taking a walk
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taking a walk Li9olo10

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Since every few months or so a few of our old members get the inspiration to revisit their old stomping grounds we have decided to keep PA open as a place to revisit old threads and start new ones devoid of any serious overarching plot or setting. Take this time to start any of those really weird threads you never got to make with old friends and make them now! Just remember to come say hello in the chatbox below or in the discord. Links have been provided in the "Comings and Goings" forum as well as the welcome widget above.

taking a walk

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taking a walk Empty taking a walk

Post by Khaat Lupin Sat Mar 27, 2010 12:31 pm

Khaat had recovered from her sprained knee and now needed to begin exercising again. What she wanted was a run. But she didn't know if her knee was up to it yet. And so she had changed to decent jeans and a red, v neck tunic style maternity top that was quickly becoming one of her favorites because it was comfortable. She had put on her sneakers and had gone out. She had taken a very elegant cherry walking stick with a quartz crystal in the top, just in case her knee didn't hold, but she carried it instead of using it..

She took a deep breath of the fresh spring air, relieved that the winter air was gone. She decided to let Archangel out of a flight, and he took to the skies like he'd been kept inside for ages. She wanted to just see how far she could walk. She started from her house and walked around to the main street.
Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 22852
Special Abilities : Energy Worker, Medium, Heightened Sensitivity
Occupation : Director of St. Mungos, Owner of Sparks Bistro

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taking a walk Empty Re: taking a walk

Post by Vincent Majere Sat Mar 27, 2010 12:52 pm

Vincent was walking down from the castle towards Hogsmeade, wearing plain, but expensive, black robes. It wasn't a trip he usually took, he preferred to stay inside the castle rather than having to waste energy going to village, but every so often he did get bored of the castle. Besides, Hogmseade was usually full of graduates, Vincent usually got tired of being around all the students. It was morning, and the students were still at their classes, studying, the perfect time to go to the village. Arriving there, he looked around for a place to go first. It was a nice day, winter had ended and spring had begun, and people would usually spend the day outside. Vincent wasn't that type of person, he preferred to stay indoors. He turned to go to the three broomsticks, but from the corner of his eye he noticed someone come walking towards the main street. Recognizing her, he turned and walked over to her instead.

"Morning Khaat," he said in his usual quiet, soft tone. "How are you today?" he said with a slight smile. His gaze moved towards her sprained knee, and he raised his eyebrows. "I haven't seen you for a long time."
Vincent Majere
Vincent Majere

Number of posts : 836
Occupation : Head of Magical Law Enforcement

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taking a walk Empty Re: taking a walk

Post by Khaat Lupin Sat Mar 27, 2010 12:58 pm

"Vincent," she smiled, "It's good to see you. I"m fine. My first outing in a couple days. Sprained my knee doing a bit of harmless killing in Texas a couple days ago. My father put my knee to rights with a few healing spells, so I decided I'd go get some fresh air. How are things with you?" Khaat liked talking to Vincent, and she figured he might be surprised that a part of her had grown harder, and killing didn't bother her so much anymore. It was just a part of what the wizarding world had become. And, as far as she was concerned, there were some folks who were just a waste of air. It didn't bother her anymore being rid of them.
Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 22852
Special Abilities : Energy Worker, Medium, Heightened Sensitivity
Occupation : Director of St. Mungos, Owner of Sparks Bistro

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taking a walk Empty Re: taking a walk

Post by Vincent Majere Sat Mar 27, 2010 1:12 pm

Vincent raised his eyebrows, surprised at how calmly she had referred to the killings. He frowned, Khaat had changed somewhat since the last time they had met. That had been several months ago. He had talked to her a month earlier as well, at the Minestrial Ball, but that had been just a few exchanges of words and not really a conversation. "I've been, busy. The recent changes in the ministry have led me to lose my job over there," Vincent informed her, shrugging. "Not that I mind. But Lestrange is being quite.. annoying. I've been forced to make some changes at Hogwarts due to that, but thats another matter," he said, knowing that Khaat would be critical of that. If he told her about it that is. He had allowed the Death Eaters to come to Hogwarts in order to give Vincent protection from the Ministry. Few knew what he had done, though the news would surely spread soon enough. "I'm just here to take a break from work at the castle. Will probably go to the Three Broomsticks then head back. Would you like to accompany me? I have missed our little conversations." Their relationship was odd really, Vincent didn't like nor hate Khaat, and he expected the feeling was mutual. He liked her company more than others though, although she got on his nerves too.
Vincent Majere
Vincent Majere

Number of posts : 836
Occupation : Head of Magical Law Enforcement

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taking a walk Empty Re: taking a walk

Post by Khaat Lupin Sat Mar 27, 2010 1:25 pm

"Good idea. I haven't been in there in a long time. I know about your changes in Hogwarts, Vincent. I neither approve nor disapprove. I understand why you would feel it necessary. If I were in your shoes, I'd probably have done something similar." She wasn't saying that, in effect, she had. She had given over security of St. Mungos to Jess Potter and the Order and relied on it, especially after Emof had held her hostage there and had tried to kill her to gain control of the hospital. But it was important to Khaat that she lived at least long enough to give birth to her daughter. "I am sorry you weren't able to stay with the ministry. I would very much have liked you on the Wizengamot. I would have valued your thoughts. And certainly your skills. Much as we have had our differences, you really are the finest auror I know." She was concerned now about how the security at the court had become much too haphazard. Emof had nearly gotten away twice with killing the court members, and she would have valued Vincent's skills at shoring up security there and would have valued his opinion on the court. In short, she needed him.
Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 22852
Special Abilities : Energy Worker, Medium, Heightened Sensitivity
Occupation : Director of St. Mungos, Owner of Sparks Bistro

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taking a walk Empty Re: taking a walk

Post by Vincent Majere Sat Mar 27, 2010 1:41 pm

Vincent nodded as she said she knew about the changes. Of course she knew, she was a smart person, she would notice the differences. But did this mean that, the order knew as well? It didnt matter much whether they knew or not, but Vincent would prefer the former, mainly because he didnt want any battle, not now anyways. "Good, you understand. Your a smart person, of course you understand. I neither dislike or like the Death eaters, or Sandra for that matter, but desperate times call for desperate measures," he explained, glad that she hadn't went against his choice. He opened the door to the 3 broomsticks for her, and then followed her towards an empty table. "Thanks Khaat, I do regret having lost the job sometimes. But I guess this allows me to focus on Hogwarts more..."
Vincent Majere
Vincent Majere

Number of posts : 836
Occupation : Head of Magical Law Enforcement

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taking a walk Empty Re: taking a walk

Post by Khaat Lupin Sat Mar 27, 2010 1:57 pm

Khaat ordered coffee and sat down at the table. She truly was glad to have the chance to talk with him again. She had missed their talks a great deal. Vincent didnt' fall into her catagory of a best friend, but she didn't see him exactly as an enemy anymore either. She knew they just saw the world through different viewpoints.

And her world view had gotten harder and more jaded since they'd talked at any length last. Her distant husband and his worthless sister had taught her that there were few she could truly trust or needed to be loyal to, in the world, honestly, but she felt that she had learned the lesson much too late. It had been irritating. Marriage had not been a fairy tale story for her. So, she was returning to work again as soon as she could and going to immerse herself in it. And if she got a chance to go battle for something she believed it, well, that was fine with her too, pregnant or not.

"What if I asked you to consider working as a consultant for me, on a temporary basis, for the Wizengamot? Would you do it?" she asked, trying to sound him out.
Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 22852
Special Abilities : Energy Worker, Medium, Heightened Sensitivity
Occupation : Director of St. Mungos, Owner of Sparks Bistro

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taking a walk Empty Re: taking a walk

Post by Vincent Majere Sat Mar 27, 2010 5:46 pm

Vincent had definitely detected a change in Khaat's personality. She wasn't like how she had been before. She would regularly have to argue every point he tried to make. Such as him bringing in the Death Eaters, she would take it in a totally negative way, but now she didn't. He wasn't sure what changed her, but here was an opportunity to change her even more, to bring her to his side and understand his point of view. Allies were scarce for Vincent. The Death Eaters were less allies really, they were only helping in order to get something in return. No, the one ally he probably had right now was Wilson, and even he had perhaps turned against him in the aftermath of his decision at Hogwarts.

"Thats a good offer Khaat," he said gratefully. "Thanks. But sorry, I have to refuse. You see, the Ministry is no longer a place I would like to work. It is ruled now by one organization and is no longer a democracy nor does it respect equality. If it did, would I have lost my job? If it did, would I have been forced to take desperate measures to protect my rank at Hogwarts? Of course not. They removed Delacour from power to install Matt Lestrange. No Khaat, the Ministry is not what it once was. It is becoming an oligarchy, controlled mainly by Jess Potter. I would prefer to stay and work at the castle." He knew that joining the Wizengamot would give him some control over the latest hearings but he also knew there was no point. Not when he was outnumbered there six to one or something like that.

"Lets talk about something else though," he said, once again changing the subject. He ordered some tea for himself. "How are things with you and Robert Dent?" he asked, referring to their marriage of course.
Vincent Majere
Vincent Majere

Number of posts : 836
Occupation : Head of Magical Law Enforcement

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taking a walk Empty Re: taking a walk

Post by Khaat Lupin Sat Mar 27, 2010 7:14 pm

"Wonderful," she said, trying to hide the temptation to be sarcastic. "Although it would be far better if his sister were not such an immature prick at times. We just do not get along, and I would be very happy if she were less in my life. Actually, I rarely see Rob. Sparks keeps him busy at all hours, and my job keeps me equally as busy. I..guess I had other expectations of what I thought marriage would be. I am adjusting to the fact that wizarding marriages are, by and large, arrangements made solely for the benefit of procreation.

"Look at Narcissa Malfoy, for example. Much as she is my friend, she is everything of what I do not wish to become. She has waited for years and tried to become anything that Lucius would want her to be simply for one moment of compassion from him. I like Narcissa, but I refuse to become what she has had to be. Contrary to her, I can live alone and survive."

She heard the bitterness of her own words, "Sorry. I don't mean to be angry. But I am already sick and tired of trying to change everything about who I am to become whatever it is that the Dent family seems to need me to be. I intend to be who I am, and if the mighty Dents don't like it, well then so be it." She paused and sipped her coffee before looking at him.

"There's just a lot you don't know," she admitted softly. She knew it was useless to try to hide that there were wounds that were healed, but clearly a couple new ones. Vincent was brilliant. He would see it straight off, even if she hadn't said a syllable.

It made her smile a little to think of what Rob might say if she had she turned to Vincent instead, when she'd been driven to those damned illegal wizarding potions to cope with his leaving her. It had been a very strong temptation at the time. At least she always knew where she stood with Vincent. There were times she could not say the same for Rob. She still had an urge, now done with that brief but near fatal addiction, to go back to that little hidden slimepit and off those bastards on sheer principle alone. She had been fortunate to have survived at all. The whole thing had been unintentional on her part, but it had nearly killed her and her unborn child all the same. It made her more calloused now. Far less caring about whether she killed anyone or not. Her desire to kill those bastards for revenge was alive and very strong.
Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 22852
Special Abilities : Energy Worker, Medium, Heightened Sensitivity
Occupation : Director of St. Mungos, Owner of Sparks Bistro

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taking a walk Empty Re: taking a walk

Post by Vincent Majere Sat Mar 27, 2010 7:56 pm

Vincent hid a smile as he heard her bitter tone when speaking about the Dents. He was happy that she was not so close to them as he had thought. She was clearly unhappy with her husband, and more so with his sister. Why he was glad was a question even he didn't know the answer to. Perhaps it was easier to bring Khaat to his side because of this, or something else. Anyway, he had never approved of where she had married. He had seen her husband just once and at that time he looked more of a tramp than the manager of a restaraunt. First appearances were everything, and from what Vincent had seen, Robert Dent was neither a very respectable person nor from what it seemed, and intelligent one. "And yet... you are spending the day here at Hogsmeade," Vincent noted, analytical as always. "Its OK I guess, everyone needs a day off. Yet I expected that you would spend yours with your husband at Sparks... Not that I mind of course, I always enjoy your company, you know that," he added, saying half the truth. He did enjoy it, though she could also get on his nerves at times.

"Its OK Khaat, what are friends for, if not to help their friends with their problems?" Vincent asked rhetorically. Calling Khaat a friend was odd really, and not entirely the truth either. Well, she was probably a friend to him, but not vice versa. He didn't have a doubt that if he was in trouble, she would probably risk herself to help him. She was that type of person. Vincent wasn't, he would probably save himself, but you never knew. Still, he didn't consider anyone his friend really. They were all just companions, but some people's company you enjoyed more than others, and Khaat fell into that category, just as Wilson and Sandra did. But even if it was a lie, Khaat would probably still believe it. She was too naive. "Well, I can't say I didn't tell you so. You should think carefully before marrying someone Khaat, because you spend the rest of your life with that person. And of course, their family gets involved as well."

"But thats good Khaat, don't let them change you," he replied. He was a bit unhappy with the way the conversation was going. She was obviously quite bitter and upset at the Dent's, and Vincent was not the best at cheering people up. But still, getting closer to Khaat would be good, as a friend or whatever. She was in the order, and was trusted by Jess. She could be a useful spy, but Vincent didn't think she would ever turn against the order. She was after all, the niece of Remus Lupin, a close supporter of the order, and he knew she had been close to him before his death.
Vincent Majere
Vincent Majere

Number of posts : 836
Occupation : Head of Magical Law Enforcement

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