strong, she could hide her emotions, she wasn't angry, or foul tempered, she rarely swore unless she was REALLY upset.. she was Chase Moor, and Andrew, he thought she was attractive, he didn't know anything about her... and if he only thought she was attractive, well then let him think that, because he would never know the real Chase.
Chastity Moor
Chastity Moor

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Whose Side Are You On? - Page 15 Empty Re: Whose Side Are You On?

Post by Andrew Thompson Sun Jul 25, 2010 5:00 am

Andrew didn't buy what she had said. If anything, he was a master at noticing at peoples feelings, just by watching their facial expressions and/or body language. It seemed as if she were trying to cover up something. "Chase what's really going on," he said in a serious tone, but tried to keep it as friendly as possible "I wanna know what's wrong, I feel horrible if I did anything to harm you. I really want to make sure that you're alright." Now his thoughts seemed to be pretty straightforward now, which was usual for him.

Andrew blinked twice, and used his left forearm to wipe his lips, which were then smeared with what Chase's lipstick looked like. Thank god she noticed that before he met Matt again. Who knows what he might've done. "Thanks for the catch," he said relieved that there was no more incriminating evidence now. "And back to the subject before hand, please, tell me what is wrong. I can handle it, and I want to know"
Andrew Thompson
Andrew Thompson
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

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Whose Side Are You On? - Page 15 Empty Re: Whose Side Are You On?

Post by Chastity Moor Sun Jul 25, 2010 5:13 am

Chase could feel her shell cracking, first her body language slowed. She wasn't so hyper happy, she was careful in her movements. Then the smile slipped, her whole head fell forward after that, and she could feel her mind start spinning. How had he so easily caught on? She was the Master of Disguise, her body never lied because she had complete control of it. Three words out of him and her whole disguise was blown like a balloon on a hot summer day, that had drifted to far up into the atmosphere. She glanced at him, and smiled when he wiped off the lipstick. But then.. he was back on subject, she had been hoping that that might have distracted him, but of course not.

She stopped in her tracks, and bit her lip, glancing at him and back down again. "Okay.." She said slowly, her mind buzzing as she realized she was giving in. "Andrew... I've just met you.." She said slowly, choosing her words carefully. "I have.. never been called attractive, as long as I can remember, Hot.. sure, but I've never.. well, If you don't count the year.. the year I can't remember at all, I've.. well I've never kissed a guy." She took in a deep breath and looked away from him. "And being called attractive, after being kissed, and knowing that you saw my break down yesterday.. and you have a girlfriend." Her lip was trembling, but she pushed it back.

"It hurts Andrew, not only cause I think you are.. so sweet, and kind.. and we have so much in common, your amazing to look at by the way, which is a plus." She threw in a small smile when she looked back up at him but it slipped off immediately. "But you're taken.. and.. well, it would never work, because I see you like her so much, and yet.. your kiss.. and.." she closed her eyes, and started walking again. "I know it's the last one, and well, I hide everything behind this mask." She swallowed and stopped talking. She was rambling, and not making sense, and she knew it, but what else could she say? Could she just come out and say she liked him a lot? But.. she couldn't, not like that, so she went silent, thinking over her next words carefully. "Andrew.. I'll tell you a secret.. when I'm happy.. and hyper, and goofy, and fun loving, and just.. Chase, I'm usually hiding.. because, inside, I don't feel that, not at all, I'm hiding, because that's what Hufflepuffs do, we aren't brave like Gryffindors, or smart like Ravenclaws, and we aren't nearly as mean or cunning as Slytherins, well, we're everyone else."

Chase drew in a deep shuddering breath. "You have no idea how much I think of my family when I'm so happy looking. Whenever I smile, it's like, I feel like I shouldn't be, because they can't. I feel like, I shouldn't try to be happy, like I should lock myself up inside of me, because they can't be here to enjoy Hawaii with me, or go see Japan again, or hug each other. They can't do that at all, and I shouldn't be happy! And, I feel like I'm cheated out of it! I feel like, you only find me attractive, because you don't know me Andrew! You only think I'm pretty, so yeah, it hurts me.. I just, I know you aren't good at comforting people, you said so yourself, and I'm just rambling now, because I feel like I'm going to cry, but it just.. it hurts." She felt a few tears slip down her cheeks, which just moments before had been the picture of happiness. It really showed just how much Chase held back, every moment of her life.
Chastity Moor
Chastity Moor

Number of posts : 2008
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Whose Side Are You On? - Page 15 Empty Re: Whose Side Are You On?

Post by Andrew Thompson Sun Jul 25, 2010 5:30 am

Andrew was shocked when he had heard from Chase. All of that, and she always seemed so happy and carefree. Except for the day before, but still. He walked over to Chase and stood close to her. "Chase, do you really think that I kissed you just becasue you were attractive?" he asked smiling in a friendly way "if I were that type of person, I would just go around, making out with whoever I saw. The reason why I kissed you well...was because of the moment. I mean, like you said, we both have a lot in common, and when we were underwater, I lost it. I never meant to hurt you, nor even try to. And if you are always feeling sad or down, you can always come to me and tell me. I won't reveal anything to anyone."

He wished he had more to say to her, but nothing else came into his mind. He really wanted to just sit there and help solve all of her problems, yet he didn't if he could. He would definitely try his best though. "And another thing," he said smiling still "you don't have to feel as though you are cheating your family out of anything. They would want you to be the happy Chase, the one that likes to go to Hawaii and swim, kiss and everything. Sorry if I'm making things wose that I already am," he joked "besides if you need anyone to talk to, hug, kiss or say anything" he let a wide smile "you can always come to me."
Andrew Thompson
Andrew Thompson
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

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Whose Side Are You On? - Page 15 Empty Re: Whose Side Are You On?

Post by Chastity Moor Sun Jul 25, 2010 5:49 am

Chase turned when he spoke, her eyes wide, staring up at him. He spoke, and yet, how her heart yearned to believe him, there was that part of her, tainted by the evil she had experienced in her life, that said he was lying. She turned her face away from him, her mind whirring. Sophia had given her a home, Andrew was offering to be her friend, and yet, all she wanted to do was cry. So many people had it so much worse then her, and yet.. she could only feel bad for herself. She was completely selfish, she knew she was, and she hated it.

Looking up at him, she blinked back tears, and ran forward, hugging him hard. He was taller then her, so she could really only throw her arms around his chest, but she buried her face in his chest and stood there for a long moment, tears leaking out from under her closed eyelids. She didn't want to get his jacket wet though, so she turned her face to the side, her eyes shut tight. "Thank you." She breathed, tears falling down her face. "I don't deserve someone like you, but somehow.. you told me just what I needed to hear." She whispered and hugged him a bit tighter, trying to keep the tears in, but not succeeding at all.
Chastity Moor
Chastity Moor

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