Marcus poured the wine as Dennis chose to sit in between Ginger and Anise.
"Good grief. I think the last time I saw a spread like this was the last time I ate here with you," Dennis said. "It looks fantastic. I thank you so much for letting me be part of the girls' lives. You didn't have to do that."
"Why wouldn't we?" Angus asked. "You're their dad, and they love you. They want you to be in their lives."
"I am so proud of the beautiful young women they've become," Dennis said. "It really did take me awhile to see it, but their mother was right. They have a much better life as a human than they did living with the pack. They clearly are learning how to defend themselves, and I don't think I could have found better partners for them than Sam and Victor. And now, my little Anise is a school champion, and in one year's time? They've done exceptionally well with you, Ruby and Angus."
"They've done it on their own. They've worked hard, and they've earned it," Angus said. "Anise asked for steak if she won, so we're having steak. They didn't know we were going to invite you."
"But we're glad you did," Ginger beamed. "Thank you."
"Our pleasure," Angus said. "Tuck in, Everyone."
"What's in the mushrooms?" Sam asked.
"Deviled crab," Angus said.
"God, I love crab," Victor said, spearing a mushroom and plopping it on his plate before passing the platter of mushrooms on.
"Does that mean I get your steak, then?" Sam teased.
"You touch my steak, and I'll break your arm," Victor teased back.