Night, Emily
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Night, Emily Li9olo10

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Since every few months or so a few of our old members get the inspiration to revisit their old stomping grounds we have decided to keep PA open as a place to revisit old threads and start new ones devoid of any serious overarching plot or setting. Take this time to start any of those really weird threads you never got to make with old friends and make them now! Just remember to come say hello in the chatbox below or in the discord. Links have been provided in the "Comings and Goings" forum as well as the welcome widget above.

Night, Emily

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Night, Emily Empty Night, Emily

Post by Emily Night Mon May 22, 2023 6:04 am

Night, Emily Tumblr_lz4n9qNGJ71r7q98fo3_250
Name: Emily Selene Night
Age: 15
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Member Name: Krissu

Play By: Ashley Tisdale
Appearance: She was born with blonde hair like her father, but her hair is curly like her mother's brown hair. She has her mother's eyes, which are brown in color. She looks a lot like her parents, actually more like her mother, that people tend to say to her. Emily sometimes likes to straighten her hair or even make it look more curly. It depends on her mood and where she is going.
Her height is quite average for her age. Since she often feels short, she tends to wear high heels most of the time. She doesn't really wear any other shoes, but when they are needed, she wears sneakers. She wears flats sometimes too, but mostly high heels that are 5cm or longer.
She is quite skinny and thin. People say that she may even look too thin, and that she might even be underweight, but she isn't. She actually weighs enough as she needs to and she eats well. She isn't one to go on diets like most girls her age. She just doesn't go easily chubby or anything like most girls.
She wears dresses most of the time, but she doesn't say no to jeans and other pants. She can wear skirts too when there isn't a dress to wear. She loves (read: loves) pink, so you can see her wearing pink clothes most of the time with black, white, and other colors that look good with pink.

Rumors Known About Character:
  • Always acts like a bitch
  • Never cares about anyone else but herself
  • Flirts with everyone

Old bio:

Early Years: Emily was born on July 12th to Serena Monton and Erik Night. Her parents weren't yet married when she was born. They married two years later but they still didn't change Emily's father's name since they were engaged at the time. Since she was young, Emily always got what she wanted and when she wanted it. She just needed to ask once and her parents gave it to her already. She was very spoiled. She always did things her own way, her parents never really told her what to do since they really never had that much time for her. She was raised by nannies most of the time, whom she hated very much. She wanted to spend time with her mother or father or both. She has never really been that friendly or sweet with people, mostly mean and rude. Even if there were times when she was friendlier and sweeter than she is now. She had her first pet, a small dog named Nessy, when she was six as a birthday present. She became her best friend then. They would hang out most of the time alone and she knew many secrets about the girl, but she died in a car accident when she was twelve. At her muggle school, she was very popular with people and also the meanest one there. People liked to be her friend rather than her enemy, so most of them were fake. Most of them were friends because of her money, fame, and so on, but Emily knew it and never said it out loud. She was basically the ruler of her school. Everything went her way most of the time.

Hogwarts Years:
First Year: To be honest Emily's first year was an interesting one for sure. She always tried her best to fit in here. She was always mean and rude to everyone as always. This just was who she was. She was nice only when she really needed something from you. She was sorted into Slytherin's house. Coming here to Hogwarts wasn't really a surprise to her. She had known about magic since she was a young kid. The girl acted like she was a pureblood kid, even if actually her family is halfblood.
Second year: Once the second year came she seemed to have some friends here and there. But mostly those were people who just were kind of afraid of her. They just pretended to be her friends, so she wouldn't be too mean to them. Anyways she was very used to life like that. She never really had any friends in the first place in her life. Anyways she always seemed to tell what was in her mind, without any filter here.
Third year: Nothing much new happened here. All she did was just for herself. She seemed to have pretty decent grades. Homework was done by others but her tests were done by herself of cheating off of her friends. She was a lot smarter than people might think. She just never wanted to stand out with it.
Fourth year: Well it went by pretty fast for her. She barely remembers anything from it.
Fifth year: Currently the year where she is in.
Adult Years: Not here yet.
Emily Night
Emily Night

Number of posts : 111

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Night, Emily Empty Re: Night, Emily

Post by Khaat Lupin Mon May 22, 2023 12:18 pm

She looks good to me, Krissu. Accepted and sorted to Slytherin. Smile
Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 23854
Special Abilities : Energy Worker, Medium, Heightened Sensitivity
Occupation : Director of St. Mungos, Owner of Sparks Bistro

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