Fee Fi Fo Fum - Page 28
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Fee Fi Fo Fum - Page 28 Li9olo10

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Since every few months or so a few of our old members get the inspiration to revisit their old stomping grounds we have decided to keep PA open as a place to revisit old threads and start new ones devoid of any serious overarching plot or setting. Take this time to start any of those really weird threads you never got to make with old friends and make them now! Just remember to come say hello in the chatbox below or in the discord. Links have been provided in the "Comings and Goings" forum as well as the welcome widget above.

Fee Fi Fo Fum

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Fee Fi Fo Fum - Page 28 Empty Re: Fee Fi Fo Fum

Post by Jessie Tyler Sun Sep 15, 2019 2:28 am

Jess could not help but laugh at Jack at his awkwardness and she nodded to Robert " okay, but if he doesn't know by now, well might take some time." Jess jibbed Jack who covered his face with his hand.

"Okay, okay I know where they come from, and how there made." Jack said smiling at Jess who now blushed. On Roberts word he looked at him and nodded " that would be absolutely wonderful but yes we need time to talk."

Jess turned in her seat and faced Jack " nothing to talk about, if she gives them up we can look after them and give them what they need, love and safety, a family that who would do anything for them, I'm ready to be a mother jack and those babies need a stable home not a foster one." Jack moved to kneel in front of Jess.

" Thats what I want as well, I saw something amazing tonight, I saw two little humans being brought into this world, and to be told that there mother was so desperate that she would give them up, it...it made me realize that I could give those babies a home, Im ready to be a father, be it those babies or one of our own, and well..Jess Dark heart will you marry me?" he asked Jess chuckled and smiled at him.

"Of course Jack I'll marry you and raise children with you, be they adopted or our own." she slowly lent forward and kissed him deeply " now we have to wait and see what Robert says Hazel has said and we'd be ether planning a christening or a wedding..or both." she chuckled as they both sat back still holding hands and waited for Robert to return.
Jessie Tyler
Jessie Tyler
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Fee Fi Fo Fum - Page 28 Empty Re: Fee Fi Fo Fum

Post by Khaat Lupin Sun Sep 15, 2019 2:55 am

Robert went downstairs and found Hazel groggy but awake. He dealt with, usually, two kinds of mothers--those who were overjoyed, and those who were devastated by the change motherhood could bring. Hazel was the latter. He hadn't seen her much since Ronnie had died, but he had cared for her most of her life. Hazel had basically opted out of life in her grief. It was a long, painful discussion, and he had done what he always seemed to do. He followed it through. He sat with her and helped her take the time to think through, past her first kneejerk feelings at knowing she had twins, through the rationalizing of what it would take to take care of both of them, find a job, and take care of a home all at the same time. It could be done, and there were certainly ways he could help put people in place to help her if she wanted. He didn't want her to feel like she had no choices.

But even with all the help he could offer, she still could not deal with the grief of losing her husband, and she did not want to take a chance that every time she looked at one of her children, she would see Ronnie. She had wished she hadn't gotten pregnant, didn't want to raise children without Ronnie. Robert confronted her on whether or not she was taking the potion he had prescribed to her when Ronnie was splinched. She confessed she had run out and hadn't bothered to get more because she believed the tears would all stop. But they hadn't. He got her to agree to go back on the potion, but even then, she wasn't ready to take on children. She didnt know if she would ever want to know about them again but she wanted Robert to find a good home for them.

Robert told her he knew of a good couple, a couple who actually worked for him, that would jump at the chance to adopt both babies. She was pleased that they might have the chance to grow up together. She asked Robert point blank whether, if he had had to place his own child with this couple, would he have trusted his child with this couple. That answer was easy. There was nothing he found in Jack or Jess to be untrustworthy. He also believed that they would allow some sort of communication so that she would know if her children were growing up well and happy. He told her he would ask this couple if they were interested, but he told he he was already sure they would be. He allowed the slight twist of a fib to avoid her knowing that someone was already wanting her babies. He allowed her some sleeping potion for the night, knowing how exhausted she was, and he left once he was sure she was sleeping and was not going to wake until morning. He checked with the nursing staff and finally told them he really wasn't feeling well and wanted to not be called unless there was truly no other possible way of avoiding it. The third shift nurse, not the same one who had sent him the howler, remarked to him that he was not looking at all well. She promised not to call for him unless the building was on fire.

"If the building catches fire, here's what you do," Robert said. "Write this down." She got out paper and a pen and poised herself to be ready to write down his instructions. "Put the damned fire out. Then you can call me." She looked up at him and rolled her eyes at him as he walked away.

He took his empty coffee cup upstairs as he heard Big Ben chiming midnight. He went back into his office, knowing Jack and Jess were waiting.

"If you're able to agree to letting her have some sort of communication about her children, and I'm presuming it might just be word on how they're doing, maybe some photos--but it is possible she might want to see them later on--then, she is interested in seeing if I can find a good family for her babies. You know anyone?" He asked, waiting until his question to smile.
Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
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Number of posts : 23244
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Occupation : Director of St. Mungos, Owner of Sparks Bistro

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Fee Fi Fo Fum - Page 28 Empty Re: Fee Fi Fo Fum

Post by Jessie Tyler Sun Sep 15, 2019 3:07 am

Both Jack and Jess stood up as Robert returned and spoke, Jess smiled and nodded " of course we would keep her informed and we'd love to have her come see them." Jess said Jack nodded.

"we wouldn't stop her, their her children after all." Jack said and smiled as Jess did as well " well, looks like were parents now." Jess moved and hugged Robert.

"thank you, I'll have some flowers sent to her." she said " oh we'll have to let Brian and Khaat know, I'll have to rent out the flat ..." Jack laughed and moved to hold her shoulders.

"wow slow down Jess, there still in the baby unit, they were only born less than a day ago" he looked up at Robert " I'm guessing they will stay here for now?" he asked now being the calm one as Jess still mumbled under her breath what she'd have to do.
Jessie Tyler
Jessie Tyler
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Fee Fi Fo Fum - Page 28 Empty Re: Fee Fi Fo Fum

Post by Khaat Lupin Sun Sep 15, 2019 3:21 am

"I think you need to let me get some things arranged legally. You realize I am not a solicitor, right? I can help you get it done pretty simply, though, since everyone's in agreement. Before you sublet your apartment and all of that, let's do first things first. You're going to Greece in a few hours, remember? I'm sure Kate and Angus can handle a few days but if I have to, I'll hire one of the wives of the crew already at the estate for the first few days. The women's workload is slowing down now that most of the harvest is in for the season. They've canned or frozen most of what we're storing for human consumption, so they've got more time on their hands. And there's nothing those women go crazy for is the chance to fuss over a baby. If I give them two to fuss over, you'll come back from Greece to two babies that probably are so overly spoiled they'll already have their drivers' licenses, keys, and Porsches in the driveway.

"But, take the help where you can get it because that will give you time to get yourself together. They're tiny, so we'll use Abbey's crib and put them in the same crib. I'm sure Khaat still has her baby clothes. I'll have Angus and Kate wash up the baby things and set up the crib in the main house for right now. You focus on your trip. The babies aren't going anywhere until at least tomorrow anyway.

"And if you're going to sublet your flat, you'll have to decide where you're going. You know can stay in the main house, or I'm positive Brian would let you rent the guest house. There's a lot to consider. We can arrange a temporary placement agreement with Hazel that allows the babies to legally be with you until the adoptions are finalized. Then we'll consult a solicitor to make sure it's all on the up and up. Make sense? Sound like a reasonable plan?"
Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 23244
Special Abilities : Energy Worker, Medium, Heightened Sensitivity
Occupation : Director of St. Mungos, Owner of Sparks Bistro

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Fee Fi Fo Fum - Page 28 Empty Re: Fee Fi Fo Fum

Post by Jessie Tyler Sun Sep 15, 2019 3:31 am

Jess stopped in her pacing and looked at Robert and nodded " oh of course, of course" she said and took a deep breath to slow herself down. " that sounds good." she said adding a yawn now herself feeling tired.

"okay, Thank you Robert so much for everything you've done" Jack said " but this one needs to sleep and I'm guessing so do you, so lets get back to the main house, we can let Brian, Khaat and the women know tomorrow." Jack suggested " plus we have to pack for our trip" he said taking Jess's hand in his own.

"oh Robert I have to ask do you think Brian would be up to being best man?" Jack asked " I asked Jess to marry me and she said yes" he grinned at him.
Jessie Tyler
Jessie Tyler
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Fee Fi Fo Fum - Page 28 Empty Re: Fee Fi Fo Fum

Post by Khaat Lupin Sun Sep 15, 2019 11:57 am

"I think sleep is an excellent idea," Robert said. "Let's go home before they change their minds and find some reason for me to stay." He got up, feeling momentarily dizzy, but he said nothing to Jack or Jess. It was fair warning, he knew, that he could go no longer without some sleep. He joined them and ported back to Brian's.

Kate was waiting still. She was concerned enough tonight that she had no intention of going to back to the farm without him. When they arrived back, she wrapped herself around him.

"Thank you for going with him and for bringing him back safe and sound," Kate told Jack and Jess. She looked at Robert and shook her head, concerned.

"You look like you've battled the devil himself," she said to him. "Enough now. I talked to Khaat and Brian. We're going to stay tonight so I can help with Abbey in the morning. I went back to the farm while you were gone and packed a bag for us so we could stay the night. All you need to do is go upstairs and go to bed."

"If they don't call me again," he sighed.

"You're not going," she said. "And I want you to send word to both the Ministry and St. Mungo's and tell them you're taking tomorrow off. One day isn't going to hurt them, but you definitely need the rest. I made some chamomile tea for you, and you're going to take it upstairs with you and get some sleep."

"That's fine," he said.

"Now I know you're not alright if you're not going to argue with me," she said as he started to walk away from her.

"Where are you going?"

"To write the notes," he said.

"Let's go upstairs. There's paper in our room upstairs. You can write them a quick note, and I'll send them for you," she said, picking up a carafe of tea and a couple of mugs.

"Fine," he said. "I'll see you in the morning at breakfast, Jess and Jack. I think we should save everything else for then." He was making a very subtle suggestion to safe their announcement for morning and tell everyone at the breakfast table. "As for me, I'm going to bed--finally. Goodnight."

"I'm going to make sure he gets there,and then I'll be back down," Kate said. "I have a couple things to finish for breakfast. I told Angus I'd take care of it since he was up a lot later than usual tonight."

"We all were," Robert said, yawning and heading upstairs.

"Goodnight," she said to Jack and Jess and went upstairs to make sure Robert actually got upstairs and into bed.

She was up early and had some fresh homemade muffins in the oven and had decided to make an egg casserole instead of their usual fare. She had used some leftovers from the fridge and she had tucked in shredded potatoes, crumbled bacon, diced ham, crumbled sausage, sauteed onion and mushrooms, and a generous amount of cheese all into a thick, tasty scrambled egg casserole.

She made a large fruit salad to go with her breakfast casserole, and she had made a variety of muffins--chocolate chip, banana nut, pumpkin, and maple apple crumble. She brewed fresh coffee and tea, poured a pitcher of orange juice and had the table all set, all before Angus even woke up.

She had sent notes to the Ministry and St Mungo's, and she was reading the morning paper when Angus came downstairs.

"I can't remember when this kitchen smelled better," he told her, kissing her cheek. "Good morning, Kate. Were you cooking all night?"

"Not quite," she smiled, sipping her tea. "The muffins are in the left oven, just staying warm, and the egg casserole is just finishing in the right oven. Everything else is ready and on the table. The casserole has five more minutes. Then we can turn it down to stay warm until everyone gets up."

"Did Robert get back last night?" he asked.

"He did," she said. "He's going to be here at least for today. Perhaps a couple days. We'll see. I'm concerned for him. I really would rather not take him back to the farm if I don't have to."

"You know you're welcome here any time, but I've never heard you say you didn't want to take him home. What's going on, Kate?" Angus frowned.

"Well, I took him up to our room upstairs last night, and before he could write his notes to take today off or do anything else, he passed out completely on the bedroom floor. I wanted to call Jess or Brian but he wouldn't let me. I got him up off the floor and into bed, and I slipped him some sleeping potion in a cup of tea I made for him. He never even knew I'd given it to him. He might miss breakfast this morning. I really don't want him up until I've had a chance to talk to Brian or Jess first. Robert completely dismissed my concern for him once I got him finally to bed, but I really don't like it. I'm not going to be satisfied at taking his word. He'd say anything at this point to stop me from worrying and to keep me from telling Brian or Jess. He doesn't want them to postpone their trip. My biggest concern is making sure that Abbey doesn't go into the bedroom and wake him up."
Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 23244
Special Abilities : Energy Worker, Medium, Heightened Sensitivity
Occupation : Director of St. Mungos, Owner of Sparks Bistro

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Fee Fi Fo Fum - Page 28 Empty Re: Fee Fi Fo Fum

Post by Jack Black Heart Sun Sep 15, 2019 10:14 pm

Jack ported Jess and Robert back to Brians house and saw Kate waiting for Rober the smiled and nodded " its okay, and it was Jess who made him come back." he said still holding Jess around her waist but still grinning. On hearing Robert Jack nodded.

"of course, now go sleep" Jess said holding on to Jack's waist again. " good night" Jack and Jess both said watching them head up the stairs.

"I guess we should head up as well." Jack said taking hold of Jess's hand in his own. " now will you let me sleep in the bed?" he asked and Jess laughed as they headed to her room.

"of course, no where else for you to sleep." she said " come on we've got two babies we have to visit tomorrow." Jack grinned as he followed her into her room and closed the door behind him.

Jack woke the next morning and smiled as he saw Jess laid next to him still sleeping. Slipping from the bed he showered and dressed then headed down to the kitchen " wow, something smells good in here." He said and smiled seeing Kate and Angus already up. "Good morning guys." he said cheerfully to them both.
Jack Black Heart
Jack Black Heart
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Fee Fi Fo Fum - Page 28 Empty Re: Fee Fi Fo Fum

Post by Khaat Lupin Sun Sep 15, 2019 10:29 pm

"'Morning, Jack," Angus said. "Kate's made coffee and tea both. Help yourself."

"Good morning, Jack," Kate said. "Breakfast is almost ready--just a couple more minutes on the eggs. Angus, I'm going to go upstairs and see if Abbey is awake yet. I don't want her uprooting Robert."

"Go ahead. I've got this," Angus said. Kate left to go upstairs, and Angus looked in on the eggs and took them out of the oven. "I think this needs to cool just a little before we eat." He set the casserole on the counter and then scribbled a message and summoned Arrow. The bird came to Angus's whistle and landed on the kitchen windowsill. Angus handed the note to Arrow. "Take this straight to Michael." The bird took the note and left.

"I'm taking it upon myself to call Michael over right away," Angus told Jack. "You should know Kate told me that Robert collapsed on the bedroom floor last night. She got him to bed when he came to, and she said he's sleeping, but it really frightened her. She'd like either Brian or Jess to check him before you leave on your trip, but I can tell you from experience that, for one of the best healers St. Mungo's has, he takes lousy care of himself. Then he believes he knows best how to patch himself up again, and any of us that interfere--except Michael--will have sheer hell to pay. I'm just skirting the entire system and having Michael come to deal with the pissy attitude Robert's going to have about the whole business so we can move things along. You got along alright with him last night, didn't you?"

Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 23244
Special Abilities : Energy Worker, Medium, Heightened Sensitivity
Occupation : Director of St. Mungos, Owner of Sparks Bistro

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Fee Fi Fo Fum - Page 28 Empty Re: Fee Fi Fo Fum

Post by Jack Black Heart Sun Sep 15, 2019 10:37 pm

Jack moved to grab a coffee and sat down on a stool. " Jess is still sleeping." he said blowing over his cup he frowned when Angus said Robert had collapsed in his room. " I know he was suffering with headaches but Jess helped him with those, damn it, if I had know I would have brought him back as soon as surgery was over." he said.

" yes, and Jess and I have announcement, but that can wait until everyone is together and we know Roberts going to be okay." Jack said.

"whats up with Robert?" came Jess's voice as she walked down wearing a pair of light slacks and her warm cashmere jumper. Walking over she took Jacks coffee and took a sip where on Jack lent over and kissed her cheek.

"he collapsed in his room" Jack told her, Jess sighed and shook her head.

"That man will never learn, I told him his energy was low last night, and thank you for sending for Michael." she said to Angus.
Jack Black Heart
Jack Black Heart
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Fee Fi Fo Fum - Page 28 Empty Re: Fee Fi Fo Fum

Post by Khaat Lupin Sun Sep 15, 2019 10:45 pm

"You know how he is, Jess," Angus sighed. "Might as well let Michael deal with it. He's a crappy patient sometimes, and in all the years I've known him, this just hasn't ever happened. Robert doesn't like being vulnerable like that. In my opinion? I think it makes him intensely uncomfortable." He got out a knife and cut generous squares of Kate's breakfast casserole and then took the hot casserole dish into the dining room and put it on the table and came back to the kitchen. "Kate's casserole smells wonderful," Angus said. "And you ought to see the muffins she's made 4 different kinds--pumpkin, chocolate chip, banana nut, and a maple apple crumble. And they're still warm. So you two have news, do you? How about a hint? Is it bigger than a bread box?"
Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 23244
Special Abilities : Energy Worker, Medium, Heightened Sensitivity
Occupation : Director of St. Mungos, Owner of Sparks Bistro

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