04 -- Magical Abilities
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04 -- Magical Abilities Li9olo10

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Since every few months or so a few of our old members get the inspiration to revisit their old stomping grounds we have decided to keep PA open as a place to revisit old threads and start new ones devoid of any serious overarching plot or setting. Take this time to start any of those really weird threads you never got to make with old friends and make them now! Just remember to come say hello in the chatbox below or in the discord. Links have been provided in the "Comings and Goings" forum as well as the welcome widget above.

04 -- Magical Abilities

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04 -- Magical Abilities Empty 04 -- Magical Abilities

Post by Apollo Zabini Fri Jun 16, 2017 11:02 pm

Magical Abilities

There are three levels to every character ability:

  • Beginner - a N.E.W.T student or a character who is new to an ability
  • Intermediate - a character with a decent level of control and experience
  • Advanced - a character with particular skill, control and experience

All players are reminded that abuse of abilities within threads may lead to that ability being rescinded.

A history is required before these abilities can be accepted and a role play is also required to see them in action. For cases where the character has learnt the ability via active RP we will accept links to the pertinent threads in place of an RP sample.

Think carefully before applying because students may only apply for a maximum of two abilities and graduates four.

Green Abilities:

Orange Abilities:

Red Abilities:

Inherited Abilities:

[tr][td]Character's Name[/td]
[td]Ability 1[/td]
[td]Ability 2[/td]
[td]Ability 3[/td]
[td]Ability 4[/td]

DO NOT delete any part of the bbcode, even if you are applying for fewer than four abilities.


[b]Skill in that ability:[/b] (beginner, intermediate, advanced)
[b]Brief RP:[/b]
Apollo Zabini
Apollo Zabini
Fifth Year Slytherin
Fifth Year Slytherin

Number of posts : 646
Occupation : Beater for Slytherin

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04 -- Magical Abilities Empty Re: 04 -- Magical Abilities

Post by Apollo Zabini Fri Jun 16, 2017 11:02 pm

Approved Abilities

Aaron MarchetiLegilimencyOcclumency
Addison BarlowmetamorphagusLingua Animalia (canis lupus)
Adrian BlanchardAnimagus (squirrel)Alchemy (broom maker)Unforgivables
Angelique PyritesLegilimencyEnergy Worker
Angus DonohueEcological Empath
Augusta TrelawneyAncestral Medium
Brant CrawfordAstral Projection
Brian QuinnEnergy WorkerPortkey Creation
Caelani BittelUnforgivables
Destrey AshcroftUnforgivables
Elijah KrumOcclumencyAnimagus (cat)Lingua Animalia (parselmouth)
Evengeline MontoyaMetamorphmagus
Fenrir GreybackUnforgivables
Fensa PodmoreLingua Animalia (birds)
Gideon PierceElemental magic (water/air)UnforgivablesPortkey Creation
Iris MacnairMetamorphmagus
James BloodUnforgivables
Jack DyllanOcclumency
Jess Dark HeartEnergy WorkerHeightened Sensitivity
John WalkerLingua Animalia (wolves)
Julian MiltonUnforgivables
Katherine LupinMediumLingua Animalia (birds)Heightened Sensitivity
Kenna McBainMemory Manipulation
Khaat LupinEnergy WorkerMediumHeightened Sensitivity
Kipling ParsonsLegilimencyOcclumency
Lee ShepherdAnimagus (Gryfalcon)Portkey Creation
Lorcan D'EathAlchemistMetamorphmagus
Lucien HoltSeerHeightened Sensitivity
Marcus BelbyPortkey Creation
Matthew LestrangeUnforgivables
Michael CornerUnforgivables
Michael TremainePortkey Creation
Monroe AshcroftOcclumency
Nick PotterAnimagus (owl)
Paul AckermanAlchemy (wands)Alchemy (devices)Portkey Creation
Poppy LevskiMetamorphmagusHeightened Sensitivity
Robert LupinEnergy WorkerPortkey Creation
Solstice CaneEnergy WorkerMediumHeightened SensitivityLingua Animalia (birds)
Thaorson ElldirAlchemy - WandmakingOcclumencyLegilimency Unforgiveables
Zada Forbes D'EathAlchemistUnforgivables
Learning Abilities

Andrew DiamondPortkey CreationLingua Animalia (Amphibians)
John WalkerAnimagus
Poppy LevskiMetamorphmagus
Apollo Zabini
Apollo Zabini
Fifth Year Slytherin
Fifth Year Slytherin

Number of posts : 646
Occupation : Beater for Slytherin

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04 -- Magical Abilities Empty Re: 04 -- Magical Abilities

Post by Paul Ackerman Mon Jun 19, 2017 12:05 pm

Name:Paul Ackerman
Abilities: Alchemy--wandmaking
Skill in that ability: (beginner, intermediate, advanced) Intermediate
Training:Apprenticeship at Ollivanders, additional training from wand makers across the globe
Brief RP:Paul had been working on repairing the broken wand for some time. The owner had wanted to retain the original shaft, which was cracked, but Paul disagreed because the damaged shaft was what was putting the wand out of balance. Paul finally made a choice to replace the shaft with a similar one, putting in the original core, sealing it, and then set about taking the old handle and setting it into place on the new shaft. This one should fire as well, if not a little better, than the old wand.

Name:Paul Ackerman
Abilities: Alchemy--magical devices
Skill in that ability: (beginner, intermediate, advanced)Intermediate
Training:Apprenticeship at Ollivanders and various alchemists across the globe
Brief RP:The mechanical insects had been popular at Hogwarts. Perhaps they would be popular if he added some magical abilties to them and recreated them. He fashioned a mechanical dragonfly from watch parts, added some wings that he made from fine wire and some strong, thin glass. He added some magical stones to the insect, not only for flight but also for retrieving and added the necessary enchantments. When he was finished, he tapped the little insect with his finger, instructed it to retrieve the leaf that had fallen off of his fern. It was a tiny task, but it was a good first test challenge. If it worked, the bug might be able to fetch things a little larger, like envelopes and such. It might yet be a novelty, but he had to start somewhere.

Name:Paul Ackerman
Abilities: Portkey Creation
Skill in that ability: (beginner, intermediate, advanced)Intermediate
Training:worked with alchemists in Eastern Europe, India, Egypt, and China
Brief RP:His client wanted to use his grandfather's fountain pens as a portkey to get from home to work at the Ministry. To do that, Paul needed to go to both locations and cast the enchantments to set precisely where each portkey would land. Used at home, one portkey should take him to work, and the other should bring him home. Now all he needed to do was test them. He took a breath before wrapping his hand around one, hoping that the darned thing worked, and without splinching him, would take him where he wanted to go.
Paul Ackerman
Paul Ackerman
Ravenclaw Graduate
Ravenclaw Graduate

Number of posts : 11
Special Abilities : Alchemy (wands,) Alchemy (devices,) Portkey Creation
Occupation : Wandmaker, Magical Device Maker, Owner of Ollivanders

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04 -- Magical Abilities Empty Re: 04 -- Magical Abilities

Post by Jessie Tyler Fri Jul 07, 2017 8:51 pm

Name: Jess Dark Heart
Age: 27 years old
Abilities:  Heightened sensitivity, Energy Worker
Skill in that ability: Intermediate (working towards advanced.)
Training: mentor and guide, Robert Lupin
Brief RP:
ess kept her head down focusing on Brian searching out areas within him that lacked energy and filled it each time she found a spot she pulled a little from a place that had more then enough. Glancing over she saw Marcus cleaning Brian's head then looked at Robert. Reaching out she placed her hand on his shoulder filling his energy so he could continue with the repair work. She visualised Brian seeing and feeling his energy and where it flowed redirecting and shifting it as easily as she would a flow from a river with in her mind.
Jessie Tyler
Jessie Tyler
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 4796
Occupation : Auror (freelance)

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04 -- Magical Abilities Empty Re: 04 -- Magical Abilities

Post by Robert Lupin Fri Jul 07, 2017 9:56 pm

per our conversation, that works for me, jess. i think you'll be happier with that since she's changed so much over the years.


04 -- Magical Abilities Pbucket
Robert Lupin
Robert Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 3100
Special Abilities : Master Healer, Potionsmaster, Energy Worker, Portkey Creation
Occupation : Minister of Magic, Chief of Staff at St. Mungos

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04 -- Magical Abilities Empty Re: 04 -- Magical Abilities

Post by Addison Barlow Sun Jul 16, 2017 2:29 am

Name:  Addison Barlow
Age: 34
Abilities: Metamorphmagus and Lingua Animalia (Canis lupus)
Skill in that ability: intermediate
Training: Her father taught her along with her late husband.
Brief RP: Aged eighteen she woke in the middle of the night to the sound of a wolf calling out it sounded like a pittful mournful cry. Sliiping from her warm bed and down to the back door she stepped out into the dark cool night onto the grass or the back garden it was now she saw it a black wolf limping as it moved to the edge of their garden.

"I won't hurt you" She said softly and it tipped its head as he took a step closer. It was now that she reached out and touched the wolfs leg , frightened it lashed out at her sending her sprawling to the ground as it stood over her. Then as if from know where she gave a growl warning it that it was not right and it backed away to lay infront of her. That same night once she'd felt the wolfs soft fur against her fingers she couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to be as free as he was.

Returning to bed she fell asleep and had a strange dream that she was indeed a wolf running and playing. But on opening her eyes she saw to her horrow she was a wolfand her perents just stood smiling down at her and stroked her fur. Her dad helped her return to human form and explained he could change form too but her mother could only talk to them. From that day on they helped her understand her new gift.
Addison Barlow
Addison Barlow
Hufflepuff Graduate
Hufflepuff Graduate

Number of posts : 18

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04 -- Magical Abilities Empty Re: 04 -- Magical Abilities

Post by Khaat Lupin Sat Jul 29, 2017 11:45 pm

this has been added.
Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 23854
Special Abilities : Energy Worker, Medium, Heightened Sensitivity
Occupation : Director of St. Mungos, Owner of Sparks Bistro

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04 -- Magical Abilities Empty Re: 04 -- Magical Abilities

Post by Thaorson Kam Elldir Sat Dec 09, 2017 10:52 pm

[tr][td]Character's Name[/td] Thaorson Kam Elldir
[td]Ability 1[/td] Alchemy - Wandmaking
[td]Ability 2[/td] Occlumency
[td]Ability 3[/td] Legilimency
[td]Ability 4[/td] Unforgiveables

Name: Thaorson Kam Elldir
Age: 56
Abilities: Alchemy - Wandmaking
Skill in that ability: Advanced
Training: Studied wandlore after graduating from Hogwarts, opened his own shop in Diagon Alley
Brief RP: Can give more links if needed, owned a shop, https://www.pottersarmy.net/t8343-buying-a-second-wand

Name: Thaorson Kam Elldir
Age: 56
Abilities: Legilimency
Skill in that ability: Advanced Intermediate
Training: Studied Legilimency after graduating from Hogwarts as he studied dark arts
Brief RP: https://www.pottersarmy.net/t10041p30-weighing-of-the-wands

Name: Thaorson Kam Elldir
Age: 56
Abilities: Unforgiveables
Skill in that ability: Advanced
Training: Studied the Dark Arts after graduating from Hogwarts
Brief RP: can get more links if needed - https://www.pottersarmy.net/t8499-thaor-nerezza-vs-miseria-ted

Name: Thaorson Kam Elldir
Age: 56
Abilities: Occlumency
Skill in that ability: Advanced Intermediate
Training: Studied the Dark Arts after graduating from Hogwarts
Brief RP: https://www.pottersarmy.net/t14514-rock-bottom#343798 can provide more links if needed
Thaorson Kam Elldir
Thaorson Kam Elldir

Number of posts : 593
Occupation : Avocado Farmer

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