Evan Donohue
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Evan Donohue Li9olo10

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Since every few months or so a few of our old members get the inspiration to revisit their old stomping grounds we have decided to keep PA open as a place to revisit old threads and start new ones devoid of any serious overarching plot or setting. Take this time to start any of those really weird threads you never got to make with old friends and make them now! Just remember to come say hello in the chatbox below or in the discord. Links have been provided in the "Comings and Goings" forum as well as the welcome widget above.

Evan Donohue

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Evan Donohue Empty Evan Donohue

Post by Evan Donohue Fri May 12, 2023 6:46 pm

Evan Albert Donohue
Name:Evan Donohue
Class: Wizard

Mother:Benjamin Donohue (deceased) werewolf at time of death
Father: Eileen Donohue (deceased) werewolf at time of death
Brother(s): Angus Donohue 34--lives in England
                          Tyler Donohue 31--lives in Tuscany
Sister(s): Olivia Donahue-Whitt, 28, sister--lives in Tuscany
                        Tracy Donahue-Simmons, 26, sister--lives in Tuscany
Other:Edward Donohue--(grandfather)--71--lives in Tuscany
                   Caprice Donohue--(grandmother)decreased
                   Simone Salazar Donohue--step grandmother--lives in England
                   Caprice Donohue--age 3 months--niece--Angus's daughter
                   Sam Donohue--age 17--Angus's adopted son
                   Victor Donohue--age 17--Angus's adopted son
                   Ruby Tyler--Angus's partner
                   Tara Starling Donohue--30--Evan's wife
                   Evie Donohue--14 Evan's daughter
                   Faith Donohue--13--Evan's daughter

Playby: Tom Hiddleston
Hair: medium dark brown to light brown, depending on how much he's been in the Tuscan sun
Eyes: blue--he's often told he has his grandmother Caprice's eyes.
Build: lanky
Skin: Caucasian
Clothes: rugged elegance
Overall Appearance: Evan is a hardworking homebody, so most of the time he's in work jeans, a denim shirt, and trainers. He is far less muscular than his older brother Angus, but he is deceptively strong from the hard physical work he enjoys in his grandfather's vineyard and olive orchard. He does make attempts to keep his naturally curly hair in order, but once he starts working, his hair does whatever it wants. Evan is most often recognized as the Donohue that has a perpetual bright smile and an enthusiastic love of life, particularly the Tuscan coastal life he has on his grandfather's estate. He is a doting, hands-on father and he is completely devoted to his wife, Tara.

Nationality: British
Good Qualities: passionate about life, intellectual, well read, loyal, honest, highly intelligent,
Bad Qualities:(At least three) a bit of a dreamer (wants to be as adventurous as his brother), conflict avoidant, somewhat introverted except around family
Likes:(At least three) the sound of rain, being at home, sailing, working, family, reading, grilling, gardening, fine wines, Tuscan cuisine
Dislikes:(At least three) dark arts of any kind, winter, conjured foods or muggle fast foods, ruffles or anything frou frou looking, except perhaps on his girls.
Fears: His deepest fear is the idea of losing any of his family members. He also has a fairly strong fear of failure and a failure of messing something up as a parent
General Personality: Evan is the Donohue most recognized for his vibrant bright smile and his contagious laugh. He is the fun loving Donohue, but at the same time, he really does hate parties, weddings, funerals--big gatherings--except if it is with family. He's slightly socially awkward that way. He is an early riser, is a homebody, and has always been a very present, hands-on father. He is learning to take fitness more seriously, influenced by his big brother--and he's trying to discipline himself to start running in the very early mornings like Angus does. He does like gardening, and he and Tara have put in a kitchen garden of sorts in their back yard. He runs Edward's vineyard, winery, and olive press operations, and he is widely loved by the employees and the people of the Tuscan village where Edward's large estate is because Evan is so down to earth and generous. He treats the employees like family, and they have learned that if they have some family catastrophe, Evan is someone they can count on to be one of the very first to be there to offer whatever support the family needs most. He very much wants to be a strong fighter and muscular adventurer like his big brother is, but, frankly, he is cut from a different cloth.

Early Years: Evan was born the second of four children to Benjamin and Eileen Donohue. Benjamin and Eileen were neither present or engaged with any of their children. Benjamin worked in Edward's charter yacht company because it gave him access to a luxurious, high lifestyle, and Eileen liked it as much as he did. And, Eileen truly liked being pregnant because of the attention it gave her in their wealthy social circles. They had been exceptionally cruel and negligent with Angus, and Edward and Caprice had taken legal custody of Angus before Evan was born, legally making Angus a weird brother-uncle, if one were to be specific about it. As Evan and Angus were to learn later, Eileen had originally had trouble getting pregnant and had sought out a dark arts practitioner to give her a potion that helped her get pregnant to Angus. She continued to use that same potion to have the other three children. Because of the severe neglect Angus had experienced, Edward made strong threats to both Benjamin and Eileen that if they did not provide for their children, not only would he take all the children, but he would also disown him, fire him from the family business and remove him from the family compound. Benjamin and Eileen then employed nannies to raise the children until they were old enough to ship off to boarding schools. It created some significant distance between Angus and his siblings, but Evan had always had a need and a desire to get to know Angus, a need that has never been possible to pursue as fully as he has wanted until recently.

Hogwarts Years: Evan desperately wanted to be a Gryffindor like his grandfather and his brother Angus, and wanted nothing to do with Slytherin because it had been the house that both his father and mother had been in. He did his best to try to think solely about the fearlessness of a Gryffindor at the hat ceremony, and the hat actually laughed at him and told him that he was just too nice to be a Gryffindor, and then sorted him into Hufflepuff. It took him a few years after graduation before he was able to admit that the hat had been right.

It was, however, in Hufflepuff where he met the girl who later would be his wife, Tara Starling. She took his breath away. She wasn't initially all that impressed with Evan, but by the time they were finishing their third years, they were smitten with each other. Things had gone rather well and routinely for the two of them, until, at the Yule Ball in their sixth year, they slipped away from the ball itself for a moment alone, and when romance got carried away, they ended up deflowering each other in a broom closet. By Easter that year, it was abundantly obvious that Tara was pregnant, much to Evan's utter horror. Tara's parents were furious, washed their hands of Tara, and insisted that Evan take Tara in and take full care of her and the baby, despite the fact that they were juveniles. Benjamin was impressed by Evan's prowess, and Eileen didn't care because it wasn't her pregnancy. In fact, Benjamin bragged about it with his uppity friends about how his son was already dutifully "sewing his wild oats like a good Donohue should." Tara spent that summer living, as a couple, with Evan at Benjamin and Eileen's house. The nannies had long since been discontinued since the children were older, and the house had just a housekeeper to run things while Benjamin and Eileen carried on a wizarding jet-set lifestyle. Tara gave birth to their first child, Evie, a month early, at the beginning of August in that year, right before their seventh year.

Edward took legal guardianship of Evie temporarily because Evan and Tara were still juveniles, and he kept Evie at his home in Tuscany while Evan and Tara went back to school to finish. Edward cared for the child, along with Angus' help, and the help of Edward's housekeeper Rosaria and his manservant, Carlo (Rosaria's husband.)

Things were going well, almost too well, for Evan and Tara back at Hogwarts, and Evan gave Tara a diamond engagement ring at Christmas, promising to marry her. They both stopped caring whether Tara got pregnant again or not since they were going to marry anyway, and, of course, she ended up pregnant again almost straight away.

After Hogwarts / Adult: Upon graduation, Evan went to work at Edward's olive orchards and olive mill, and he begged Edward to help him and Tara with a place of their own. Edward allowed them to rent the pool house temporarily, and he helped them plan to build a modest home of their own on Edward's estate. Evan and Tara both turned eighteen that summer, and Evan married Tara on her eighteenth birthday in a ceremony at the local town hall, with Angus as his best man, and Rosaria as the maid of honor. The very moment they were married, they moved out of Benjamin and Eileen's house and moved temporarily in with Edward and Angus at Edward's house. Faith Donohue was born in the pool house that year in the first week of September, in during a heat wave in Tuscany. With adulting now fully weighing on both of them, they decided that, at least for now, their two daughters were more than enough for them to deal with.

Evan has continued to work for Edward, and he runs the winery. Since the deaths of Benjamin and Eileen, he has also stepped into his father's shoes running Edward's luxury yacht charter operations. Tara went to work for the olive orchard and the olive oil mill when the girls were old enough to start school, and she now runs the olive oil operation. They remain content with their little family, and now that Angus has become a father with a new baby, two adopted teen boys and two foster teen girls, Evan is making a much stronger effort to get to know his brother Angus, Angus's children, and his partner Ruby.

RP Experience:a wee bit
Other Characters:Um...you really need a list?
How did you find us?:I live here
RP Sample:skipping off to go do a real rp. Buh bye!
Evan Donohue
Evan Donohue
Hufflepuff Graduate
Hufflepuff Graduate

Number of posts : 1

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Evan Donohue Empty Re: Evan Donohue

Post by Jack Dyllan Sun May 14, 2023 1:40 am

I fixed this up with the new template stuff, hope you don't mind. Love having Tom Hiddleston on the site, always a plus! Evan seems lovely <3

Jack Dyllan
Jack Dyllan
Sixth Year Gryffindor
Sixth Year Gryffindor

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Evan Donohue Empty Re: Evan Donohue

Post by Khaat Lupin Sun May 14, 2023 3:37 am

Bless you! That coding was making me nuts, and you know, if I tried to fix it, I'd just make a complete train wreck of it. I hope I get to use Evan for some stuff, I'm genuinely excited about him.
Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
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Evan Donohue Empty Re: Evan Donohue

Post by Cosmo Barbary Sun May 14, 2023 3:38 am

I've gotchu <3 We should thread him with Josie, they are around the same age and both well-travelled/well-connected!
Cosmo Barbary
Cosmo Barbary
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Evan Donohue Empty Re: Evan Donohue

Post by Khaat Lupin Sun May 14, 2023 4:12 am

Sounds awesome!
Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 24234
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Occupation : Director of St. Mungos, Owner of Sparks Bistro

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