Platform 9 3/4
Welcome to Potter’s Army

Welcome to Potter's Army

We have been a Harry Potter Roleplaying site since 2007. If you're an old member we hope you come check out the discord link provided below. And if you're looking for a new roleplaying site, well, we're a little inactive. But every once and a while nostalgia sets in and a few of our alumni members will revisit the old stomping grounds and post together. Remember to stay safe out there. And please feel free to drop a line whenever!

Platform 9 3/4 Li9olo10

What’s Happening?
Since every few months or so a few of our old members get the inspiration to revisit their old stomping grounds we have decided to keep PA open as a place to revisit old threads and start new ones devoid of any serious overarching plot or setting. Take this time to start any of those really weird threads you never got to make with old friends and make them now! Just remember to come say hello in the chatbox below or in the discord. Links have been provided in the "Comings and Goings" forum as well as the welcome widget above.

Platform 9 3/4

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Platform 9 3/4 Empty Platform 9 3/4

Post by Jemma Tiquelle Mon Aug 10, 2009 8:25 pm

[[OOC: Anyone start this topic. Lol. Jemma won't be here, so she can't...]]


Platform 9 3/4 Qw9nLyk
~ enjoying her sixties ~ divination professor & head of hufflepuff ~ single ~ seer ~
~ biography ~ thread tracker ~

Set made by me. Want one? Accepting requests here.
Jemma Tiquelle
Jemma Tiquelle

Number of posts : 6601
Special Abilities : Seer, Occlumens, Apparation and Astral Projection.
Occupation : Secretary at the Ministry of Magic*

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Platform 9 3/4 Empty Re: Platform 9 3/4

Post by Ne'Os Emof Mon Aug 10, 2009 9:40 pm

Ne'os walked through the barrier onto the platfom he was happy to be going to Hogwarts this year especialy because of what hapened the year before he looked around recognizing a few students ne'os put his stuff on the train and then stood on the platform he looked around for Sam.
Ne'Os Emof
Ne'Os Emof
Slytherin Graduate
Slytherin Graduate

Number of posts : 5547
Special Abilities : Wandless magic, Invisibility

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Platform 9 3/4 Empty Re: Platform 9 3/4

Post by Ronald Weasley01 Mon Aug 10, 2009 9:53 pm

Ron wanted to get out of st mungos to see his kids leave for hogwarts fortunetely for him he was cleared the same day. Ron finally got there it was a long journey it took a while to get his good leg through the barrier it took him so long that there was a que to get through. Ron was going to surprise his family at the platform because his injury was supposed to last longer to cure he got onto the platform with a big crowd surroumding him asking about his injury he said to them "ive got to see my family."
Ronald Weasley01
Ronald Weasley01

Number of posts : 118
Special Abilities : Leglimency, Animagus

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Platform 9 3/4 Empty Re: Platform 9 3/4

Post by Guest Mon Aug 10, 2009 10:15 pm

(since phillip hasnt rped yet im gonna say its his first year)

Phillip gazed at the people going through the wall between platform nine and ten he decided to follow becides he didnt know where platform 9 3/4 was. He went through the barrier to see the biggest amazement of his life there was a sign saying platform 9 3/4 . Phillip waited to see if any friendly people come and tell him.

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Platform 9 3/4 Empty Re: Platform 9 3/4

Post by Keith Nicholas Tue Aug 11, 2009 1:42 am

Keith saw a kid about his age stumble through the barrier. Keith grinned and headed over to him. It would be a good idea to have some friend sin his year before he started. "Hey." He said, nodding to the kid. "My name's Keith. What's yours?"
Keith Nicholas

Number of posts : 986
Occupation : Unemployed

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Platform 9 3/4 Empty Re: Platform 9 3/4

Post by Sophia Granger Tue Aug 11, 2009 2:08 am

Sophia walked through the barrier of Platform 93/4 and smiled. "It's good to be back."Sophia thought to herself. As she dragged her trunk behind her she looked around for any of her friends but didn't see them anywhere. As she walked passed two first years she gave them a warm smile and continued dragging her trunk to the trunk department. As she gave her trunk and Angel to the guy who were taking them she waited in line to get on the train. "Another exciting and long year."Sophia thought to herself as she finally got on the train and started finding a empty compartment or one with her friends in it.
Sophia Granger
Sophia Granger
Seventh Year Gryffindor
Seventh Year Gryffindor

Number of posts : 11575
Occupation : Head Girl, Gryffindor Chaser

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Platform 9 3/4 Empty Re: Platform 9 3/4

Post by Guest Tue Aug 11, 2009 2:18 am

Daniel walked through the barrier of Platform 9 3/4, excitedly pulling his luggage behind him and looked around for anyone he knew but he couldn't find them; the crowd was massive too big to find anyone right now. As he walked toward the door leading into the train a man in a costume whom he knew was a worker on the train grabbed his luggage and his owl but left him holding Ashley and Bella in his hand as he walked into the train trying to find a nice empty compartment he could find or if he was lucky he could sit next to his friend. "I'm so excited about going back to Hogwart, i don't care if i have to start fourth grade all over again" Daniel thought to himself and saw a empty compartment then wrenched it open, letting his car run around the compartment playfully. He quickly pulled the door back so that they could not escape and sat down quietly hoping that any of his friends came or any new kid he can start being friend


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Platform 9 3/4 Empty Re: Platform 9 3/4

Post by Guest Tue Aug 11, 2009 3:07 am

Laura ran into the platform, all of her supplies charmed nicely into her her purse without too tight of a squeeze. She gazed around and the first faces to join the journey to Hogwarts brightly. She didn't acknowledge anyone, because she didn't know anyone. She stood in the middle of the platform, already dresses in her school robes. The front was open to expose her white shirt unbuttoned on top and the corners folded down for style. She shamefully bore the striped green and silver necktie, adjusting it slightly.

She had never been particularly happy about the House she was chosen for, but she played along anyway.

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Platform 9 3/4 Empty Re: Platform 9 3/4

Post by Sophia Granger Tue Aug 11, 2009 3:11 am

Sophia walked through the corridors trying to find at lease a empty compartment or one with her friends in it. Sighing she started heading towards the front when she saw Daniel in a empty compartment smiling she opened the door slowly. "Mind if I join you?"Sophia asked him with a warm smile. Sophia knew Daniel was only a fourth year but he was still her friend for she was kind and sweet to anyone. As Sophia closed the door from keeping his cats from getting free.

(What I'm wearing)
Sophia Granger
Sophia Granger
Seventh Year Gryffindor
Seventh Year Gryffindor

Number of posts : 11575
Occupation : Head Girl, Gryffindor Chaser

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Platform 9 3/4 Empty Re: Platform 9 3/4

Post by Guest Tue Aug 11, 2009 3:24 am

Daniel saw a beautiful girl walked by, and watched her walked by his compartment and had no idea that Sophia had walked into his compartment until he had heard her voice and smelt a familiar scent of blood in his room causing him to wrinkle his nose sligtly as it made him feel a slight thristier as he looked up at her back at the girl who just disappeared around the corner then looked back up at her smiling crookedly. "Hey Sophia, sure you can sit here i don't have anyone to sit in here with right now" he smiled at her and jumped to his feet giving her a wild hug.

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