A Birth day - Page 62
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A Birth day - Page 62 Li9olo10

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Since every few months or so a few of our old members get the inspiration to revisit their old stomping grounds we have decided to keep PA open as a place to revisit old threads and start new ones devoid of any serious overarching plot or setting. Take this time to start any of those really weird threads you never got to make with old friends and make them now! Just remember to come say hello in the chatbox below or in the discord. Links have been provided in the "Comings and Goings" forum as well as the welcome widget above.

A Birth day

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A Birth day - Page 62 Empty Re: A Birth day

Post by Jessie Tyler Fri Mar 17, 2023 12:35 am

Jessie and Yu followed Edward outside and over to Fenrir. Jessie listened and nodded to Fenrir when he said for him to pick up James, which he did, now with him slung over his shoulder he ported with Edward and chuckled as he dumped him down on the ground "oh I love that idea" Jessie said and laughed " wet dog time" he said watching Edward pore the potion down James' throat. Jessie could not help but give James a hard kick " do not come back" he said into James' ear with a growl then moved to Yu " well we should leave him now" Jessie said.

Jack saw James being taken away and shook his head " thank god the trash has been taken out" he said to a man who laughed and moved quickly to remove a beam and then repair some siding that hung off the building. Jack was busily fixing the place knowing the quicker it was done the better it would be for the younger members. Jess had headed down to the medical bay and stood watching as Robert was tended to.

"so hows he doing?" she asked " any lasting efects?" she moved to pick up his burnt clothing and dump them accioing a clean loose shirt with a sling just incase he had to keep his shoulder imbalized.
Jessie Tyler
Jessie Tyler
Gryffindor Graduate
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A Birth day - Page 62 Empty Re: A Birth day

Post by Khaat Lupin Fri Mar 17, 2023 9:29 pm

"Well, that's one piece of clean up done," Edward said. "Oh. Wait. One more thing." Edward apparated himself down beside James and poured a different potion into him. Then he rejoined the others.

"Wolfsbane," Edward said. "Now, he isn't going to be making any supernatural trouble for any muggles any time soon. And if the muggles find him, he may find himself having to put up with muggle medicine." Edward laughed at the thought of it. "That will seem pretty barbaric even by his standards. Shall we go home?"

Nigel saw Jess come in, but he kept working, first cutting what he could of the shirt to remove it and then carefully removing the stuck fabric from Robert's shoulder.

"Muggle shirts," Nigel sighed. "Their plastic fabrics aren't worth crap. They just melt to the skin. Do yourself a favor, Robert. Toss the muggle shirts out and go back to proper wizarding shirts. Hi, Jess. He'll be fine, but you know how fireball burns go. They burn hot, and so now I have this issue of hot melted plastic stuck to his shoulder. It'll be right as rain in a few days." Might have to do some scar reduction later, though."

"At my age, I don't make a practice of going without my shirt," Robert replied. "And anyone that I am likely to be around in that state of dress already knows about tonight's fireball. I am not concerned about scar reduction."

"That's fine. We can talk about it later," Nigel said, knowing that, at some point, Robert would choose to do it for Kate, if for no on else."

Michael peaked around the screen to see Ginger there, wide awake.

"Sorry if we're keeping you awake," Michael told her. "While we're here, can I get you anything?"

"You're not keeping me awake. I was already awake," Ginger replied. "Could I have some water?"

"Absolutely," Robert said. "Michael, there's a glass bottle of water for her in the mini fridge down here. I've added some electrolytes and vitamins for her. She doesn't taste them but, at this point, anything we can do to infuse fluids and nutrition is all for the better. Just use the graduated drinking glass on her nightstand and keep track of now much you put in the glass, so we can continue to make sure her system is adapting to having fluids again."

"I can do that," Michael said, going to get the bottle of water.

"Who's your patient?" Nigel asked.

"I'll introduce you when we're through. Jess, do you know if anyone else was injured?"
Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 23244
Special Abilities : Energy Worker, Medium, Heightened Sensitivity
Occupation : Director of St. Mungos, Owner of Sparks Bistro

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A Birth day - Page 62 Empty Re: A Birth day

Post by Ruby Lyne Tyler Fri Mar 17, 2023 9:42 pm

Jess listened to Nigel and placed the fresh new shirt on a chair close to Robert "I know how that is" she said " and I agree synthetic cloth is bad, natruals are better like cotton" she motioned to the shirt she ahd just brought.

She smiled hearing Micheal offer to give Ginger her water. She reatched into the fridge next to her and took out a bottle handing it to him with a paper cup so she could drink. Hearing Nigel ask if any one else was hurt she thought for amoment and shook her head "I think Yu and Jessie got some cuts but nothing major" she sdaid .

Jessie looked down at Blood and growled at him. He watched as Edwrd gave him wolsbane and smiled " good, being human and being treated as a human for a while might give him some humility, but I dought it very much" he said and moved to stand with Yu " I for one am looking forward to a night of peace and maybe a roast" he said and this made Yu chuckle " lets go home" Jessie took hold of Yu's hand and Edwards ready to be ported back to the compound.
Ruby Lyne Tyler
Ruby Lyne Tyler

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A Birth day - Page 62 Empty Re: A Birth day

Post by Khaat Lupin Fri Mar 17, 2023 10:03 pm

"There are a good many natural fabrics," Nigel said. "Cotton and cotton blends are a good choice for spring and summer.'

Michael took the water to Ginger and handed her the glass.

"Is my family alright?" she asked Michael.

"They're fine. Your parents and the rest of your pack helped us fight off some dark arts werewolves. Your sister was remarkable for her age. She rescued Robert's three year old granddaughter from a dark werewolf named James Blood."

"Ah. Him, I know," Ginger said distastefully. "Our pack has run into him before--several times. I'd like to be able to say something positive about that, but I have yet to find any redeeming factor in him."

"We haven't found one either, my dear, so we're all here in complete agreement with you."

"I'm not surprised Anise was in the thick of it," Ginger said. "She is an adventurer through and through. My mother has told her she doesn't have enough sense to be afraid, but that really isn't it. Anise has a huge heart, and she will defend someone she loves or someone she believes is innocent. She won't hesitate to put herself at risk for what she believes is the right thing. She's so different from the rest of us in our family. We will certainly help those we love, but we're a bit more hesitant to throw ourselves into it."

"I do understand," Michael said. "She'd make a great fighter."

"That's really what she wants," Ginger said.

"And what do you want?"

"If I ever got a job, I think I would want to be an animal healer," she said. "I can do some healing spells but they don't work nearly as well on people as they do on animals."

"Well, there certainly is room for that too."

"Nah. Not if you're a werewolf," she sighed. "Our pack has always lived on the run. People don't accept us. We're shunned everywhere we go. Our lot is to simply exist within the pack."

"What if that weren't necessarily true?" Michael asked her.

"Anise and I have always dreamed there might be something more, but my parents say we're barmy ."

"Maybe not," Michael said, as she handed him back the glass.

Nigel had worked quietly, cleaning Robert's shoulder and then formulating a burn ointment from some of his ingredients and some of Robert's. He put it on a dressing and dressed the wound.

"That will hold for awhile," Nigel said. I'll check it towards bedtime. I'd like to leave it in place for as close to 24 hours as I can. In the meantime, you've all clearly been up all night. I think you're all due for some sleep."
Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 23244
Special Abilities : Energy Worker, Medium, Heightened Sensitivity
Occupation : Director of St. Mungos, Owner of Sparks Bistro

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A Birth day - Page 62 Empty Re: A Birth day

Post by Ruby Lyne Tyler Fri Mar 17, 2023 10:12 pm

Jess listened to Ginger talking to Michael and chuckled at his response " oh we've tried to find one, but it's just not there" she said smirking then looked to nigel and nodded " of course, I'll make sure to have some sirts with natural and mix both for him" she said " but not any of his favorate ones" she said smiling. Jessie and Yu appeared in the yard and headed down to the med room so Jessie could clean his cuts after saying bye to Edward.

"well he's taken care of " Jessie said as Yu walked him down to the med room.

"now we take care of you" he said opening the door and moving to sit him down. " my Jeffery would you mind looking at Jessie, he had a cut thats still bleeding " he said softly Jessie sighed.

"its nothing" he said lifting his shirt to show him the cut. "it came from a guy who attacked me." he said " it only hurts is I move too quickly" Jessie saw Ginger and smiled " you look much better" he said. Yu looked at Jessie .

"you can't be a fighter if you let cuts like that fester." he sid " remember you just got over a hex" Yu place his hands on Jessies shoulders from behind making him stay in the chair.
Ruby Lyne Tyler
Ruby Lyne Tyler

Number of posts : 4775

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A Birth day - Page 62 Empty Re: A Birth day

Post by Khaat Lupin Fri Mar 17, 2023 10:33 pm

"I can handle it if you like," Robert told Nigel.

"I'll do it,' Nigel replied. "Go get some sleep. You've earned it."

"Thanks," Robert said. he picked up the shirt that Jess had brought down and simply carried it over to Ginger's side of the room. "How are you doing? Do you need something to eat?"

"Not for a little," she smiled, "but I have to say those pears you brought at suppertime were wonderful."

"We have some still in storage," Robert smiled. "Those were French butter pears. They're a type that is known for its smooth, buttery texture, and for their sweet and somewhat lemony taste. They're one of my favorites too. They aren't in season in spring and summer. They're only available in Fall and Winter, but we still have some. I'll bring you more for breakfast if you like."

"That would be great," she said. "Fenrir thinks we should just eat meat, but I get hungry for other things. We can sometimes find apples and wild berries, but we generally don't get much other fruit than that."

"Yes, I understand his thinking," Robert said, "but you really are human first, and you need a varied diet. I have no problem with the heavy meat diet, but you do need some grains and some fruits and vegetables and some dairy products too."

"You have such a good life by not having to live in a pack. Mom says when I turn eighteen I can make my own choices, but that seems like a lifetime away," she sighed. "Dad thinks we're going to stay with the pack forever, and that's about the last thing I want. Not to change the subject, but I really am surprised to see a guy...like you...with muscles like that."

"You mean a man my age," Robert was amused. "Everyone here works hard to stay in top shape because we're all fighters. Every one of us."

"Cool," she said.

"Get some sleep, and I'll see you at breakfast," he told her. "Goodnight." He went upstairs.

Meanwhile, Nigel had cleaned up the mess from dealing with Robert. "Alright. Let's see it. I'm Nigel. Somehow it seems I end up here every so often." Nigel took a look at Jessie's cuts, cleaned them, and put one of his own formulations of a healing potion on some gauze dressings and covered the cuts.

"With your werewolf side, I expect that you will heal a good deal quicker," Nigel said. "i expect that by morning, or by lunch at the latest, you'll be healed and I doubt it will leave a trace. That's generally one of the benefits of a werewolf body chemistry. There. I think that's done it. You should probably get some sleep too now."

Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 23244
Special Abilities : Energy Worker, Medium, Heightened Sensitivity
Occupation : Director of St. Mungos, Owner of Sparks Bistro

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A Birth day - Page 62 Empty Re: A Birth day

Post by Ruby Lyne Tyler Fri Mar 17, 2023 10:41 pm

Jessie chuckled at Ginger's assessment of Robert " oh he worked just as hard as we do if not harder" he said then winced as Nigel cleaned his cut . " thanks Nigel" he said Yu looked at Nigel and smiled as he told them how long it would take for Jessies wound to heal.

"Thank you" he said and bowed slightly to him. " I'll make sure he rest and I'll check the wound in the afternoon. Ruby lay down with Caprice next to her and sighed smiling as she thought of Angus back home, she also wondered why the man claimed to be her father. But she put those thoughts to one side as she slowly fell asleep but not having nice dreams she had nightmares of Caprice being taken and of Angus being killed in front of her. It was after one of these nightmares she sat bolt upright calling out Angus's name.
Ruby Lyne Tyler
Ruby Lyne Tyler

Number of posts : 4775

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A Birth day - Page 62 Empty Re: A Birth day

Post by Khaat Lupin Fri Mar 17, 2023 10:59 pm

Angus fell asleep in his recliner with Abbey laying on his chest. She woke up several times during the night, crying, seeing James in her dreams. She saw the Noisy Lady, and the Noisy Lady was shouting vile things, attempting to find a way to kill Angus in his sleep. Abbey would wake up crying, afraid Angus would be gone. Angus was dreaming of Suzanne too, and in his dreams, he and Suzanne were dueling. Somehow she was a more formidable dueler in the dreams, but he wasn't giving her a fraction of an inch.

Next door, in the main house, Kate was clearly seeing that Suzanne had found some sort of way to intrude deeper into the dark arts, and Kate believed that the duels that were going on in Angus's dreams were capable of some very real consequences. She sensed Angus was tiring and was not going to be able to duel all night after dueling during the evening. She woke Robert and told him what was happening, and the two of them put on their robes and slippers and went over to Angus's, apparating inside so they didn't have to try to wake him or pick the lock.

Kate touched Angus's forehead and forced herself into Angus's dream state.

"You cannot have him, Suzanne. You cannot win here...." Kate began.

"You are nothing," Suzanne said viciously.

"Is that what you think?" Kate was truly amused. She could see that Suzanne wasn't actually a seer. She was using a device of some kind to allow her to operate in the dream realm. Kate told Angus to lower his wand, and she moved in front of him and used her own seer's energies to shield him.

Robert was casting a protection spell around Angus and Abbey while Kate was casting one in Angus's dream state. When the two protection spells came together, there was a shattering sound, like breaking glass, and something around Suzanne shattered into tiny pieces, and she vanished with a painful scream. In the dream state, Angus fell limp. Kate severed the connection with Angus's dream state.

"Robert, is he alright?" Kate asked.

"He's fine. He's exhausted, though. Will she be back?" Robert asked Kate.

"No. Not tonight. She's not going to connect with anybody else tonight. I've stopped her ability to enter anybody's dream state tonight. She had some sort of a device, and evidently, we managed to break it when we combined a real world protection grid with a dream state one. She's done until she finds some way to re-create whatever that device was. I sort of think it might have been a pendant of some sort. but whatever it was, I saw it shatter. He should be undisturbed now, and so should anybody else that was getting messages from her."

"Well done, my love," Robert kissed her forehead. "Thank you. Are they safe for us to go back to bed?"

"I think so," she smiled. They apparated out and back to their room, knowing that for now, Suzanne could cause no more sleep disturbances.
Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 23244
Special Abilities : Energy Worker, Medium, Heightened Sensitivity
Occupation : Director of St. Mungos, Owner of Sparks Bistro

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A Birth day - Page 62 Empty Re: A Birth day

Post by Ruby Lyne Tyler Fri Mar 17, 2023 11:05 pm

Ruby felt as if something had lifted from her and she lay back down this time she slept peacfully until the morning. Getting up she went to the kitchen and made breakfast for those who had put her up for the night with Caprice in her sling. once it was ready she sat down and warmed abottle for her so she too could have breakfast and smiled. " I think your stinky ex grand mother got her cumupance last night." she said softly to Caprice, she was also happy she would he headed home to the duplex and Angus.

Jessie slept well and when Yu checked hus cut he found nothing but a thin pink line against his skin and Jessie chuckled slipping on his tee shirt, Walking into the main house he looked at Robert and Kate along with Jess and Jack " did something happen last night?" he asked " it felt like somethings missing, the airs lighter" he added sitting down to eat breakfast.
Ruby Lyne Tyler
Ruby Lyne Tyler

Number of posts : 4775

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A Birth day - Page 62 Empty Re: A Birth day

Post by Khaat Lupin Fri Mar 17, 2023 11:13 pm

"You can thank Kate for that," Robert said to Jessie. "Suzanne tried to kill Angus in his sleep last night, and Kate put a stop to it. She believes she saw that Suzanne had a pendant of some sort that gave her some temporary seer's abilities, and she also believes she shattered that last night. So, if she's correct, Suzanne will be considerably quieter at night for awhile."

"Well done, Kate," Michael said, going to the sideboard to fill his plate with a large belgian waffle from a stack of them, a fried egg, and some of Zoe's freshly made peace pancake syrup and some homemade whipped cream that Zoe had flavored with pecan extract. "God, this is good. I don't ever need to cook again. Well done, Zoe."

"Try the bacon, Michael," Zoe suggested. "It's candied bacon. It has a thin brown sugar crust, so you get salty from the bacon and the sweet from the crunchy brown sugar crust on it."

"You're spoiling me, Woman," Michael laughed, picking up three of the strips of bacon.

Edward came over and saw that Angus was in a deep, deep sleep, and Abbey was awake and just cuddling with him. Edward quietly picked her up from Angus, determined to let him sleep. He accio'd some fresh clothes for her and took her next door so that he could dress her and then Abbey could join him and Simone for eggs and sausage and some of Simone's fresh scones with some of the blackberry jelly she had jarred last season.

Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 23244
Special Abilities : Energy Worker, Medium, Heightened Sensitivity
Occupation : Director of St. Mungos, Owner of Sparks Bistro

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