A Birth day - Page 50
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A Birth day - Page 50 Li9olo10

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Since every few months or so a few of our old members get the inspiration to revisit their old stomping grounds we have decided to keep PA open as a place to revisit old threads and start new ones devoid of any serious overarching plot or setting. Take this time to start any of those really weird threads you never got to make with old friends and make them now! Just remember to come say hello in the chatbox below or in the discord. Links have been provided in the "Comings and Goings" forum as well as the welcome widget above.

A Birth day

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A Birth day - Page 50 Empty Re: A Birth day

Post by Ruby Lyne Tyler Sun Jul 02, 2023 1:03 am

Ruby nodded and felt him aperate them back home , as soon as she could she moved to the kitchen and grabbed the med kit. Returning she saw his wound and began cleaning it as Edward walked in. " she chuckled at Angus assesment " would have liked to have turned her into a bug personaly" she said softly as she wiped away blood and placed a dressing over the wound. "I cleaned it and the dressing should hold until Jess or Khaat can take a look and close it later" she said moving to wash her hands and pack away the med kit.

Looking at the shirt in the wash basket she sighed and shook her head " angus I think that shirt is beyond repair" she said and held it up " Im good at washing but not that good" she chuckled as she placed it now in the bin " we'll buy a new one for you" she said turning on the kettle to make tea for every one knowing it had been a very emotional day for every one.
Ruby Lyne Tyler
Ruby Lyne Tyler

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A Birth day - Page 50 Empty Re: A Birth day

Post by Khaat Lupin Sun Jul 02, 2023 1:17 am

"Oh. I guess I didn't pay much attention," Angus laughed. "Sorry. I lose more shirts that way. Thanks. At least I won't leak on the furniture." He scribbled a note to Andrew and sent it as a paper bird to the main house. It wasn't more than a moment or two until Andrew apparated over. He knocked and then let himself in, finding Angus in his jeans with no shirt and a fresh dressing on his shoulder.

"I thought I heard you were at St. Mungos," Andrew said.

"We were. Roberts' out. He's safe. They're tending to him," Angus said.

"I was just working on putting a bag together for him," Andrew said.

"Do him a favor, would you?" Angus asked. "You can brush the teeth on an unconscious person, can't you?"

"Certainly. Why do you ask?"

"When you go there, please take the time and brush his teeth thoroughly for him."


"Because when Evelyn tied and gagged him, she stuffed her old nasty knickers into his mouth to keep him quiet. Never mind that he was already unconscious."

"Ewwww," Andrew was completely disgusted. "You have my word, Angus. I'll do better than that. I'll take some good mouthwash and make sure that I do that as well. It'll be as clean as I can get."

"Thank you," Angus said. "I don't think any of us want to know where all Evelyn has been."

"Does Marcus know?"

"Not yet. I need to find him too," Angus sighed. "But apparently they're going to be taking her to Azkaban. I feel for Marcus's kids. They shouldn't have to deal with that."

"Yeah, but they've got a good dad and some great grandparents. They'll be fine."

"Oh, if Nigel comes to tend to Robert, he might want a room for a bit. Can you ask Shannon to get a room ready for him just in case?"

"Of course," Andrew said. "I'll go talk to her and then take Robert's things to him and check on Kate.'

"Thanks," Angus said, and Andrew left.

"You should get double points for bagging not just a hussy but a filthy hussy," Edward said, as disgusted as Andrew had been.
Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 23244
Special Abilities : Energy Worker, Medium, Heightened Sensitivity
Occupation : Director of St. Mungos, Owner of Sparks Bistro

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A Birth day - Page 50 Empty Re: A Birth day

Post by Ruby Lyne Tyler Sun Jul 02, 2023 1:23 am

Ruby chuckled and nodded as she poured two cups of tea and walked over to Angus then saw Andrew enter the room handing him a cup of tea she moved to make a third. Hearing Angus talk about Eveyln and what she'd used to gag Robert she pulled a face and gagged.

"Eww, he might need a tetanus shot after that instead." she said quickly taking a sip of her tea as she moved to sit down with a chuckle " I agree, she is certaily now a woman in my eyes" she said " and Im glad Marcus is done with her, she was and is quite nuts, one good thing is that he now has gounds for divorce and it will go smoothly for him and the kids." she added
Ruby Lyne Tyler
Ruby Lyne Tyler

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A Birth day - Page 50 Empty Re: A Birth day

Post by Khaat Lupin Sun Jul 02, 2023 3:05 am

"If Robert doesn't remember, you gonna tell him?" Edward asked as Ruby handed out tea mugs.

"Bless you, Ru. I needed this. No," Angus replied. "What purpose would it serve but to humiliate him? I see no good that could come from it."

"I tend to agree with you," Edward said. "I think the fewer people who know, the better. You know, as a healer, he might be a bit more tolerant of it than the rest of us would be. He wouldn't expect to catch anything from it, after all."

"Well, no, but he is also a fastidiously clean man," Angus said. "He might not be as tolerant of it as you think. There is a certain limit that we all have, and maybe that's one of his. I guess we won't know until he wakes. Where's Simone and Caprice?"

"She took her upstairs to our bathroom for a bath just before you lot got home. I'm sure they're probably done by now. She got a bit messy when we got home. Simone made some cookies, and she was icing them when 'someone' who shall remain nameless got their little mitts into one of the cookies with fresh icing and had icing and crushed up cookie everywhere. In her hair, all over her clothes, all over her face, and flung it all over our kitchen. She did get a little of it in her mouth, I think but nearly all the rest of that wet, gooey cookie is currently plastered all over my kitchen."

"Oh, God," Angus sighed. "I'll clean it up in half a tick."

"No, no. No real harm done. I'll set a cleaning up spell shortly. I just heard you lot and I came to see how things went at St. Mungo's. It isn't a calamity. It's just a cookie..." As he was speaking, Marcus arrived. He had clearly heard something that had him a bit rattled.

"I stopped to get some clean clothes in my room in the main house, and they said Evelyn caused some sort of major incident at St. Mungo's. They said you were both there and I should talk to you. What happened?" Marcus asked.

"Come sit," Edward said calmly. "It might take a moment to brief you."

"What's she done this time?" Marcus said, going over and sitting. Edward got up and poured Marcus a firewhiskey and set it down in front of him. Angus briefed Marcus on the situation with as much as they knew. Marcus was upset. He sipped on his firewhiskey, not saying a word for a moment, trying to take it all in and not sure what to do first.

"I think we might well see Barnett yet today," Angus said. "She may want the backstory on how I'm connected to Evelyn. Otherwise, her paperwork isn't going to make much sense."

"I presume they really are taking Evelyn to Azkaban this time, and the sad thing is that if she got back on her medication, she might be relatively harmless again. Azkaban isn't the place for her."

"Well, she'll have to be processed and held there until there is some sort of wizengamot hearing, I expect," Angus said. "Depending on how that goes, perhaps they'll return her to St. Mungo's. I don't know. Or maybe they'll send her to some other facility. Robert's opinion on her medical state will weigh heavily on that matter, I expect.

"I need to go talk to my parents and my kids," Marcus sighed. "It'll be all over the papers, and Honeydukes will be inundated with people wanting gossip. Thank you--for taking her alive and not killing her."

"I didn't even consider killing her. I only wanted to stop her,": Angus said. "You want us to go with you to Hogsmeade?"

"No. it's not necessary," Marcus said. "You sure you're alright?"

"I'm fine. Ruby tended it when we got home. It's nothing. Really," Angus said. "If they need someplace to escape the harassment, bring them here. They'd be protected from all that here on the estate."

"I'll keep it in mind," Marcus said. "Thanks."  He went over and looked at Angus's shoulder, peeking under the dressing Ruby had put on. Then he went upstairs and came back with a magic wrap, put it on Angus's shoulder and set it to alternate from cool to heat and back again. Angus winced as Marcus applied it. "It's always that shoulder, isn't it? If you don't ice it, it's going to really bruise. This'll help. You know Nigel will be along to see it once he gets Robert tended. I'll try to be back by then. Try to keep him in one piece til I get back, won't you, Ruby?" He cast her an amused grin.

"Next time, I'll try to lean into the wrench so that I protect my shoulder with my head, shall I?" Angus teased.

"Oh, sure. You do that," Marcus laughed, amused, finishing his firewhiskey before he left. "See you in a bit." He apparated out.

"Well, at least he was a little better when he left," Angus said.
Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 23244
Special Abilities : Energy Worker, Medium, Heightened Sensitivity
Occupation : Director of St. Mungos, Owner of Sparks Bistro

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A Birth day - Page 50 Empty Re: A Birth day

Post by Ruby Lyne Tyler Mon Jul 03, 2023 12:21 am

Ruby smiled to Edward as she sat with her own cup and listened to the two of them talking. On hearing Caprice's adventure with the Cookie she chuckled " typical kid thing" shes aid softly then saw Marcus walk in and they spoke to him about what had happened . It was only a few moments when she saw Aria walk in and look at Marcus the to Angus.

" sorry to be a nucance, but I realy need to know the full story behind Evelyn." she said looking to Marcus " your the husband Im guessing." she said and looked at Marcus " well shes been evalusted and shes going to a top mntal facility, we need your signature to hold her further." she said " she's adanger to herself and others, there she will get treatment and care she needs." she took out of her breast pocket a semi thick file and paperwork " this is the evaluers report , I brought a copy so you can read for your selves, and is that one of Roberts teas," she asked as Ruby stood up and moved to make her a cup. Aria thnked Ruby as she took the cup and drank it slowly. " he realy does make the best tea's, oh any new on how hes doing , all the healers kept us away after you left." she added
Ruby Lyne Tyler
Ruby Lyne Tyler

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A Birth day - Page 50 Empty Re: A Birth day

Post by Khaat Lupin Tue Jul 04, 2023 1:32 am

"I am," Marcus replied. He took the file from Barnett and skimmed it. "Well, I could have saved you the evaluation if I hadn't been out of town overnight. My apologies. She's had stacks of those done over the years, stacks of hospitalizations, and stacks of providers. I've actually got a whole file cabinet of past records of hers at home. She's been on just about every muggle medicine and wizarding potion that they know of. They've tried literally everything. I've got a big list of it all and how it didn't work. What does does best one particular mix of things. It's a combination of muggle and wizard things, and I wrote that list down for Robert on her admission paperwork when I completed it. The muggle meds don't work as quickly as the wizard meds. They need a full month of her taking them consistently to build up on her bloodstream before they actually help, but when she gets past that, and if she's consistent, she's not violent. She can still make impulsive choices when she's on her meds, but she's not violent then. I did warn St. Mungo's she can be quick and violent until her meds take hold. They knew. Right now, she just hasn't had long enough to get back on her meds." Marcus had no intention of giving her all that history at the same time. It was a long history. He knew this conversation might take a minute.

"We haven't heard anything about Robert yet, but I'm sure Michael will send us word when he knows. He and Brian and Khaat were going to stay with Kate," Angus said. "The healer Robert uses is a Brit who lives in New York these days. Jess was going to send for him. The last I knew, Robert hired him at St. Mungo's as a consultant so that he has St. Mungo's privileges on an as needed basis, and usually, while he's in London, he stays here on this estate or over at Robert's farm since he and Robert are friends. I think you met him the last time you were here. His name is Nigel Sigworth."

"You should know, Barnett, that my relationship with my wife is entirely loveless," Marcus told her. "We've been separated now for almost twenty years. It's not a pleasant story. I have sole custody of all five of my children--four of which I had with Evelyn. My children have no relationship with her, nor do they want one. The only reason I've not divorced her is it gives someone some means to look after her a bit when she goes off the rails--which she does incessantly. We were already married when she developed her illness, so it was just legally easier if I stayed married. However, my children are old enough now to render their opinion on her, and they have made it more than abundantly clear that they want her permanently out of their lives and mine. I told them I would talk to a lawyer, but I have yet to do that."

Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 23244
Special Abilities : Energy Worker, Medium, Heightened Sensitivity
Occupation : Director of St. Mungos, Owner of Sparks Bistro

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A Birth day - Page 50 Empty Re: A Birth day

Post by Ruby Lyne Tyler Tue Jul 04, 2023 8:57 pm

Aria listened to Marcus and nodded "it's fine we have to do our own for the paper work, but thank you for the information" she added as she sipped her tea. Listening more to him talking she nodded to his words "Hum, makes sense to how she is acting and given her history." she looked to Angus as he spoke of Nigel and nodded " I'll pass on the word has to be not detained but sent right in to Robert when he arrives." she told Angus.

Looking back to Marcus as he spoke again she sat and listened to him talk about his life with Evenyn and she nodded "Well you should be commended for being with her this long" she said then heard him mention his children " as hard as it is to make that choice seeing she is their mother , for her and them both its the right one, for her sanity and their safty." she said then looked at him " I've seen familys broken up and resentment set in because one could not acept what the other was going threw and they focused their anger on the child, did not end well" she said truthfully.

Ruby refilled each glass and cup and smiled to Aria as she placed her hand gently on the Aurors shoulder. " well, we do what we can for our family, even if its a hard choice to make." she added and looked to Angus with a smile.
Ruby Lyne Tyler
Ruby Lyne Tyler

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A Birth day - Page 50 Empty Re: A Birth day

Post by Khaat Lupin Tue Jul 04, 2023 9:41 pm

"if I know Nigel, he's there already. He's not the sort of bloke who takes no for an answer to anything ever," Angus said. "He's even a lot more rigid than Robert is."

"I was doing espionage work early in my marriage," Marcus said, "and when we started a family, I didn't feel I had a choice but to stay with it because the pay was entirely too good to give up. Things did get rocky after our twins were born, and then we had our daughter and another son. The twins were about 4, our daughter was 2, and our youngest was still a baby when I came home from a mission and found Evelyn had simply gone. She left--2 days earlier, and she left our kids--all four of them--entirely alone with no caretaker at all. I needed a good deal of help, and I talked to my parents. To this day, the kids live with them above Honeydukes, and I take them on the weekends. I do have a couple of places, believe it or not, but the Lupins have always welcomed children, mine included. I see them every single chance I get. I provide well for them, and when I'm working, my parents take care of them. We're as close as we can be under the circumstances. Truth be told, the twins are old enough that they remember their mother walking out on them, and they hate her. My daughter has a few sketchy memories of it, but my youngest was too little. He was only maybe about the age that Caprice is now. Evelyn has always blamed me, saying I took the kids from her, but in point of fact, she abandoned them. I think part of why I didn't divorce is because in my own addled thinking, I thought they were better if they had two parents. Well, clearly I was wrong because they have very strong feelings about their mother, and they were quick to set me straight about it. They want her gone from their lives and mine--for good. So I'm taking their advice."
Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 23244
Special Abilities : Energy Worker, Medium, Heightened Sensitivity
Occupation : Director of St. Mungos, Owner of Sparks Bistro

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A Birth day - Page 50 Empty Re: A Birth day

Post by Ruby Lyne Tyler Tue Jul 04, 2023 9:55 pm

Aria listened to Angus and nodded knowing it was probably true. It was now she recived a note threw the floor and she nodded as she read it writing a response she sent it back " sorry about that he's arrived I sent a request to my men to do anything he needed and yes Jess is helping him." she said then heard Marcus talking again " sounds like they had a father who loved them and I found that one parent who would do anything for their children is worth a lot more than one who just doesn't care, you are an exception Mr Belby" she said and listened to him talk of his children and how Evelyn had just up and left them alone at those words she shook her head gently at the thoughts and images that entered her head.

The more she listened the more she understood why he had stayed with her, it was more to help the kids and now that they were old enough to voice there own thoughts he once again was doing right by them and leaving her for the good of his kids. " well if you need anything offical done, feel free to call on me and my men" she said and nodded to him.
Ruby Lyne Tyler
Ruby Lyne Tyler

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A Birth day - Page 50 Empty Re: A Birth day

Post by Khaat Lupin Tue Jul 04, 2023 10:11 pm

"Thank you," Marcus said. "Oh, and you might be hearing for a specialist in Switzerland named Burnstein. He has a private clinic there, and I believe he just added another building for lockdown cases like Evelyn's. At any rate, I sent a letter to him early this morning, before all this happened, to him to give him all the particulars and to see if I couldn't arrange some sort of long term stay there."

"That will be expensive, Marcus," Angus frowned.

"if it keeps her safe? I don't know if I dare rule it out," Marcus said. "Especially not after the last few days of this nonsense. If that's the facility that can keep her contained, then I guess I'll have to work espionage or protections for the damned rest of my life."

"Let's wait and see what Jeffrey says, or if the authorities will even consider Jeffrey," Angus said. "A certain amount of Evelyn's situation is out of your hands now."

"I still say if they get her back on her meds, it will be a night and day difference in her," Marcus replied. "When Robert is up to it, I'm sure he can vouch for Jeffrey's skills, Barnett. I can give you contact information for him if you need it..."

At that moment a red howler fluttered out of the floo and flittered over to Angus, and out of it came Suzanne's angry, unhinged voice.

"Who did you bribe, Angus Donohue?" the voice demanded. "You deserved to have kidnapping charges file on you for what you did, and the police told me there was nothing they could do! Did you buy them too?"

"Oh good god," Angus sighed, as the howler continued to rant at him, calling him all sorts of obscene names before it blew up in a small display of fireworks and ash and fluttered to the floor.
Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 23244
Special Abilities : Energy Worker, Medium, Heightened Sensitivity
Occupation : Director of St. Mungos, Owner of Sparks Bistro

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