A Birth day - Page 47
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A Birth day - Page 47 Li9olo10

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A Birth day

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A Birth day - Page 47 Empty Re: A Birth day

Post by Ruby Lyne Tyler Wed Jul 10, 2024 12:08 am

Jessie lay his head on the table and closed his eyes and soon enough he was sleeping . Ruby heard the boys and laughed with Marcus " that's Jessie for you, but I think hes just tired" she said as they headed up to their room. She heard Andrew mention capachino and chuckled as Marcus asked for one. She finished her desert and the biscuits and placed the desert into the fridge and the cooled biscuits into the biscuit barrel.

Aria walked down now changed into a light two piece lounge suit and sat down next to Marcus on the couch. " that bath was fantastic" she said leaning back " I saw the boys before headed to their room" she said to Ruby.

"yeah Jessie told them to get some rest I think hes tired and is calling it a night after more research" she said as she sent a letter to Jack asking for a few days off for the boys, she received a reply pretty quick saying they could have the next two days off to help as he understood how important this was. " okay, the boys have the next two days here Jack okayed it." she said and smiled hearing Andrew mention Chris a soft knock came at the door and Yu's voice came gently threw it .

"sorry to bother you at this time of night but is Jessie still here?" head sked and Ruby nodded pointing to the basement area. Chris ran to the stairs and headed down . Topping he looked at Poppy and smiled showing her his picture he'd drawn of one of the Fae. Yu nodded to Ruby and thanked her as he headed down seeing Chris with Poppy he opened the door to the storage room seeing Jessie with his head on the table sleeping he chuckled and walked over to him " hey sleepy , time to head home love" he said softly as Jessie opened his one eye and smiled at him before lifting his head up .

"i fell asleep?" he asked and Yu nodded with a smile as he brushed some of Jessies hair off his face " you need a hair cut" Jessie just nodded and sleepily walked to the stairs .

"we need to find my grand mothers burial site, Angus identified her as the woman he has been seeing in his dreams, I have to.." Jessie paused as a large yawn left him and Yu walked over to him.

"you need to get some sleep, Chris was worried when he couldn't find you" he said and Jessie sighed resting his head on Yu's shoulder.

"I saw my Ex at the ministry" he admitted to Yu who just chuckled and patted him gently on the top of his head.

" and yet you came home to us." Yu said smiling " the gods chose wisely in you" he said softly as he motioned to Chris who had been sat with Poppy who ran over and took his hand while he wrapped his arm around Jessie waist to guide him up the stairs. Once at the top Yu chuckled and looked at Ruby who chuckled. "I'll return him once he's had some sleep." he said and Ruby nodded.

"that's find its been a long day all round, I sure most of the paper work can wait till morning" she said besides he looks like hes dead on his feet already" she said with a chuckled.
Ruby Lyne Tyler
Ruby Lyne Tyler

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A Birth day - Page 47 Empty Re: A Birth day

Post by Khaat Lupin Wed Jul 10, 2024 12:31 am

"You do know, don't you," Marcus asked Ruby, "the boys already sent a note to Jack asking for a few days off. I'm guessing they're taking some of Angus's lectures seriously when he's told them they need to act like adults and make their own job decisions now. So they send him a note themselves before they showered." He picked up one of her cookies and ate it. "I'm so glad you made cookies."

Andrew made the cappucino for Marcus and took it to him and then went downstairs to see if Poppy needed anything. The girls were showered and in their pajamas, and they were packing their bags to go to Evan's tomorrow and laying out their clothes. Poppy was becoming quite bored, and she was starting to crave both sunshine and starlight. Anise had borrowed Angus's chalks and loaned them to Poppy, and now Poppy was adding some color--some starlight to Minos's portrait. It made him look radiant and regal. 

"That looks great, Poppy,' Andrew said.

"Do you think he'll like it?"

"Well, I don't know him well, not like the others here do, but if I were him, I'd love it," he told her, seeing her yawn.

"Andrew, would you ask my dad if I can't come upstairs tomorrow? I really need to see something other than these same four walls. I need to see sunshine. Or maybe see the stars." she asked.

"I'll check with Robert. He gives the orders about such things," Andrew said. I'll send him a note tonight to ask. He might let you come upstairs, but you're not going to be up on your feet yet. not for another day or so."

"Thanks. Just asking gives me a little hope," Poppy said.

"Do you need your dressing changed?"

"No, Robert did that earlier. It should be fine," Poppy yawned.

"You need to get osme sleep. Put those chalks away for now and settle for some rest."

"But what if Angus is irked that I borrowed them?

"Angus isn't going to care. He's not going to use them tomorrow anyway. And besides, i've never known of him to not share with others. It'll be fine," Andrew said, setting the portrait and the chalks aside. "Get some sleep." He turned down the light and went upstairs.

"She's making a fantastic portrait of Minos. Anise loaned her Angus' chalks, and she's adding color now. She's very, very talented. If I were Minos, i'd be impressed," Andrew said. "She's tired, though, so I turned down the light so she could go to sleep for the night. The other girls are heading to bed now too," Andrew said.
Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 23854
Special Abilities : Energy Worker, Medium, Heightened Sensitivity
Occupation : Director of St. Mungos, Owner of Sparks Bistro

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A Birth day - Page 47 Empty Re: A Birth day

Post by Ruby Lyne Tyler Wed Jul 10, 2024 12:42 am

Ruby looked at Marcus and shook her head 2 I didn't know, oh well hes been asked twice now" she said with a chuckle ans saw him take a cookie from the jar " hey some one ahs to keep the cookie monsters fed" she said and chuckled as she then took several out placing them on a plate for him to take with his coffee. " here enjoy" she said.placing them next to his coffee and she went to sit down pulling out her book f creatures she opened it to where she had left off.

Aria moved to check the doors and windows , knowing Marcus wanted to stay close to Angus . Now walking around she locked windows that need to be done and left those that had already been locked " so Marcus you already done your check?" she said as she sat back down with her own coffee then swiped one of the cookies from the plate.
Ruby Lyne Tyler
Ruby Lyne Tyler

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A Birth day - Page 47 Empty Re: A Birth day

Post by Khaat Lupin Wed Jul 10, 2024 12:54 am

"No, not yet," Marcus said. "I rather lost track of time, but I need to do that. I guess it is getting late. I'll go get it done. Thanks." He set his cappuccino down and went to Edward's and started his check. It didn't take him awfully long, but he finished and sat down to finish the last couple swallow of his coffee, yawning.

"You need to go get some sleep, Marcus," Andrew said. "If I need you, I'll call. After all, aren't the Fae on duty tonight?"

"I'm sure the would be if I asked," Marcus said. "I guess I just thought..

"No. Go ask someone to take it for you so you can sleep," Andrew said. Marcus stepped outside and found Minos and asked if they could keep an eye on Angus overnight. He explained he had been up for almost 48 hours and was feeling tired and sleep deprived.  Minos nodded, and he and some of the men immediately flew into the house to stand watch. Minos gave Marcus a gesture that pretty directly meant Minos was shooing him off to bed.

"Minos has the watch," Marcus told Aria yawning. "I think I'm going to head to bed since Minos has it. He'll wake one of us if he needs help. I'll see you upstairs--maybe--if I don't nod off first. Goodnight, Ruby. You need to get some sleep yourself or you'll be no good to Angus tomorrow." He headed upstairs

"He'd never admit it but he looked like he was almost asleep on his feet," Andrew told Ruby. He pulled out a book of complex logic puzzles to have something to do when the house got quiet.
Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 23854
Special Abilities : Energy Worker, Medium, Heightened Sensitivity
Occupation : Director of St. Mungos, Owner of Sparks Bistro

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A Birth day - Page 47 Empty Re: A Birth day

Post by Ruby Lyne Tyler Wed Jul 10, 2024 1:01 am

Aria chuckled as she saw Marcus head to do his checks returning several moment s later and yawn heavily. She sat and listened to Andrew tell Marcus he should go to bed and get Minos to have his watch . Aria and Ruby both nodded to him . Aria chuckled and nodded " if your not , its all good" she said watching as Minos shooed him up stairs , both Ruby and Aria chuckled and nodded to Andrew as he said Marcus looked like he was asleep on his feet " its why I did a cursory check of the house too" she said then stood up " okay I'm heading up night guys" she said and smiled heading up the stairs she walked into their room and moved to slip into bed laying down.

Ruby looked to Andrew and nodded " I'll be going in a bit, still got some cleaning to do" she said as she finished cleaning up the kitchen. Once she was sure it was clean and cleared up she walke dover to Angus. She gently kissed his cheek and smiled " sleep well" she said then smiled to Andrew and Minos " I'#ll be back in the morning, help you self to anything in the kitchen if you need a midnight snack" she said and headed up herself once she retched their room she changed and slipped into the bed her head touching the pillow and a few minuets later she fell asleep.
Ruby Lyne Tyler
Ruby Lyne Tyler

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A Birth day - Page 47 Empty Re: A Birth day

Post by Khaat Lupin Wed Jul 10, 2024 9:55 pm

When sunrise finally came, Andrew was up. He was well acquainted with the routine of this house, so he fell back into it pretty naturally. He had made fresh coffee and tea, had made a version of sausage rolls for breakfast by wrapping cheese and bacon around the sausages before he wrapped them in puff pastry dough, brushed them with an egg wash and then sprinkled flaky sea salt over them and baked them.  He had made a bowl of mixed berries instead of a fruit salad, and a platter of crispy oniony potato cakes. 

While breakfast was baking, since Angus was already awake, he had helped Angus wash up and get into some clean pajama trousers and shave and had brought him a cup of coffee to sip on.  Angus hadn't particularly slept well because of continuing dreams. He had seen some very strange things in his sleep that didn't make any sense to him at all. He wasn't being attacked during the night. It was like watching some movies. He was watching other people being attacked and then dying one by one. His dreams were not soothing little bedtime stories. Angus was glad to have a little quiet to enjoy a few sips of coffee before the day got started.

Then Andrew had let Finn out, fed him, and brought in the papers.  Finn had eaten, and with his belly full now, he curled up on the bed against Angus' leg and went back to sleep. 

Marcus got up, washed, shaved, and dressed and came downstairs. Seeing Angus awake, he took Angus's cup, took it to the kitchen, gave his coffee a warm up, poured coffee for himself, and took Angus' coffee back him, and Finn let out a very satisfied burp. Andrew took breakfast out of the oven, set it on the sideboard and finished setting up the sideboard so people could help themselves.

"How'd you sleep?" Marcus asked, handing Angus's mug back to him.

"Weird dreams," Angus sighed.

"That same woman again?"

"Well, yeah, but it didn't make sense."

"How so?"

"She was doing something to some witches and wizards around her, and, honestly, it looked almost exactly like a dementor. Like she was drawing something off of these people against their will."

"Maybe she was. Do you know who these people were? Did you recognize any of them?"

"No. I didn't, but, if you're right and she's a Tyler relative, I wouldn't recognize any of them, except for Ruby's immediate family."

"You have a point," Marcus said. "I might have to have them show you some of their family photos and see if you recognize any of their other relatives. Not straight away this morning, though. I was going to ask you if Finn had been out yet, but if he hadn't he'd be pestering me to go outside or to feed him."

"Yeah, Andrew took care of that earlier when he was fixing breakfast."
Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 23854
Special Abilities : Energy Worker, Medium, Heightened Sensitivity
Occupation : Director of St. Mungos, Owner of Sparks Bistro

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A Birth day - Page 47 Empty Re: A Birth day

Post by Ruby Lyne Tyler Wed Jul 10, 2024 10:04 pm

Aria woke to see Marcus head down to tend to Angus , quickly showering she got dressed and headed down to the living room " morning" she said as she crossed to pore a cup of tea for herself. " oh breakfast smells great" she said as she took some of the crispy oniony potato cakes now moving to the table so she could eat.

Ruby sat up in the empty bed and looked for Angus but remembered he was down stairs , hearing his voice she relaxed and headed for a shower . Now done she dressed and headed down in a pair of Jeans and tee-shirt with slippers on, she chuckled seeing Finn on the bed with Angus " morning" she said and walke dover to him gently kissing his cheek. " I'll would make you a bowl of fruit and some of those crispy oniony potato cakes I smell but I guess Andrew already fed you." she said with a chuckle walking over to the side board and made her self a plate and cup of tea.

It was now Jess knocked on the door and opened it " hi, I came to relive you Andrew as we agreed" she said walking over to where Angus was laid " how did he sleep."
Ruby Lyne Tyler
Ruby Lyne Tyler

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A Birth day - Page 47 Empty Re: A Birth day

Post by Khaat Lupin Wed Jul 10, 2024 10:18 pm

"Not yet," Marcus said. "I was going to fix his plate. I'm anxious to try one of those bacon and cheese sausage rolls Andrew made. They look great. What would you like, Angus? A bowl of the mixed berries, a potato cake, a sausage roll, or some of each?"

"I don't know that I could do a whole sausage roll," Angus said. "I wouldn't mind trying one but I'm not all that hungry."

"I'll get you a potato cake, just a few berries, and I'll split a sausage roll with you. Fair enough? If you want more of anything, I'll give you more," Marcus said.

"Sounds fine," Angus said.

"'Morning, Jess," Andrew told Jess. "You're just in time for breakfast. There's a pot of coffee, a pot of Earl Grey, and on the sideboard there's a bowl of mixed berries, some potato cakes, and some bacon and cheese sausage rolls. Help yourself."

"I'm just now fixing plates for Angus and myself," Marcus said, putting berries and potato cakes on both plates and cutting a sausage roll in half and splitting it with Angus. Then he took the plates over and gave one to Angus. 

"Angus has had a half a cup of coffee and is working on a full cup now," Andrew said. "He's been cleaned up and given fresh clothes, and I poured his pain potion but I thought I'd wait until he had breakfast to give it to him. Otherwise, it's been a pretty quiet night. He was awake briefly maybe half a dozen times, but not for very long any of the times he's been awake. Oh, and I did check on Poppy. So far as I know, she slept like a log. She barely even moved all night. I know the girls and the guys are up now, though, because I heard them. Shall I fix Poppy's plate and send it down to her before I take off?"
Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 23854
Special Abilities : Energy Worker, Medium, Heightened Sensitivity
Occupation : Director of St. Mungos, Owner of Sparks Bistro

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A Birth day - Page 47 Empty Re: A Birth day

Post by Ruby Lyne Tyler Wed Jul 10, 2024 10:31 pm

Ruby looked at Marcus and smiled " thank you Marcus" she said as she sat and ate her own breakfast. Jess walke dover to Andrew and picked up the clipboard and checked what was on it and noted what Andrew had told her , taking hr hand she placed it on Angus shoulder " but you didn't sleep well" she said noting it down on the board.

Ruby finished eating and headed to the kitchen placing her plate down she moved to Angus " was it about my family again?" shea sked wanting to know since they had heart him in the past and she was not happy about it happening again.

Jessie walked in and yawned smelling Coffee he walke dover to it and pored a mug for himself " oh sweet caffeine." he said and added milk and sugar to it before looking at Marcus and Angus as he headed down back to the storage to continue his search for the information they needed but he paused and looked at every one "Oh, morning guys" he said " just going back to looking again" he said then with mug in hand headed down making Ruby chuckle.

"never a morning person that one" she said as Aria finished her cup and headed to the kitchen and returned empty handed " okay this morning I'm going for a run, ruby want to join me?" she asked and Ruby nodded .

"sure why not" Ruby said smiling as she transfigured her clothing into running gear as did Aria. " won't be long" she said and together they ran off to the track leaving Jess chuckling to herself .

"well that leaves you" she said to Andrew, go rest" she said softly " hes eaten and is awake so not much for you to do now, besides if anything is needed Marcus here will be all to happy to help." she told him placing the clip board back down on the table next to the bed.
Ruby Lyne Tyler
Ruby Lyne Tyler

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A Birth day - Page 47 Empty Re: A Birth day

Post by Khaat Lupin Wed Jul 10, 2024 10:56 pm

"I don't usually sleep well. That's normal for me. It just is what it is," Angus told Jess, shrugging. "I haven't slept well since Suzanne started her crap two years ago." When Ruby asked if he was dreaming about her family again, he sighed. "Well, yes and no, Ru," Angus said. "There was that crazy woman there that I dreamed about the night before last. But, I was only watching. I don't think she noticed I was there. I didn't know the other people in the dream. I haven't seen them before."

"I'll see you all this evening, then," Andrew said, taking his leave.

"Goodnight, Andrew," Angus said, as Andrew left.

The boys came down the steps, dressed and ready to head to fix their breakfast plates, and the girls were no more than a moment behind them, coming upstairs to get their plates ready so they could go to school. Ginger went right ahead and fixed a plate for Poppy and took it downstairs and came back up before fixing her own plate.

"Ginger, I don't know what I'd do without you. Thank you," Marcus said. "You're a great nurse. How is she?"

"Awake and hungry and bored," Ginger laughed. "Oh, and Dad, she still has your chalks. It is okay if she has them yet today?"

"I didn't know she had them but she can keep those," Angus replied. "I have another set upstairs in my closet that I haven't opened yet."

"She'll be excited. She's working on a surprise for Minos," Ginger said. "I think it will impress even you."

"Even me? Like I'm such a tough art critic," Angus laughed.

"You know what I mean. I mean, your sketches are really good," she said.

"I just play around at sketching," Angus said. "I'm not serious about it. Kate is the serious artist."

"Well, just the same, I think you're going to like it."

"I'm sure I will."

"Oh, Jess, if you think she's ready for it, Poppy would like to be able to come upstairs for awhile today so she can see some daylight. The basement room is fine, but there isn't much of a view," Marcus said. "She's hoping to be able to see outside either today while the sun is shining or tonight when the stars are out. If I know her, she'd get far more enjoyment out of stargazing with someone."

"That would be Edward's department. He loves stargazing," Angus said.
Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 23854
Special Abilities : Energy Worker, Medium, Heightened Sensitivity
Occupation : Director of St. Mungos, Owner of Sparks Bistro

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