Fan Fic - Page 11
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Fan Fic - Page 11 Li9olo10

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Since every few months or so a few of our old members get the inspiration to revisit their old stomping grounds we have decided to keep PA open as a place to revisit old threads and start new ones devoid of any serious overarching plot or setting. Take this time to start any of those really weird threads you never got to make with old friends and make them now! Just remember to come say hello in the chatbox below or in the discord. Links have been provided in the "Comings and Goings" forum as well as the welcome widget above.

Fan Fic

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Fan Fic - Page 11 Empty Re: Fan Fic

Post by Guest Sun Apr 13, 2008 3:50 pm

Awesome Chapter, Evie! I Love the characters personalities!

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Fan Fic - Page 11 Empty Re: Fan Fic

Post by Ginevra Malenki Sun Apr 13, 2008 9:34 pm

Thanks, but i'm just using some of the stuff they use in roleplay and then random things Razz
Ginevra Malenki
Ginevra Malenki

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Fan Fic - Page 11 Empty Re: Fan Fic

Post by Ginevra Malenki Mon Apr 21, 2008 4:56 am

It was the next morning and all the kids had slept in. There had been no signs of any Death Eaters, none at all. Joesph was starting to worry that this was some kind of trap even though all the others said for him not to worry. How could he not worry? These were his kids at stack, being hunted by the evilist wizard of age!

It was a rainy afternoon and the kids were all down in the basement doing there own thing while the adults were talking quietly, or as they were trying to be, in the kitchen. "BUT WHAT IF IT"S A TRAP!" Joesph relied in a loud whisper. "I can't lost them, I just can't." he continued with a worried look on his face as he stood there, not facing the others but staring out into the rain. "Joe, listen. They're safe here, no one knows where we live." Alyssa's voice spoke, soft and kindly. "We care for them just as much as you do, were not trying to get them in danger." he shock his head. "I just have a feeling okay.." Joesph told them in his own world of dreaming and memories as he spoke.

For the next week, it was crazy around Joesph. It seemed like he was going to expload from his own suspence. No sign of Death Eaters or Voldemort himself was driving him mad. the triplets were not allowed to leave the house and neither was Emma-lee. Alyssa did the shopping and everything else as she was the only one who was not seen by a Death Eater at anytime. She took detours to get home and made sure no one was following her.

Meanwhile, over back at Hogwarts the Death Eaters and Alesy were all in the shreaking shack. It had many enchatments around it and they were making plans from the things Alesy had come back with. "Why on earth would we do that?" a red headed girl asked from under her hood. "It doesn't make any sense." a man with a scarred face and harsh look to him. "Shut up, both of you." Mason Maskul's voice replied from the door. Everyone was automatically silent. "We are going with that plan and if you have a problem with it, speak now and you may suffer the conciquences." No one stood up or said anything but Alesy just looked up evilly grinning, as it was her idea that her uncle was finally listening too.

Now, two weeks had passed and the Death Eaters had made no apperance. The only difference was the streets were now much quieter and much less busy around there area. It wasn't noticed at first by the Malenki and Stone family but it seemed to not worry them much--not counting Joesph who was worrying about every single noise and movement people made. He had spells around there windows so nothing good get in and out of them and then at night he checked on them every ten minutes or so, barley sleeping himself. "You got to go to sleep." Katlynne kept telling him, but all he did was gave her a dirty look and walk away.

[[Tis' not totally good writing, but tell me what cha think.]]
Ginevra Malenki
Ginevra Malenki

Number of posts : 13516
Special Abilities : Wandless
Occupation : Healer, Creature Injuries

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Fan Fic - Page 11 Empty Re: Fan Fic

Post by Sophia Granger Mon Apr 21, 2008 2:28 pm

That's really good Gin, I like it! You can add me if you want I don't care bt awesome chappie!Razz
Sophia Granger
Sophia Granger
Seventh Year Gryffindor
Seventh Year Gryffindor

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Fan Fic - Page 11 Empty Re: Fan Fic

Post by Darren Mon Apr 21, 2008 3:46 pm

Awesome Gin, u rock at writing stories

write more soon Razz

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Fan Fic - Page 11 Empty Re: Fan Fic

Post by Ginevra Malenki Mon Apr 21, 2008 4:22 pm

I'm suprised you guys like it I was half asleep when I started to write it lol I'll write more either today or later on this week Smile
Ginevra Malenki
Ginevra Malenki

Number of posts : 13516
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Fan Fic - Page 11 Empty Re: Fan Fic

Post by Ginevra Malenki Sun Feb 01, 2009 7:46 am

-inserts this a week from when she said she would... in April-

Trusting like a love-sick puppy.

Sitting around a house all day was not what any kid would want to have happen. Sure, the triplets knew this was all for their saftey but that was crap. No one had come near the house and everyday they would watch the crowd get smaller and smaller. The weather was getting colder and that was what they were blaming it on. It was great how nieve children could be. Nothing interesting ever happened. Ginevra and Darren sat around playing muggle games for hours, though Darren didn't like them, and Dae was entertained by Emma-lee. It was sad how they were breaking up into what seemed like cliques you aw when entering high schools. "Sneak out with me, you can't tell me you're not reading to shot someone just for some life." Darren had said to Ginevra not long before everything went out of hand. Ginevra had shaken her head. No matter how much she wanted to go out she wouldn't. He argued with his sister for hours but it didn't seem to make any difference at all. She didn't have a reason to go out - he did. Leaving it at that, Darren had pretended to act like he agreed. Ginevra went up the stairs and to the adults, telling them she was hungry and wanted something to eat. Sure enough her brother took his change. Dae and Emma-lee were clueless about everything. They hadn't a clue what Darren was up to when he crepy by into the room he was to sleep in and closed it. Joesph had said they werent' allowed to close their doors, just incase. "Probably creating some way to do us in, just wait, Gin'll be helping any second now." Emma-lee had commented but when Ginevra didn't come, she started to wonder. She had always been to curious for her own good. Getting up, her and Dae went towards the room that he'd entered.

"You've got to be kidding me! That idiot!" Dae had screamed before running to the kitchen. It wasn't that hard to tell what he would do, Dae was always one to go running for help. He wasn't independant like the rest of his family. Twas a mystery where he got that from. Telling the adults immediatly, Emma-lee knew better than to mess with what Darren did but when Ginevra heard the news she was up right away. "Lets go, he's going to find that prat!" she said to her dad but when he stopped her she let out a growl. She was a protective sister, or person for that matter, and he wouldn't stop her from going with him and whoever else went. Aruging until she got her way, Emma-lee didn't want to go for a minute and Dae was with her at that. They cared about Darren but were a bit more selfih and scared. "Nice Gryffinfor move, Cous." Ginevra had commented before exiting the door, making a face. She was very unimpressed by their caring for someone in the family. Acting sweet and innocent as she turned toward her uncle and dad, she took a hold of Joesph's arm and disappeared. Turning back up at Hogwarts, Ginevra had her wand out and ready but that didn't even matter as no one was around except for two people. Sqinting her eyes, her mouth feel open but before she could speak, her dad did. "Darren! Get your little arse over here before I come and get it. She can't be trusted!" he reminded him, walking forward already. Ginevra and her uncle kept watch very closely.

Alesy was no more than ten years away with Darren's arm around her waist. He looked as if he was a child winning a prize. What had she done to the usual nasty, uncaring Darren. No one was enjoying see Darren Malenki like this for a second. Darren did not seem to be aware of them, he was looking the other way and staying quiet. Alesy on the otherhand was nothing; she was fully aware. Her hair was tied back into a bun and her face was smeered with mud from earlier on. She was smirking and it was hard to tell why a she didn't look at any of them for long. Starting to walk forward, Joesph wasn't hesitant and his wand was never down all that was on his mind was his child, his boy. Crashing to the ground, it wasn't long before Joesph found himself running at an invisible wall over and over and over again. He didn't want to give up and it wasn't until Travis pulled him back that he could do it no longer. Alesy didn't look back and that worried the adults but Ginevra saw no worry in it, actually she saw it as something better. "They're trying to get us to follow her, don't fall for it." she told the other two, whispering just incase. "Fine, but we need a plan. Get back to the house, both of you." Holding out his hand, he was trusting his daughter but a tear was slowly trickling down his check. Everything was happening to his kids and he wished it upon himself instead. Why his family? Why not one that had done everything wrong.
Ginevra Malenki
Ginevra Malenki

Number of posts : 13516
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Fan Fic - Page 11 Empty Re: Fan Fic

Post by Darren Sun Feb 01, 2009 8:52 am

I have a head ache i just read all 11 pages, its a great story - but PLEASE stop making me obsessed with alesy =(

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Fan Fic - Page 11 Empty Re: Fan Fic

Post by Ginevra Malenki Sun Feb 01, 2009 8:55 am

Aww, all 11, now I feel special. xD
No worries, you wont be obsessive much longer. xP
Ginevra Malenki
Ginevra Malenki

Number of posts : 13516
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Fan Fic - Page 11 Empty Re: Fan Fic

Post by Darren Sun Feb 01, 2009 9:43 am

yay great.

& wow, first posts here after.. 9 months? xD

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