Monetz, Cecilie Emilie
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Monetz, Cecilie Emilie Li9olo10

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Monetz, Cecilie Emilie

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Monetz, Cecilie Emilie Empty Monetz, Cecilie Emilie

Post by Cecilie Montez Fri Mar 24, 2023 1:14 am

Monetz, Cecilie Emilie Tumblr_mgqohq2B1l1r308ppo1_500
Cecilie Emilia Montez
Name: Cecilie Emilie Montez
Nicknames: CeCe, Cemi, Em, Emili, Lie. Most of time just CeCe or Cece.
Age: 16
Class: Witch
Blood: Halfblood
House: Gryffindor


Mother: Cecilia Montez (nee Santiago) 38, Healer, Ex-Ravenclaw, Halfblood
Father:  Micheal Montez 39, Muse Montez (music shop) owner, Muggle
Brother(s):  Carlos Sander Montez 11, Slytherin, Halfblood
Sister(s): Carola Andrea Montez 11, Ravenclaw, Halfblood
Other:  Aunts, Uncles and their children and so on.


Playby: Im Yoona
Hair: Dark Brown
Eyes: Brown
Height: 168cm
Build: Slim
Overall Appearance: Ceclie has dark brown hair, which is curly and that comes to her naturally. She does at times strighten her hair, just when she feels like doing it soo, most days she is just too lazy to deal with it since it takes so much effort. To be honest she likes her curls actually. She is blessed with brown eyes too, which she seems have gotten from her father. The girl is about 168 cm, which isn't that bad for height fir her. She has some family members who are talled than her. She quite slim, she loves to take care of her body and same time she doesn't gain weight very easily. She can eat sweets and not worry gaining too much weight. She has never been one to do much of exricing in her free time.
When it comes to her clothes then she has never been very picky. She always warn something she likes and does fit to her, comfortable for her. She will always wear at class times her uniform. At her free time you will see her mostly in dresses or skirts. She just loves to dress quite girly. When neded she can wears jeans and other pants too but it happena barely. She also loves to wear high heels when ever she gets the chance, even yeah she isn't against wearing some comfy sneakers too.
Makeup has never been CeCe's thing, she loves to look natural as she is. Yes there is times when she puts on some lipgloss and mascara. There as times when she has painted her nails too but just it never lasts for her long, so she hates painting them. She has some jewellery but she barely wears them, they just have been gifts from people.


Nationality: Korean-American
Good Qualities:
01. Friendly
02.  Calm
03. Trustful
04. Loyal
05. Brave
06. Smart
07. Patien
Bad Qualities:
01. Doesn't show her feeling all the time
02. Hate criticism
03. Can be mean too sometimes. Only then when people are mean with her.
04. Doesn't show her emotions out always too.
05. Stubborn
L1. Reading books
L2. Strawberries
L3. Chocolate
L4. Sleeping
L5. Rain
L6. Good grades
L7. Cats
L8. Nature
L9. Color pink
L10. Color Green
L11. Starwberris
L12. Animals
D1. Spiders
D2. Bad grades
D3. Criticism
D4. Bullies
D5. Mean girls/boys
D6. Being alone
D7. Nightmares
Fears:  Being alone (Middle of nowhere)
General Personality: Cecilie has grown up to be this friendly and kind girl but just that she can be bit too shy around people she doesn't know very well. The girl just has major trust issues since it the past people used some info against her and pushed her away. So ever since then she has become very guarded for sure, she doesn't very often share her personal info very easily. She just tries to be very careful with it. She cares very much about people around her and if you end up hurting her friends or family, then she could very easily to do the same. She just is very trustworthy and loyal to them. This girl for sure can keep her promises, once you have promised something to her, then she will keep it with her. She doesn't tell them without premission from the other person ever. She had it done for her and this is reason why she is so guarded. Over the years she has ebcome quite helpful one, when ever she sees someone in trouble she wants to help the person out. She just can't sit and watch you struggling there, she will come and help you. She just hopes that those people will come help her when she needs it too. Most of the times it's not the case really. She might not always been best and showing her emotions and feelings but yes once you get to know her bettter you will began to see her real emotions and feelings, just it might take some time. This girl is smarter than she might look, she doesn't love to gain attention much in classes, she rather stays in the background. She just loves to read and also she has excellent memory.


Early Years: Cecilie was born back in Korea, Seoul City in 19t May. Her both parenst are actually half Korean and half Britishl. Her life back there was pretty good one. At home she did speak English but outside of it she talked in Korean, so she was fluent in both languages since she was young girl. Suddenly her family moved to England when she was only five years old girl, just her mother got her better job for herself. Which made the changes to happen. To be honest not much after that was born her two siblings, at the time of the move her mother was already pregnant. CeCe here ended up getting along with her little siblings were easily, they were sweet girl Carola and boy Carlos, yes twins. To be honest Cecilie had always wanted to have some siblings and her wish finally came true. She loves to spend time with them and always to be there for them. She really cares about them very much.
Also around five she also had her first signs of magic, so her mother explained what was happening to her, as she was one herself. Also this was reason why the family moved to England. She wanted her daughter to go same school as she did.
At age of eleven she got letter from Hogwarts, what she had been expecting to come. She had made her own research about Hogwarts. Also her mother shared quite much about the magical world to her.She explained how were even different blood statues, what houses were there in Hogwarts. So she wouldn't be all the lost once the school years start.
Hogwarts Years: At her very first day at Hogwarts she was very excited about it. She ended up being sorted into Gryffindor hourse, even if she had wanted Ravencla, as that was her mothers house. She wanted to carry on the tradition. Seems like it won't happen. She didn't hate Gryffindor house.
In her first she made some new friends. She at the time seemed to make friends quite easily, there was no hard time for it. Even if most of the days she seemed to more focused on her grades than anything else. She always tried to be top fo her calles and read even advance. She loves to keep things organised for sure.
At her second year was her mostly having fun with friends and making even more of them. Same time the girl never did let her grades to slip. She always made sure she has done all homework away on time.
At her third year, there wasn't really much of changes her life, it seemed to be going same way.
At her fourth year start was good but suddenly one day her friends began to keep their distance from her. She didn't get what was happening or what caused it. She hasn't till this day learned what did really happen. There has been some rumours about it but she never got the real answer herself. Even if she would wish to know what she did.
Once her fifth year came she mostly always all alone, she spent it all just focusing on her grades and trying to not show it out. She just kept to herself ever since then. She talks with people, she even began to shut down her emotions slowly. She just hated to be pitied always, so began to seem like she was happy. Not sad. Forced smiles.
This is her sixth year currently and we will see what happens here.
After Hogwarts / Adult: Not ther yet!


Alias: Krissu
RP Experience: So 10 years Very Happy
Other Characters: none yet, will think who i bring back.
How did you find us?: returning member
RP Sample:
Cecilie Montez
Cecilie Montez
Sixth Year Gryffindor
Sixth Year Gryffindor

Number of posts : 334
Occupation : Student

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Monetz, Cecilie Emilie Empty Re: Monetz, Cecilie Emilie

Post by Khaat Lupin Thu Mar 30, 2023 1:39 am

I don't know if someone read this already and approved it but she looks okay to me, and she's already sorted to Gryffindor. So it looks all good to me.
Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 23854
Special Abilities : Energy Worker, Medium, Heightened Sensitivity
Occupation : Director of St. Mungos, Owner of Sparks Bistro

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