Jack lookd at Angus and smiled at him nodding " sure , we can do that" he said just as Jessie walked in from the barn again.
"do what?" he asked and Jack sighed as he explained what was needed " oh sure we can ." he said and moved to the boxes with the sheet cakes in the boxes , he took half and Jack took the ther half.
"Your probably just hungery" Jack said and chuckled as they both left for St Mungos as they arrived they carried the cakes up to the sectery and told her who made which. They were about to leave when a large man approched them.
Rowan walked over and smiled "Those smell and look wonderful, I'll have my guys take them to the temp canteen." he motioned to several men behind him and they each took one and walked off in the same direction " In rowan, head of security for St Mungos, Im guesing you two are from Robert?" he asked.
"yes and we should be getting back " Jack said as Jessie looked on at him as if he recognised him from someplace. But Jack took Jessies arm and ported them back to the main house.
"food" was all he said as he let go of Jessie's arm.