A Birth day - Page 99
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A Birth day - Page 99 Li9olo10

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A Birth day

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A Birth day - Page 99 Empty Re: A Birth day

Post by Khaat Lupin Sat Jun 08, 2024 10:13 pm

"You could make some lemonade if you like so it has time to chill," he told her. 

"What if you're rained out?" Marcus asked.

"I'll pan fry the steaks," Angus said. "I'm hoping it clears up, though. We've got some time. We've got at least three or four hours before we need to even start the grill. That's time for this rain to clear off."
He finished prepping his greens and prepped his dressing for his salad and put it all in the fridge. Then he got out two trays. On one, he put his grilling tools, the tongs, the oil, the grill brush, the spray bottle, and a number of platters to put the cooked food on. On the other tray, he put an oilcloth table cloth, tablecloth clips, plates, silverware, napkins and all the rest to take them outside to the deck to set the deck table.
Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 23854
Special Abilities : Energy Worker, Medium, Heightened Sensitivity
Occupation : Director of St. Mungos, Owner of Sparks Bistro

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A Birth day - Page 99 Empty Re: A Birth day

Post by Ruby Lyne Tyler Sat Jun 08, 2024 10:20 pm

Ruby heard Angus and nodded as she stood up and moved to the kitchen with him to make the lemonade, once she had a jug of lemonade she placed it in the fridge to chill ready for when the girls and boys got home, she could not help but pause seeing her wedding band and smile looking at Angus as he continued to place the steaks and cover them with Rub.

Aria watched how he had made the rub and how he now made prepped his dressing for his salad. Picking up some of the silver wear she carried it out to the deck table and helped him lay out the table cloth and set it ready for supper. Ruby walked out and helped Aria lay the table with Angus. She looked at the sky and smiled as she saw blue off in the distance coming towards here they were. " think your right Angus, look blue sky's" she said pointing to where she saw it.
Ruby Lyne Tyler
Ruby Lyne Tyler

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A Birth day - Page 99 Empty Re: A Birth day

Post by Khaat Lupin Sat Jun 08, 2024 10:36 pm

"Well, we're not in the season for the stronger storms here," Angus said. "They're usually shorter lived this time of year."

"Wait a minute," Marcus said, looking off into the distance where Ruby had said she saw blue skies. Marcus saw something else. He reached up and sent an alarm on his medallion. "In the house!" he shouted. "We've got company! Angus, Ruby, Aria in the house" Minos! Bring your Fae in the house now!" Minos sent a shrill alarm of sorts, and the Fae zipped into the house, taking defensive stances around every door and window." 

Angus was already seeing what Marcus was seeing. He hadn't seen magic like this since the second wizarding war. Dark jets of black smoke were speeding towards the estate. This was what the Death Eaters had used to terrorize London. It confirmed what Angus had feared. Suzanne had indeed not been idle while her magic hadn't been bound in Switzerland, and now her hired dark arts fighters were on their way. Angus sounded his alarm as well, hoping to raise even more fighters. Two alarms would surely bring the organization's fighters from Paris and other places.

Angus ran through the house and out the front door to look for his boys. Where were the boys? He saw them out in the corral, trying to slow down the unicorns, who were racing for the barn. 

"Take cover!" Angus shouted to them. "Get inside!" 

"Angus, get inside!" Marcus was shouting.
Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 23854
Special Abilities : Energy Worker, Medium, Heightened Sensitivity
Occupation : Director of St. Mungos, Owner of Sparks Bistro

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A Birth day - Page 99 Empty Re: A Birth day

Post by Ruby Lyne Tyler Sat Jun 08, 2024 10:41 pm

Ruby heard Marcus and looked where he was looking seeing the sight in front of her she looked at Angus when he shouted they should get inside she dove in and over to the babies grabbing both Caprice and Amari, holding them as she held her wand under Caprices butt

Jess ported to Angus as did Jack both hand their wands at the ready seeing the dark Dark jets of black smoke speeding towards the estate. " death eater?" Jack enquired as Lucian appeared in the yard with several of his Aurors he looked at Marcus and Angus with a smug grin.

"we're with you, your in charge." he called to him., each man moved to stand a stance in a line waiting on Angus word.
Ruby Lyne Tyler
Ruby Lyne Tyler

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A Birth day - Page 99 Empty Re: A Birth day

Post by Khaat Lupin Sun Jun 09, 2024 9:19 pm

Angus heard Marcus full well, but every cell in his body was striking out, striking back at whoever these were that were coming for him and his family. He had had enough of Suzanne and all her stupid games. In the midst of the thunder and lightning, he ran out to the yard, his wand drawn, spinning around to face the flyers and taking a stand, wand at the ready.

"Dunno yet. Haven't see these since the war," Angus answered Jack as Marcus dashed out and took his stand right beside Angus. Behind him, he could hear the sound of a lot of apparating. He didn't have to look. These were people who were ready to stand with him. 

Someone ran up to stand beside him on his left. He looked and saw Ana and then Sergio on her left. 

"We're with you too," Ana told him.

"Thank you," he said to both of them. 

"I've about had enough of these little toe rags," Brian had arrived, and he was irked. "Let's get 'em this time."

"Fine by me," Michael said, as he arrived and stood by Brian. Kate came out in the yard, followed by Khaat and Robert. "Can we make quick work of this? I was working on a chocolate souffle."

"I have an idea," Robert shouted. "How do you clear smoke?"

"Wind!" Kate shouted. "Everyone, fire your best Ventus to clear that dark smoke out of here." 

Angus knew the ventus spell, but he didn't use it often. It conjured a hurricane force wind. With all of them here, joining their energies, each of them casting a spell to conjure hurricane force winds, Angus began to have a bit more confidence. How many were here? 20? More? If Angus remembered the war correctly, each of the plumes of black smoke had been an individual death eater. So, he presumed each plume of smoke must surely be an individual flyer today too. With a number of Ventus spells, they wouldn't be able to stay aloft. Kate was right. The flyers wouldn't be able to approach. It would blow them not just off course but far away from here. 

He had so much rage at this moment. Rage at Suzanne, rage at Tom, rage at every one of these flyers, rage at Rita Skeeter, rage at Edward too for this morning's horseshit, and rage just on general principle. He heard himself shouting into the storm at the top of his lungs.

"Ventus Tria!" he bellowed at the top of his lungs, and the energy blasted out of his wand like a bullet out of a gun, with huge energy. 

Kate could feel Angus's energy. The seer in her was sharply activated because of the huge amount of energy Angus was using. From his own vantage point, Robert knew too. He could see it clearly. Kate had not ordered the triple strength Ventus spell because it was so difficult to control, and Robert hoped the rest of his crew were not that foolhardy today. He also knew that this much rage poured through a wand was exceptionally difficult to control. He was watching to be sure Angus didn't blow this. Just in case, he positioned himself up right behind Angus to give Angus a hand if Angus would start to run out of rage. 

Angus heard everyone joining in on the Ventis spell at Kate's direction, and the wind started to stir up with everyone's ventus spells adding power to the wind.

"Aim it at the flyers. Get them out of here," Robert said. Sergio and Ana immediately cast their own Ventus spells, and Marcus closed in tighter to Angus, seeing him trying to do a triple strength Ventus, in case Angus' spell went sideways.
Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 23854
Special Abilities : Energy Worker, Medium, Heightened Sensitivity
Occupation : Director of St. Mungos, Owner of Sparks Bistro

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A Birth day - Page 99 Empty Re: A Birth day

Post by Ruby Lyne Tyler Sun Jun 09, 2024 9:27 pm

Ruby looked at Aria when she saw what was happening and Aria nodded " go" she said and Ruby smiled drawing her Wand she dove out the door to run to stand with Angus her wand pointed to the sky as Angus cast " Ventus" she cast with him her cast not as strong as Angus but still strong she moved her wand to her left hand and took his hand in her own looking at him as she quickly looked up at the sky " no one hurts my family" she said.

Aria picked up Caprice and Amari slipping Amari into a carrier while holding Caprice ready to port away to Colorado or Paris should Angus tell her to.
Ruby Lyne Tyler
Ruby Lyne Tyler

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A Birth day - Page 99 Empty Re: A Birth day

Post by Khaat Lupin Sun Jun 09, 2024 10:07 pm

For all their force, it didn't seem like it was going to be enough for some reason. And then, Evan arrived with Tara, Evie, Faith, Anise and Ginger, all of them, in tow. They took their places in the yard, and Evan fired his Ventus spell. Tara and all the girls joined in with Evan. That seemed to turn things around. The flyers just couldn't break through.

Angus was tiring quickly, which didn't surprise Robert one bit. No one could hold a triple strength Ventus for very long. Robert came up between Angus and Marcus and wrapped his hand around Angus's wand hand to use his healing powers to give Angus some of his own energies to help bolster the spell.

"Focus," Robert told him. "Just a little longer."

"I don't know if I can." Angus told him.

"Yes you can," Robert said. "Focus on control, not on maintaining. Let me release it." Robert focused on purposely drawing Angus's fading energies temporarily into himself so he could release Angus's Ventus safely. He stopped Angus's spell, and then worked on giving Angus's energies back to him. 

Marcus noticed the flyers retreating, unable to fight against the number of Ventus spells. 

"Jack," Michael shouted. "Take your crew now, and go add as much strength as you to the protection grids so we can stop the Ventus spells. We aren't going to be able to keep them up much longer. Try to do it quickly."

"Stay here and do what you can to help," Robert told Marcus and Ruby. "I'm going to take Angus for a bit of energy potion." He apparated out with Angus.

"You heard the man. I guess you're with me for the moment," Marcus told Ruby.
Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 23854
Special Abilities : Energy Worker, Medium, Heightened Sensitivity
Occupation : Director of St. Mungos, Owner of Sparks Bistro

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A Birth day - Page 99 Empty Re: A Birth day

Post by Ruby Lyne Tyler Sun Jun 09, 2024 10:16 pm

Ruby saw Angus waning and moved her hand to around his waist bu glanced at Robert before turning back to what she was doing holding him slightly up with Marcus. Once they saw them leaving she heard Michael and saw Jack and several men run forward all making the barrier shimmer and glow as they added strength to it " ON IT, two to the wets , two to the east rest spread out , reinforce the barrier." Jack shouted to Michael and then his men as each man put part of his magic into the barrier to strength it.

Ruby heard Robert and chuckled at Marcus " looks that way" she said watching Angus leave with Robert but she kept her wand up " Aria has the girls" she said and looked over at Even. Seeing Sergio and Eve she smiled keeping her wand up.
Ruby Lyne Tyler
Ruby Lyne Tyler

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A Birth day - Page 99 Empty Re: A Birth day

Post by Khaat Lupin Sun Jun 09, 2024 10:42 pm

Angus found himself in sickbay, and it jarred him to find himself here.

"Sit for a moment," Robert said. "Now, before you go all panicky, the only reason we're here is because this is where the big bottle of energy potion is, and you might not be the only one who needs a bit." He got the potion out of the cabinet and some disposable potions cups and poured a dose for Angus and one for himself. He turned to give Angus one of the cups and saw his warning was already too late. Angus was already anxious. Robert rolled his eyes at him.

"Seriously? Already?" Robert said.

"Well, you might need to cut me some slack today. This is not how I expected today to go at all. Nor did I think I'd be forced into marriage by my own family, much less that it wouldn't begin to go like anyone ever wanted a wedding to be. Ruby is not going to have any more warm fuzzy feelings about it than I have, I'm quite sure."

"It did solve several problems, though, as much as it wasn't very traditional," Robert said.

"Well, so long as it did that, then I guess that justifies it," Angus said sarcastically.

"Are you going to forgive Edward?"

"Not today, no," Angus said. "And you were in on it because you brought the paperwork. And, clearly, Ruby was in on it as well to some degree. She's never worn an evening gown to breakfast before."

"Not an evening gown. Just a long summer dress," Robert said.

"And you miss my point," Angus said.

"No, I don't believe I did," Robert said. "Now, allow me to make one. Your family showed up in droves just now to risk their own lives and limbs to protect your behind, so I suggest you put all that frustration behind you and show some gratitude when we go back out."

"We need to try to find out who those flyers were so we know who to protect ourselves from."

"That isn't going to be easy now that we've warned them off. Granted, it was the right thing to do, but we might need to wait and see if they strike again so we can see faces. So, how are you feeling now? Better?"

"Yes. Thanks," Angus said.

"It's going to last you perhaps four hours at best. If you intend to last longer than that without sleep, you'll need a second dose. You still should have some left at your place, but it might not be as strong as this was. Still, it would see you through."

"I'm sure there is some somewhere over there," Angus replied, as the two of them walked upstairs. Robert was bringing the energy potion and the disposable cups with him. They walked outside to see that the flyers were gone now.

"At ease," Robert shouted to them. "They're gone. And I have energy potion for anyone who could use a bit of a pick-me-up."
Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 23854
Special Abilities : Energy Worker, Medium, Heightened Sensitivity
Occupation : Director of St. Mungos, Owner of Sparks Bistro

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A Birth day - Page 99 Empty Re: A Birth day

Post by Ruby Lyne Tyler Sun Jun 09, 2024 10:51 pm

Ruby heard Robert and dropped her spell feeling like her legs were jelly she sat down on a chair on the porch " wow, never held one that long" she said to Marcus. she looked at Sergio and ana and smiled " thanks for the assist Ana and you too Sergio" she said smiling then saw the girls.

Now with her strength almost back she stood up slowly and walked over to Anise and hugged her. " well done for you match, I so proud of you, we all knew you'd do it but to win out right , wow" she said smiling to her " Angus has steaks with his special rub on them, and Aria has something for desert but she won't let any one look at it" she chuckled. Jack motioned to his men once the barrier was strengthened to the point not even a mouse could get past it. several men had to be helped to sit while he stood looking at it adding his strength to it before he was satisfied it would hold. Turning to the duplex he walked over to Marcus.

" those things could come back , I'll get men on the guard towers to watch out for them and I'll add men on patrols too, something brought them here" he said .
Ruby Lyne Tyler
Ruby Lyne Tyler

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