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Fan Fic

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Fan Fic - Page 2 Empty Re: Fan Fic

Post by Darren Wed Feb 06, 2008 2:02 pm

Me and you get along? Nice Very Happy
Altho u shuld have made Emma-Lee someone on this site Razz

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Fan Fic - Page 2 Empty Re: Fan Fic

Post by Ginevra Malenki Wed Feb 06, 2008 2:06 pm

No one else said that they wanted to be in it except Adrenn and he's a guy so ya...
He's coming in later on in the story Razz
Ginevra Malenki
Ginevra Malenki

Number of posts : 13516
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Fan Fic - Page 2 Empty Re: Fan Fic

Post by Alexandra Cullen Wed Feb 06, 2008 2:06 pm

I can be Emma.I would love to be a character in your story
Alexandra Cullen
Alexandra Cullen

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Fan Fic - Page 2 Empty Re: Fan Fic

Post by Ginevra Malenki Wed Feb 06, 2008 2:09 pm

Okay then, but you do know your only liked by Dae so far Razz
Ginevra Malenki
Ginevra Malenki

Number of posts : 13516
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Fan Fic - Page 2 Empty Re: Fan Fic

Post by Darren Wed Feb 06, 2008 2:12 pm

oh well u can change that Razz!

Anyways i like it a lot so far

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Fan Fic - Page 2 Empty Re: Fan Fic

Post by Ginevra Malenki Wed Feb 06, 2008 2:20 pm

Okay Alesy is not Emma-lee. It's going to be a little weird getting used to writing it more like your character so when I post the next chapter PM me and help me out a bit Very Happy Ill post the next chapter when i have time, as i usually only have like 5 minutes each morning and i have exams tomorrow same with a basket-ball game Very Happy
Ginevra Malenki
Ginevra Malenki

Number of posts : 13516
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Fan Fic - Page 2 Empty Re: Fan Fic

Post by Ginevra Malenki Thu Feb 07, 2008 2:21 pm

[Sorry for the double post but heres more to my story and also I made Alesy her own character because i'm trying to stick with Emma-lee's character right now]


It was August, 31 and Dae, Darren and Ginevra were eleven and they were starting there first year at Hogwarts with Emma-lee the next day. Emma-lee went to Beauxbatons for a year and Dae, Darren, and Ginevra went to Durmstrang on Joesphs wish. All four kids had there wands and were excited to go to a different school. Travis had gone to Diagon Alley the day before and bought everyone everything they needed.

The Next Day:

It was not the cool morning of September, 1 and Alyssa was down in the kitchen reading a letter they recieved from Joesph. When she finished reading it she rested in on the table to think and a second later when Darren came downstairs he grabbed in and asked "Whos Joesph?" but before Alyssa could even grab the letter the writing was gone as Travis had walked into the room and made it dissapear. "Don't do that again, that was your moms letter not yours. Never you mind who he is and go get Ginevra from upstairs I think shes still up there doing her hair." he demanded, pointing upstairs. Darren obeyed but muttered something under his breath as he went. Travis grabbed the letter and it read:

Dear Travis and Alyssa,

I am sick of not seeing them so I took up a job at Hogwarts. I am now the new potions teacher. I am going to be looking after them extra time but make sure they write to you at least every second day! They know you the best and i can not reveal that I am there dad, or Voldemort might find out.

Love Joesph.

"He actually took the time to write it himself, he must really want to see them if Katlynne didn't just write us!" Alyssa said, quietly. Dae, Darren and Ginevra still thought that there lastname was Stone and that Emma-lee was there sister and they were there parents. They had no clue of what happened when they were two months old and they didn't know about anyone named Samantha or Joesph.

There was now footsteps coming down the stairs and into the kitchen. Dae entered the room followed by Emma-lee. They were talking about the Hogwart house they wanted to get sorted into by the sorting hat. Alyssa and Joesph had gone outside to take in privacy about the letter. "I think I'll be in Ravenclaw!" Emma-lee told Dae, with a big smile on her face. "I want to be in Slythern!!" Dae said, joking around. "No I really want to be in Gryffindor!" he said, smiling and getting excited. There was a burst of laughter from the other side of the wall and Darren and Ginevra came down the rest of the stairs. They had been listening in on the conversation. "You...Ravenclaw...HA!" GInevra spoke laughing at Emma-lee. Darren was also laughing but not harder than Ginevra, and at Dae not Emma-lee. "You really think you could be in Gryffindor? You ran from a spider the other day! Not likley.." Darren said, accepting the scowl from Dae. Ginevra sat down beside Dae but Darren remained standing across the table from Emma-lee who had also not taken a seat. It was ten o'clock and they all wanted to leave. The backdoor opened and Travis summoned there trunks outside and put them in the trunk of the car. "Come on kids, time to go!" Alyssa said, ushering them outside. All of them immedeatly sat ran out the door and took a seat in the car.

Once at the train station they all got in and went through the barrier of Platform 9 3/4. "Oh lets do that again!" Ginevra smiled, as she found it exciting. "Ya, i'll come with you!" Emma-lee said to her. "Um..actually I don't want to go anymore.." Ginevra replied, walking faster toward the train and away from Emma-lee. "Come here and give me a good-bye hug, even you Darren!" Alyssa said, as she noticed Darren trying to just go on the train. Once they said there good-byes they were on the train. "Let's go in this compartment!!" Dae said excedley. Dae walked halfway in and then stopped. "Move your bug butt Dae!" Emma-lee said trying to push him forward. Darren was the first to enter followed by Ginevra and then Dae and Emma-lee. The reason that Dae had stopped was obvious, there was a girl already in the compartment. She was really pretty with her black hair and pink eyes. "Hey i'm Ginevra. This is Dae, Emma-lee and Darren." she said pointing to the person as she went along. The girl looked up. "Oh, hi...I'm Alexandra. But you can call me Alesy." she said, smiling and then looking out the window once more.
The rest of the way to Hogwarts was a little quiet but every once and awhile a topic would come up and they would all start talking about it. When they got off the train Ginevra turned to Alesy and said "Oh ya, you can call me Gin!" happily, as she knew that she only let people that she consitered friend material call her that.


Hogwarts was approching them as they went onto the boats like first years did every year. This year was different though. Dae, Darren, and Alesy in one boat, and Emma-lee and Ginevra were stuck with some unknown kid. The boat ride was interesting. It was dark but the weather was nice. Darren had decided to push Dae out of the boat and succeded but to everyones suprise Alesy pushed Darren in after him. Both boys were put back into the boat with the laughing Alesy by what seemed to be a giant squid. Darren grinned as he seemed to have found it funny but Dae looked apsolutley miserable. "Come on Dae, It wasn't that bad was it?" Ginevra yelled over to him, knowing that he hated underwater creatures for some reason that he had never told anyone. Dae didn't speak the rest of the way back it was all silence except for the laughter coming from Ginevra, Emma-lee, Darren and Alesy.

They entered Hogwarts looking around in amazment. "Whoa!" was lots of peoples reactions. "Wicked!" Dae screamed, rather loudly but he didn't seem to care and no one else seemed to care how loud they were either. "Mhmmm.." came a voice from behind them. Everyone was then quiet as they saw it was a professor. "Hello, first years I am Professor Pallet. I am your Charms teacher and I will be assisting with the sorting, if you will just follow me into the Great Hall and we will begin." he said turning. Pr. Pallet had red hair and black eyes. He looked kind of wacky but once they entered the hall all the older students seemed to like him as they all smiled and waved at him and the first years. "What that?" the person who was in the boat with Ginevra and Emma-lee spoke. "It's a old hat...." Emma-lee said looking totally confused, but then the hat burst into a song. Once finished Pr. Pallet stood forward and grabbed a long piece of parchment from his pocket.
"When I call your name out please step up and sit on the chair so I can place the sorting hat on your head." he said. Ten people were sorted before everyone kind of wondered there eyes to more interesting things waiting for there name to be called. Alesy was sorted into Ravenclaw really fast and she ran over to the Ravenclaw over with another first year that got sorted into Ravenclaw also. "Stone, Dae!" he called out. Dae looked up and so did Emma-lee, Darren, and Ginevra. He walked up to the chair and sat down the hat was placed on his head and he was one of the longest that took to be sorted. "HUFFLEPUFF!" the sorting hat shouted. Dae immedetly gave back the har and walked fastly over to his new house. "Stone, Darren!" was called next. Darren walked and sat on the stool placed the hat on his own head and was sorted into Slythern within ten seconds. Darren grinned at Ginevra as she knew thats the only house he would have accepted. "Stone, Emma-lee!" Emma-lee looked extremley scard so Ginevra gave her a push knowing she was after Emma-lee and said "That's you Ravenclaw wanna-be.." and Emma-lee went up sat down and got sorted into "GRYFFINDOR!" just as fast as Darren had gotton sorted. "Stone, Ginevra!" was next to be called as expected. Ginevra walked up not one bit nervous and she took a rather long time to be sorted to. The sorting hat shouted "RAVENCLAW!" in the end though. Ginevra ran toward where Alesy was sitting and took a seat. She heard Pr. Pallet scream "Thomson, Adrenn!" next. He was sorted into Gryffindor with Emma-lee. The rest of the sorting went by fast. They listened to the speech thaat Pr. Dumbledore gave, ate and then they were off to bed awaiting there next day lessons and adventures.

Last edited by on Thu Feb 07, 2008 11:19 pm; edited 1 time in total
Ginevra Malenki
Ginevra Malenki

Number of posts : 13516
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Fan Fic - Page 2 Empty Re: Fan Fic

Post by Darren Thu Feb 07, 2008 2:26 pm

NO hogwarts? come on Gin! Ok i know there hiding from Voldemort but i like Hogwarts Sad.

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Fan Fic - Page 2 Empty Re: Fan Fic

Post by Ginevra Malenki Thu Feb 07, 2008 11:21 pm

I just finished editing it, so now there is the full chapter Darren Razz
And are you saying you didn't want them to go to Hogwarts? lol
Ginevra Malenki
Ginevra Malenki

Number of posts : 13516
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Fan Fic - Page 2 Empty Re: Fan Fic

Post by Guest Fri Feb 08, 2008 12:07 am

great job gin u think it would honesty take that long to sort me i love Hufflepuff Banner

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